Georges Gutelman

Belgian airline executive (Trans European Airways) and evacuator (Operation Moses).
Died on Sunday November 10th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Georges Gutelman:

@dead_wikipedia: Georges Gutelman - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Georges Gutelman is no longer with us - #GeorgesGutelman #Georges #Gutelman #rip - 5 years ago

@pfeuilly: RT @TimesofIsraelFR: L’industriel juif belge Georges Gutelman est décédé à l’âge de 81 ans - 5 years ago

@ThierryGolleau: RT @TimesofIsraelFR: L’industriel juif belge Georges Gutelman est décédé à l’âge de 81 ans - 5 years ago


@TimesofIsraelFR: L’industriel juif belge Georges Gutelman est décédé à l’âge de 81 ans - 5 years ago

@wiki_vandalism: Wikipedia page Georges Gutelman has possibly been vandalized. - 5 years ago

@anchabb: RT @PresidentBBE: Georges Gutelman helped the evacuation of 8 thousands of Jews from Ethiopia by taking them to Israel, via Sudan. A Jewish… - 5 years ago

@PresidentBBE: Georges Gutelman helped the evacuation of 8 thousands of Jews from Ethiopia by taking them to Israel, via Sudan. A… - 5 years ago

@GoldsteinsRRS: Georges Gutelman, the Belgian Holocaust survivor and businessman who was instrumental in bringing thousands of Ethi… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Georges Gutelman (80) Belgian engineer and businessperson - 5 years ago

@IsraelPRcom: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Georges Gutelman - 5 years ago

@bernardmusicant: Hommage à Georges Gutelman : un héros d'Israël s'en est allé – מתוך ההסכת (פודקאסט) "Kan en Français" | כאן - 5 years ago

@pchavel1: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

@LisaTheRiveter: Belgian Holocaust survivor Georges Gutelman used his airplanes to help Israel smuggle thousands of Ethiopian Jews f… - 5 years ago

@IsraelBondsNews: #IsraelBonds mourns the passing of Belgian Holocaust survivor, Jewish businessman, and hero of Operation Moses Geor… - 5 years ago

@smithronaldl: I guess the assholes Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters a& Patti Smith, who claim Israel is "APARTHEID" not only don't now… - 5 years ago

@inesinla: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

@gilad73: Hero of Operation Moses, Georges Gutelman, who used his airplanes to help Israel smuggle thousands of Ethiopian Jew… - 5 years ago

@Jofischer007: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

@prikerr: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

@IsraelinGlobe: RT @EmmanuelNahshon: We are deeply saddened by the passing away of Georges Gutelman, a Belgian Jewish businessman and entrepreneur who play… - 5 years ago

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