Geoff Emerick

English recording engineer (Abbey Road Studios
Died on Wednesday October 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Geoff Emerick:

@ainourai: ゾンビーズの二人のシーズンもエヴァー・グリーン。あのイントロは見事だけれども、サウンド・デザイン、録音、ミックスの良さもあるんでしょうね。録音エンジニアはGeoff Emerick - 6 years ago

@twtd886: 2-3pm today we pay tribute to Beatles recording engineer Geoff Emerick - 6 years ago

@beatsobeatles: Geoff Emerick was only fifteen when he got a job as an amateur recording engineer at Abbey Road Studios in 1962. - 6 years ago

@jcarlosmix1023: Hoy en 102.3 @MixMxOficial la breve historia #DetrásDeLaCanción "Tomorrow Never Knows" de @thebeatles y cómo el ing… - 6 years ago


@ColinJM: @aob_oyle @brian_gough The Geoff Emerick of early dublin shoegaze. - 6 years ago

@chase_stephen: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@TonnieSmith82: RT @Manhattanpeachy: #WhomWeMiss #GeoffEmerick @RecordingAcad #NewYorkNotes #WhomYouKnow RECORDING ACADEMY™ STATEMENT RE: GEOFF EMERICK OCT… - 6 years ago

@Manhattanpeachy: #WhomWeMiss #GeoffEmerick @RecordingAcad #NewYorkNotes #WhomYouKnow RECORDING ACADEMY™ STATEMENT RE: GEOFF EMERICK… - 6 years ago

@Manhattanpeachy: #WhomWeMiss #GeoffEmerick @RecordingAcad #NewYorkNotes #WhomYouKnow RECORDING ACADEMY™ STATEMENT RE: GEOFF EMERICK… - 6 years ago

@elite99thc: RT @thebeatles: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Geoff Emerick, who has sadly passed. Geoff’s work as audio engineer on thei… - 6 years ago

@soundopinions: @JimDeRogatis @gregkot @imLeor @Spotify We also revisit our interview with @thebeatles engineer Geoff Emerick, who… - 6 years ago

@IsitaMona: Grabando baterías y overdubs en honor de Geoff Emerick. El local se convierte en cosa seria para Esplendor. - 6 years ago

@Artspromo: Geoff Emerick, 72, Dies; Recorded the Beatles in Their Prime - 6 years ago

@John_murphy1: What a career this guy had, and yet not that many people will know his name. RIP Geoff Emerick. - 6 years ago

@Parker_Millions: RT @TheIntangiblez: RIP Geoff Emerick...what a legend. I don't think kick drums would sound the same today without that guy. - 6 years ago

@tanaka1hiko: RT @PaulMcCartney: Paul pays tribute to Geoff Emerick: - 6 years ago

@miguel_peral56: Beatles recording engineer Geoff Emerick dead at 72 - 6 years ago

@rosalia_lopez3: Beatles recording engineer Geoff Emerick dead at 72 - 6 years ago

@adoldiaz: Hoy me enteré que - después de su visita al Paraguay - Geoff Emerick (el ingeniero de sonido de Los Beatles) manife… - 6 years ago

@DanielaJoyner8: Beatles recording engineer Geoff Emerick dead at 72 - 6 years ago

@GracaPortela: RT @AbbeyRoad: Geoff Emerick helped transform music recording with his creative flair, innovation and passion, playing a paramount part not… - 6 years ago

@naciparamirar: RT @silenciocomar: Lennon: Quiero que mi voz suene como un coro de monjes tibetanos cantando en la cima del Himalaya. Emerick: Hold my tea.… - 6 years ago

@MisteRational: RT @nytimesmusic: “When everything is perfectly in time, the ear or mind tends to ignore it, much like a clock ticking in your bedroom — af… - 6 years ago

@SceneStealrEric: RT @robsheff: RIP Geoff Emerick, a true innovator who helped the Beatles listen to the color of their dreams - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: “When everything is perfectly in time, the ear or mind tends to ignore it, much like a clock ticking in your bedroo… - 6 years ago

@Puckywuckums: @RichBuskin You are missed. I really enjoyed your Geoff Emerick tribute episode. Very well done - 6 years ago

@willblanchard: RT @thebeatles: Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Geoff Emerick, who has sadly passed. Geoff’s work as audio engineer on thei… - 6 years ago

@RalphMcLeanShow: RT @PowerInTheDark1: Fantastic interview with the great Geoff Emerick @RalphMcLeanShow - sometimes it easy to overlook the contribution peo… - 6 years ago

@phillmarshall: RT @AbbeyRoad: On this day in 1962, @TheBeatles released their debut single ‘Love Me Do’. The recording session took place at Abbey Road on… - 6 years ago

@pga_141: Hace unos días leí sobre un estudio suyo que estaba en venta, hoy he leido que hace unos días murió, y las principa… - 6 years ago

@talkmoretalk1: Our newest episode is now up on YouTube! We pay tribute to Geoff Emerick and discuss the "Imagine" box set. - 6 years ago

@foamcastles: - 6 years ago

@PowerInTheDark1: Fantastic interview with the great Geoff Emerick @RalphMcLeanShow - sometimes it easy to overlook the contribution… - 6 years ago

@_plaidcat_: RT @robsheff: RIP Geoff Emerick, a true innovator who helped the Beatles listen to the color of their dreams - 6 years ago

@eclipse70s: RT @RollingStone: How engineer Geoff Emerick helped the Beatles reinvent music - 6 years ago

@spanisholdbazza: RT @ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe: Recording engineer Geoff Emerick lucked into being in the right place at exactly the righ… - 6 years ago

@EclecticLeeS: RT @ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe: Recording engineer Geoff Emerick lucked into being in the right place at exactly the righ… - 6 years ago

@TittyBingo: Beatles Engineer Geoff Emerick on Recording Sgt. Pepper - 6 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This Week's Honorary Unsubscribe: Recording engineer Geoff Emerick lucked into being in the right place at exactly… - 6 years ago

@PaulMacCatney: RT @PaulMcCartney: Paul pays tribute to Geoff Emerick: - 6 years ago

@JCMusicRadio: Paul McCartney pays tribute to Beatles engineer Geoff Emerick - 6 years ago

@QJenn77: RT @AbbeyRoad: Geoff Emerick helped transform music recording with his creative flair, innovation and passion, playing a paramount part not… - 6 years ago

@joesavnyc: - 6 years ago

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