George Weatherill

Australian politician
Died on Sunday January 24th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to George Weatherill:

@legcouncilsa: Members are currently speaking on a condolence motion for the Hon. George Weatherill, former Member of the Legislative Council. #saparli - 4 years ago

@AnaMilosevic7: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Tim_Mullen: @ANNETTE22398150 @randombloke1876 @Valhalla51 @eyejosh @muttleyarsenal9 Betty also thinks Lindsay is twice the Spea… - 4 years ago

@youorged: ........Nilda Pedrosa, US Public Affairs Robert Rowland, British politician, "drowned" George Weatherill, Australia… - 4 years ago


@Hunghsiu2: @qisimiaoxiang2 美國參議員史蒂文·庫肯德爾(Steven T.Kuykendall) -美國政治家,公共事務專家尼爾達·佩德羅薩(Nilda Pedrosa) -英國政治家羅伯特·羅蘭(Robert Rowla… - 4 years ago

@jefffrost: -Sifis Valirakis, Greek politician, drowned -Steven T. Kuykendall, American politician, U.S. house of representativ… - 4 years ago

@mdavisqlder: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@AlexBondSA: Blocked by @DavidLeyonhjelm after I called him a fucking pig for his disgusting reply to Jay Weatherill sharing the… - 4 years ago

@suzlette333: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@DystopicMe: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@roseannebyrne: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@olafsbrain: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@CodyReed96: RT @joe_szakacs: Very sorry to hear about the passing of George Weatherill. He was a kind man, and a staunch unionist. I know the whole wes… - 4 years ago

@CodyReed96: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@WellsIza: @jmil400 A heartfelt tribute from a loving son. The tributes to George Weatherill that are pouring in are a testame… - 4 years ago

@Smile__Petal: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@AngasStory: RT @joe_szakacs: Very sorry to hear about the passing of George Weatherill. He was a kind man, and a staunch unionist. I know the whole wes… - 4 years ago

@CalvnsharpieBoy: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@antoriana12: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@peggymel2001: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@King2712King: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@annelee33148312: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@kayegreenleaf: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Bloss55: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@jmfenton: RT @EDD1EPlZZLE: -Robert Rowland, British politician, drowned -George Weatherill, Australian politician -Gunawan Wirosaroyo, Indonesian po… - 4 years ago

@EDD1EPlZZLE: -Robert Rowland, British politician, drowned -George Weatherill, Australian politician -Gunawan Wirosaroyo, Indone… - 4 years ago

@miriamcosic: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@cockatoo_palm: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@alpsa: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@mikeaubrey2: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Dakeyrus: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@hermanus61: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@76019818: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Leo_Puglisi6: RT @6NewsAU: #NEW: Former Senator @DavidLeyonhjelm has been labelled "heartless" for telling 'Thrive by Five' CEO @JayWeatherill that "many… - 4 years ago

@lcrhms: RT @GregSmi93455865: @jmil400 Jay Weatherill's Dad, George, was an Upper House MP and fmr President of the Legislative Council. You're a g… - 4 years ago

@Damo__73_: RT @6NewsAU: #NEW: Former Senator @DavidLeyonhjelm has been labelled "heartless" for telling 'Thrive by Five' CEO @JayWeatherill that "many… - 4 years ago

@SGH64: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@lambraki2468: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@SGH64: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@6NewsAU: #NEW: Former Senator @DavidLeyonhjelm has been labelled "heartless" for telling 'Thrive by Five' CEO @JayWeatherill… - 4 years ago

@AxonJim: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@MMcoolKay: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@QldProgressive: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@GayCarBoys: RT @VernVerass: @JayWeatherill My sincere condolances at the departure of your father: Be stengthened at this time by the comfort of friend… - 4 years ago

@GayCarBoys: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Bukumbooee: Former Labor politician George Weatherill and his son Jay - 4 years ago

@Sey2S: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@kyliesjacques: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@Bukumbooee: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Bukumbooee: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@Pnutzs76: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@humbugreach: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@StephanieKakos1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@RandaltsRandal: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@helphelpandhelp: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@YHkpc: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@HotelRoyal180: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@HotelRoyal180: RT @HurleyJenny: @JayWeatherill A well respected & loved regular customer for many years at @HotelRoyal180 Vale George Weatherill 💐 - 4 years ago

@MarieColemanAO: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@markgkenny: RT @carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s the workers… - 4 years ago

@1tracker1: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@carmyol: George Weatherill was a much loved South Australia politician. So much so that when he was re-elected in the ‘80s… - 4 years ago

@collettesnowden: @charlesel @JayWeatherill As well as being Jay's father, George Weatherill was well known and active in the local c… - 4 years ago

@ParkyRanger: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@pharnzwurth: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@sloya67: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@47ef: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ivancolaco26: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ewster: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@SophiaMcGrane: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@lcrhms: RT @joe_szakacs: Very sorry to hear about the passing of George Weatherill. He was a kind man, and a staunch unionist. I know the whole wes… - 4 years ago

@SGH64: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@1958_BestYear: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@SGH64: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@jpcenzato: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Zero19370957: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@emessieh: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@HurleyJenny: @JayWeatherill A well respected & loved regular customer for many years at @HotelRoyal180 Vale George Weatherill 💐 - 4 years ago

@ochreblue: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@ochreblue: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@factordex: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@a_acko: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and dedicated l… - 4 years ago

@Mike_Rann: I’m so sorry to hear of the death of George Weatherill, former Labor Party member of the Legislative Council and de… - 4 years ago

@Bandit2809: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@jbaldwin60: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Grant_HART95: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @joe_szakacs: Very sorry to hear about the passing of George Weatherill. He was a kind man, and a staunch unionist. I know the whole wes… - 4 years ago

@Qldaah: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@ochreblue: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@sandyfeet_13: @JayWeatherill @NickHaughain Vale George Weatherill - 4 years ago

@portpower44: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@PreAmpPlus: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@_St_Mack: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ChristoffBotha: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@CGG1199415: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@LDTFerguson: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@winimwil: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@AbnerNeb: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Jenn1964Hussey: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@vixenzero3: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Lynestel: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@dyrenfurth: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@KellieAnnOxford: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@animalsm77s: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@SteedmanRod: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ramuk_: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@JosephArmand1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@NickHaughain: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MelAnalyst: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@BA1964: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@HelenArtacho: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@timwrig1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@wonderi39063030: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@amajdandzic1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@narngaloo: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@pammy643: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@reiter_josh: RT @alpsa: Vale George Weatherill. Everyone here at SA Labor passes on our sincere condolences to Joy, Jay, Dana, Lea and all of George’s f… - 4 years ago

@jake_wishart: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MarieMcginm49: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@urchinshell: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@zerotoground: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@garigalAnj: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@loza1967: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@davidr8203: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Trev_t4e: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Floss01170375: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@nobby15: RT @Russputin2: @JayWeatherill Vale George Weatherill Jay. I hope he rests in peace. He would have been proud of you. - 4 years ago

@Trace_neverLNP: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@JennyMc79436338: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@nobby15: RT @VernVerass: @JayWeatherill My sincere condolances at the departure of your father: Be stengthened at this time by the comfort of friend… - 4 years ago

@nobby15: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@paul_tripodi: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MichaelColl5: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@eeaaw: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: George Weatherill Death -Dead - Obituary - Cause of Death : George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate P… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: George Weatherill Death -Dead – Obituary – Cause of Death : George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate P… - 4 years ago

@RomanaQ: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@joe_szakacs: Very sorry to hear about the passing of George Weatherill. He was a kind man, and a staunch unionist. I know the wh… - 4 years ago

@thomasloomes: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@robandart: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@DonWestley1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@wilde_gio: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Surlysimon: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@may_flannigan: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@norfer40: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@lunar_aphrodite: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Chelsea1902: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@desmonator: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@mikerdot: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@SmockOfficial: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ShaniaPeebody: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@RedMack66: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Obramaury: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@lcrhms: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@JethroHeller: Very sad at the passing of my long time punting pal, and fellow local at the Henley, George Weatherill. While many… - 4 years ago

@mrmintslice: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@yank53444963: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MaxPendelton: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@LyndaFrench19: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@tuba2tuba: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@McClureRodney: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MegJobson1: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@suelannin: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@BloggerMe3: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@RoyanWg: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@hewie90: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Founder89oE: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Sunsplashsun: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@petergalvin1_l: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@yellowb24503351: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Kersebleptes: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@MayneReport: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@BrianMoylan4: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Russputin2: @JayWeatherill Vale George Weatherill Jay. I hope he rests in peace. He would have been proud of you. - 4 years ago

@LeeMow54: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Russputin2: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@echidna_paw: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@lucysunman: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@RayMondeDeux: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@snish04: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@missingparl: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@TerriBennet: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@hcl2010: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@VernVerass: @JayWeatherill My sincere condolances at the departure of your father: Be stengthened at this time by the comfort o… - 4 years ago

@Carltontowin: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@AlanGaha: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Jac92207304: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@rodp48: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@desmond_graeme: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@RodBamberry: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@maryandhersoap: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Guyro_Gearloose: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Zaid_75: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Viktor_Renquist: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@drongojourno: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@49Wrangler: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@theTiser: Former South Australian Labor Premier Jay Weatherill has announced with “great sadness’ the death of his father Geo… - 4 years ago

@MReco12: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for George Weatherill - #GeorgeWeatherill #George #Weatherill #rip - 4 years ago

@billy_pinker: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@AustentatiousMe: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@suburban48: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@ArcingOf: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@FeathersMcGee: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@P_B_Wee: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@008moonside: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@wobwong: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@CorruptNSW: @JayWeatherill 💔😞🌹✨Vale George Weatherill - 4 years ago

@mary_tambling63: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@TKoutsantonisMP: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@Stephen67843639: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@CorruptNSW: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@virgotweet: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@TrixAnabella: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@tchbastard: @JayWeatherill So sorry for your loss Jay, may he RIP George Weatherill 😢 - 4 years ago

@OZloop: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@Scamp15000: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @PMalinauskasMP: My statement on the passing of George Weatherill. May he Rest In Peace. - 4 years ago

@TantaNorth: RT @JayWeatherill: My father George Weatherill, Unionist, Labor man and passionate Port supporter died earlier today. So grateful to have h… - 4 years ago

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