Gerald Morkel

South African politician
Died on Tuesday January 9th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gerald Morkel:

@watsupafrica: #SouthAfrica: Former W Cape Premier Gerald Morkel remembered - 7 years ago

@TonyLeonSA: Veteran controversial politician Gerald Morkel dies at 76 I regret I could n… - 7 years ago

@McGluwajj: Great speeches by the children and the fam at the late Gerald Morkel's funeral today - 7 years ago

@JohnDLawrence1: #capetown. Has lost two icons, prof vd Ross and Gerald Morkel. Astounded at low key response by city. - 7 years ago


@lansdownecpc: Thanks for serving the greater community! RIP. Gerald Morkel. - 7 years ago

@Abri_van_Vuuren: Die voormalige burgemeester van Kaapstad en premier van die Wes-Kaap, Gerald Morkel, word vandag in Grassy Park... - 7 years ago

@Abri_van_Vuuren: Die DA het gisteraand hulde gebring aan die voormalige premier van die Wes-Kaap, Gerald Morkel. 'n Gedenkdiens... - 7 years ago

@CTLiveinfo: Former W Cape Premier Gerald Morkel remembered - 7 years ago

@SABCNewsOnline: VIDEO | Former W Cape Premier Gerald Morkel remembered - 7 years ago

@tobile_zagwe: RT @amliveonsafm: A memorial service has been held for former Premier of the Western Cape, Gerald Morkel at the Grassy Park Baptised Church… - 7 years ago

@SABCNewsOnline: RT @amliveonsafm: A memorial service has been held for former Premier of the Western Cape, Gerald Morkel at the Grassy Park Baptised Church… - 7 years ago

@amliveonsafm: A memorial service has been held for former Premier of the Western Cape, Gerald Morkel at the Grassy Park Baptised… - 7 years ago

@tchumza: @MzwaneleManyi Just like they did with Gerald Morkel. @GwedeUncle, your friend came alone, she must bring her cons… - 7 years ago

@RapportSA: Gerald Morkel: Meer as net ‘omstrede’ - 7 years ago

@LJRasi: Gerald Morkel has died kganthe 😳 - 7 years ago

@earlseptember: #RandomThought: Why has the @PresidencyZA not declare an Special Official Funeral or Special Official Provincial Fu… - 7 years ago

@Njabulozoko: @helenzille Were/are you at Gerald Morkel's funeral ?? - 7 years ago

@Njabulozoko: @Tsuli007 @helenzille Funeral of Gerald Morkel - 7 years ago

@EJFFoster: RT @TheBushFundi: RIP Gerald Morkel. I remember him very fondly as a real gentleman and as Provincial Environment Minister and Premier. On… - 7 years ago

@prada_agent: Former Cape Town Mayor Gerald Morkel dies - Citizen #town - 7 years ago

@Duckchristine73: PIC OF GERALD MORKEL... - 7 years ago


@GrahamGersbach: Retweeted Democratic Alliance (@Our_DA): We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel,... - 7 years ago

@GrahamGersbach: RT @Our_DA: We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel, former Premier of the Western Cape Province and Mayor of Ca… - 7 years ago

@TiaanK89: RT @Our_DA: We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel, former Premier of the Western Cape Province and Mayor of Ca… - 7 years ago

@trendinaliaZA: 📈 Top 10 ⒼⓄⓄⒼⓁⒺ Trends over the past 24 hours: ➊ Loyiso Madinga ➋ Lotto Results 10 January 2018 ➌ Rustenburg ➍ Ala… - 7 years ago

@mikecrichton: RT @Our_DA: We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel, former Premier of the Western Cape Province and Mayor of Ca… - 7 years ago

@TheCapeArgus: Morkel 'took care of his people' by @JasonFelix Gerald Morkel, former provincial premier and Cape Town mayor who… - 7 years ago

@CPTzaNet: Former CT mayor and Western Cape premier Gerald Morkel has died - 7 years ago

@DKB20: RT @Our_DA: We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel, former Premier of the Western Cape Province and Mayor of Ca… - 7 years ago

@4waysKid: RT @Our_DA: We are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gerald Morkel, former Premier of the Western Cape Province and Mayor of Ca… - 7 years ago

@JulzGoodMusic: Office without Honour is the Jail of the Political Harlot - Gerald Morkel @Radio702 - 7 years ago

@Diks100: RT @TonyLeonSA: Sorry to learn of death of fmr W Cape Premier Gerald Morkel. In 2001when DA was in fight of its life, he was the frontline… - 7 years ago

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