Gita Ramjee

Ugandan-South African HIV prevention researcher
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Gita Ramjee:

@DdlyE: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@MKActor: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@Royalpain2017: - 5 years ago

@nuncaabandona: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee - 5 years ago


@llcomiskey: - 5 years ago

@OneHealthUF: #WhoIsSHE: Gita Ramjee, a South African scientist renowned for her work to expand women’s access to HIV treatment a… - 5 years ago

@ciruswind: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@paizurizilla: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@MsRonnyB: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@agrnineta: Gita Ramjee: la científica sudafricana número uno en la lucha contra el VIH muere por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@tantpismfs: @BBCWorld Did Dr Gita Ramjee find a curing recipe before she died (was assassinated for her findings which would fu… - 5 years ago

@PascalBouzinNau: RT @SergioCoronado: R.I.P Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Patourabat: RT @Association_AT: [Recherche]🔬🙏Coronavirus: Décès de Gita Ramjee, une scientifique sud-africaine spécialiste du VIH source : @BBCWorld… - 5 years ago

@cipherEquality: RT @NorbertElekes: NEW: World-renowned South African scientist Gita Ramjee has died after contracting coronavirus. She dedicated her life… - 5 years ago

@WilnaNSTF: RT @NSTF_SA: We learnt with sadness about the passing of Prof Gita Ramjee due to COVID-19. Our condolences to her family and colleagues. #C… - 5 years ago

@Association_AT: [Recherche]🔬🙏Coronavirus: Décès de Gita Ramjee, une scientifique sud-africaine spécialiste du VIH source :… - 5 years ago

@AhimsaPartners: Hommage à Gita Ramjee - 5 years ago

@lebeaupecheral: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@suneetamishra5: RT @SheThePeople: We lost the incredible woman virologist #GitaRamjee to the deadly #CoronavirusOutbreak. She was the HIV prevention resea… - 5 years ago

@SheThePeople: We lost the incredible woman virologist #GitaRamjee to the deadly #CoronavirusOutbreak. She was the HIV prevention… - 5 years ago

@muntz_sharon: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@Amit_Achhra: RT @KirbyInstitute: "Gita was a true leader in HIV prevention globally,” says Professor John Kaldor, who first met Preofessor Gita Ramjee i… - 5 years ago

@KirbyInstitute: "Gita was a true leader in HIV prevention globally,” says Professor John Kaldor, who first met Preofessor Gita Ramj… - 5 years ago

@eliezahtitus: Just as him mentioning Dr. Gita Ramjee calmed my nerves - 5 years ago

@TM__Little: @PetrusMax4 @GeorgWebb @HousatonicITS Passed away March 31st And what’s this? Chief scientist at The Arum Institu… - 5 years ago

@TM__Little: @PetrusMax4 @GeorgWebb So I’ll bite. HIV Clinical Trials Network (for NIAID) was run by Gita Ramjee. Passed away… - 5 years ago

@GustavoBarreto_: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@awarefndngroup: RT @CanapiCan: From @HIVPlusMag -- “The world has lost a bold and compassionate leader in the response to HIV” - 5 years ago

@CanapiCan: From @HIVPlusMag -- “The world has lost a bold and compassionate leader in the response to HIV” - 5 years ago

@KatieFLelite7: RT @NorbertElekes: NEW: World-renowned South African scientist Gita Ramjee has died after contracting coronavirus. She dedicated her life… - 5 years ago

@vihpointorg: Gita Ramjee, la spécialiste sud-africaine de la prévention du sida chez les femmes, emportée par le Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@waskoh: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@prepaid_africa: Gita Ramjee, a South African scientist renowned for her work to expand women’s access to HIV treatment and preventi… - 5 years ago

@UNICRio: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@densduart: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@gribeirosantos: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@lincolnwrites: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@Gigi_Lachiante: @SeriesAlife @99freemind Also Gita Ramjee from UW Global Health dept died of “Co19” complications the same week as Maeve Kennedy Mckean. - 5 years ago

@ElinorSisulu: Last week I participated in the online memorial service of the late Professor Gita Ramjee. I had never met her but… - 5 years ago

@ADMDEWEY: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@DJIBejoY: RT @MANCOSA: MANCOSA extends its deepest condolences to Professor Gita Ramjee’s family & friends. Professor Ramjee was a Chief Scientific O… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Gita Ramjee, a Leading AIDS Researcher, Dies at 63 - 5 years ago

@wisteriameadow: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@ZapotlanVIHVO: #NoticiasVIH vía @UNAIDS: Homenaje a Gita Ramjee. - 5 years ago

@CheetahPlains: RT @NYTObits: Dr. Gita Ramjee, a leading researcher in the AIDS epidemic, died in another epidemic when the coronavirus took her life: http… - 5 years ago

@LusengeGregoire: RT @AtlasProjet: Le @AtlasProjet s'associe aux hommages rendus à Gita Ramjee. @NGOSolthis @ird_fr @UNITAID @AFD_France - 5 years ago

@assoAIDES: RT @AtlasProjet: Le @AtlasProjet s'associe aux hommages rendus à Gita Ramjee. @NGOSolthis @ird_fr @UNITAID @AFD_France - 5 years ago

@BhFamilia: Uma das maiores pesquisadoras de HIV do mundo morre de Covid-19 Gita Ramjee deixou legado sobretudo ao tratamento… - 5 years ago

@UNAIDSBrasil: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@AtlasProjet: Le @AtlasProjet s'associe aux hommages rendus à Gita Ramjee. @NGOSolthis @ird_fr @UNITAID @AFD_France - 5 years ago

@TarantinoCleo: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@fasanux: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@NGOSolthis: #Hommage - Décès du Pr Gita Ramjee, éminente spécialiste de la lutte contre le #VIH. Ttes les équipes de Solthis sa… - 5 years ago

@pierremanresa: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@OiskaE: RT @Eusebius: RIP Professor Gita Ramjee: a brilliant and world class HIV prevention scientist. This is a massive loss to us all. She died… - 5 years ago

@TheFemaleEdit: RT @DeborahAWastell: In 1920 the #19thAmendment was ratified, protecting American women’s right to vote. Here is today’s awesome woman: 97… - 5 years ago

@Mingoelddif: - 5 years ago

@ForSeekingTruth: RT @yashar: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned virologist and vaccine scientist who dedicated her life to HIV prevention (particularly with wome… - 5 years ago

@ghkcole: RT @thememorypalace: She saved women’s lives. Lost now to the virus. - 5 years ago

@VHabitats: RT @NatureNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African HIV researcher, died of COVID-19 last week. She was 63. - 5 years ago

@honestSFist: Reading obituaries to honor those whose life has been lost to #coronavirus via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@DaubignyFanny: RT @iasociety: The IAS mourns the passing of Professor Gita Ramjee, world-renowned #HIV scientist, Chief Scientific Officer at the @Aurumin… - 5 years ago

@monnerat_clara: Just heard of Gita Ramjee, one of the world´s lead scientists on the fight against AIDS, passed away due to complic… - 5 years ago

@Donna_Di_Fede: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@queen_khalifia: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies - 5 years ago

@AbutiDlazof: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@today_australia: RT @WomenSciAUST: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@LydiaHolm1: RT @NeverSocialist: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies (3/31/2020) - 5 years ago

@PaulatnetoEEE: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@NeverSocialist: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies (3/31/2020) - 5 years ago

@PJHALLY: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@ChrisCohin: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@whateleicoes: - 5 years ago

@MariaFeistauer: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@Ary_AntiPT: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@cintiamelchiori: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@MarciosHenry: RT @ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no campo das… - 5 years ago

@ONUBrasil: UNAIDS lamenta morte da pesquisadora Gita Ramjee Ramjee foi reconhecida mundialmente pela pesquisa inovadora no c… - 5 years ago

@slloww_: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@tmlyra: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@mariannekuhni: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@ILuvHaiti: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@fb75016: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@LineduSud: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@vips22: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@mainapch: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@gregabolo: Gita Ramjee: A Woman Who Pursued Science For The Greater Good - 5 years ago

@colerenoire_: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@zoesfez: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@VidishaWale: RT @ChrisJElias: The world lost an incredible scientist and dedicated leader this week. I got to know Gita Ramjee years ago when I was work… - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelBethoux: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@zizabella: RT @Auruminstitute: Aurum is deeply saddened by the death of its Chief Scientific Officer Prof Gita Ramjee, world renowned for her tireless… - 5 years ago

@gemiespe1: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@ChrisJElias: The world lost an incredible scientist and dedicated leader this week. I got to know Gita Ramjee years ago when I w… - 5 years ago

@BonaDemeter: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@manfredi973: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@lapprentiessage: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@1001portails_fr: RT @Quinosolo: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@attrapecoeur0: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@whosfatna: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@shamallooo: RT @Bazz_Ra: « Elle était une éminente scientifique qui a consacré sa vie à la prévention du VIH pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique.… - 5 years ago

@RaraMalax: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@gensellier: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@lorangeverte: RT @Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@beatriz_vilchez: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Quinosolo: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Franck_Marce: RT @MBrancourt: "Gita Ramjee était mondialement reconnue pour ses recherches dans le domaine de la prévention du #VIH pour les femmes [...]… - 5 years ago

@Rezonet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@BBbousque: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@LailaHach: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@arianeherzock: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@EosFreya: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@BullettCandy: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Sht_dono: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@CroqueJambon: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@AgatheNRV: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Suzienormandie: RT @monachollet: Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Uluc_kaptan: RT @KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@alisadanakyldz: RT @KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@FatihPekmutlu: RT @KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@MucellaYapici: RT @KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@EmSerSoy: RT @KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@KaosGL: HIV araştırmacısı Gita Ramjee, Covid-19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 5 years ago

@neiljohnsonza: CORONAVIRUS: Professor Gita Ramjee, world-renowned HIV scientist, dies of Covid-19 complications - 5 years ago

@ProfPrabSingh: RT @josiegz: Gita Ramjee "was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women." A Leading… - 5 years ago

@Ajwakbot: RT @NatureNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African HIV researcher, died of COVID-19 last week. She was 63. - 5 years ago

@MichaelPousse: RT @SergioCoronado: R.I.P Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@SheWellOfficial: RT @HIVpxresearch: Deeply saddened by the loss of an #HIVprevention pioneer, Gita Ramjee. She was a tireless champion of science, research,… - 5 years ago

@AshsMohamed: RT @AfricanAU: R.I.P Gita Ramjee. #COVID19 #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Jansien: RT @NSTF_SA: We learnt with sadness about the passing of Prof Gita Ramjee due to COVID-19. Our condolences to her family and colleagues. #C… - 5 years ago

@postcriptumps: RT @Pauline_Nollet: Des hommages sont rendus à la scientifique sud-africaine de renommée mondiale Gita Ramjee, décédée des complications li… - 5 years ago

@NaimSir: RT @MahilaCongress: Heart Breaking News 💔 Gita Ramjee, Prominent Indian-origin Virologist in South Africa, passed away after Contracting C… - 5 years ago

@SabrinaMetayer1: RT @Bazz_Ra: « Elle était une éminente scientifique qui a consacré sa vie à la prévention du VIH pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique.… - 5 years ago

@Anemalon19: #Corona #Afrika ​Für ihren wissenschaftlichen Kampf gegen Aids war Gita Ramjee in der ganzen Welt angesehen. Letzt… - 5 years ago

@LesTampa813: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@ZapotlanVIHVO: #NoticiasVIH vía @UNAIDS: Homenaje a Gita Ramjee. - 5 years ago

@pozitfdayanisma: HIV alanında pek çok çalışması olan Gita Ramjee'yi anıyoruz. Kendisi koronavirüs komplikasyonları nedeniyle hayatın… - 5 years ago

@rraushan097: RT @GuideforAll: The United Nation's #COP26 climate change summit, which has postponed to 2021, was scheduled to be held in which city ? -… - 5 years ago

@FairishGodmum: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@Arlaten38: RT @SidaInfoService: Covid-19 : Mort de Gita Ramjee, grande figure sud-africaine de la lutte contre le VIH - 5 years ago

@yvonnealexis53: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@SidaInfoService: Covid-19 : Mort de Gita Ramjee, grande figure sud-africaine de la lutte contre le VIH - 5 years ago

@pradier_marc: RT @SergioCoronado: R.I.P Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Tymaou7: RT @Bazz_Ra: « Elle était une éminente scientifique qui a consacré sa vie à la prévention du VIH pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique.… - 5 years ago

@0Malatina0: RT @limportante_fr: Gita Ramjee : figure scientifique de la lutte contre le VIH en Afrique du Sud, emportée par le COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@rosalaffay: RT @rosalaffay: Gita Ramjee, la spécialiste sud-africaine de la prévention du sida chez les femmes, emportée par le Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@CreuseCarole: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@NatLvt: RT @Bazz_Ra: « Elle était une éminente scientifique qui a consacré sa vie à la prévention du VIH pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique.… - 5 years ago

@rosalaffay: Gita Ramjee, la spécialiste sud-africaine de la prévention du sida chez les femmes, emportée par le Covid-19… - 5 years ago

@LaziMiko: RT @SergioCoronado: R.I.P Le Covid-19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@modestlyblazing: RT @josiegz: Gita Ramjee "was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women." A Leading… - 5 years ago

@limportante_fr: Gita Ramjee : figure scientifique de la lutte contre le VIH en Afrique du Sud, emportée par le COVID-19… - 5 years ago

@bobel_s: Gita Ramjee, la spécialiste sud-africaine de la prévention du sida chez les femmes, emportée par le Covid-19… - 5 years ago

@DesAfricaines: RT @Africa_Experts: #Actu La scientifique Gita Ramjee, avait consacré sa vie à chercher les moyens de prévention les plus adaptés aux femme… - 5 years ago

@HubBucket: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. Gita Ramjee, a leading researcher in the AIDS epidemic, died in another epidemic when the coronavirus took her life: htt… - 5 years ago

@AnkitBa64864129: RT @GuideforAll: The United Nation's #COP26 climate change summit, which has postponed to 2021, was scheduled to be held in which city ? -… - 5 years ago

@CoalitionPLUS: [HOMMAGE] Figure de proue de la recherche sur la prévention #VIH, en particulier auprès des femmes vulnérables, Gi… - 5 years ago

@tamburintweets: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@ChanteJae: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@BiswasKoushani: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@iam_OGD: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@joekimulu: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@joshua_w_d: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@CoffeeShoesDogs: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@ILAix_QuaiLheur: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. Gita Ramjee, a leading researcher in the AIDS epidemic, died in another epidemic when the coronavirus took her life: htt… - 5 years ago

@messageplicity: RT @LizSzabo: Terrible loss for science - 5 years ago

@CindyCkokinda: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@aacampos86: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@QueenOfRats: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@wagio2010: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@rayofsamshine: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@nazaninemoshiri: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@ChristyGianelli: RT @Lattif: “Gita was fundamental and inextricably linked to the endeavors to find solutions to prevent H.I.V. in women”: Gita Ramjee, a le… - 5 years ago

@glossaria: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@cscjr: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@helenrsullivan: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@imbecilepotus: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@mattwilliams102: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@PQuefelec: RT @lauhaim: Terrible perte : Gita Ramjee, a Leading AIDS Researcher, Dies at 63 - 5 years ago

@yunnanmomLisa: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@Titan09898075: BBC News - Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies - 5 years ago

@Fireking492: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@frieda_lessar: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@marxmenace: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@ljash: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@gvdwfjbvwd: RT @HIVpxresearch: Deeply saddened by the loss of an #HIVprevention pioneer, Gita Ramjee. She was a tireless champion of science, research,… - 5 years ago

@ikemia: RT @lauhaim: Terrible perte : Gita Ramjee, a Leading AIDS Researcher, Dies at 63 - 5 years ago

@patrickwthomas: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@EdenburgJoan: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@MissO_inParis: RT @SylvieRantrua: Hommage au Pr Gita Ramjee, emportée par le #COVID19 en Afrique du Sud. Elle a consacré sa carrière à la prévention du V… - 5 years ago

@CurvyMermaid617: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@starwart1: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@ToastystToaster: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@Rooz739: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@pauladunstable: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@ingrid_wien: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@atticusfinch71: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@TaoCheSci: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@evereeze: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@Soupa_Sewedo: Le Covid-19 emporte Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@Yolie_Rios: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@needing_sleep: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@p4pdp: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@AnaLiliaHer: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@havanahbaday: RT @SnowWhite7IAM: Australia TV journalist Richard Wilkins Chef Floyd Cardoz (passed) NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell HIV scientist Gita Ramjee - 5 years ago

@vishramrm: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@AskGregory: My mother was a rock in our family, says Gita Ramjee's son - 5 years ago

@SScheberle: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@spell4you: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@pharmacopsych: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@mpereze: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@psychedsissy: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@tew1947: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@ojha_op: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@bhaveshkumar44: RT @NYTScience: “A huge loss at a time when the world needs her most" - 5 years ago

@Varna00517297: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. Gita Ramjee, a leading researcher in the AIDS epidemic, died in another epidemic when the coronavirus took her life: htt… - 5 years ago

@RDHubach: Gita Ramjee, a Leading AIDS Researcher, Dies at 63 Working in South Africa, she led studies and drug trials, hoping… - 5 years ago

@renatarecreio: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@Ednapmdb: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@RaulSilvestre: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@KennethAphibal: RT @uwdgh: Words cannot express our sorrow for the passing of Dr. Gita Ramjee from complications of COVID-19. Dr. Ramjee, South African MRC… - 5 years ago

@OnanaMatheo: RT @LePointAfrique: Le Covid-19 emporte Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH - 5 years ago

@MCurrentAffairs: prominent virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Cris14555: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@IDNtv_za: South Africa’s top 30 scientists, researchers and clinicians are in a race to save the world - and honour acclaimed… - 5 years ago

@_carolertel: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@NetworkAthena: RT @UNAIDS: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee, who dedicated her life to HIV pr… - 5 years ago

@dorantejh: RT @TheNancyRoc: Le #COVID19 a emporté Gita Ramjee, spécialiste sud-africaine du VIH HOMMAGE. Ses travaux sur le VIH avaient fait autorité… - 5 years ago

@silviamaia25: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@souzapttribal: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@maarimgc2: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@mundojau: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@Auroraserena19: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@_kalebgss: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@aberto_papo: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@euthiago_thi: RT @MidiaNINJA: Uma das principais cientistas da África do Sul, Gita Ramjee, morreu ontem vítima de Covid-19. Rita era uma referência mundi… - 5 years ago

@FrancescoKaine: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@mangotree_books: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@hendrixdotcom: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@PTY1964: RT @NorbertElekes: NEW: World-renowned South African scientist Gita Ramjee has died after contracting coronavirus. She dedicated her life… - 5 years ago

@CheMangera: RT @KathradaFound: The Progressive Health Forum, supported by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will host an online memorial service for Profes… - 5 years ago

@Starzin12: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@Starzin12: RT @TimesLIVE: - 5 years ago

@FifthJake: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@Firemonkey991: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@rozana_isa: RT @theasianfmnst: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS Prof Gita Ramjee, 64, was a… - 5 years ago

@Keneilwe_Sebola: RT @KathradaFound: The Progressive Health Forum, supported by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will host an online memorial service for Profes… - 5 years ago

@trishhmakes: RT @theasianfmnst: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS Prof Gita Ramjee, 64, was a… - 5 years ago

@KathradaFound: The Progressive Health Forum, supported by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation will host an online memorial service for P… - 5 years ago

@soorips: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@ozsky99: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@theasianfmnst: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS Prof Gita Ramjee, 64, w… - 5 years ago

@denisev8: RT @CheriJacobus: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@SingerSaul: RT @CheriJacobus: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@MM_242S: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@kmkpc22: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@Zehra_Zaidi: RT @shaistaAziz: “The passing of Prof Ramjee comes as a huge blow to the entirety of the healthcare sector and the global fight against HIV… - 5 years ago

@TMSNews24: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@KhanBehroz: RT @sanaejaz2: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@pandatuanoinoi: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@Sorry_Errol: RT @health_mdc: We're deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Prof Gita Ramjee, a leading HIV Scientist who dedicated many years of her… - 5 years ago

@BrianELogan: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GUnggeNG: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@u_hardy: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@CazeauHue: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@William60264620: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@SharanMacdonald: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@shilakii: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@EpiD18329833: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@NanaMillers: RT @PEPFAR: #PEPFAR is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering #HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee. Gita championed HIV preventio… - 5 years ago

@ipanizme: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@davaptx: RT @JeanLucRomero: Tristesse. Hommage au Pr Gita Ramjee qui a tant apporté à la lutte contre le #sida et qui est cruellement emportée par l… - 5 years ago

@fareedabdullah0: RT @HIVpxresearch: Deeply saddened by the loss of an #HIVprevention pioneer, Gita Ramjee. She was a tireless champion of science, research,… - 5 years ago

@Altiyan9: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@TheWoodzick: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@RandaltsRandal: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@GumbieAnne: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@oxplanethealth: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@DaniDaque: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@1feralkat: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@EilaPrettyscary: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@hcrffusa: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@being_woman: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Atayeshe: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@AmSickOfPollies: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@momsrod_janet: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sxeendz_: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@BannedfromScrib: RT @wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@roger3cav: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@wallisweaver: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@acwnca: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@DefianceKyoe: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@Visha29: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@MRC_Uganda: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@CarlyJay20: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@monitor_PH: RT @LSHTM: Like so many, #COVID19 took the life of Professor Gita Ramjee this week. Our heartfelt condolences to Gita's family and friends… - 5 years ago

@cengkihkali: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@KirstyWho: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@filmstvandlife: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@SarahLaylaa: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@ceciliemurray: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@OldSaukRiver: RT @NorbertElekes: NEW: World-renowned South African scientist Gita Ramjee has died after contracting coronavirus. She dedicated her life… - 5 years ago

@evesriiisws: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@Yaniela: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@DangiBunty: RT @aajtak: #SouthAfrica: दुनिया के जाने-माने वायरोलॉजिस्ट में शुमार रहीं गीता रामजी की कोरोना वायरस की वजह से हुई मौत। - 5 years ago

@MOMPPLLL3: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@likweis: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@susiesymes1: RT @shaistaAziz: “The passing of Prof Ramjee comes as a huge blow to the entirety of the healthcare sector and the global fight against HIV… - 5 years ago

@BeitAleph: RT @InspiringIranis: World renowned #HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of #COVID19 complications She was acknowledged international… - 5 years ago

@random_inquirer: RT @InspiringIranis: World renowned #HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of #COVID19 complications She was acknowledged international… - 5 years ago

@Nailimi_xam: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@Wangeci_GK: RT @UNAIDS: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee, who dedicated her life to HIV pr… - 5 years ago

@SMGebru: Sad to learn that #COVID19 has taken the life of Professor Gita Ramjee. This virus knows no bounds! I'm immensely t… - 5 years ago

@Klashanfork: RT @InspiringIranis: World renowned #HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of #COVID19 complications She was acknowledged international… - 5 years ago

@Reclaru: BBC News - Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies - 5 years ago

@PirAbdulJabbar4: RT @sanaejaz2: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@la_habichuela90: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@YvonneGunn: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@muhab77: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@ArctikB: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@ArghyaJadav: RT @OpIndia_com: Coronavirus: Gita Ramjee, an eminent South African virologist of Indian origin succumbs to the infection taking the death… - 5 years ago

@zahidpatka: RT @shweta_shalini: The Virus doesn’t spare even the VIROLOGIST. All equal infront of God & the Virus. Let’s be serious about the #Lockdow… - 5 years ago

@miel_sound: RT @Angama_Market: 世界的に著名なHIV研究者Gita Ramjeeがロンドン出張後にコロナウイルスを発症し、死亡。 CORONAVIRUS: Professor Gita Ramjee, world-renowned HIV scientist, dies… - 5 years ago

@AnjoriKpp: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@kholoud_rezqi: RT @UniOfSunComms: We send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Prof Gita Ramjee, who sadly died of #COVID19 related complications th… - 5 years ago

@Polite_Lion: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@arcadia366: RT @WomenSciAUST: World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications - 5 years ago

@17thCard: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@Ruxyrob: RT @BBCWorld: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies - 5 years ago

@Popezaaponly: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@sakiya444: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@alan_gable: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@Nat93451750: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@philp_yvonne: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@HusainiHussein: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@AlankarMalviya: RT @UNAIDS: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee, who dedicated her life to HIV pr… - 5 years ago

@angelsinflight7: Covid-19 claims life of stellar SA medical scientist Prof Gita Ramjee - 5 years ago

@davem46: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@AlexMLeo: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@legislob: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@LIBERTE46879517: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@jeanlauriedeb: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@KMJeezy: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@E_the_truth: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@ferraricherie: RT @UNAIDS: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee, who dedicated her life to HIV pr… - 5 years ago

@EconomistAnge: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@NYDailyNews: RT @NYDailyNews: Gita Ramjee, a world-renowned South African virologist and HIV/AIDS expert who specialized in treatment and prevention, di… - 5 years ago

@julyg77: RT @nypost: Prominent South African virologist Gita Ramjee dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@pat4az: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@tinyboo49: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@SuMoh7: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@aerilazrul: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@deadlydarklord: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@onesimohere: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@JBell100099: RT @MagdaSzubanski: Devastating. 😔 World renowned HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of COVID-19 complications Thank you for all you… - 5 years ago

@syiqinjohor: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@FFOTOGRAPHICS: RT @OnusidaLatina: ONUSIDA está profundamente entristecida por la muerte de la pionera científica e investigadora del VIH Gita Ramjee, quie… - 5 years ago

@dewirahmadania: RT @UNAIDS: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee, who dedicated her life to HIV pr… - 5 years ago

@adnanzia1: RT @BalochKhanHusni: A kind person,stellar vaccine scientist, a"towering HIVprevention research leader,"someone who dedicated her life to e… - 5 years ago

@CHADCHAA: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@KarenLa07918349: RT @InspiringIranis: World renowned #HIV scientist Professor Gita Ramjee dies of #COVID19 complications She was acknowledged international… - 5 years ago

@zahedizahran: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @DoctorYasmin: Gutted. A kind person, a stellar vaccine scientist, a "towering HIV prevention research leader," someone who dedicated he… - 5 years ago

@kym83810679: @DebiecJacek 😢RIP Dr. Gita Ramjee xx 🙏Thankyou for your work and dedication x❤️🌈 - 5 years ago

@SarraSaad: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@sulinwee: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@KATHLEENARCHAM2: - 5 years ago

@adustlandriot: RT @Auruminstitute: Aurum is deeply saddened by the death of its Chief Scientific Officer Prof Gita Ramjee, world renowned for her tireless… - 5 years ago

@raindrops0115: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@mohdadrian: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@adibahabdlatif: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@AtefehKhanoom: RT @uwdgh: Words cannot express our sorrow for the passing of Dr. Gita Ramjee from complications of COVID-19. Dr. Ramjee, South African MRC… - 5 years ago

@AtefehKhanoom: RT @richards1052: "Global health clinical professor Gita Ramjee dies from Covid-19." 2nd Univ. Of Washington faculty member dies of virus.… - 5 years ago

@zaladpak: RT @motorwars: ข่าวเศร้า!! พิษ #COVID19 #โควิด19 ได้คร่าชีวิตศาสตราจารย์ Gita Ramjee ในวัยเพียง 50 ปี เธอเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญไวรัสวิทยาชาวแอฟริ… - 5 years ago

@nickkfajardo: RT @PinkNews: Top HIV scientist dies from coronavirus in ‘huge blow’ to the global fight against HIV/AIDS - 5 years ago

@cwharlow: RT @richards1052: "Global health clinical professor Gita Ramjee dies from Covid-19." 2nd Univ. Of Washington faculty member dies of virus.… - 5 years ago

@keymenthri: Gita Ramjee: a woman who pursued science for the greater good - 5 years ago

@Figgitaboutit: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@vern99904295: RT @health_mdc: We're deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Prof Gita Ramjee, a leading HIV Scientist who dedicated many years of her… - 5 years ago

@AbdirahinBunow: RT @IamAbdi5: The world is losing its brightest people. RIP Gita Ramjee, one of the most renowned award winning South African scientist kno… - 5 years ago

@LocoLoloGarcia: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@PANinBC: UNAIDS is deeply saddened by the death of pioneering #HIV scientist and researcher Gita Ramjee - 5 years ago

@PassagesTime: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@basketofjenn: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@BahrinAnuar: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@MuhammadAshraff: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@FredFra35132792: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@AmericanMom2: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@Mahsud05706646: RT @BalochKhanHusni: A kind person,stellar vaccine scientist, a"towering HIVprevention research leader,"someone who dedicated her life to e… - 5 years ago

@LotusEyedFlower: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@therealmadre22: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@AimanArmy: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@Jason99054200: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@juliabelGaPeach: RT @HousatonicITS: Bill Clinton, a President Bill Gates, Vaccine-pusher Dr. Gita Ramjee, leading HIV researcher Dr. Gita Ramjee is now dea… - 5 years ago

@shahzadShafi007: RT @BalochKhanHusni: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist Gita Ramjee dies - 5 years ago

@jlfleite: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@isoux31: RT @JeanLucRomero: Tristesse. Hommage au Pr Gita Ramjee qui a tant apporté à la lutte contre le #sida et qui est cruellement emportée par l… - 5 years ago

@JoelDestruction: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@rovaz: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@BuszBie: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@OhDamnItsJoe: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@MEmrani: HIV Researcher Gita Ramjee Dies of Complications Tied to COVID-19 | The Scientist Magazine® 😔 - 5 years ago

@ValTheDoctor: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@Muhammad_yhy: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@SianHarris8: - 5 years ago

@visithra: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@tcrowellmd: RT @iasociety: The IAS mourns the passing of Professor Gita Ramjee, world-renowned #HIV scientist, Chief Scientific Officer at the @Aurumin… - 5 years ago

@zunaid_aziz: RT @itv_sa: MKHIZE PAYS TRIBUTE TO SA SCIENTIST PROFESSOR GITA RAMJEE Minister of Health, Dr. Zweli Mkhize conveyed condolences last night… - 5 years ago

@SirChicago1: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@ThisMustStop5: RT @VJShordee444: Coronavirus: Top South African HIV scientist #GitaRamjee dies. Tributes are being paid to world-renowned South African sc… - 5 years ago

@Arona_StJames: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@TristramWyatt: HIV Researcher Gita Ramjee Dies of Complications Tied to COVID-19 @TheScientistLLC - 5 years ago

@swedishbriefs: RT @m2mtweets: #COVID19 has claimed the life of renowned South African vaccine scientist Gita Ramjee. Gita dedicated many years of her life… - 5 years ago

@sonisarwat: RT @BalochKhanHusni: A kind person,stellar vaccine scientist, a"towering HIVprevention research leader,"someone who dedicated her life to e… - 5 years ago

@abrwnigrl: RT @gaytimesmag: Gita Ramjee was renowned for expanding women’s access to HIV treatment and prevention. - 5 years ago

@doddyramli: RT @drmusanordin: Did u know that the 1 Million @zuraida_my wasted on the roads cud have bought 20K high end Tyvek suits badly needed in ou… - 5 years ago

@BioTurboNick: RT @bakermind: 64 years old #COVID19 - 5 years ago

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