George Ogilvie

Australian theatre and film director (Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome)
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to George Ogilvie:

@furlerkatic: @george_ogilvie @BessAtwell thank you!! i loved it so much. the whole album is a MASTERPIECE and i'm so happy it's out ❤️ - 5 years ago

@jacko_hooper: RT @folkloresounds: 🙌 // PLAYLIST UPDATE \\ 🙌 Another week goes by and we have even more great music to share with you from the Folklore c… - 5 years ago

@folkloresounds: 🙌 // PLAYLIST UPDATE \\ 🙌 Another week goes by and we have even more great music to share with you from the Folklo… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: @kaori_ylia 🙏 - 5 years ago


@george_ogilvie: @furlerkatic It's @BessAtwell, glad you're enjoying it x - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: 'Mood Painting' with one of my favourite voices and people @BessAtwell - Track 4 xx - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: RT @BessAtwell: Surprise! I have a song out with my friend George Ogilvie. It's track 4 on his incredible debut record. I hope it brings so… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: @dinosauract You're wonderful man 🧡 Thank you xx - 5 years ago

@jourdanok: @george_ogilvie beautiful album! such a comforting voice - 5 years ago

@MarkAnthonySm16: RT @minnis2society1: Some AMAZING new albums to bring us into the weekend @EOBOfficial Debut album 'Earth' , @george_ogilvie's 'White Out'… - 5 years ago

@GilScarlett_: Been a fan since you had only 4 or 5 songs on Spotify and adored your music ever since. Seeing your first album out… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: White Out featured in @theipaper x - 5 years ago

@stephansonic: @george_ogilvie the album is amazing! Currently on the third listen and it keeps getting better - 5 years ago

@dinosauract: Continuing the trend of my friends being much, much more talented than me, @george_ogilvie releases his album today… - 5 years ago

@gilesbidder: Today in @theipaper New belters from @lauramarlinghq @SaintSaviour @orvillepeck @mavisstaples @george_ogilvie… - 5 years ago

@starlit_tae: @george_ogilvie you're welcome! and thank YOU for an incredible album, very healing especially in these times 💜 rea… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: @starlit_tae Thanks so much 🧡 - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: Thank you x - 5 years ago

@BessAtwell: Surprise! I have a song out with my friend George Ogilvie. It's track 4 on his incredible debut record. I hope it b… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: RT @minnis2society1: Some AMAZING new albums to bring us into the weekend @EOBOfficial Debut album 'Earth' , @george_ogilvie's 'White Out'… - 5 years ago

@D00GS86: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@Rn1967Nicol: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@dominick1888: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@virginm62294885: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@mac_rory92: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@hardiiia: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@terry_finnigan: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@CeltiCRab19671: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@TOPJBHOY: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@Pine_Barrens: The likes of Cambell Ogilvie, Gordon Smith, Jim Farry, Sandy Bryson, George Peat, and Andrew Dickson, at the heart… - 5 years ago

@Henriklubo: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@waco61: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@AlanSte45321563: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@CoolookFox: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@joelubo67: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@steviebhoyc1888: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@nathysmusic: @se7enlayers @ShawnKerrMusic, @brydeofficial, In the city, @george_ogilvie ✨✨✨ - 5 years ago

@goronl: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@Mibbeesayes: RT @TheTributeAct: Since when did the men who run Scottish football have to be impartial? Remember Gordon Smith, Campbell Ogilvie, George… - 5 years ago

@justreallyweird: @george_ogilvie Excited!! - 5 years ago

@BessAtwell: @george_ogilvie Cannot WAIT for people to hear this masterpiece - 5 years ago

@CarlaPelicari: @george_ogilvie - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: Can’t wait to share this record with you all on Friday. - 5 years ago

@ogilvie_vikki: @mtescobosa @JDMorgan George is a girl not a boy - 5 years ago

@MarkGrenham: @george_ogilvie Is there anywhere to find it on Youtube? The old version of the song. x - 5 years ago

@davidhone: 9. MAD MAX: BEYOND THUNDERDOME (George Miller, George Ogilvie, 1985): Needed more thunderdome, even more sexy saxophone. #stayathomecentury - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: ‘White Out’ behind the scenes recording strings for one of my favourite songs on the album. Arranged by… - 5 years ago

@Willgomez711: Mad Max: más allá de la cúpula del trueno (Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, 1985) Dir: George Miller y George Ogilvie. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: George Ogilvie, you will be missed - #GeorgeOgilvie #George #Ogilvie #rip - 5 years ago

@su_gar_bar: Here’s a song for you… Foreign Hands by George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@doepamine: RT @doepamine: Never really post singing videos on here anymore and I woke up wanting to sing so here’s Dust in the Wind by @george_ogilvie… - 5 years ago

@PALOMITERO: RT @AnabelPelli: 80. #CineVistoEn2020 Mad Max 3: Más allá de la Cúpula del Trueno. George Miller y George Ogilvie (1985). Muy bien la est… - 5 years ago

@AnabelPelli: 80. #CineVistoEn2020 Mad Max 3: Más allá de la Cúpula del Trueno. George Miller y George Ogilvie (1985). Muy bien… - 5 years ago

@x_rizpah: - 5 years ago

@MovieGifBot: 🔹 MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDERDOME George Miller, George Ogilvie, 1985 - 5 years ago

@Sam_Shearon: RT @russellcrowe: A gifted teacher in art, theatre and life. A deep privilege to have known George. There is still a resonance daily in my… - 5 years ago

@itsmoyano_: 72. Mad Max 3 Beyond Thunderdome (George Miller, George Ogilvie, 1985) - 5 years ago

@FindShotFirst: 🌟 Congrats to @Rezafez & 1 other player who found screenshot #117275 "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" (George Miller, G… - 5 years ago

@Boxopere: RT @Caligulli: Mort du coréalisateur de Mad Max 3, George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@stephansonic: @george_ogilvie Can’t wait! - 5 years ago

@Ananda_hmarques: @george_ogilvie I’m excited for that! 💙 - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: It’s bizarre that I’m about to release so many songs at once, Friday’s gonna be a big day. #WhiteOut - 5 years ago

@euphorictimmy: @chalamelady Surveillance - george ogilvie - 5 years ago

@Kylie0529: RT @doepamine: Never really post singing videos on here anymore and I woke up wanting to sing so here’s Dust in the Wind by @george_ogilvie… - 5 years ago

@doepamine: Never really post singing videos on here anymore and I woke up wanting to sing so here’s Dust in the Wind by… - 5 years ago

@HARNgroup: RT @Akkasah_NYUAD: Fuleihan participated in the construction of the Holland Tunnel and George Washington Bridge. [… - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: This has quickly become one of my favourite albums ever in isolation @pavement_band - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: @jasminetdscott Watched it last night and thought the same - 5 years ago

@Seftalililili: Jordan Mackampa Charlie Cunningham Imaginary Future Harrison Storm George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@Akkasah_NYUAD: Fuleihan participated in the construction of the Holland Tunnel and George Washington Bridge.… - 5 years ago

@westwindcomics: - 5 years ago

@NFSAonline: Vale George Ogilvie. Widely recognised as one of Australia's most acclaimed theatre, film and television directors.… - 5 years ago

@jot_au: RT @artscentremelb: Saddened at the passing of arts legend George Ogilvie earlier this week. "Australian director George Ogilvie, whose dis… - 5 years ago

@artscentremelb: Saddened at the passing of arts legend George Ogilvie earlier this week. "Australian director George Ogilvie, whose… - 5 years ago

@Fitnessgirlus: Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Co-Director George Ogilvie Dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Director George Ogilvie; actors Lee Fierro, Forrest Compton, Ron Graham; engraver and photogr… - 5 years ago

@ComplaymentdO: RT @Caligulli: Mort du coréalisateur de Mad Max 3, George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@Alain_Marche: George Ogilvie, Co-Director of 'Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,' Dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@Aurlie68641650: RT @BFMTV_People: Mort de George Ogilvie, co-réalisateur de Mad Max 3 et pygmalion de Russell Crowe - 5 years ago

@fede_tani: Addio a George Ogilvie, co-regista di Mad Max oltre la sfera del tuono – Cinema – - 5 years ago

@cinema_ccp: 😢😢 Addio a George Ogilvie, co-regista di Mad Max oltre la sfera del tuono – Cinema – - 5 years ago

@george_ogilvie: @matthaig1 Being positive doesn’t mean pretending everything’s wonderful, you can be positive and also be realistic… - 5 years ago

@mxdwn: RT @mxdwnmovies: Co-director of #MadMaxBeyondThunderdome, George Ogilvie, has passed away at 89 - 5 years ago

@CinemApp_Cinema: Addio a #GeorgeOgilvie , il regista di 'The Crossing', film che segnò il debutto di russellcrowe. Con George Miller… - 5 years ago

@al_tran: @bdgrabinski RIP George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@Two_Cams25: RT @Variety: George Ogilvie, Co-Director of ‘Mad Max Thunderdome,’ Dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@OperaAlexD: RT @greghocking: Vale George Ogilvie.He directed the first commercial show I was involved in-The Kingfisher with Googie and John and Frank… - 5 years ago

@greghocking: Vale George Ogilvie.He directed the first commercial show I was involved in-The Kingfisher with Googie and John and… - 5 years ago

@d3Vaser: RT @tailorcontents: 조지 밀러와 함께 <매드 맥스 3>을 연출한 조지 오길비 감독이 심장마비로 사망했습니다. 향년 89세. 오길비는 영화뿐 아니라 연극과 TV산업에서도 일하며 바이런 케네디상을 수상한 바 있습니다. 삼가 고인의 명복을… - 5 years ago

@hiogilvie: George Ogilvie, Co-Director of 'Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome,' Dies at 89 - 5 years ago

@onod9: RT @eigahiho: 『息子への贈り物』『海辺の風景』『ザ・クロッシング』等の作品を監督、『マッドマックス/サンダードーム』では共同監督を務めたジョージ・オギルヴィーが89歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@noticiasmexico: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@RaulCobosAgs: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@RaulCobosTV: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@peliculasycines: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@musicaytv: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@EspectaculosMX: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@TVNovelasMexico: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@Excelsior_TV: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@tvnotasmexico: Muere a los 89 años el director George Ogilvie - 5 years ago

@mxdwnmovies: Co-director of #MadMaxBeyondThunderdome, George Ogilvie, has passed away at 89 - 5 years ago

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