Gene La Rocque

American Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy.
Died on Thursday November 3rd 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Gene La Rocque:

@Groundballgolf: RIP Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@hairballjane: Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@TheAngryindian: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

@RougeForum: Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98 - The New York Times - 8 years ago


@masspeaceaction: One of the most effective antinuclear / antimilitarist leaders to emerge from the military: Gene R. La Rocque, 98 - 8 years ago

@nanfree24: LaRocques words: I don't think I've changed. I was a good ship captain. I was tough. I worked like the devil to... - 8 years ago

@DkriegerNAPF: Adm. Gene La Rocque, the 2nd recipient of the @napf Distinguished Peace Leadership Award, died recently at age 98 -- a great man. - 8 years ago

@TheHumanCar: RT @nduley: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 #hero - 8 years ago

@cdfergusonII: Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@SalAlbaneseNYC: Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@MarkThompson_DC: He Rocked The Boat. RADM Gene La Rocque, who made wakes while in the Navy, and waves afterward. 1918-2016. R.I.P.… - 8 years ago

@KWRutter: RT @DarylGKimball: One of the good guys: "Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98" - 8 years ago

@bicycleradical: RT @nduley: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 #hero - 8 years ago

@JKneuvean: RT @Doug_Bandow: Gene La Rocque, admiral and co-founder of Center for Defense Information, dies at 98. - 8 years ago

@McanenyDouglas: Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@dtpfilm: #DisturbPeace Today we honor Admiral Gene La Rocque, who served in the US military and then became its outspoken... - 8 years ago

@dtpfilm: RT @masspeaceaction: One of the most effective antinuclear / antimilitarist leaders to emerge from the military: Gene R. La Rocque, 98 http… - 8 years ago

@murphycat2012: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@Spanishcountry: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98 - 8 years ago

@17ThomasPaine76: RT @Doug_Bandow: Gene La Rocque, admiral and co-founder of Center for Defense Information, dies at 98. - 8 years ago

@Doug_Bandow: Gene La Rocque, admiral and co-founder of Center for Defense Information, dies at 98. - 8 years ago

@KronstadtRebel: RT @sickjew: “They don’t die for the honor and glory of their country. We kill them.” - 8 years ago

@New_Narrative: “@starsandstripes: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98: - 8 years ago

@Flynseann: RT @starsandstripes: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98: - 8 years ago

@NoThiefs: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98: - 8 years ago

@Holmesdonna1: RT @starsandstripes: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98: - 8 years ago

@starsandstripes: Gene R. La Rocque, Navy admiral who became Pentagon critic, dies at 98: - 8 years ago

@sdien: Gene La Rocque, Decorated Veteran Who Condemned Waste of War, Dies at 98, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@carolina_peace: Founder of the Center for Defense Information, a pro-peace yet pro-military think tank, passes away.... - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Gene La Rocque, American rear admiral, Died at 98 - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 11 929) #Gene #La #Rocque 98 ( #June 29, 1918 | #October 31, 2016) #American #Rear #Admiral #US #Navy - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Gene La Rocque is a goner: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Gene La Rocque - #GeneLaRocque #Gene #LaRocque #rip - 8 years ago

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