Georgie Anne Geyer

American syndicated newspaper columnist.
Died on Friday May 17th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Georgie Anne Geyer:

@PeterMusurlian: @costareports should have included a soundbite from Georgie Anne Geyer at the end of @washingtonweek. It wouldn't h… - 6 years ago

@CJA_Updates: RT @maudlynei: Cant end wk w/out remembering late gr8 #GeorgieAnnGeyer/84/longtime mmbr/@CJA_Updates who recently passed/Gee Gee—who last h… - 6 years ago

@prpnews: - 6 years ago

@Copperflowers: RT @Brandt_Kay: Robert Costa: Thanks for the tribute to Georgie Anne Geyer tonight. I didn’t know she had died. I watched her for years on… - 6 years ago


@Copperflowers: RT @pau1ke11y: Georgie Anne Geyer. Great reporter, writer, columnist. This is an interview from @MarySchmich Holy schnikes. I want to be ab… - 6 years ago

@Copperflowers: RT @rickkogan: Georgie Anne Geyer was one of a kind, venturing into dangerous climes and face-to-face encounters with Fidel Castro, U.S. pr… - 6 years ago

@DianeRigden: RT @NYTObits: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@LucyIsLightDL: RT @lwilliams333: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@lwilliams333: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@lwilliams333: RT @maudlynei: Cant end wk w/out remembering late gr8 #GeorgieAnnGeyer/84/longtime mmbr/@CJA_Updates who recently passed/Gee Gee—who last h… - 6 years ago

@Brandt_Kay: Robert Costa: Thanks for the tribute to Georgie Anne Geyer tonight. I didn’t know she had died. I watched her for y… - 6 years ago

@maudlynei: Cant end wk w/out remembering late gr8 #GeorgieAnnGeyer/84/longtime mmbr/@CJA_Updates who recently passed/Gee Gee—w… - 6 years ago

@maudlynei: RT @CJA_Updates: Here's the article we wrote after attending Dominican University's inaugural lecture to introduce Georgie Anne Geyer initi… - 6 years ago

@maudlynei: RT @Steph_Choporis: I remember when I first learned about Georgie Anne Geyer. It was at the 2016 inaugural lecture for Dominican University… - 6 years ago

@Julia_Schopick: Thanks, Michael Rose! - 6 years ago

@CJA_Updates: RT @Steph_Choporis: I remember when I first learned about Georgie Anne Geyer. It was at the 2016 inaugural lecture for Dominican University… - 6 years ago

@CarolCastielVOA: Georgie Anne Geyer, foreign correspondent and syndicated columnist, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@latikia: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 by Steve Marble vi… - 6 years ago

@SeldonEurope: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @CJA_Updates: We're remembering our dear friend, member & trailblazing journo, Georgie Anne Geyer. "... when a woman in a newsroom was .… - 6 years ago

@maudlynei: RT @CJA_Updates: We're remembering our dear friend, member & trailblazing journo, Georgie Anne Geyer. "... when a woman in a newsroom was .… - 6 years ago

@Suffragist: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@isarosepress: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 — NYT > Books - 6 years ago

@Steph_Choporis: I remember when I first learned about Georgie Anne Geyer. It was at the 2016 inaugural lecture for Dominican Univer… - 6 years ago

@ToddNBlumer: Our family was sorry to hear of the passing of Georgie Anne Geyer, a pioneering journalist. Here is a photo of Gee… - 6 years ago

@CJA_Updates: Here's the article we wrote after attending Dominican University's inaugural lecture to introduce Georgie Anne Geye… - 6 years ago

@BOOKMENTION: #BUYINGTHENIGHTFLIGHT Buying the Night Flight: The Autobiography of a Woman Foreign Correspondent by Georgie Anne Geyer - 6 years ago

@ArabWeekly: Syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer, a foreign correspondent who travelled the world over for decades, has made… - 6 years ago

@basialcummings: RT @olibasciano: The packing advice of pioneering journalist Georgie Anne Geyer, who has died 84, is exemplary. - 6 years ago

@CJA_Updates: We're remembering our dear friend, member & trailblazing journo, Georgie Anne Geyer. "... when a woman in a newsroo… - 6 years ago

@MarcuswevansSr: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84: Georgie Anne Geye… - 6 years ago

@Social__News_: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 Georgie Anne Geye… - 6 years ago

@HarleyVicQuinn: RT @nprscottsimon: Just catching up with this news of an old friend and inspiration. I hope many of the brilliant women with whom I have al… - 6 years ago

@LATaxiCabs: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84… - 6 years ago

@globalissuesweb: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84… - 6 years ago

@pattmlatimes: RT @latimesobits: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@blackholetalos: RT @latimesobits: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@manuelzr0123: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84… - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@twitbituaries: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - - 6 years ago

@olibasciano: The packing advice of pioneering journalist Georgie Anne Geyer, who has died 84, is exemplary.… - 6 years ago

@latikia: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 by Steve Marble vi… - 6 years ago

@saffship: RT @latimesobits: Hard charging foreign correspondent Georgie Anne Geyer has died. Cleared the way for women journalists as she chased afte… - 6 years ago

@elginerin: RIP Gee Gee! A dear & loyal family friend, a fearless foreign correspondent, a quick wit, a sharp mind, a lovely hu… - 6 years ago

@passed_present: RT @latimesobits: Hard charging foreign correspondent Georgie Anne Geyer has died. Cleared the way for women journalists as she chased afte… - 6 years ago

@Angel_City_Buzz: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84… - 6 years ago

@cahulaan: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84: Georgie Anne Geye… - 6 years ago

@latimesobits: Hard charging foreign correspondent Georgie Anne Geyer has died. Cleared the way for women journalists as she chase… - 6 years ago

@StephenMarble: Hard charging foreign correspondent Georgie Anne Geyer has died. Cleared the way for women journalists as she chase… - 6 years ago

@latimesobits: Georgie Anne Geyer, who broke gender barriers as hard-charging foreign correspondent, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@CindyMarie1956: RT @nprscottsimon: Just catching up with this news of an old friend and inspiration. I hope many of the brilliant women with whom I have al… - 6 years ago

@nprscottsimon: Just catching up with this news of an old friend and inspiration. I hope many of the brilliant women with whom I ha… - 6 years ago

@PranayGupte: Georgie Anne Geyer, foreign correspondent and syndicated columnist, dies at 84 - 6 years ago

@HCherusher: RT @Steve_Sailer: RIP, Georgie Anne Geyer, a passionate immigration patriot. Georgie Anne Geyer, Foreign Correspondent and Columnist, Dies… - 6 years ago

@ArabWeekly: Syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer, a foreign correspondent who travelled the world over for decades, has made… - 6 years ago

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