Gerhard Fischer

German army officer
Died on Saturday August 9th 2014

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Gerhard Fischer:

@christophpimmer: RT @kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: Derek Bok (former president of Harvard University) "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: global reach of MOOCs goes only as far as cultural fit allows. #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: we need to change the mindsets of students to get away from instructionist teaching to do more c-style MOOCs #IIHE15

@zmml: RT @kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: "Vorlesung" different from a MOOC? no: mostly instructionist (space), most students cannot ask questions #IIH…


@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: "Vorlesung" different from a MOOC? no: mostly instructionist (space), most students cannot ask questions #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: is teaching a "Vorlesung" fundamentally different from a MOOC? yes: presence, some students can asks questions #IIHE15

@TweetinChar: RT @kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: schools, universities, courses… are social constructs – they do not exist in nature – do we need new construct…

@BridgetJones79: RT @kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: Derek Bok (former president of Harvard University) "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: Derek Bok (former president of Harvard University) "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: interessante Analyse zu MOOCs unter #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: learning when the answer is known versus learning when the answer is not known #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: big question - how to merge technology & f2f teaching Beispiel tabletop computing EDC #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: MOOCs sind die "text-books of the 21st century" - die liest auch keiner cover to cover #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: moving beyond to co-evolution - commoditizing the content focus on the substantive values of residential education #IIHE15

@kadewe: Gerhard Fischer: MOOCs: Stuck in "Gift-Wrapping" – moocifying courses - every first generation technology is a copy of old medium #IIHE15

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