Gert Frank

Danish Olympic cyclist (1976)
Died on Sunday January 20th 2019

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Gert Frank:

@POL_Moerwijk: RT @Jeugdagent_ZP: Net terug van een brainstormsessie van het Haags Sportkwartier in het Sportcampus Zuiderpark samen met wijkagent Gert-Fr… - 6 years ago

@Jeugdagent_ZP: Net terug van een brainstormsessie van het Haags Sportkwartier in het Sportcampus Zuiderpark samen met wijkagent Ge… - 6 years ago

@sportwereld_be: Beluister nu ‘Sjotcast’: hoe Gert werd geklopt door Cisse Severeyns, Guillaume Anders Nielsen terugfluit en Lars Fr… - 6 years ago

@BinaryOptionEU: Gert Frank - Rest In Peace - 6 years ago


@JasonRo67783980: RT @VeloVeritas1: Not long after the loss of Andreas Kappes and Dieter Kemper the world of Six Days mourns the loss of another of the great… - 6 years ago

@VeloVeritas1: Not long after the loss of Andreas Kappes and Dieter Kemper the world of Six Days mourns the loss of another of the… - 6 years ago

@midnight_diary: Gert Frank - Rest In Peace - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: I've just posted a new blog: Gert Frank, Danish cyclist, Died at 62 - 6 years ago

@GLRalf: RT @CV_Labs: Great panel on the the Future of Blockchain & AI with: - @CarmenBenitez__ CEO, Fetch Blockchain - Frank Ricotta , CEO #BurstlQ… - 6 years ago

@CV_Labs: Great panel on the the Future of Blockchain & AI with: - @CarmenBenitez__ CEO, Fetch Blockchain - Frank Ricotta , C… - 6 years ago

@NFLming: RT @veloropa: ICYMI: @StefanDjurhuus i quiz-topform, @ByrielRasmus om den alternative vej til World Touren, vi mindes Gert Frank og gør sta… - 6 years ago

@SimonsenOve: Danish national 50km junior TTT 1972. Gert Frank, here aged 16, pushing the pace in front of his AAC companions, Jø… - 6 years ago

@Henrik_43: @veloropa @StefanDjurhuus @ByrielRasmus Fed podcast. Fint i nævner Gert Frank❤️ - 6 years ago

@veloropa: ICYMI: @StefanDjurhuus i quiz-topform, @ByrielRasmus om den alternative vej til World Touren, vi mindes Gert Frank - 6 years ago

@PezCycling: RT @A_H_Jockanese: Gert Frank - Rest In Peace - PezCycling News - 6 years ago

@jensveggerby: Mange har spurgt mig om hvad jeg ved. Gert Frank vil blive bisat fredag den 25/1-2019, klokken 13 i Johannes kirke,… - 6 years ago

@NinieCyclingFan: RT @lukascph: Gert Frank passed away this weekend. Professional on road and track in the 70s and 80s, he formed a legendary Sixdays pair wi… - 6 years ago

@stiftendk: Efter cykelstjernes død: Gert Frank mindes på Aarhus Cyklebane - 6 years ago

@LokalavisenAarh: Gert Frank holdt fast i sine rødder på Aarhus Cyklebane, der nu vil afholde Gert Franks Mindeløb til ære for den le… - 6 years ago

@Gert_Woellmann: RT @cicero_online: Der Schweizer Journalist, Medienberater und Cicero-Kolumnist Frank A. Meyer spricht mit Cicero-Redakteur @DrKissler über… - 6 years ago

@NFLming: RT @veloropa: Seneste episode af #veloropapodcast med @ByrielRasmus, @StefanDjurhuus, @NFLming og Speedy Plesner. Vi gør status over Tour D… - 6 years ago

@ByrielRasmus: RT @veloropa: Seneste episode af #veloropapodcast med @ByrielRasmus, @StefanDjurhuus, @NFLming og Speedy Plesner. Vi gør status over Tour D… - 6 years ago

@veloropa: Tour Down Under, Rasmus Byriel, Gert Frank, Speedy Plesner, Djurhuus indrømmer Tramadol-misbrug - 6 years ago

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