George A. Burton

American politician.
Died on Tuesday June 10th 2014

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to George A. Burton:

@hypothetiks: @George_Burton_ I'd say intensifier. I don't think there's a comparative for too

@baremetal1: @Metalic_M4g3 dont really want to tweet might get retards calling airports near Cambridge saying George Burton is a terrorist lmfao

@George_Burton_: @enjolrars like if i didn't sleep for a coupla days would it make that much difference? no

@George_Burton_: hubris of thinkin ur not gonna be the examiners lil bitch in a weeks time or less


@George_Burton_: RT @qwertee: "Cat Delivery service" is today's tee on ReTweet for a chance at a FREE TEE!

@George_Burton_: RT @qwertee: "Keeper of the Forest" is today's tee on ReTweet for a chance at a FREE TEE!

@George_Burton_: By baby i mean i accidentally knocked a bit off and had to replant and propogate it but ;) pride

@George_Burton_: my baby cactus has taken root i am a proud father

@George_Burton_: RT @JHenshaw_: Studying ancient history is like reading a really awesome book & all your favourite characters keep dying. Why did I choose …

@George_Burton_: i didn't realise there was a cat under my bed then heard shakey tail like !!

@George_Burton_: @hypothetiks @enjolrars a (tragedy)!!

@George_Burton_: @skeletonl0rd also i didn't realise there was a george tag on your blog omg love it

@majestic_harri: @penguinclaws @George_Burton_ @jesssicap__ it's gon be a classic night in more than one sense of the word

@George_Burton_: RT @pulcher_african: She is a world renowned lawyer,author and human rights activist, yet THIS is how the media portrays her and I'm livid …

@hypothetiks: @George_Burton_ ahh. it does it for me, too. supposed to be a pic. let's try again

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