George Preti

American organic chemist
Died on Thursday April 2nd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to George Preti:

@dddvdgaarunara: モネル化学感覚センターの有機化学者・George Pretiたちの研究によると、女性は他の芳香がある状況でも体臭をかぎ分けることができるとのこと。男性の場合はすぐに体臭が分からなくなってしまうそうです。 - 5 years ago


@womenofteal: Dr George Preti @MonellSc was an amazing researcher and generous man. I met him through the @KOH_NJ grant research… - 5 years ago

@MarcG_69: RT @BoscagliFilippo: Assolto il #cardinale #Pell dopo una primo (pre)giudizio scandaloso senza una sola prova, una sola testimonianza atten… - 5 years ago


@BoscagliFilippo: Assolto il #cardinale #Pell dopo una primo (pre)giudizio scandaloso senza una sola prova, una sola testimonianza at… - 5 years ago

@AdnankhanBt: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@PrajapatiKv: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@scatterbrrained: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@MontcoToday: Organic Chemist George Preti, Who Studied Smells as Clues to Disease, Dies in Hatboro at 75 - 5 years ago

@zdricpx: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@BladesAreSharp1: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Vivek94890637: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@varvaraephemera: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@YasserHashmi: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@pearpearprae: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@bonsaiarq: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@JKatya03: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago



@DabbraccioGrac1: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@Tessabelle77: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@claudia_bomarea: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@vicenterubio_tv: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@UsmanNi47070860: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@OriolGarrido: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@ovadosepeace: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@JanyCampos7: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@wavetop: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@jemergence: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Kaunaz_: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@NeWRoiSca: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@AyeeToti: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@sylar_71: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@miriamtabaressa: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@concienciaeco: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@SergVisacovsky: RT @IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extraño" de l… - 5 years ago

@IreneWais: Muríó George Preti a los 75 años. Fue quien estudió los olores corporales como pistas biológicas. En su "nicho extr… - 5 years ago

@LjubicaNesKrga: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@mwpeczuh: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@pr_taino86: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @NYTObits: In what he himself called his “bizarre niche” of science, studying bodily odors, Dr. George Preti sought to weaponize them as… - 5 years ago

@K_KRSK: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@KDRogersMD: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@gingin21: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@SOLTMANY: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Androphotograph: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@jcbrookes: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Nick_Zen: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@bonnie_jeffrey: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@vedatgurer: 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid - 5 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@chacal_lachaise: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@evereeze: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@jud_agueroruiz: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@elcaborotativo: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@zee_neon: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@andherzog_alt: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@skchopra007: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@ScratchinPro: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@AnaLiliaHer: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@wavetop: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@ldizzy23: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@DonDraper71: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@nmtyoga: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@gulllermo: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Lizbion: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NKInsights: RIP Dr George Preti! @nanoscent - 5 years ago

@MS98GM: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@sleepingmind: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NovelliGnovelli: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@smellstories: Apr 1 @NYTimes /@samrob12: "[George Preti] sought to weaponize odors as a means to sniff out disease […] He delved… - 5 years ago

@iranzapologist: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@crimsonscholar: RT @NYTObits: One of his research projects involved collaborating with cancer specialists and animal behaviorists to train dogs to identify… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: One of his research projects involved collaborating with cancer specialists and animal behaviorists to train dogs t… - 5 years ago

@AdemolaBlacc: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@denisev8: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@DebiecJacek: RT @NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTHealth: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@jo_Mu_: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@_Carina_Clark_: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@evereeze: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@aasandel: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@scopedbylarry: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@UNKBiol106: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Shadowslayer456: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@lizhiqiang82: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@GlaciarBlue: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@soumenncsm: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Rachel_Herz: It's wonderful to see this memorial article of my dear friend George Preti in the New York Times. I miss you George! - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @BruceBrothers: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues to Illnesses Such as Ovarian Cancer Dr. Preti’s goal,… - 5 years ago

@BruceBrothers: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues to Illnesses Such as Ovarian Cancer Dr. Preti’s g… - 5 years ago

@Organichemist3: #RIP #George Preti, 75, who Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues. The "#Bizarreniche" of #Science… - 5 years ago

@vybealone: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@HealthUpdateTh: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@sohkamyung: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@OdorJohan: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: George Preti, US-amerikanischer Chemiker, am 03.03.2020 im Alter von 75 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@grundytv: RT @NYTObits: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: George Preti, 75, Dies; Studied Bodily Odors as Biological Clues - 5 years ago

@shahprateek939: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@BrendaHazelhur1: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Inky66058137: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@aposiopesist: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@Cambolc: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@christian_frr: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@danestacom: RT @NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@NYTScience: “We’re all little chemistry factories,” he said. Dr. George Preti, who studied bodily odors, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@aBigMess: @babyeIIies @bennessb this is a real thing! - 5 years ago

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