Georgi Stoilov

Bulgarian architect and politician
Died on Monday December 19th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Georgi Stoilov:

@DarmonRichter: RT @StefanSpassov: Yesterday, we said our goodbyes to arch. Georgi Stoilov at the Sofia Central Cemetery. As a founder/chairman of the Uni… - 2 years ago

@StefanSpassov: Yesterday, we said our goodbyes to arch. Georgi Stoilov at the Sofia Central Cemetery. As a founder/chairman of th… - 2 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @cosmic_ekhoes: Buzludha Monument - The Memorial House of the Bulgarian Communist Party - 1974-81 📐 Architect : Georgi Stoilov, photo t… - 2 years ago

@UIA_Architects: The UIA is deeply saddened to learn of the passing away of our friend and past president Georgi Stoilov. Born in… - 2 years ago


@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Georgi Stoilov has passed away - #GeorgiStoilov #Georgi #Stoilov #rip - 2 years ago

@AdrienMinard: RT @ex_utopia: Georgi Vladimirov Stoilov (1929-2022). Sad news to share today – the Bulgarian architect Georgi Stoilov has passed away. He… - 2 years ago

@SegaBG: Почина бившият кмет на София арх. Георги Стоилов - 2 years ago

@AlzbetaMedkova: RT @Mirek_Tomek: V 93 letech zemřel bulharský architekt Georgi Stoilov, kterého proslavil hlavně monumentální památník v Buzludže. Za války… - 2 years ago

@michalspina: RT @Mirek_Tomek: V 93 letech zemřel bulharský architekt Georgi Stoilov, kterého proslavil hlavně monumentální památník v Buzludže. Za války… - 2 years ago

@Mirek_Tomek: V 93 letech zemřel bulharský architekt Georgi Stoilov, kterého proslavil hlavně monumentální památník v Buzludže. Z… - 2 years ago

@DarmonRichter: RT @ex_utopia: Georgi Vladimirov Stoilov (1929-2022). Sad news to share today – the Bulgarian architect Georgi Stoilov has passed away. He… - 2 years ago

@ex_utopia: Photographs: 1. Georgi Stoilov with partisan officers in 1944. 2. The architect in his office in Sofia, in 2015. 3… - 2 years ago

@ex_utopia: Georgi Vladimirov Stoilov (1929-2022). Sad news to share today – the Bulgarian architect Georgi Stoilov has passed… - 2 years ago

@knews_bg: Почина Георги Стоилов – архитектът на Бузлуджа - 2 years ago

@Impressio3: Почина арх. Георги Стоилов, един от създателите на Съюза на архитектите и бивш кмет на София - 2 years ago

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