Gerald Regan

Canadian politician
Died on Wednesday November 27th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Gerald Regan:

@AntiSeparatists: RT @JustinTrudeau: Je viens de parler à mon cher ami Geoff Regan au sujet du décès de son père, l’ancien premier ministre de la Nouvelle‑Éc… - 5 years ago

@AntiSeparatists: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@lasporteva: @CdnPressPoli @CdnPressNews A shake up. It is interesting that with the passing of Gerald Regan , former NS premier… - 5 years ago

@MMisive: RT @JustinTrudeau: Je viens de parler à mon cher ami Geoff Regan au sujet du décès de son père, l’ancien premier ministre de la Nouvelle‑Éc… - 5 years ago


@halfmastcanada: Flags will be at half mast for: DEATH OF DEATH OF FORMER PREMIER OF NOVA SCOTIA THE HONOURABLE GERALD REGAN, P.C.... - 5 years ago

@KwalkerAD: RT @chronicleherald: Bruce MacKinnon on Gerald Regan's complicated legacy is today's editorial cartoon. - 5 years ago

@CH_Cartoon: RT @chronicleherald: Bruce MacKinnon on Gerald Regan's complicated legacy is today's editorial cartoon. - 5 years ago

@skimber: RT @HfxExaminer: Coming to terms with the complicated legacy of Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@HfxExaminer: Coming to terms with the complicated legacy of Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@kate__inglis: RT @BigJMcC: @skimber @StephenMcNeil @TheRickHoweShow @katiehartai @thesmacleodshow @m_brand KIMBER: In mind-numbingly similar and soon-to-… - 5 years ago

@skimber: RT @BigJMcC: @skimber @StephenMcNeil @TheRickHoweShow @katiehartai @thesmacleodshow @m_brand KIMBER: In mind-numbingly similar and soon-to-… - 5 years ago

@Ken_Simmons_NL: RT @chronicleherald: Bruce MacKinnon on Gerald Regan's complicated legacy is today's editorial cartoon. - 5 years ago

@JackieTorrens: RT @BigJMcC: @skimber @StephenMcNeil @TheRickHoweShow @katiehartai @thesmacleodshow @m_brand KIMBER: In mind-numbingly similar and soon-to-… - 5 years ago

@ColinHantsCo: RT @chronicleherald: Bruce MacKinnon on Gerald Regan's complicated legacy is today's editorial cartoon. - 5 years ago

@BigJMcC: @skimber @StephenMcNeil @TheRickHoweShow @katiehartai @thesmacleodshow @m_brand KIMBER: In mind-numbingly similar a… - 5 years ago

@BigJMcC: @skimber Most news reports I saw got it (Gerald Regan's passing) about as right as those complicated realities — an… - 5 years ago

@chronicleherald: Bruce MacKinnon on Gerald Regan's complicated legacy is today's editorial cartoon. - 5 years ago

@BigJMcC: @MaggieRahr @CH_Cartoon Gerald Regan Legacy. - 5 years ago

@MillerOval: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@joan_baxter: RT @Tim_Bousquet: Coming to terms with the complicated legacy of Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@skimber: RT @Tim_Bousquet: Coming to terms with the complicated legacy of Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@Tim_Bousquet: Coming to terms with the complicated legacy of Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@tamposleomen88: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@MacAulayTodd: @SenateCA Gerald Regan serially raped and sexually assaulted & harassed at least 40 women (countless more never cam… - 5 years ago

@THemsworthPeter: RT @StephenMcNeil: Gerald Regan believed in the potential of Nova Scotia, with a vision for our future prosperity. He governed with a true… - 5 years ago

@PazUtzin: RT @SenateCA: Today, the flag on the Peace Tower will be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral of the late Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@TNrina: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@WesleyCoughlan: RT @CTVAtlantic: Funeral held for former Nova Scotia Liberal premier Gerald Regan who died at 91. - 5 years ago

@LawDog323: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@SeanPrevil: RT @AlexanderQuon: The flag on Ottawa's Peace Tower will be flow at half-mast to mark the death of Gerald Regan. Background on the former… - 5 years ago

@thestarhalifax: Family, friends and politicians, including Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil, attended the funeral mass for former… - 5 years ago

@leeejoh: RT @JulieSLalonde: Gerald Regan was the Premier of Nova Scotia. He was also a serial predator. His death changes none of those facts. So… - 5 years ago

@janbear105: RT @CTVAtlantic: Funeral held for former Nova Scotia Liberal premier Gerald Regan who died at 91. - 5 years ago

@CTVAtlantic: Funeral held for former Nova Scotia Liberal premier Gerald Regan who died at 91. - 5 years ago

@sharbdb: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@HalifaxToday: Funeral held for former Nova Scotia Liberal premier Gerald Regan who died at 91 - 5 years ago

@Ivy_Charles_: McNeil forgot about the part where Gerald Regan sexually violated/raped at least 40 women. Classy. - 5 years ago

@natnewswatch: Funeral held for former Nova Scotia Liberal premier Gerald Regan who died at 91 | National Newswatch - 5 years ago

@LeopoldOuellet9: RT @SenateCA: Today, the flag on the Peace Tower will be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral of the late Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@rollidriver: RT @SenateCA: Today, the flag on the Peace Tower will be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral of the late Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@JustusTx: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@huskerdiva: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@kimiw506: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@RTerriers: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@MarkHfx: The Nova Scotia media has been strangely silent in coverage of former Premier Gerald Regan's death. I remember Prem… - 5 years ago

@thibodeau: RT @SenatCA: Aujourd'hui, jour des funérailles de feu Gerald Regan, le drapeau sur la Tour de la Paix flottera en berne jusqu'au crépuscule… - 5 years ago

@Vickaric: RT @SenateCA: Today, the flag on the Peace Tower will be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral of the late Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@m_yve: RT @HeatherMallick: And this is why Greens always eventually wear out their welcome: they choose ideology over humans. Gerald Regan was not… - 5 years ago

@Emmanuel_Rach: RT @JolsonLim: 🤔 Dozens of women, some as young as 14, have alleged Gerald Regan had sexually abused them. Allegations span four decades. h… - 5 years ago

@ArwannaSaylor: RT @Livid2point0: Former Nova Scotia premier Gerald Regan dead at 91 - 5 years ago

@LottOnBaseball: - 5 years ago

@JolsonLim: 🤔 Dozens of women, some as young as 14, have alleged Gerald Regan had sexually abused them. Allegations span four d… - 5 years ago

@humbleslave12: RT @HeatherMallick: And this is why Greens always eventually wear out their welcome: they choose ideology over humans. Gerald Regan was not… - 5 years ago

@ShamsuddinSumon: RT @JustinTrudeau: Je viens de parler à mon cher ami Geoff Regan au sujet du décès de son père, l’ancien premier ministre de la Nouvelle‑Éc… - 5 years ago

@emcsheff: RT @AlexanderQuon: The flag on Ottawa's Peace Tower will be flow at half-mast to mark the death of Gerald Regan. Background on the former… - 5 years ago

@HeatherMallick: And this is why Greens always eventually wear out their welcome: they choose ideology over humans. Gerald Regan was… - 5 years ago

@dmacdon44: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@engelderliebe80: RT @SenateCA: Today, the flag on the Peace Tower will be flown at half-mast until sunset on the day of the funeral of the late Gerald Regan - 5 years ago

@NosCommunes: RT @SenatCA: Aujourd'hui, jour des funérailles de feu Gerald Regan, le drapeau sur la Tour de la Paix flottera en berne jusqu'au crépuscule… - 5 years ago

@MsVagrant: If @JesseBrown and @CANADALAND do an episode on Gerald Regan, featuring @skimber and/or @MaggieRahr, I will double my Patreon contribution. - 5 years ago

@jamescovey: RT @MaggieRahr: Gerald Regan sexually violated at least 40 women over three decades. This is the tribute our premier has given him. https:/… - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 803) The longtime politician served in the cabinets of former prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and John Turner. h/t… - 5 years ago

@jwbatx: RT @TPostMillennial: Gerald Regan passed away this week at the age of 71. Regan could have spent his final years in prison after multiple h… - 5 years ago

@ksea1957: RT @TPostMillennial: Gerald Regan passed away this week at the age of 71. Regan could have spent his final years in prison after multiple h… - 5 years ago

@bcgift: RT @TPostMillennial: Gerald Regan passed away this week at the age of 71. Regan could have spent his final years in prison after multiple h… - 5 years ago

@TPostMillennial: Gerald Regan passed away this week at the age of 71. Regan could have spent his final years in prison after multipl… - 5 years ago

@largiantribune: RT @MaggieRahr: Gerald Regan sexually violated at least 40 women over three decades. This is the tribute our premier has given him. https:/… - 5 years ago

@lummer1: RT @jkenney: Condolences to Nova Scotians on the death of former Premier Gerald Regan. My thoughts in particular for the Regan family, in… - 5 years ago

@WAndyKnight1: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@emiliasantoian5: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@MacAulayTodd: @StephenMcNeil Gerald Regan sexually violated at least 40 women over three decades. This is the tribute our premier has given him. - 5 years ago

@MacAulayTodd: RT @MaggieRahr: Gerald Regan sexually violated at least 40 women over three decades. This is the tribute our premier has given him. https:/… - 5 years ago

@CCTrentelman: RT @ElizabethMay: Very sad to learn of the passing of former premier Gerald Regan. Without his leadership, Nova Scotia would have been subj… - 5 years ago

@lmanzelli54: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@Santiag94800070: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@JackieDuf: RT @nspector4: "in the end, Nova Scotia’s prosecution service concluded it was not in the public interest to proceed on the indecent-assaul… - 5 years ago

@idamariehansen7: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@LWHamiltonNS: RT @MaggieRahr: Gerald Regan sexually violated at least 40 women over three decades. This is the tribute our premier has given him. https:/… - 5 years ago

@originalden666: RT @JustinTrudeau: Je viens de parler à mon cher ami Geoff Regan au sujet du décès de son père, l’ancien premier ministre de la Nouvelle‑Éc… - 5 years ago

@originalden666: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

@BuzSawyerUSN: RT @JustinTrudeau: Just spoke with my dear friend Geoff Regan on the passing of his father, former Nova Scotia Premier Gerald Regan. I expr… - 5 years ago

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