George Winslow

American child actor (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes)
Died on Saturday June 13th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to George Winslow:

@RosieBillTeam: RT @CitizenScreen: Obituary for former child star George 'Foghorn' Winslow.

@willmckinley: RT @LouLumenick: A Marilyn fan's poignant late-in-life encounter with a weepy George "Foghorn'' Winslow

@kevin_gendreau: RT @CemeteryGuide: RIP, George "Foghorn" Winslow.

@MaxineFaulk1: RT @CitizenScreen: Obituary for former child star George 'Foghorn' Winslow.


@Monroe_Art: A rare photo of Marilyn Monroe with costars George Winslow and...

@CronCineRomagna: RT @dialmformovies: FLASH: George Winslow, child actor, scene stealer as Monroe's young admirer in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, has died http:…

@dialmformovies: FLASH: George Winslow, child actor, scene stealer as Monroe's young admirer in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, has died

@LouLumenick: A Marilyn fan's poignant late-in-life encounter with a weepy George "Foghorn'' Winslow

@Ruby_Stevens: RT @ThatSashaJames: George "Foghorn" Winslow from GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, my favourite movie, died. He had a lot of animal magnetism. htt…

@Julian_KGrant: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@kade6767: RT @JScottMcGee: Rest in peace, George "Foghorn" Winslow...

@Figuerini: RT @faustianovich: Vía @VictorFdez_ sé del óbito George Winslow, el niño de ME SIENTO REJUVENECER y LOS CABALLEROS LAS PREFIEREN RUBIAS. ht…

@JScottMcGee: Rest in peace, George "Foghorn" Winslow...

@ThatSashaJames: George "Foghorn" Winslow from GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, my favourite movie, died. He had a lot of animal magnetism.

@EM_whoa: RT @LouLumenick: RIP former child actor George "Foghorn'' Winslow (1946-2015)

@VictorFdez_: RT @faustianovich: Vía @VictorFdez_ sé del óbito George Winslow, el niño de ME SIENTO REJUVENECER y LOS CABALLEROS LAS PREFIEREN RUBIAS. ht…

@faustianovich: Peli (George Winslow) del día: MISTER SCOUTMASTERS, o Clifton Mr. Belvedere Webb con boy scouts... Descanse en paz, Mr. Winslow.

@faustianovich: George Winslow, estrella infantil en los 50s, y el mundo de los tebeos en ARTISTAS Y MODELOS junto a Dean Martin y Jerry Lewis...

@Jordipicver: RT @faustianovich: Vía @VictorFdez_ sé del óbito George Winslow, el niño de ME SIENTO REJUVENECER y LOS CABALLEROS LAS PREFIEREN RUBIAS. ht…

@faustianovich: Vía @VictorFdez_ sé del óbito George Winslow, el niño de ME SIENTO REJUVENECER y LOS CABALLEROS LAS PREFIEREN RUBIAS.

@Loffz: RT @CemeteryGuide: RIP, George "Foghorn" Winslow.

@MrsEdgarAndrews: RT @CemeteryGuide: RIP, George "Foghorn" Winslow.

@KKellyNF: RT @LouLumenick: RIP former child actor George "Foghorn'' Winslow (1946-2015)

@CemeteryGuide: RIP, George "Foghorn" Winslow.

@oldsoulemily_: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@jslaterwilliams: RT @LouLumenick: RIP former child actor George "Foghorn'' Winslow (1946-2015)

@edpage5000: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@NathanTarantla: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@tosilentfilm: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@cleoemma91: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@DQ6149: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@julieteresah: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@1emovies: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

@SamuraiCicero: RT @willmckinley: George Foghorn Winslow (1946-2015) child actor who courted Marilyn in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES

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