George Lamming

Barbadian novelist and poet.
Died on Sunday June 5th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to George Lamming:

@slimchick1900: RT @Newsday_TT: In this week’s Dara Healy column, she reminisces about the shared times with her late uncle George Lamming and his first no… - 3 years ago

@VCapildeo: RT @SmallAxeProject: Small Axe mourns the passing of George Lamming on Saturday 4 June 2022. He was much more than the sum of all his remar… - 3 years ago

@glen_a50: RT @Newsday_TT: In this week’s Dara Healy column, she reminisces about the shared times with her late uncle George Lamming and his first no… - 3 years ago

@AHewitt25: RT @PeterBrathwaite: My recreation featuring ‘In the Castle of My Skin’, the title of the first and much acclaimed novel by Barbadian write… - 3 years ago


@SassyKFS: Whoa - a little late - but honoring and remembering Barbadian novelist and poet, George Lamming who passed at age 9… - 3 years ago

@Savageinsight: RT @drbrowne: George Lamming is an integral figure in my understanding, theorization, and practice of Caribbean Rhetoric. I go home to his… - 3 years ago

@Newsday_TT: In this week’s Dara Healy column, she reminisces about the shared times with her late uncle George Lamming and his… - 3 years ago

@AlmoraMAnderson: RT @AbelPrieto11: "En los años en que fue asesor del Centro d Estudios del Caribe de @CasAmericas, aprendí de su erudición y de su concienc… - 3 years ago

@YusuamOrtega: RT @AbelPrieto11: "En los años en que fue asesor del Centro d Estudios del Caribe de @CasAmericas, aprendí de su erudición y de su concienc… - 3 years ago

@yohana_cuba: RT @AbelPrieto11: "En los años en que fue asesor del Centro d Estudios del Caribe de @CasAmericas, aprendí de su erudición y de su concienc… - 3 years ago

@soulwhispers: RT @CSUofToronto: The life and legacy of George Lamming (1927-2022) is honored by Professor Richard Drayton in his column for “In The Diasp… - 3 years ago

@soulwhispers: RT @njlightfoot: “Colonialism has taught us that our knowledge can be easily destroyed. We must protect it not by hoarding it but curating… - 3 years ago

@AfricanaSmith: RT @SmallAxeProject: Small Axe mourns the passing of George Lamming on Saturday 4 June 2022. He was much more than the sum of all his remar… - 3 years ago

@CharleneCMCC: RT @caribcamnews: Renowned novelist George Lamming dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@TheCaribbeanWri: “They had the unlettered man's respect for the written word. There was something formidable, even sacred, about a b… - 3 years ago

@marthadelcmv: RT @AbelPrieto11: "En los años en que fue asesor del Centro d Estudios del Caribe de @CasAmericas, aprendí de su erudición y de su concienc… - 3 years ago

@RahymRJoseph: RT @ArmstrongAlexi1: Today I heard a 40+ Caribbean citizen ask, who was George Lamming. Would you support online lessons about Caribbean in… - 3 years ago

@FreddyJeune: RT @AbelPrieto11: George Lamming es y seguirá siendo un patriarca sagrado de nuestra cultura, sobre todo cuando lo popular se instala, por… - 3 years ago

@mediabizto: RT @caribcamnews: Renowned novelist George Lamming dies at 94 - 3 years ago

@Wiblicks: RT @PeterBrathwaite: My recreation featuring ‘In the Castle of My Skin’, the title of the first and much acclaimed novel by Barbadian write… - 3 years ago

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