Giovanni Buttarelli

Italian civil servant
Died on Wednesday August 21st 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Giovanni Buttarelli:

@DavaraAbogados: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@Ros_Imperiali: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@ConventusCyber: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@julyette17: RT @SilviaCostaEU: Domani mattina daremo il nostro ultimo saluto nella sua #Frascati a Giovanni #Buttarelli, il grande #Garante della Priva… - 6 years ago


@6iNoor: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@ScyllaC: RT @straneuropa: Nella notte se ne è andato Giovanni #Buttarelli, garante europeo della Privacy. Grande servitore dello Stato, schietto e a… - 6 years ago

@ScyllaC: RT @milafiordalisi: ***Addio a Giovanni #Buttarelli, il #Garante europeo della protezione #dati *** - 6 years ago

@ScyllaC: RT @SilviaCostaEU: Domani mattina daremo il nostro ultimo saluto nella sua #Frascati a Giovanni #Buttarelli, il grande #Garante della Priva… - 6 years ago

@JalalTanji: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@BoLi17358356: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@BoLi54117557: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@jowicz: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@SamuelStolton: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@EmotionalSnow_: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@BarbieXanax: Un tema serio e inquietante, qualche giorno fa è morto Giovanni Buttarelli (Garante europeo della protezione dei da… - 6 years ago

@Giov1947: RT @dimtunier: Addio a Giovanni Buttarelli: il ricordo di Cosimo Comella - 6 years ago

@NathalieLaneret: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@scunzajocu: RT @dimtunier: Addio a Giovanni Buttarelli: il ricordo di Cosimo Comella - 6 years ago

@Mithtoy: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@PrivacyPros: "Farewell to a friend" Peter Hustinx remembers Giovanni Buttarelli - 6 years ago

@serena_lapine: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@davidemontanaro: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@InfoRgpd: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@BeterOpDeFiets: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@ICIARLVT: Nombrado Wojciech Wiewiorowski sucesor de Giovanni Buttarelli como Supervisor del @EU_EDPS EDPS, hasta el 5 de dici… - 6 years ago

@jphwalter: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@irishubuki3721: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@isoceurope: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@alepom: RT @giorgiotave: Ok Google: dicci cosa hai combinato con Giovanni Buttarelli Ma non eravamo molto più avanti con g… - 6 years ago

@MeganKane_GDPR: RT @_iCaaS: Giovanni Buttarelli took the lead on implementing GDPR - its tougher regulations even forced Apple to rethink their privacy eff… - 6 years ago

@pjordan_10: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@PrivacyKit: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@javiercao: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@EU_EDPS: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@ErnaniCerasaro: RT @DailyDashboard: The life and legacy of Giovanni Buttarelli continue to be reflected upon as friends, family and colleagues pay tribute… - 6 years ago

@mainsomma: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@giorgiotave: 📣 Nuovo Podcast! "Ok Google: dicci cosa hai combinato con Giovanni Buttarelli" su @Spreaker #editoria #giornalismo… - 6 years ago

@Alex_Bonomo: RT @giorgiotave: Ok Google: dicci cosa hai combinato con Giovanni Buttarelli Ma non eravamo molto più avanti con g… - 6 years ago

@DailyDashboard: Thoughts and reflections on Giovanni Buttarelli's life and legacy continue to pour in on @PrivacyPros' memorial pag… - 6 years ago

@saralouisefrost: RT @_iCaaS: Giovanni Buttarelli took the lead on implementing GDPR - its tougher regulations even forced Apple to rethink their privacy eff… - 6 years ago

@SchneiderIngrid: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@serena_lapine: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@BernyZb: RT @ZucchettiSpa: Giovanni Buttarelli, si è spento lo scorso 20 agosto. La sua dipartita ci lascia in eredità il compito di "essere difenso… - 6 years ago

@GiudyMari: RT @ZucchettiSpa: Giovanni Buttarelli, si è spento lo scorso 20 agosto. La sua dipartita ci lascia in eredità il compito di "essere difenso… - 6 years ago

@Lawsecnet: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@MajedElZein5: RT @EU_EDPS: 1/3 It is with the deepest regret that we announce the loss of Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor.… - 6 years ago

@ZucchettiSpa: Giovanni Buttarelli, si è spento lo scorso 20 agosto. La sua dipartita ci lascia in eredità il compito di "essere d… - 6 years ago

@ClaireScharwatt: RT @EU_EDPS: 1/3 It is with the deepest regret that we announce the loss of Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor.… - 6 years ago

@Jeroendejong167: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@DailyDashboard: Former EDPS Peter Hustinx pays homage to his late colleague and friend Giovanni Buttarelli in this heartfelt submis… - 6 years ago

@MOetheimerFRA: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@paulmschwartz: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@JalalTanji: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@christinayiotis: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@Rechtsuniversum: Europäischer Datenschutzbeauftragter Giovanni Buttarelli gestorben - 6 years ago

@OvineMichael: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@iridesce57: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@AndreaPulighedd: RT @EU_EDPS: 1/3 It is with the deepest regret that we announce the loss of Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor.… - 6 years ago

@AyeTheresTheRob: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@JEsquenaziMX: RT @DailyDashboard: Joining others, former EDPS Peter Hustinx has penned a tribute to Giovanni Buttarelli, sharing personal memories about… - 6 years ago

@JEsquenaziMX: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@ErnaniCerasaro: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@KateColleary: RT @DailyDashboard: Joining others, former EDPS Peter Hustinx has penned a tribute to Giovanni Buttarelli, sharing personal memories about… - 6 years ago

@DailyDashboard: Joining others, former EDPS Peter Hustinx has penned a tribute to Giovanni Buttarelli, sharing personal memories ab… - 6 years ago

@BaronIsabelle: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@nicomillan: Tim Cook mourns the passing of GDPR lead Giovanni Buttarelli - 9to5Mac - 6 years ago

@JPacouill: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@JonnyRichy: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

@jphwalter: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@EuroPaulB: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@Olicik: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@EU_EDPS: RT @omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@omertene: Peter Hustinx writes Giovanni Buttarelli: Farewell to a friend. @EU_EDPS - 6 years ago

@mgeist: RT @AndrewDMurray: Another giant of the digital privacy field lost. The loss of Giovanni Buttarelli and now Ian Kerr in such quick successi… - 6 years ago

@TiltR: RT @AndrewDMurray: Another giant of the digital privacy field lost. The loss of Giovanni Buttarelli and now Ian Kerr in such quick successi… - 6 years ago

@AndrewDMurray: Another giant of the digital privacy field lost. The loss of Giovanni Buttarelli and now Ian Kerr in such quick suc… - 6 years ago

@ErnaniCerasaro: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@emptywheel: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@Tupp_Ed: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@gabrielazanfir: RT @omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland @EU_EDPB @JulieSB… - 6 years ago

@omertene: In memoriam page for Giovanni Buttarelli 1957-2019. contributions from @BeterOpDeFiets @ICOnews @DPCIreland… - 6 years ago

@VeroCimina: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@philkraemer: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@ihcommunityus: Giovanni Buttarelli, the EU’s top data privacy regulator, died at the age of 62 - 6 years ago

@B_Raevens: RT @EU_EDPS: In accordance with article 100(4) of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, @W_Wiewiorowski , Assistant Supervisor, is acting as a rep… - 6 years ago

@mondtagskind: RT @tim_cook: Heartbroken by the loss of my friend Giovanni Buttarelli, a visionary who advanced the cause of privacy in Europe and around… - 6 years ago

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