Gene Deitch

American illustrator
Died on Friday April 17th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Gene Deitch:

@RotricTweets: Gene Deitch, The Creator Of Tom & Jerry Dies At 95 #animator #cartoons #comics #deitch #director #gene #Genedeitch… - 5 years ago

@laxmedellin: #LoMejorDeLaSemana El dibujante murió el pasado jueves 16 de abril a sus 95 años en Praga, lugar al que se había… - 5 years ago

@genznyt: RT @NYTObits: Early in his career, he made commercials for Piels beer. “The beer was dreadful,” he said, “but the commercials boosted its s… - 5 years ago

@bacf00: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago


@Harshit75251370: RT @Jagdish53334527: हमारे बचपन को खुशियों से भरने वाले, Tom & Jerry के रचयिता Gene Deitch को श्रद्धांजलि🙏......जिन्होंने 16 अगस्त को इस दु… - 5 years ago

@_MR_moonrider: RT @ChrisGold22: Director of Tom and Jerry & Popeye RIP Gene Deitch. (August 8, 1924 - April 16, 2020) (age 95) Thanks for making my Chil… - 5 years ago

@Muhammad_Akhuwa: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@mega_sine: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@miroiz: RT @abc_es: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@persephonejsnow: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@agendautomotriz: RT @abc_es: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@IAmATimeBomb: Tbh this year is just a mess, first bushfires, Corona, then Kobe dies, IDubbbz(atleast leafyisback), COPPA, Tom and… - 5 years ago

@dylane_alex96: RT @poetee__: Heard the Director of 'Tom and Jerry' Gene Deitch passed away few days back RIP Sir, thanks for giving us an awesome childho… - 5 years ago

@mathurin509: RT @poetee__: Heard the Director of 'Tom and Jerry' Gene Deitch passed away few days back RIP Sir, thanks for giving us an awesome childho… - 5 years ago

@123lowonza: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@NinoBee_: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@the_hendersons: r.i.p. gene thankful for his genius - 5 years ago

@Muuropa: RT @munkult: Том Жерри хүүхэлдэйн киноны нэрт зохиолч Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) амьдарчээ. Ум мани бад ми хум 🙏 - 5 years ago

@droalmeidam: RT @Caalf01: Murió el hombre que, en gran parte, alegró nuestra niñez. Gene Deitch ​​​ fue un ilustrador, animador y director estadounidens… - 5 years ago

@Munkhjin111: RT @munkult: Том Жерри хүүхэлдэйн киноны нэрт зохиолч Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) амьдарчээ. Ум мани бад ми хум 🙏 - 5 years ago

@MaryamB12318706: RT @ttrulss: Rest In Peace Gene Deitch 🤍 The man behind Tom & Jerry who we all grew up with.. - 5 years ago

@WitheredWolfiee: RT @DominicJGM: The Gene Deitch era of Tom and Jerry cartoons were seriously surreal, but that made them so interesting in their execution.… - 5 years ago

@AmjadRasheedJat: RT @Just_4u_friend5: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitc… - 5 years ago

@3QD: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@KayBMoloi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@skephle: Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@zawasuke: 全く知らなかったけど、トムとジェリーやポパイの製作者が2、3日前に亡くなってたらしい 2020年に入ってから偉大な人がめちゃくちゃ亡くなるな〜 RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@CraigRMcDowall: RT @DominicJGM: The Gene Deitch era of Tom and Jerry cartoons were seriously surreal, but that made them so interesting in their execution.… - 5 years ago

@PixelPawn23: RT @pixel_hp: I just found out that the director of Tom and Jerry died... Rest In Peace, Gene Deitch... thank you for making our childhood… - 5 years ago

@jorgesegovia858: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@sillycndy: RT @DrBeniRusani: Thank you Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@syauqynaa_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@studyiq: Gene Deitch – #Biography – Free PDF Download - 5 years ago

@pixel_hp: I just found out that the director of Tom and Jerry died... Rest In Peace, Gene Deitch... thank you for making our childhoods... - 5 years ago

@shadowsdepth: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ahngeloh: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@adzimah89: RT @DrBeniRusani: Thank you Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@J_STIVEEN: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@anisyhirh: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Eledil14Ccs: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@hermaissajesty: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@AmirAmmar6: 20 illustrations en hommage à Gene Deitch, le dessinateur de Tom - 5 years ago

@defshepard: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@silivake: RT @AssumptaFiguera: A mort Gene Deitch als 95 anys, il·lustrador i director de Tom i Jerry. Que la terra l'aculli 😢😢😰😰 - 5 years ago

@iviposada: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@jaayrose34: RT @_TK_SAMA: RIP Gene Deitch, director of this masterpiece of a cartoon👐🏾 Rest in Power king👑😢 - 5 years ago

@josegarriga: Character sheet for Tom Terrific aav. Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@anis_zaffirah: RT @DrBeniRusani: Thank you Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@SanaEyy: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@baco8baco: RT @rootdb21: A mort Gene Deitch als 95 anys, il·lustrador i director de Tom i Jerry. Que la terra l'aculli - 5 years ago

@NwachukwuChike: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@mazinalmadhlaum: RT @NN_1199: قبل ايام رحل صاحب الرسوم الكارتونية توم وجيري؛ شكرا من القلب Gene Deitch لانك اسعدتني في طفولتي ومازلت ابتسم لهذا العمل الكبي… - 5 years ago

@CustardChiffon: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@syerashafie: RT @DrBeniRusani: Thank you Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@disabledsenior: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - - 5 years ago

@OsamaAh03259328: RT @Mo7a226: بالأمس توفى Gene Deitch الذي أنتج لنا المسلسل الكرتوني الشهير " توم و جيري "و (بابّاي)💔. - 5 years ago

@38CaliberReview: RT @nytimesarts: Gene Deitch, an Oscar-winning animator who created the early television cartoon “Tom Terrific” and went on to make countle… - 5 years ago

@Toti04669871: RT @AssumptaFiguera: A mort Gene Deitch als 95 anys, il·lustrador i director de Tom i Jerry. Que la terra l'aculli 😢😢😰😰 - 5 years ago

@Flistflast1: RT @AssumptaFiguera: A mort Gene Deitch als 95 anys, il·lustrador i director de Tom i Jerry. Que la terra l'aculli 😢😢😰😰 - 5 years ago

@afiqahjumaat: RT @DrBeniRusani: Thank you Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@xHyPuRx: A little late but RIP to my man Gene Deitch 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@ricalaned: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@shagsaim: RT @shagsaim: @UberFacts Gene Deitch, The Creator of Tom & Jerry died 3 days ago :/ - 5 years ago

@bassam_tipoli: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@Priyank48278966: Tribute to Gene Deitch - Passed away at 95 | Director Tom & Jerry | Popeye - 5 years ago

@nigga_taytay3: RT @shagsaim: @UberFacts Gene Deitch, The Creator of Tom & Jerry died 3 days ago :/ - 5 years ago

@GodIsAbu: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ArikenV: The myth the legend Gene Deitch (a.k.a the director of Tom and Jerry) has been pass out 4 days ago. Even thought yo… - 5 years ago

@KarlieDaley1: RT @fgsouza: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos | Pop & Arte | G1 - 5 years ago

@CrazyDiamed: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@shetesandesh: RT @LoksattaLive: जीन डाइच जीन डाइच यांना केवळ ‘टॉम अ‍ॅण्ड जेरी’चे दिग्दर्शक म्हणणे, हा त्यांच्यावर एक प्रकारे अ… - 5 years ago

@lellingw: RT @nytimesworld: The animator Gene Deitch often spoke of his love for Prague, where he worked on episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and other fa… - 5 years ago

@LoksattaLive: जीन डाइच जीन डाइच यांना केवळ ‘टॉम अ‍ॅण्ड जेरी’चे दिग्दर्शक म्हणणे, हा त्यांच्यावर एक प्र… - 5 years ago

@alyssa8311: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Xibee: RT @nytimesworld: The animator Gene Deitch often spoke of his love for Prague, where he worked on episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and other fa… - 5 years ago

@humhum0702: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@_Fary_S: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@denjiwilliams: RT @nytimesworld: The animator Gene Deitch often spoke of his love for Prague, where he worked on episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and other fa… - 5 years ago

@thatsmoreamoore: RT @nytimesworld: The animator Gene Deitch often spoke of his love for Prague, where he worked on episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and other fa… - 5 years ago

@dee_el_glee: RT @nytimesworld: The animator Gene Deitch often spoke of his love for Prague, where he worked on episodes of "Tom and Jerry" and other fa… - 5 years ago

@battyhorror: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Nico98Garcia: RT @AnimalesCagadas: En honor a Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry. - 5 years ago

@hottrendtees: After searching for Gene deitch tom and jerry 19242020 thank you for making my childhood awesome and memorable sign… - 5 years ago

@hottrendtees: The founder Gene Deitch tom and jerry thank you for the memories shirt . and overall mastermind behind Flag Day Int… - 5 years ago

@AnimalesCagadas: En honor a Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry. - 5 years ago

@EstherStang: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@KellyBrouse: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@DannyDutch: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@Appu41498719: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@wendyOrourke: RT @wardomatic: Earlier thread on Gene Deitch's illustration & comic work: - 5 years ago

@gcarrion013: RT @Gif37364869: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años - N Digital Via: ========… - 5 years ago

@ChullaEl: Hace unos días falleció Gene Deitch ilustrador de Tom and Jerry y pues me puse a pensar en caricaturas  y bueno, de… - 5 years ago

@Sanaj07: #RIP Thank you for many beautiful animated childhood memories - 5 years ago

@galielle_: RT @_TK_SAMA: RIP Gene Deitch, director of this masterpiece of a cartoon👐🏾 Rest in Power king👑😢 - 5 years ago

@NameisChakri_: RT @Westnile2: RIP Gene Deitch. #TomandJerry was the best! - 5 years ago

@tincho_lorenzo: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@xxjustafan: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@big_nxg: RT @_TK_SAMA: RIP Gene Deitch, director of this masterpiece of a cartoon👐🏾 Rest in Power king👑😢 - 5 years ago

@mahya_1116: Tom and Jerry director Gene Deitch dies aged 95 - 5 years ago

@CuartaRepublic1: Murió Gene Deitch: el legado que dejó el famoso dibujante de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye” - 5 years ago

@taylapcrawl: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@tamalchanda: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@red_hot_fox: RT @inotsutoonfire: “不気味なトムとジェリー” シリーズ として子供心に深い印象を与える13作を残したジーンダイッチが一昨日95歳で大往生されたそうだ Tom and Jerry director Gene Deitch dies aged 95 http… - 5 years ago

@hamzaaef: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Chasseur2Ratpi: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@DinooShxlby: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@johnyangtv: Tom Terrific, Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog and Crabby Appleton! Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@Vivek44239530: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@Kellyextraa1: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@aDFWTaxiCab: "Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95" by Neil Genzlinger via NYT - 5 years ago

@limbolaraghu: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@am27i3: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@ConfidenceOfVic: RIP Gene Deitch. His cartoon Munro, written by Jules Feiffer and voiced by Howard Morris, was a seminal moment for… - 5 years ago

@DougJones100: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020), illustrator/animator who won an Oscar for his short Munro and was nominated for one… - 5 years ago

@effetpapillon20: 🦋 Gene Deitch, réalisateur oscarisé de Tom et Jerry, Popeye Cartoons s’éteint à 95 ans. - 5 years ago

@kingeorge79: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@katharine_weber: Why do I know the Tom Terrific theme song? Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@_short_jasmin_: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@aladarljones: Gene Deitch, Prolific Animator, Is Dead at 95 - 5 years ago

@MitchNunez: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@_imanisworld: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@unAmargado_mas: RT @Caalf01: Murió el hombre que, en gran parte, alegró nuestra niñez. Gene Deitch ​​​ fue un ilustrador, animador y director estadounidens… - 5 years ago

@unAmargado_mas: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@rsalvop: @Tele13_Radio #Página13 Rip Gene Deitch Mejor capitulo de Tom & Jerry ? muchos pero me quedo cuando competía con o… - 5 years ago

@mirazlkrn: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ayuunirosl: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@rsalvop: RT @Tele13_Radio: 📽️#Página13 | Muerte de Gene Deitch "Tomó el encargo de hacer 8 cortos de Tom y Jerry, pero innovó completamente porque… - 5 years ago

@amym1303_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@hbachmannr: RT @Tele13_Radio: 📽️#Página13 | Muerte de Gene Deitch "Tomó el encargo de hacer 8 cortos de Tom y Jerry, pero innovó completamente porque… - 5 years ago

@Tele13_Radio: 📽️#Página13 | Muerte de Gene Deitch "Tomó el encargo de hacer 8 cortos de Tom y Jerry, pero innovó completamente p… - 5 years ago

@Mariusz71429976: RT @lata8290: Smutna informacja... 16 kwietnia, w Pradze zmarł Gene Deitch – reżyser, animator i laureat Oscara. Był twórcą kultowych bajek… - 5 years ago

@Lazlos_Martini: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@tobz_man: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@King_skie410: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@moonfacedqueen: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@Rawabios_: RT @Achilles_16: Man who made our childhood awesome ❤️ RIP SIR 🙏 Gene Deitch left the world today at age of 95 - 5 years ago

@Saeed_Omar7: This man brought so much joy in our lives and the lives of our youngest family members. Rest in Power Mr. Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@Hellbrus1: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@HolyMadre4ever: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@BenSoloTio: Hace un par de días falleció Gene Deitch, el creador de "Las aventuras de Tom y Jerry" o "Popeye", una parte de la… - 5 years ago

@BeritaV40692092: Pencipta Animasi Popeye, Tom and Jerry, meninggal Dunia di Usia 95 tahun (Gene Deitch - 1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@RayEldiabloz: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@guaposterling: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Kawineprado: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@MRichster: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@ninalbaut: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@PhilomeneCleo: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@FairlyOddRyan: Gene Deitch a great cartoonist died on the 16th #GeneDeitch #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@anthonylomell: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ELLETW6: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@Endoca_: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@pochologonz44: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@xxtentacouille: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@trevdiggitydawg: RT @_ibcf_: maybe @AnimeGolem's good tweets will convince people that gene deitch did a lot more interesting stuff than just those oft-mali… - 5 years ago

@zepeda_rony: RT @PampichiNews: #Internacionales Muere a los 95 años de edad, Gene Deitch, creador de las famosas caricaturas “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye” y… - 5 years ago

@CheefBj: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@lyricj98: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Lonlock615: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@shakespeareXXI: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@Capitandeloste1: RT @elimpacto_es: CULTURA: Muere a los 95 años Gene Deitch, animador de 'Tom & Jerry' y 'Popeye'. El famoso director y animador, Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@kaffrenn: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@shagsaim: @UberFacts Gene Deitch, The Creator of Tom & Jerry died 3 days ago :/ - 5 years ago

@gisela_coutinho: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Jaytooliveeee: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@gmgrup1: RT @elimpacto_es: CULTURA: Muere a los 95 años Gene Deitch, animador de 'Tom & Jerry' y 'Popeye'. El famoso director y animador, Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@QueenShae7: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Busraa3435: Temel Reis ile Tom ve Jerry Çalışmalarıyla bizlere iz bırakan adam ( Gene Deitch ) Hayatını Kaybetti..çocukluğumun… - 5 years ago

@dionnaa_mareee: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Caricatutronico: @IMDb Someone has to edit Gene Deitch’s mini biography, according to which Gene “still lives in Prague, with his wife, Zdenka.” - 5 years ago

@djmatthewmorris: This week, the Director of our beloved Tom & Jerry, and Popeye, Gene Deitch [1924-2020] passed away. 📽🐈🐀⚓ Thank you… - 5 years ago

@Cik_Ayu_Ismail: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@Manuel_EGP: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@xoxoGossip_Boy: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@xoxoGossip_Boy: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@LilJ___: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@ArianAlcala_: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@FroozeFroozy: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@wopeross: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@EsmanurEce3: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@reneca16: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@Mustafanda5: Temel Reis ile Tom ve Jerry Çalışmaları İz Bıraktı: Usta Animatör 1924-2020 yaş 95 ( Gene Deitch ) Hayatını Kaybetti - 5 years ago

@NEORAM27: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@canevari_atilio: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@EduardRay7: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@NeedsMore_Walt: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@ahyangbetuls: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@HariGup99440471: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@afcathaca: - 5 years ago

@ivanpecerohdz: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@Komal_kaushik_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@TheGlueSniffer: RT @_ibcf_: maybe @AnimeGolem's good tweets will convince people that gene deitch did a lot more interesting stuff than just those oft-mali… - 5 years ago

@tfbdes: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@WillTarter: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@shafinaz02: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@iElFilosofo: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@fredo54755251: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Latiendaroja1: RT @CuchisLas: Murió Gene Deitch... El creador de Tom y Jerry! 😪 - 5 years ago

@_MTGM_: @AegisBoy @madjackrabbit The tweet is being sarcastic. Gene Deitch did not create either characters, he just direct… - 5 years ago

@GirlllAlmiighty: RT @B2picture: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@Margarette99: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@mondial22: Gene Deitch, creator of cartoons Popeye and Tom & Jerry, passed away yesterday at age 95. Thank you for making our childhood awesome. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Mattram2001: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@deswest___: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@chytear8: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Burcuozsandkci: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@HoldenHaroldsen: RT @Comic_Con: Last week we said goodbye to American illustrator and film director Gene Deitch. From his work at Terrytoons to directing fa… - 5 years ago

@maxytapia: RT @cristianivic: Falleció a los 96 años Gene Deitch, el papá de Tom y Jerry. Fue el creador del concepto de la violencia en los dibujos an… - 5 years ago

@KimberlyMcKinn3: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Pal_Singh7: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@SpunkySpade: @madjackrabbit Popeye was created by E. C. Segar for those who don't know (he died in 1938). Gene Deitch was a dir… - 5 years ago

@LuisRockX: RT @Nida__Hussain: Tom and jerry Director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95, it's been confirmed. RIP to the man who made our childhood… - 5 years ago

@J1hunnitt: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@eleandracryste1: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@eskiz64: Geçtiğimiz günlerde aramızdan ayrılan usta çizer Gene Deitch’in ardından bir çok sanatçı saygı duruşunda bulundu… - 5 years ago

@tammygorali: RIP Gene Deitch (he illustrated #popeye Popeye and #TomandJerry ) - 5 years ago

@mini_klaus: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@g2rm2002: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@flagadadada: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@moalug: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@marielizpg: RT @noticias24: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@redstarzer06ix: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@GustavoRipoll3: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@josevencol: RT @noticias24: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@MateDoom: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@MostDopeBhris: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@sonia9mari: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@Andryta: RT @boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@boredpanda: 25 Artists Pay Respect To The Late Gene Deitch, The Illustrator Of Tom & Jerry And Popeye #GeneDeitch #tribute - 5 years ago

@carlospolcoe: RT @noticias24: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@thisisbojat: good bye gene deitch thanks for tom and jerry - 5 years ago

@LtWillard: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@randyhnelson: A cartooning icon has gone home. This tribute is heartwarming and nostalgic. - 5 years ago

@heligonzalezve: RT @noticias24: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@noticias24: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@FAQQA_G: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@jet_jumping: RT @arad_bozorgmehr: So two days ago gene deitch the director of tom and Jerry died so i just wanted to say thank you for creating such a… - 5 years ago

@rexpapii: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@jumperix: RT @ComicBook: Gene Deitch, the legendary animator known in part for his work on Popeye and Tom & Jerry cartoons, has died at 95. - 5 years ago

@MyrGut: 🙏🏻 Gene Deitch, creador de “Tom y Jerry”. - 5 years ago

@sagraska: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@0l5ll: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@HA_____HA___: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@Mulla_Malikai: RT @_HighDreamer: My Heart Hurts 🥺 RIP Gene Deitch The Very Man Behind Tom & Jerry 🤧 - 5 years ago

@Miss_Keys88: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Katryneeeee: RT @DanieILima: Obrigado pela minha incrível infância, Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@prestonnn7: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@jWTwaGp6cJL03D5: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@carlos2awesome: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@8Siila: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@Jordan9ja: RT @Jordan9ja: #Jib : #GeneDeitch , Director of Popular #TomandJerry #Cartoon Found Dead in His Apartment: - 5 years ago

@Qm__ff: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@alexendrapsbzh: 20 illustrations en hommage à Gene Deitch, le dessinateur de Tom - 5 years ago

@hirmiz_nahreen: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@eldooo0: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@floryague: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@DanieILima: Obrigado pela minha incrível infância, Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@Gnoja_22: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@XavC6775: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@goiinr: RT @qu_een19: وفاة مخرج 'Tom & Jerry' بعمر الـ95 سنة. Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Thank you 💖 - 5 years ago

@richier1127: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@cwrz_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Marya69140: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@Sa36Saad: RT @NN_1199: قبل ايام رحل صاحب الرسوم الكارتونية توم وجيري؛ شكرا من القلب Gene Deitch لانك اسعدتني في طفولتي ومازلت ابتسم لهذا العمل الكبي… - 5 years ago

@dream_dream80: RT @NN_1199: قبل ايام رحل صاحب الرسوم الكارتونية توم وجيري؛ شكرا من القلب Gene Deitch لانك اسعدتني في طفولتي ومازلت ابتسم لهذا العمل الكبي… - 5 years ago

@mimey195: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@hazwaniamiraaa: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@HIPERCOCO69: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@ALi_Zain313: RT @NN_1199: قبل ايام رحل صاحب الرسوم الكارتونية توم وجيري؛ شكرا من القلب Gene Deitch لانك اسعدتني في طفولتي ومازلت ابتسم لهذا العمل الكبي… - 5 years ago

@madisynkillen: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@lok_sergino: Prague: décès du réalisateur de "Tom et Jerry", Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@phunckys: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@DamenoXe: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@logan_trautwein: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@hazarrtwiter: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Ço… - 5 years ago

@AlphaSwine: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@hazar_hasanbas: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Ço… - 5 years ago

@Illmadeadream: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@MohamadiniaAli: RT @Mimijaz11: خالق تام و جری، یوجین دایچ درگذشت. وی زاده ۸ اوت ۱۹۲۴ در شیکاگو، درگذشت۱۶ آوریل ۲۰۲۰ در پراگ. تصویرساز، پویانما، کارگردان و… - 5 years ago

@AYAlsaffar: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@irhma17: RT @Mimijaz11: خالق تام و جری، یوجین دایچ درگذشت. وی زاده ۸ اوت ۱۹۲۴ در شیکاگو، درگذشت۱۶ آوریل ۲۰۲۰ در پراگ. تصویرساز، پویانما، کارگردان و… - 5 years ago

@mick_351: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@chantalsimonato: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@Haniye_TT: RT @Mimijaz11: خالق تام و جری، یوجین دایچ درگذشت. وی زاده ۸ اوت ۱۹۲۴ در شیکاگو، درگذشت۱۶ آوریل ۲۰۲۰ در پراگ. تصویرساز، پویانما، کارگردان و… - 5 years ago

@Real_Bran: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Homere40211586: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@Ms__Ms20: RT @Mo7a226: بالأمس توفى Gene Deitch الذي أنتج لنا المسلسل الكرتوني الشهير " توم و جيري "و (بابّاي)💔. - 5 years ago

@Mimijaz11: خالق تام و جری، یوجین دایچ درگذشت. وی زاده ۸ اوت ۱۹۲۴ در شیکاگو، درگذشت۱۶ آوریل ۲۰۲۰ در پراگ. تصویرساز، پویانما، کا… - 5 years ago

@michaelgalmiche: 20 illustrations en hommage à Gene Deitch : dessinateur de Tom & Jerry et Popeye - 5 years ago

@PerstDon: RT @BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@vicfrai: RT @neudesigncl: #UnDiaComoHoy #20Abril #420day Falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años, famoso ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense… - 5 years ago

@BridgetDorient: 🎨✏ Hommage en dessins à Gene Deitch, créateur de Tom et Jerry, de Popeye. (Mort le 16 avril 2020) - 5 years ago

@jhebeemix009: Eugene Merril Deitch dit Gene Deitch est un animateur, réalisateur, producteur & auteur de bande dessinée américain… - 5 years ago

@NEORAM27: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@btw_imjuicy: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@pascalinette222: 20 illustrations en hommage à Gene Deitch : dessinateur de Tom & Jerry et Popeye - - 5 years ago

@Nepururin: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@__gggggggggame: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@danylinho1114: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@syazanajamean: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@BettyBella51: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@DussolAlexis: 20 illustrations en hommage à #GeneDeitch : dessinateur de Tom & Jerry et Popeye - 5 years ago

@iElFilosofo: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@xristina_ch: RT @IloveTV12840829: Μ'αυτά και με τ'άλλα,πέρασε στα ψιλά η είδηση του θανάτου του Gene Deitch."ποιος είναι αυτος;" Ο δημιουργός των Τομ κα… - 5 years ago

@LuzMaLeal1: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@salth0ur: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Jvictorreis1: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@ndugumr: What a legend! Director of Tom & Jerry, Gene Deitch dies at age 95. - 5 years ago

@i_tsatsii: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Pa_Gorn: RT @deliverit_pk: Gene Deitch, the director of the famous Tom and Jerry animated series, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, f… - 5 years ago

@Wulanyunitaaa: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@bsss_cas: RT @hym_official: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #RIP.♡ https:… - 5 years ago

@TETORA_VR: - 5 years ago

@A7medd7elmy: RT @HadelElghazaly: اول تجربه لرسم الاشخاص مع اختلاف بعض الزوايا والتفاصيل عن الصوره الاصليه Gene Deitch 🖤🖤 - 5 years ago

@Sava06822615: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@dorth_law: RT @Oniks58614833: RIP 💔💔💔 Gene Deitch (1924_2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. Tom & Jerry and popeye Director.❤❤💔❤💔😘😘… - 5 years ago

@Adrianaham16: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@zeecolly: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@_yazmin24: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Ioanna_alexop: RT @IloveTV12840829: Μ'αυτά και με τ'άλλα,πέρασε στα ψιλά η είδηση του θανάτου του Gene Deitch."ποιος είναι αυτος;" Ο δημιουργός των Τομ κα… - 5 years ago

@TomCat97142939: Here is an memory for Gene Deitch! - 5 years ago

@CeAlCuadrado_: No sé como será en otras tiendas, pero al menos en Amazon parece que había demanda por la colección de cortos de To… - 5 years ago

@FreakOutWays: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@kfinoy: RT @IloveTV12840829: Μ'αυτά και με τ'άλλα,πέρασε στα ψιλά η είδηση του θανάτου του Gene Deitch."ποιος είναι αυτος;" Ο δημιουργός των Τομ κα… - 5 years ago

@beshirr_: RT @HadelElghazaly: اول تجربه لرسم الاشخاص مع اختلاف بعض الزوايا والتفاصيل عن الصوره الاصليه Gene Deitch 🖤🖤 - 5 years ago

@habznextdoor: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@EmieFrance: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@QaziSalman1983: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ReginoVR: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@ReginoVR: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Asmaa3bdelkarim: RT @HadelElghazaly: اول تجربه لرسم الاشخاص مع اختلاف بعض الزوايا والتفاصيل عن الصوره الاصليه Gene Deitch 🖤🖤 - 5 years ago

@AppleFourU: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@afalsaleh_al: RT @SyedIHusain: Tom and Jerry' director Gene Deitch, 95, dies in Prague. You have left billions of us sad. Rest in eternal peace dear Gen… - 5 years ago

@BigeriaExchange: Rip Gene Deitch, legendary director of Tom and Jerry & Popeye, passes away at 95 Thank you for all the memories, y… - 5 years ago

@BigSu__: RT @bshayona: Thanks always for the support boo glad you love your PaTcheeZ #TomandJerry and #Reptar custom hats🔥 And rest in heaven for th… - 5 years ago

@wilow882: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@tomeleonard: RT @Comic_Con: Last week we said goodbye to American illustrator and film director Gene Deitch. From his work at Terrytoons to directing fa… - 5 years ago

@LLANERENSE: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@bshayona: Thanks always for the support boo glad you love your PaTcheeZ #TomandJerry and #Reptar custom hats🔥 And rest in hea… - 5 years ago

@iffimali: RT @SyedIHusain: Tom and Jerry' director Gene Deitch, 95, dies in Prague. You have left billions of us sad. Rest in eternal peace dear Gen… - 5 years ago

@quiaraaleese: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@keenza_cesaiire: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@ImBilalAyubi: RT @SyedIHusain: Tom and Jerry' director Gene Deitch, 95, dies in Prague. You have left billions of us sad. Rest in eternal peace dear Gen… - 5 years ago

@ALI_R_Tarawneh: @NAlbdareen Gene deitch مخرج سلسلة توم و جيري و بوباي توفى - 5 years ago

@Ettpop: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@MEXZITO: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@SandraGomezC1: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Gene Deitch, cuya película “Munro” ganó el Premio de la Academia al Mejor Cortometraje de Animación en 1961, murió el… - 5 years ago

@SandraGomezC1: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@NostalgicLogic_: RT @Paruchurisande2: Thank you for an awesome child hood memories Gene Deitch. #TomandJerry were some of the first cartoons I enjoyed as a… - 5 years ago

@Naile_2004: Hace ya unos días Gene Deitch (el creador de Tom y Jerry) falleció con la edad de 95 años. Acá les dejo este post e… - 5 years ago

@GIRISH_ntr_nbk: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@Merlin18318974: RT @ttrulss: Rest In Peace Gene Deitch 🤍 The man behind Tom & Jerry who we all grew up with.. - 5 years ago

@DioVictor6: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@_KT_Aros: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@_aremo_ade: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@SwiftGodwin: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@BigassTina: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@vaidank_amit: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@dhagandey: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@Mandla_05: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@jibbyford_: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@OthnielGaijin: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Butterfly_paws: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@majidlodhy: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@cuitancay: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@jackfrost8: RT @iamkingmonye: This is Gene Deitch, an American illustrator that created and directed Tom and Jerry, he died on April 16th. Drop a love… - 5 years ago

@yaashoo: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@chtremloucoph: RT @CruelXarpi: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi... 😥 RIP Gene Deitch (1924-2020) Fo… - 5 years ago

@sruqzh: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ManiPrasad123: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@s_almajmaie: Thank you for being the reason for putting a smile on our faces, even in the most difficult times💐💐💕💕#Children… - 5 years ago

@i_garima: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@khrwenli: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@iverson_natasha: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@a_hollidayy: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@melimaciel: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@IkeNwosu1113: RT @Animated_Antic: @PaleoSteno Agreed. The Chuck Jones shorts are fun, but nowhere near as good as the Hanna Barbera shorts. The Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@IkeNwosu1113: RT @PaleoSteno: Here's a take: The Tom & Jerry shorts by Chuck Jones aren't nearly as funny as the ones that preceded them in the 40's and… - 5 years ago

@iLL_wiLL2X: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Cynicas_Hominis: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@jayeshshah29: RT @jaavedjaaferi: #TomAndJerry ..What a gift the man gave us..more than 80% of the existing world population must’ve their childhood memor… - 5 years ago

@gaming_griffin6: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@YukiMoon399: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@rottenpeachez_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Giganfatur: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Hardik91721424: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@haroldcheese609: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@haroldcheese609: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ClaudioAddict: RT @iEnterate: Murió Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020)⁣ Creador de ‘’Tom & Jerry y director de Popeye’’⁣ Gracias por una infancia increíble. ❤ http… - 5 years ago

@Godwill988: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@justinjr46: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@Anthony_pt_hoes: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago


@bogotanojose: RT @iEnterate: Murió Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020)⁣ Creador de ‘’Tom & Jerry y director de Popeye’’⁣ Gracias por una infancia increíble. ❤ http… - 5 years ago

@Blz9ventinha: RT @CruelXarpi: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi... 😥 RIP Gene Deitch (1924-2020) Fo… - 5 years ago

@ian_227: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@salvadorhdzmtz: RT @TapiaFernanda: Murió Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Creador de ''Tom & Jerry y director de Popeye'' Gracias por una infancia políticamente i… - 5 years ago

@angelstkr1: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@NehaBhatt_21: RT @Xenel_Soft: RIP Gene Deitch. Thanks for making our childhood so memorable with some of the most iconic cartoons like Tom and Jerry and… - 5 years ago

@lolitaakilos: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@syirahrazib: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Gubaldu: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@StAngelsGlobal1: R.I.P Gene Deitch (The Creator of 'Tom & Jerry' & Popeye) (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@morli77: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@TomCat97142939: RIP Gene Deitch (August 8, 1924 - April 16, 2020) - 5 years ago

@Alejandro17_12: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@gamedina28: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@CharlesAdkins09: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@KaeliMagee: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@thatslifebroo: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@jayisboring: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@TomCat97142939: Reset in Piece Gene Deitch!!! Gene died on April 19th 2020!!! that was 3 days ago!!! - 5 years ago

@MarcoMiliono: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@pablo30188062: RT @abc_es: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@usen_uwem: The creator of Gene Deitch ‘Tom and Jerry’ dies at age 95 - 5 years ago

@AaronSlade_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@iHurdle_6: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@SassyXinXi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@takemepower: RT @ComicBook: Gene Deitch, the legendary animator known in part for his work on Popeye and Tom & Jerry cartoons, has died at 95. - 5 years ago

@03d9fc2bfa60493: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@krrawats: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@nerminmat: RT @lordsinov: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yönetmenliği yapan Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğumuzda emeği büyük. Topr… - 5 years ago

@guilfbvr: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@IcaLechuga: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@Moin_Akhtar_: RT @HumairaYousafi: Man who made our childhood awesome ❤️ RIP SIR 🙏 Gene Deitch left the world today at age of 95 - 5 years ago

@RealTJSuave: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago


@neiladriansiera: RT @B2picture: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@JenniferQueenz: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@melPaternack: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@lanuwuangji: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@sleepsuweg: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@CinuleLette: RT @sucette__: Merci, Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Pour Tout 🙏❤️ #GeneDeitch Tom & Jerry 😔 - 5 years ago

@__gandabacha: RT @Popenzpopany1: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020)💔 Director of Tom & Jerry and Popeye❤ Thank you legend for making our childhood a… - 5 years ago

@elperuuano: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@SilviaBallan: RT @ChegueiDeBike: R.I.P. Gene Deitch [1925•2020] Arte: Daniel Kondo Gene Deitch morreu aos 95 anos. Deitch morreu inesperadamente durant… - 5 years ago

@emathion: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@pinoluisanaa: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@ftnamrhkhrzzmn: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@olloBata: RT @fries_send: We will never forget you Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@barbaraaa19_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@AqdasTungekar: RT @SanjoyRoyTWA: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) creator of Tom and Jerry and Popeye passed away today😔 - 5 years ago

@nataliemachado_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@HIFEL_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@VeryBlessedJosh: RT @SweetMelodiesFM: The director of the popular Tom and Jerry animated cartoons, Gene Deitch, has died at the age of 95.  The Oscar-winnin… - 5 years ago

@gizcrf_: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@ovaldtine: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@24paulis__: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@snjhaa: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@BouschbacherM: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@CeaselessVoice: RT @nivedita_Him: #TomJerry Tom n Jerry director Gene Deitch has passed away aged 95. Yesterday. My ever fav cartoon !! - 5 years ago

@Salami: RT @efend14ndi: Tom & Jerry say goodbye to their creator Gene Deitch, DEP 🖤 - 5 years ago

@krespo1: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@Eprtmmm: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@mouli106: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@Lxurie_Dnjx: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@19h53: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@caramelocfc: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@moviefanatic72: This gentleman was a huge part of my childhood Gene Deitch known for his work on Popeye and Tom n Jerry cartoon ser… - 5 years ago

@Turby09: RT @SanjoyRoyTWA: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) creator of Tom and Jerry and Popeye passed away today😔 - 5 years ago

@Omar92909155: Xfb. ¡V vhh b vb jMuere el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años - 5 years ago

@LoveMJMV: RT @believe_be_you: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) 😢 Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@rangeles_robles: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@ediazm98: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@wilsonramospe: DEP ❤💔 Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Gracias Gene por hacer que mi infancia fuera increíble!! - 5 years ago

@adrwngbrd: RT @annecyfestival: #Disparition 😢 Disparition de Gene Deitch, un des pionniers de l’animation. Illustrateur et animateur américain, dont p… - 5 years ago

@gzusmedina82: RT @TapiaFernanda: Murió Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Creador de ''Tom & Jerry y director de Popeye'' Gracias por una infancia políticamente i… - 5 years ago

@Eiriniok: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@mhotrlo02: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@syaffiq_fiq: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ValeAriasS7: RT @ValeAriasS7: Gene Deitch, Creador de ‘Tom y Jerry’ y ‘Popeye, falleció a los 95 años. Descansa en paz, te lo mereces...mi niñez se ro… - 5 years ago

@viaSash: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Dan_in_BKK: RT @benwonx: Gene Deitch นักสร้างการ์ตูนชื่อดังชาวเช็ก-อเมริกัน หนึ่งในผู้กำกับของการ์ตูนระดับตำนานอย่าง 'Tom and Jerry' และ 'Popeye' เสีย… - 5 years ago

@Sophguap: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@vickyclarke83: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@MartaSilvaa_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@D_EVie23: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@v_nenito: RT @PorLosAnimales_: Hasta pronto Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@lichopachec: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@benwonx: RT @benwonx: Gene Deitch นักสร้างการ์ตูนชื่อดังชาวเช็ก-อเมริกัน หนึ่งในผู้กำกับของการ์ตูนระดับตำนานอย่าง 'Tom and Jerry' และ 'Popeye' เสีย… - 5 years ago

@creativeyatra: The legendary, Oscar-winning #Illustrator, #animator and film director, Gene Deitch passed away last Thursday, on A… - 5 years ago

@VicAtTheLine23: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@elliebonjelly_: RT @atiee_says: Rest in Peace. Gene Deitch! 💐 #GeneDeitch #TomandJerry - 5 years ago

@dr_amangoel: RT @SanjoyRoyTWA: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) creator of Tom and Jerry and Popeye passed away today😔 - 5 years ago

@ogrencigundemi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis gibi bir kuşağı büyüten çizgi filmlerin yönetmeni Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybet… - 5 years ago

@real__nul: RT @Ybhan4: RIP Animator Tom & Jerry. Gene Deitch . Terima kasih telah menghibur masa kecil kami - 5 years ago

@ViselliTania: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@kooicch: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@IHonest007: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@kuceng_xXx: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@afiftriyoga10: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@_GaaBorges: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@muratvilken63: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti... Hepimizin izlediği çizgi filmlerdi, Allah… - 5 years ago

@marlepy: RT @sergioauad1: R.I.P. Gene Deitch! Genio de genios! Este tipo nos dió mucha felicidad durante toda la infancia a muchos y hasta hoy nos d… - 5 years ago

@yooleecy: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ziiqaaa_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@arisaftari: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@lelosantos79: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@MARIELA75521068: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@gulaybayraktr61: RT @NTVKSanat: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@allfoonss: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@tacossvie: gene deitch.... - 5 years ago

@shaab91: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@demetalmecanica: RT @SoyFlordeMaria: Hoy falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años el creador de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye". Gracias por tan bellos momentos... mis m… - 5 years ago

@_jackykf: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@medi18_: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@mehdi11b11: RT @mahoraa_zar: چقدر عکس غمناکیه 🙁 خالق تام و جری Gene Deitch درگذشت - 5 years ago

@RinconDesastre: Acabo de leer lo de Gene Deitch, D.E.P. - 5 years ago

@BilgiHirsizi0: Tom ve Jerry'nin yapımcı yönetmeni vefat etti. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Rose_2723: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@joerastafaryy: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@melduru1: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Gatonegro20191: RT @NoireDoom: Ayer estuve todo el día riéndome como imbécil diciéndole a Oveja y Skiso: «¿Sabían que se murió el creador de Tom & Jerry? 😔… - 5 years ago

@isakrtal: RT @lordsinov: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yönetmenliği yapan Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğumuzda emeği büyük. Topr… - 5 years ago

@DalilahArisha: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Savasyasar16: RT @lordsinov: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yönetmenliği yapan Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğumuzda emeği büyük. Topr… - 5 years ago

@BahriMataraci: RT @lordsinov: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yönetmenliği yapan Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğumuzda emeği büyük. Topr… - 5 years ago

@saidu_ak: RT @naphysarh01: Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome...Tom and Jerry Popeye Director GENE DEITCH (1924--2020) RIP😫. - 5 years ago

@jelaaaaaaaaa: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Juwindal1: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Tictacpsh: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Lampard_Abrar: RT @SanjoyRoyTWA: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) creator of Tom and Jerry and Popeye passed away today😔 - 5 years ago

@amalfthni: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@DUGU80953787: RT @lordsinov: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yönetmenliği yapan Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğumuzda emeği büyük. Topr… - 5 years ago

@keakgilm: RIP GENE DEITCH - 5 years ago

@haiderali154: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020)💔💔 Detector of Tom & Jerry and Popeye❤ Thank you legend for making our child… - 5 years ago

@AnandPRaman1: RT @satishacharya: RIP Gene Deitch! @sifydotcom cartoon #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@ggozdedoner: RT @mrtgezici: Tom ve Jerry'nin,çocukluğumuza damga vuran buiki güzel çizgi karakterin yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayata gözlerini yumdu.Onunla… - 5 years ago

@sssarouxxx: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@DeliaDreams: RT @NTN24: Falleció Gene Deitch, famoso ilustrador de Popeye y de Tom y Jerry - 5 years ago

@SarahAtns: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@rikaeesha: Tom and Jerry 😀 Sadly, Mr Gene Deitch the illustrator and director of Tom & Jerry, as well as other cartoons re… - 5 years ago

@ariel_maita: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@Rafaeel03_: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@danzalcman: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@BeaMarecosss: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@d3capitatorr: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@chiefumpire69: RT @Granodeor0: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!!...🖤 - 5 years ago

@adamdouieb: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@inesglt319214: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Izzmuqri8: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@isedano_25: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@BelenFernandzOk: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Ratnaaaaakmu: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@nabillaafy: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@meryscasandana: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@nomoretrisa: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@archmichel: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@ezrainside: RT @RomoJostKokoh: Ibu berkata "jangan berkelahi seperti Tom & Jerry" dan saya menanggapinya: "mereka selalu berkelahi tetapi mereka akan s… - 5 years ago

@rafiddahhh: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@efecarvacho: 😰😥 Gene Deitch Q.E.P.D 😭 #TomandJerry - 5 years ago

@LilianeBondy: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@BerthonMbete: Gene Deitch, sosok animator animasi Tom and Jerry juga Popeye meninggal dunia dalam usia 95 tahun di Praha, Ceko.… - 5 years ago

@haescobarrr: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@BeautyAdBlogger: Gene Deitch (1924-2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director. Thank you Gene; for Making our Childhood Awesome!… - 5 years ago

@tgh420: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@wardxni: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@RenataGuadalu18: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@titik404: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@hesihate: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@IllanesAda: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@AngelTenor: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@JeanApolllo: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@therealmctasty: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@DrilonnS: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@OldHound_Vlad: RT @jerry0906: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@cuchibea: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@juan_toshi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@WaffleOut: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@MynzVisuals: RIP Gene Deitch 😔❤️ - 5 years ago

@ailsonhenrique_: RT @r_inforzato: 2020 triste para o #cartoon... Já perdemos Daniel Azulay (Turma do Lambe-Lambe), Albert Uderzo (Asterix)... e agora, Gene… - 5 years ago

@Khongela_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@albaf2612: RT @YofuiaEGB: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, creador de ‘Tom y Jerry’ y ‘Popeye’, a los 95 años. - 5 years ago

@NoticiasdeAqui: Gene Deitch, el ilustrador de la serie infantil "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" falleció el pasado jueves en República Che… - 5 years ago

@Frankyventura2: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@OAPO25: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@miguel_271284: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@udeziul: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@Alexj09587199: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@cesarpatino15: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@VigneshDamoda10: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@EugenioGimenez: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@sam3oldlulu: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@caropucon: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@josek109: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@nabicolvon: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@HenryEstuardo11: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@meboko: RT @mr_adebayo5: Let's say "Thank You" to Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the memories ❤ R.I… - 5 years ago

@karmatico77: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@zaemah00: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@DesyaniPutri: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@oneoude: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Jasmine_ranae_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ViaRzkyL_21: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@elizaa_jay: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@isfauu: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@migueldelatorr8: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@COCO1989MX: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@Only_Potatoes_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@along_Sahrul: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@sercandmrc: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@_BasedGhost: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@abg_jesusc: Gene Deitch 😓🥀 (1924-2020) #Gracias por hacer que mi infancia fuera increíble ❤️ #Tom y #Jerry - 5 years ago

@eusoudeBoim: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@SpicyChorrizo: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@Maty57Mm: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@reazharke: Gene deitch (1925-2020)😢 - 5 years ago

@ofentsepaseka: RT @Imranbaloch120: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) 💔 Thank you, Gene, for making our childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" 🏵#RIPG… - 5 years ago

@xbaapx: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@shimrra: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@WhitBubblezSton: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@eoquetuquiseres: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@clvudio27: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@wahoosinfirst: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@_Shini31_: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@alanananaaaaaaa: RT @pruhpuhpumpum: RIP Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@nnbz18: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@NEORAM27: RT @NEORAM27: Gene Deitch falleció a los 95 años, director y animador estadounidense reconocido por dar vida a «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye». 🙏… - 5 years ago

@yayaissunflower: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@clarissa1695: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@34lSef: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@RosySanguine: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@soloparatiradio: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Gracias a Dios por una infancia feliz!!!...❤ @soloparatiradio… - 5 years ago

@67nver: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@BarbyDiguardi: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@srdoncam: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@inanisadida_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@bocafuckinqueen: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@beabutterflydea: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@JuliaChamme: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@sf22_flores: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@francomussoo: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@phattypeachh: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Bickpixx: RT @Bickpixx: The Gene Deitch Tom & Jerry shorts are guilty pleasures for me. This one scene from "Tall in the Trap" is just too hilarious!… - 5 years ago

@AyudaBIT: RT @TapiaFernanda: Murió Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) Creador de ''Tom & Jerry y director de Popeye'' Gracias por una infancia políticamente i… - 5 years ago

@niccmister: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@MaryAle2210: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@sxraiadesxusa: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Grow_4_Life: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@salcedomaria260: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@aabenaax: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@sharpboiUniQ: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@IcaroAlberto27: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@escaparate_oax: Así mueren los grandes. Gene Deitch, dibujante de las series animadas Tom y Jerry y Popeye falleció a la edad d… - 5 years ago

@newzbankplus: RT @DailyPostNGR: ‘Tom and Jerry’ cartoon director, Gene Deitch is dead - 5 years ago

@Davidteandtoast: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@YoseChristian: RT @RomoJostKokoh: Ibu berkata "jangan berkelahi seperti Tom & Jerry" dan saya menanggapinya: "mereka selalu berkelahi tetapi mereka akan s… - 5 years ago

@gothjv: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@juanlgv: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@muyatea: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@Arlong_Bekk: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@EmanuelJonaC: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@elyta_wanders: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@fabriciorodd: RT @salocinuy: Murió el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch a los 95 años. Horas y horas mirando sus dibujitos sin importar que sean repe… - 5 years ago

@RafaelV41347187: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@Yaw_Syck: How sad 😪 This man made my childhood amazing with lots of smile 💖 May his soul rest in peace best known for directi… - 5 years ago

@MoizZia4: RT @missMalic: Gene Deitch left the world today aged 95. The man who made our childhood fabulous and gave so many beautiful memories to the… - 5 years ago

@Blaa_Bervilino: At my age, i still enjoy watching Tom and Jerry...Thank you Gene Deitch 🙏🙏 - 5 years ago

@SilvaTalles_: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@rllamass: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@zoIdyckill: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@lummy07: RT @Plat4omLive: Tom and Jerry Creator Gene Deitch Dies At Age 95 - 5 years ago

@Tusiba: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@delirehberi: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@ighkhuan: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@C_Mka: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@BNehemias01: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@FadyHSamuell: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Tristen_76: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Rurouni_Kenshii: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@Squigzy_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ddanielphotos: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@pattybg8: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@LaurhaCarpinTro: RT @80s_y_90s: Ha fallecido Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director. Conocido por su gran trabajo en las series "Popeye" y "Tom y Jerr… - 5 years ago

@herreramartin93: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@tadeuwaw: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@Prodigy_Villa: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@anitasr28_: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@yahyazawawii: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@roulla72: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@carmbea: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@MarcosA73086452: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@kk_20_15: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@Santiago_M7: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@MrVitooor: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@__TopKlass: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@gggbbt8: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@LeilaaGz: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@rodriguez_chulo: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@EMondragon10: RT @rcnradio: Murió Gene Deitch, el 'papá' de Tom y Jerry y Popeye - 5 years ago

@willE05254860: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Reza6500: RT @mahoraa_zar: چقدر عکس غمناکیه 🙁 خالق تام و جری Gene Deitch درگذشت - 5 years ago

@JustVonny: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@kamilannuar_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@mas_turbacion: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@AlexVelas1998: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@Alexandr_Robles: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@sccphakim: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@KDjmkhukzin: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Bonni3bell: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Allyaaa25: RT @Artortoise_full: Pengarah animasi popular, Tom & Jerry, Gene Deitch meninggal dunia. Perkara tersebut disahkan oleh penerbit siri ber… - 5 years ago

@AkyeKotoko: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Junitor_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@wroengard: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@bitetheshadows: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@pr1_diego: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@putrifabiolaaa: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@BerthonIngrid: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Mannyy_18: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@charlienar26: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@Mwiche91: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@imafuckindevil: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@DulceDeLeske: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@Hey_Larry6: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@marilyntaan: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@balasilv: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@THIAGOVSK_83: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos | Pop & Arte | G1 - 5 years ago

@alivalcla: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@MendoJavi: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@_poosycat: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@GiudiceAzevedo: RT @FotosDeFatos: O criador dos peludinhos mais famosos, que fizeram parte da infância de muitos, se foi no dia 16 de abril. RIP Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@eezabiaooo: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@MArmspace: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@nationalismmode: RT @mahoraa_zar: چقدر عکس غمناکیه 🙁 خالق تام و جری Gene Deitch درگذشت - 5 years ago

@dodvy: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@CriticalTiks: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Ferniu666: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@affanzam: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ShangoriGannos: In memory of Gene Deitch: - 5 years ago

@Angel2hood: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Edge_Hanga: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Silverchild1: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@De_Juwan3: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@julio__duno: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@faahhsaai: RT @ERAdotje: Pengarah animasi popular, Tom & Jerry, Gene Deitch meninggal dunia di apartmennya di Prague, Republik Czech. Perkara tersebu… - 5 years ago

@blackbloom186: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Ntsa_tsa: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Jesuus96_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@dn15hmqry: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@c_scales5: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@badbitchh7_: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Tomas_Garnier: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@Naan_durai: RT @JohnBri49445233: Gene deitch 💔 #artoftheday #artist #arts #adobe #krita #kritaart #wacomindia #wacomtablet #tomandjerry #cartoon #pope… - 5 years ago

@SIayerCandidate: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@galaxyzero: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@lovenluhst: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@merc_ho: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Skiroach: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Lindaaaaa_18: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@BosnakogluCaner: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@BOWLIEMUFFIN: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@im_tazeem1: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020)💔 Detector of Tom & Jerry and Popeye❤ Thank you legend for making our childh… - 5 years ago

@inigogb: RT @chocodonte: No vi a nadie hacerle un homenaje a Gene Deitch, el creador de Tom y Jerry. Mis amigos iraníes lo recuerdan con cariño. ht… - 5 years ago

@pulpfcton: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@erikaberger52: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@raj4nation: RT @ImpressAds: Eugene Merril Deitch (commonly known as Gene Deitch), the Oscar-winning animator, illustrator, director, producer, who helm… - 5 years ago

@mosesaurus7: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@Cabrokis: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@muqrzzz: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@sand_endre: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@Fluff_Fluff_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@guvenn_merve: RT @filmdenkare: Çocukluğumuzun unutulmaz çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğu… - 5 years ago

@wowthatsorad: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@c_nayleah: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@antadrf: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Cansuorennn: RT @filmdenkare: Çocukluğumuzun unutulmaz çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğu… - 5 years ago

@UjwalG05: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@navarrodelpaso: RT @mc_maricarmenf: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!!... ❤ - 5 years ago

@nevrozerdede: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@adamawrites: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@marialynettte: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@LovaStr: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@_Mawusii: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Micheel_06: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@_Dxxgx: RT @PorLosAnimales_: Hasta pronto Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@Dienbumbum: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@aisyahnasri_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@fatmaaiseri: RT @cizgifilmood: Çocukluğumuzun iz bırakan çizgi filmlerinden biri olan Tom ve Jerry'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. Çocukluğ… - 5 years ago

@OscarGo69700918: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@AlessTwittah: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@naimfikhri8: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@MarieW_S: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@fjrhamdani: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@cjascura: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@LE0NARD0AGUIRRE: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@Emperor_Crimson: RT @Nida__Hussain: Tom and jerry Director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95, it's been confirmed. RIP to the man who made our childhood… - 5 years ago

@mhlomhleduku: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@hafizhanan95: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@discoverer_1: Bir yıldız daha kayıp gitti..~ Gene Deitch 1924-202~😔 #Salı - 5 years ago

@hgocv: RT @ivanmupy: - Descansa en la paz Gene Deitch 😓🥀 (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@JoseFilipe97: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@_guibugo803: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@MubarakXia: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Diben_1985: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@CF_BRUNO_PE: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@Bashalomeah: RT @moodvintage: Rest in peace Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Creator of Tom & Jerry and Popeye Thank you for making our childhood awesome https… - 5 years ago

@Lenieel20: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@EI_Lapo: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@peraltannaliz: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@JDHoneyUS: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@rianaabilla: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Abhi72910911: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@DABU_IS_KING: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@McVaporwave: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@TobiasBussain: RT @RED92cadadiamas: 😃👉🏻📺#FueronTambiénTusFavoritos??? los famosos dibujos animados "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" | #Tributo a Gene Deitch, cre… - 5 years ago

@poisonedragon: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@pralina90: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@diego102478: RT @Germanchos: Y ni me di cuenta de esto, una pena. Descansa en paz Gene Deitch y gracias por una infancia llena de carcajadas y motivos p… - 5 years ago

@stelw0: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@pmorillas11: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@BrummiDerEchte: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@flequilloislife: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@21CF10: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@anamariiaQC: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@LF2298: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@SoyJesicaRabbit: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@sandalmu_: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@bobymozy: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@__nbyla: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@fxckn_chris: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ahmet47yldz: RT @siradisibirblgi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti. - 5 years ago

@VickyCholan: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@nr4dleena: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@luzfmoranc: RT @SbastienMlires1: Muere Gene Deitch, el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años. @MoniVelasquezV - 5 years ago

@melisintwitii: Tom and Jerry director Gene Deitch has passed away at the age of 95. Rest in peace 🙏🏻😔 #TomandJerry - 5 years ago

@jananni10: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@indahSkarim: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@dorky9_ss: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@atynmee: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@sikesuwuh: RT @medcom_id: Gene Deitch, Sutradara Tom & Jerry Meninggal Dunia - 5 years ago

@Fredyandradea: Falleció el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados - 5 years ago

@munandarvnd: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@arrobaleatoria: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@wolveszz: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@wafeiyyshhrzt: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@DevanexLove: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@rizkiputria_: RT @gettv: We're sad to hear of the death of #GeneDeitch (1924–2020) — Oscar-winning animator, TOM AND JERRY and POPEYE director - 5 years ago

@AngBrette: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@merahulw: Rest in peace Sir Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@ZipForJune: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@lquinterosr: RT @SoyFlordeMaria: Hoy falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años el creador de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye". Gracias por tan bellos momentos... mis m… - 5 years ago

@emhaziq: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@NorFatihahSS501: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@badonistdh: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Fathin__48: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Abhishe64337347: RT @Jayant_R_Patil: Oscar-winning director Gene Deitch dies aged 95 at his apartment in Prague. RIP to the Creator of Tom & Jerry, Popeye a… - 5 years ago

@vasoula_vv: RT @Frau_Nikon: RIP Gene Deitch Creator of Tom and Jerry ❤️ (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Skkyxoxo_: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@hyukkiestal: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@smookielya: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@salihinkml: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@qiahaha: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@FrancescoGuate: RT @PampichiNews: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!!...❤ - 5 years ago

@odieeeee_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Presykun: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@pedrorocha22a: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@NuranTopa: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@ManuMantilla: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@JoanetRamis_5: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@miyuuka5: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@EllmaKrisya: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@SarahIA97: RT @khaledAS98: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. - 5 years ago

@malakaras: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@TysonKnockOut_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@susumlucubak: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@laselaselase: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@RedLineComCg: [Hommage] Une pensée pour Gene Deitch l'un des réalisateurs du célèbre dessin animé Tom et Jerry qui a tiré sa révé… - 5 years ago

@Aknissahoops: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@nataliama02: RT @SoyFlordeMaria: Hoy falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años el creador de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye". Gracias por tan bellos momentos... mis m… - 5 years ago

@strgazerkid: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@im_nanayawBlack: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Miichaeelkaiser: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@teennns: RT @niketania: Thank you for fulfilling my childhood with Tom and Jerry. Rest in Peace - Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@NonstopNicaita: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@JAlternador: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@fammefatalelady: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@curtis_ynk: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@panggilsajaande: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ikaikraami: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@nachow: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@1KOUKO_: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@AJsaurusRex: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@juliasalutoi: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@mlps___: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Patyspaiz: RT @SoyFlordeMaria: Hoy falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años el creador de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye". Gracias por tan bellos momentos... mis m… - 5 years ago

@rfk_sptr12: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@mierapple: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Oniraiu: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@neila_bih: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@OK_Onyatta: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@LusOliveros2: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@hellopeople_08: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Darshan45873675: RT @PuneethRajkumar: Grew up watching Tom & Jerry, Popeye, My all time favourite cartoons! Even now I enjoy watching them sometimes. Lots o… - 5 years ago

@AkashLFC__: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@noorainee_ayien: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@sonidoliteral: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@cyraaeiou_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@moe_elkhalifa: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@OchoRrr: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@ssaannss__: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@big_boy0131: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@rochjv: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@mr_escalona: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@_mndaltfh: RT @hipwee: Selamat jalan Gene Deitch. Terima kasih telah menghiasi masa kecil kami dengan karyamu - 5 years ago

@sfl_nwr: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@dree_audrey: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@kojolss: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@blckhzl: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@4ndre23: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@ForceHeavy: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Phill83Lycan: RT @salocinuy: Murió el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch a los 95 años. Horas y horas mirando sus dibujitos sin importar que sean repe… - 5 years ago

@LuciaMaharany: RT @fepoerba: We love you for making this cartoon. 🥺✨ RIP Gene Deitch (1924-2020) #TomandJerry #Corona #coronabangsat - 5 years ago

@nrbnsrylmz: RT @mizahgastesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis gibi çizgi filmleriyle bir kuşağı büyüten ünlü Animatör Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında hayatını kaybet… - 5 years ago

@hxysix79: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@KanekiKen29: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@iyiFikirAVCISI: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@zztibahar: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@nuhasan_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@eydinxx: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@nike_arini: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@ArdethaYuda: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@KINGGG_A1: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@pauliinelbr: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@Koreedee: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@AkbarRawks: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@barettaazul74: RT @ankorinclan: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias por una infancia divertida. - 5 years ago

@bn_basheer: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@culiraj: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@im_nobody_son: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Cesar69100645: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@nasfrmda9__: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@wazilian: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Gal05384686: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@GIFGOD397: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@girbly: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@Femimichael_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ZeroNamjin: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@ainafifahx: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@nuriiiin_91: RT @niketania: Thank you for fulfilling my childhood with Tom and Jerry. Rest in Peace - Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Rociodiiaz5: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@zana_sami: Tom vs Jeryy ile Temel Reis Çizgi Filmin yaratıcısı ''Gene Deitch'' hayatını kaybetmiş, çocukluğumdan bir parça git… - 5 years ago

@Havvaaslan_: Tom ve Jerry çalışmaları ile çocukluğumuza güzel anılar bırakan animatör Gene Deitch 16 nisanda hayatını kaybetmiş… - 5 years ago

@elwinnzrn: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@dadaruh: RT @BirGun_Gazetesi: Tom & Jerry ve Temel Reis'in yaratıcısı Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@Symmirsyd: RT @TheViralTrendz: -- Tom & Jerry And Popeye Creator - Gene Deitch - Has Passed Away At The Age Of 95. - 5 years ago

@REZAALFIANSYAH2: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@yoitsmachete: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@ironicnata: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@frnxh: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@PediMelanin: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@keyyssii_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@AzharShamsul_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@onurersen89: RT @onedio_kultur: Temel Reis ile Tom ve Jerry çalışmaları iz bıraktı: Usta animatör Gene Deitch hayatını kaybetti - 5 years ago

@Carolarivas_: RT @_RLau: Falleció Gene Deitch de 95años, creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”. Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!!... - 5 years ago

@adammuhammad_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@vaneesosaaa: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@Menezezzardo: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@gulermrve: RT @kadturay: Oscar ödüllü animatör, illüstratör ve film yapımcısı Gene Deitch, 95 yaşında Prag’daki evinde önceki gün hayatını kaybetti.… - 5 years ago

@MikeMeditorch: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@wnadiana_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@ainaaaarosli: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@indraaoey: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@callemi78: RT @B2picture: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@_megathafiy: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Histoire_974: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@flowerbomb_5105: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@_youknowmirabel: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@itsmuichirou: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Lurrcan: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@_philalethes_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@goldenbee97: RT @adamm_mo: This Mr. Gene Deitch he made most of our childhood awesome Producer of Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). RIP T… - 5 years ago

@Angel_HighClass: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@SaveetraRevathi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@sunkeyblack: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Lord_Quan: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@dohaaaaaaaaas: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@NudeartC: RT @IannottiArielOk: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz ♥️ - 5 years ago

@Manu_Biwot: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@SrgQY: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@ashrafxmlk: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@SEVEN_NHAMPOSSE: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@therealnayunn: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Libouh1: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@izraliberahim: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@TheRealMoLeek: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@jicouya: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Lucyel16: RT @cacocardassi: Nossa véi... fiquei triste! O Gene Deitch, ilustrador do Tom e Jerry e Popeye morreu essa semana. ☹️🥺 Tom e Jerry e Po… - 5 years ago

@askaddde: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@sirTalkaDamnLot: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@CGAnimation2020: ThankYou Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020), The Director of popular comedy animation series ”Tom and Jerry” & "Popeye". R… - 5 years ago

@Ndi_Terry: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@KyraSeobie: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@miccahassan: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@MariaRo46259159: RT @RockandRolec: No tenía idea que había fallecido Gene Deitch... Creador de Tom y Jerry. Amor eterno a ese gato y a ese ratón 😪 mis comp… - 5 years ago

@baadshay: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@basedjas_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@_nalooo: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@BadriyahKiky: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Aqielah_Aziz: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@NabilAqiem: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@vmonsss: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Juke11_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@yasmindzulbahri: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Rolando_FBB: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@maeeesi: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@emper0rhwangie: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@nikkofrncsc: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@CrimsionSamurai: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@dychin_: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@BrendaLozaa: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@mukunda100: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@aiuuu_eoo: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Tehreem0071: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@jandothetree18: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@udaykorlimarla: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Ezio_Amani: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@nureka_kartika: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ANIQS20: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@hazwanawzah_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@wsavaronaw: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@revalinaap: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@TumiBontle_: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@boiakbar: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@fareedzhelmi: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@olayomade_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@syuhadaahmadd: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@kingmarvinmond: RT @PampichiNews: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!!...❤ - 5 years ago

@lookabbey: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Ife_olu_T: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@AhmedRosicky7: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Geindeich: RT @TheLostMess: Tom and Jerry director Gene Deitch dies at the age of 95 😢 Thankyou for making my childhood a memorable one 🙏🏼♥️ Rest in… - 5 years ago

@thispacer: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ernestos16: RT @superconfirmado: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@AmieraTg2: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@syaz_syazwani: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@maisarahsftri_: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@herabarcelon: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@sampurashoen: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@hamsterberbulu: RT @debrisumule: Terima kasih sudah menghibur dan menemani masa kecilku ❤️ may you rest in peace Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@bebesitaper04: RT @mrbean697: Por cierto, antes de retirarme, hoy se fue el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, Serie de dibujos animados que aún hoy de… - 5 years ago

@lagii2tanjung: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@SHRP_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@hillaryche01: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@delfii_mia: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@CreativeSnD: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@cabanas_juarez: RT @ElUniversal: Fallece a los 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de 'Tom y Jerry' #Entretenimiento #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #EUVzla - 5 years ago

@ayakayaraya: seriusss? nangis aku 🥺 - 5 years ago

@Aamiichaaan: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@HarithMika: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@boyondepanda: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@babyy_izyan: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@yeleniscf: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@__December_Baby: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@devsr_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Karolinalopeess: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@martigarcia4_: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@LaosKathy: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@YanRibbeiro: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@yualke29: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@justtapbrohead: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@JesusGTB22: Hoy fallecio el creador de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch, 😔 Serie de dibujos animados QDEP 🕊 - 5 years ago

@basic_bitch_idm: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@Unitedstan12: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@dadoudu14600: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@JoelDoaJr1: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@trayken2016: RT @Caalf01: Murió el hombre que, en gran parte, alegró nuestra niñez. Gene Deitch ​​​ fue un ilustrador, animador y director estadounidens… - 5 years ago

@jaaguirrea: RT @SoyFlordeMaria: Hoy falleció Gene Deitch a los 95 años el creador de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye". Gracias por tan bellos momentos... mis m… - 5 years ago

@jennxcs: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@06_fevrier: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@dKumi12: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@pitoofficial: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@batchmanx: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@eduardolezcano_: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@AbbiBordon: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@MhkMandlenkosi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@palashjoshi_08: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@thiagof_igor: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@JMFOsella: RT @cointreau65: Falleció Gene Deitch, creador de "Tom y Jerry". Mil gracias maestro por una infancia feliz!!! Buen viaje QEPD - 5 years ago

@1realsamx: RT @TheViralTrendz: -- Tom & Jerry And Popeye Creator - Gene Deitch - Has Passed Away At The Age Of 95. - 5 years ago

@miss_lgone: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@cecy_garcia3: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@adele__martz: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@dipora_ombachi: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Marzislvln_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@YesLordMegatron: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@celsea_raquel: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@BlaqAugi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@MathieuCavanac2: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@iamlavi: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@ibrakillaferras: RT @FernandoCabulo3: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de Tom e Jerry, morreu hoje aos 95 anos. Obrigado por fazer nossa infância mais feliz. https… - 5 years ago

@veeroyal_: RT @Nida__Hussain: Tom and jerry Director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95, it's been confirmed. RIP to the man who made our childhood… - 5 years ago

@erisyaaaaaa: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@sakaki_chrono: RT @Nida__Hussain: Tom and jerry Director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95, it's been confirmed. RIP to the man who made our childhood… - 5 years ago

@ainsofficial: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@magnier_martin: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@Ch94v: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@KoolMoeWill: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@killxthexqueen: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@neff_tali_amaya: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Ramon_Tha_God: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@98Shaiful: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@tinyyy__17: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@mrsgullion: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@AmynahAdam: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@EmerSon_Timber: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@ims00fancy: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@railwayer: RT @Nida__Hussain: Tom and jerry Director Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95, it's been confirmed. RIP to the man who made our childhood… - 5 years ago

@iam_ijae: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Dernyz_O: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@anataenlared: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@cabuot: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@D_Candaa: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@anasfarhan_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@MrDarqCloud: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@osayande28: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@tayyhan_: RT @Alfonzzy_: We lost another one ... 😞 RIP Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director - 5 years ago

@dairdev: RT @chechogoleador: Falleció Gene Deitch el creador del mejor dibujo animado que ví en mi vida, nos sentábamos con mi viejito y nos reíamos… - 5 years ago

@Choy58372803: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@freezeflame_: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@Razination_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Callme_Atswei: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@SwiftAtK777: RT @Mar_Animation: So out of everyone dying in 2020, I guess we just ain't gonna talk about Gene Deitch? Creator of Tom & Jerry? Yeah, he… - 5 years ago

@shannonshrs: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@tevesonehundred: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Adebowale_Hertz: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@_nijahlaaaa: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@axiss58: Hoşçakal Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@imanata_: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@fatcockeric: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@GuySerge92: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@ottavio1974: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@Tumii_Mokolane: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@JoseAngelARES: RT @espinof_com: Adiós a Gene Deitch: el ganador del Oscar y animador de 'Tom y Jerry' o 'Popeye', muere a los 95 años - 5 years ago

@YannYann__: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@Ans_Rdn: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@Maifada_Lotto: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Sadooh7: RT @ComedyTextings: The guy who created Tom and Jerry has passed away and left us with the best memories of our childhood RIP Gene Deitch (… - 5 years ago

@MauOre5: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@addyxbeths: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@QuinnTietz: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@alysykrh: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@guticabiedes: RT @PublimetroChile: Muere Gene Deitch, famoso dibujante de “Tom y Jerry” y de “Popeye” - 5 years ago

@Iam_melsa: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@0zAND1z: RT @bgmahesh: Oscar-winning illustrator and animator of Tom and Jerry, Popeye director Gene Deitch passes away at 95 😢 Thank you for the hi… - 5 years ago

@peliroho: RT @Caalf01: Murió el hombre que, en gran parte, alegró nuestra niñez. Gene Deitch ​​​ fue un ilustrador, animador y director estadounidens… - 5 years ago

@brendooo31: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@BadmusDee: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@XxCoCohontas: RT @LWIAY_bot: R.I.P Gene Deitch "creator of Tom And Jerry and PopEye" - 5 years ago

@FalsonGalas: RT @mr_adebayo5: Let's say "Thank You" to Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the memories ❤ R.I… - 5 years ago

@JeromeTelos: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@BOJANKV1: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@_IBGOD_TEN10: RT @PopBase: Tom & Jerry and Popeye creator, Gene Deitch has sadly passed away at the age of 95. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@tunby_: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@The_abbalulu: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@18Blackbird: RT @starlordargento: Ayer murió Gene Deitch, el creador de una de las mejores caricaturas de todos los tiempos. F. - 5 years ago

@kbgoga90: RT @TheViralTrendz: -- Tom & Jerry And Popeye Creator - Gene Deitch - Has Passed Away At The Age Of 95. - 5 years ago

@CErikco: RT @ikhide: Good night, Mr. Gene Deitch, Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director (1924 - 2020). Thanks for the stories. 😪 - 5 years ago

@Zuniga99Zuniga: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@ItzPatrick1: RT @TheViralTrendz: -- Tom & Jerry And Popeye Creator - Gene Deitch - Has Passed Away At The Age Of 95. - 5 years ago

@JUDENNAJI6: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@michael_antwi: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@dilaine_marie: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@devynsjohn: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@dankedout_panda: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Conlon_Brown: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Billy_SC_Mays: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@DeJeeEliana: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@marginisin: Gene Deitch faleceu ontem, que merda de ano. - 5 years ago

@thisxsln: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@CoroRicardo: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@Vox0123456789: RT @1seifsameh: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@Ivan_Chilensis: RT @valelafer: Gene Deitch, R.I.P , Tom y Jerry, Popeye. - 5 years ago

@gamer4ever1996: RIP Gene Deitch. Thank you for making my childhood so entertaining and funny. 😥❤ - 5 years ago

@SanguineSauce: RT @JDaIey: RIP Gene Deitch The man behind Tom & Jerry And Popeye - 5 years ago

@ninamom_: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@QP__XIX: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@_africangiant: RT @YOpportunities: Thank you for making my and a billion other kid's childhood awesome 🐈 🐁 ❤️ Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Tom & Jerry And P… - 5 years ago

@jeanmarcngs: RT @WillTyGa2: Le Créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé,Gene Deitch 1924-2020 🙏🏽 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale❤ Et Pour Une Premi… - 5 years ago

@ibnhamet: RT @sadyaalima: Rip le créateur de Tom et Jerry est décédé Gene Deitch 1924-2020 Merci d'avoir rendu notre enfance géniale😥 - 5 years ago

@CruzOrtizHdz: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@juninhoqq: RT @skrttgangg: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@dayhenlinda: RT @skrttgangg: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@Makzioli: RT @supernovaxradio: Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye. #RIP #QEPD - 5 years ago

@thesliceworld: RT @supernovaxradio: Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye. #RIP #QEPD - 5 years ago

@StarDreamers25: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@Myrongreen47: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@jenxcol: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@Liliaxxn: RT @mohanstatsman: Oscar-winning illustrator and legendary animator Gene Deitch, who also directed several episodes of Tom and Jerry, died… - 5 years ago

@abdieljose35: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@mashouxxiii_: RT @EnternalMeeno: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@26_jessiii: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@KomalAttique: #بےگناہ_حمزہ_کو_رہا_کرو #Gene_Deitch #AskSRK #کپتان_آیا_ٹھگ_گھبرایا #AskCesc #SmartLockdownByIK #RIP_Sir #Ghamdi… - 5 years ago

@NjorogeElsie: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@RozayThrty2: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@jaspreetsays: Lengendary animator Gene Deitch, who directed Tom and Jerry cartoons and the Popeye series died in Prague at the ag… - 5 years ago

@Palss_is_here_: RT @PuneriSpeaks: Gene Deitch यांचे आज दुःखद निधन... टॉम अँड जेरी यासारखे प्रसिद्ध कार्टून त्यांच्या कल्पनेतून तयार झाले होते. ९० च्या दश… - 5 years ago

@_fxckinglaura: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@Sadall17: RT @skrttgangg: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@Jneigha: RT @wxrldcrazzy: R.I.P to Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) 😪 "Tom and Jerry and Popeye Director. - 5 years ago

@jayyne___: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@beh_cah: RT @AnAsGhOri_69: Tom and Jerry, Popeye director Gene Deitch (1924-2020) RIP😔 - 5 years ago

@momolive82: RT @CTVNews: 'Tom and Jerry' animator Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@JohanMujica17: RT @AlbertoRavell: Falleció a sus 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" - 5 years ago

@jakehartishere: RIP Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@oelpin69: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@anupapaya: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@Boiipelo_x: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@StandforRissa: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@ElkaDutta: RT @porgamumbaicha: Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. RIP Gene Deitch (1924-2020) #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@HazelIvette: RT @sopitas: Parte de nuestra infancia se va con Gene Deitch, gracias por tanto, gracias por regalarnos a Tom y Jerry 😢😢😢 - 5 years ago

@IamSaiNischal: Heartfelt Condolences to Tom & Jerry Director Mr. Gene Deitch, who expired today 💐🙏🙏💐 #GeneDeitch had directed 13… - 5 years ago

@TYBN_DopeGear: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@AliHassanch2020: RT @AliHassanch2020: RIP ❤💔 Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" htt… - 5 years ago

@ragmoarno: RT @karan_approved: Tom & Jerry and Popeye Creator Mr Gene Deitch dies At 95. #TomandJerry @cartoonnetwork - 5 years ago

@sedesavaponekad: RT @Dorcobre: RIP ❤💔 Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@shadowmusics: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@haya44273: RT @ahmad_shabib14: وفاة gene deitch منتج ورسام اشهر كارتون اطفال على الاطلاق tom and jerry.💔🥺 - 5 years ago

@iamermahmoud: RT @maly_hermes: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@fran_rabadn: RT @abc_es: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de «Tom y Jerry» y «Popeye» - 5 years ago

@doctor200013: Man who made our childhood awesome ❤️ RIP SIR 🙏 Gene Deitch left the world today at age of 95.. #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@GievskiP: RIP ❤💔 Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@engrjenkatakuna: Gene Deitch (1924—2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" - 5 years ago

@duaamuhamed2: RT @WonderfulF11: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Directo - 5 years ago

@ano_osee: RT @SHE5WN6ON: مساء أمس توفي واحد من أهم المخرجين في العالم بعد صراع مع السرطان، المخرج الأمريكي "Gene Deitch" عن عمر يناهز 95 عام، اشتهر ب… - 5 years ago

@LILIANARTEAGA: RT @spagern: Murió alguien, que aunque muchos no lo sepan, tuvo mucho que ver con nuestras horas felices de niños. D.E.P. Gene Deitch. http… - 5 years ago

@RahmeenI: RT @Mahek980: Man who made our childhood awesome ❤️ RIP SIR 🙏 #TomandJerry Gene Deitch left the world today at age of 95 - 5 years ago

@Tayyab_malik000: RT @AnAsGhOri_69: Tom and Jerry, Popeye director Gene Deitch (1924-2020) RIP😔 - 5 years ago

@xorpex: RT @karan_approved: Tom & Jerry and Popeye Creator Mr Gene Deitch dies At 95. #TomandJerry @cartoonnetwork - 5 years ago

@HeyItsSparky: RT @AlarickGamer: RIP💔Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. #TomandJerry #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@ZekePics: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@almarry01: RT @SHE5WN6ON: مساء أمس توفي واحد من أهم المخرجين في العالم بعد صراع مع السرطان، المخرج الأمريكي "Gene Deitch" عن عمر يناهز 95 عام، اشتهر ب… - 5 years ago

@artist_ywd: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@allentsau: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@Zishna4: Man who made our childhood awesome ❤️ RIP SIR 🙏 Gene Deitch left the world, at age of 95 - 5 years ago

@BicirrientosBik: RT @Radio_Formula: Muere el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años ➡️ - 5 years ago

@genegermain: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@beejaysheena01: RT @abati1990: Gene Deitch, ‘Tom and Jerry’ director, dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@GHofmar: RT @Dr_Sneha_: Gene Deitch (1924 – 2020) Thank you Gene for making my childhood awesome. "Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director" #GeneDeitch http… - 5 years ago

@e_mendz: :-( Tributes paid to Tom and Jerry director and animator Gene Deitch who has died aged 95 - 5 years ago

@Samy875Espino: RT @AlbertoRavell: Falleció a sus 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" - 5 years ago

@EdithdeChevez: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@chinaperspectiv: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@BeaconWide: Tom and Jerry director Gene Deitch dies at 95 #GeneDeitch #RIPGeneDeitch #TomandJerry #papai - 5 years ago

@abdoOabdelseed: RT @SHE5WN6ON: مساء أمس توفي واحد من أهم المخرجين في العالم بعد صراع مع السرطان، المخرج الأمريكي "Gene Deitch" عن عمر يناهز 95 عام، اشتهر ب… - 5 years ago

@Patito3004251: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@coronaoso: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@Blake13Marie: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@Kkk37150643: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@pacobaca: RT @El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry", fal… - 5 years ago

@ph3pooh: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@MKT_Deporte: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - KFDM-TV News - 5 years ago

@iii86347064: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@El_Universal_Mx: El dibujante Gene Deitch, quien dio vida en muchas ocasiones a personajes como "Popeye el marino" y “Tom y Jerry",… - 5 years ago

@assamtimesnews: The Tom & Jerry Legendary Director Gene Deitch Passes Away - 5 years ago

@MostarskiBa: Preminuo Oskarovac Gene Deitch, režiser Toma i Jerryja - 5 years ago

@BLACK_ADLER_1: RT @AlbertoRavell: Falleció a sus 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" - 5 years ago

@soyaaLee: RT @ElBigDataMx: Las caricaturas están de luto, muere el padre de Tom y Jerry, Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@MicaelFFerreira: RT @g1: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@_MOONLIN01: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@Magnum451000: RT @AlbertoRavell: Falleció a sus 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" - 5 years ago

@ylyc99: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@petitdragonrose: RT @lalsace: L'un des papas de "Tom et Jerry", Gene Deitch, est mort - 5 years ago

@Oye_Chupker: ٹام اینڈ جیری کا ڈاریکٹر Gene Deitch پچانوے 95 سال کی عمر میں وفات پا گیا - 5 years ago

@Pandorabox0007: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@Flordemariach1: RT @lazago85: Un grande de las caricatura de antaño!! Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye - 5 years ago

@AhmedAhmedkeka: - 5 years ago

@macedodouglas13: RT @g1: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@SirBenja: RT @Cooperativa: A los 95 años murió Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom & Jerry" y "Popeye" #CooperativaEnCasa - 5 years ago

@mochitours: ⁦@schepina⁩ - 5 years ago

@JackTracker007: RT @JioNews: Academy award-winning animator and director of Popeye and Tom and Jerry, Gene Deitch dies at 95. Read more on #JioNews: https:… - 5 years ago

@truehomeboy1: RT @TundeEdnut: Tom and Jerry director, animator Gene Deitch dies at 95 R.I.P. that man What was your favorite episode? – - 5 years ago

@BOOMMERRiiE: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@slufra: RT @undessinparjour: :,-( > Culture - Loisirs | L'un des papas de "Tom et Jerry", Gene Deitch, est mort - 5 years ago

@asSmand: RT @Radio_Formula: Muere el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años ➡️ - 5 years ago

@mtescarpulli: RT @Radio_Formula: Muere el creador de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años ➡️ - 5 years ago

@Ita_Icupuchino: RT @detikhot: Ilustrator di balik kartun klasik 'Tom and Jerry' dan 'Popeye', Gene Deitch, meninggal dunia di usia 95 tahun. #GeneDeitch ht… - 5 years ago

@natthalak777: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@iniozy: RT @detikcom: Ilustrator di balik kartun klasik 'Tom and Jerry' dan 'Popeye', Gene Deitch, meninggal dunia di usia 95 tahun. #GeneDeitch v… - 5 years ago

@CKLeetwt: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@nisachonkakach1: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@JiaojiWaqabaca: R.I.P. Legendary Tom & Jerry And Popeye Director Gene Deitch Passed Away At 95 - 5 years ago

@undessinparjour: :,-( > Culture - Loisirs | L'un des papas de "Tom et Jerry", Gene Deitch, est mort - 5 years ago

@jjowwojj: RT @ganblade: Tom and Jerry มีผู้สร้าง 3 ยุค ยุคแรก = Hanna-Barbera ยุคสอง = Gene Deitch ยุคสาม = Chuck Jones คนที่เสียชีวิตคือ Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@SpiderMenes: RT @g1: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@ga22355853: RT @bbcchinese: 曾获奥斯卡奖的美国插画家、动画师、导演兼制作人戴奇(Gene Deitch)于16至17日,在捷克首都布拉格的公寓突然逝世,享年95岁。他最广为人知的是当年捷克仍在共党统治时期,曾执导13集“汤姆猫与杰利鼠”(Tom and Jerry),以及“… - 5 years ago

@Paulino1958: Muere Gene Deitch, dibujante de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, a los 95 años - 5 years ago

@CunegundaR: RT @Cooperativa: A los 95 años murió Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom & Jerry" y "Popeye" #CooperativaEnCasa - 5 years ago

@gnnhdofficial: 'Tom and Jerry' director Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@autogistz: Director Of Popular Cartoon “Tom And Jerry” Gene Deitch Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@jann_chaniinoyz: RT @ganblade: Tom and Jerry มีผู้สร้าง 3 ยุค ยุคแรก = Hanna-Barbera ยุคสอง = Gene Deitch ยุคสาม = Chuck Jones คนที่เสียชีวิตคือ Gene Deit… - 5 years ago

@lesamurais99: RT @egeberos: Fallece Gené Deitch a los 95 años, un ilustrador, animador y director fue conocido por su trabajo en las series de Popeye y T… - 5 years ago

@SULINJIAN: RT @m_tisserand: Ads drawn by Jules Feiffer for animator Gene Deitch. #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@chawi96: RT @Cooperativa: A los 95 años murió Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom & Jerry" y "Popeye" #CooperativaEnCasa - 5 years ago

@ialgadi: RT @SHE5WN6ON: مساء أمس توفي واحد من أهم المخرجين في العالم بعد صراع مع السرطان، المخرج الأمريكي "Gene Deitch" عن عمر يناهز 95 عام، اشتهر ب… - 5 years ago

@youeuroxy: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@cargobri: RT @AlbertoRavell: Falleció a sus 95 años Gene Deitch, dibujante de "Tom y Jerry" y "Popeye" - 5 years ago

@devilishangelps: Tom and Jerry was & still is my all time fav cartoon show. It always lightens my mood when I'm low. Thank you Gene… - 5 years ago

@RahulKu05168804: RT @ABPNews: Tom and Jerry के निर्देशक जीन डाइच का 95 साल की उम्र में निधन, मजेदार है इस कार्टून की कहानी #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@myzgkni: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@Zory_58: RT @CboEsNoticia: #19edeAbril Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye #JorgeRodriguez #PuntoFijo #NewYork #WhatsApp #Curaza… - 5 years ago

@algarbek: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye - 5 years ago

@lstaggs01: RT @ArkansasOnline: Animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@SamNGFHB: RT @sopitas: Parte de nuestra infancia se va con Gene Deitch, gracias por tanto, gracias por regalarnos a Tom y Jerry 😢😢😢 - 5 years ago

@paula_paula1991: RT @supernovaxradio: Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye. #RIP #QEPD - 5 years ago

@babyl8l: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@NJciprian: RT @clarincom: Murió Gene Deitch, el legendario dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye - 5 years ago

@BannerPrez1: RT @PampichiNews: #Internacionales Muere a los 95 años de edad, Gene Deitch, creador de las famosas caricaturas “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye” y… - 5 years ago

@LMD_media: Oscar winning animator Gene Deitch has passed away unexpectedly at the age of 95. - 5 years ago

@wjhzjx: RT @lolitascak3: RIP Gene Deitch ผลงานที่ฝากไว้ให้ก็อย่างการ์ตูนแมวจับหนูในตำนาน ทอมแอนด์เจอร์รี่ 🐀 - 5 years ago

@HighSierraMan: Gene Deitch has sadly passed away 'unexpectedly' aged 95 - 5 years ago

@apacheco13: RT @AlbertoRodNews: Falleció Gene Deitch, dibujante de Tom y Jerry y Popeye - 5 years ago

@Coroaia: RT @g1: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@Tmj_Vinicin: RT @g1: Gene Deitch, ilustrador de 'Tom e Jerry' e 'Popeye', morre aos 95 anos - 5 years ago

@ANNLADA_VSJ: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@tajudn: RT @TundeEdnut: Tom and Jerry director, animator Gene Deitch dies at 95 R.I.P. that man What was your favorite episode? – - 5 years ago

@bsym_neay: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@CanelAristides: RT @PampichiNews: #Internacionales Muere a los 95 años de edad, Gene Deitch, creador de las famosas caricaturas “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye” y… - 5 years ago

@gupenkundee: RT @Danicornn: @ganblade ขอโทษนะคะ ถ้าเข้าใจไม่ผิด รูปประกอบเป็นยุคของ Chuck Jones นะคะ ลายเส้นของ Gene Deitch นะค่อนข้างคลาสสิคและสีค่อนข้… - 5 years ago

@_Illustraverat_: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@staytunecorner: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@wanghoka30: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@PONDCT97: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@peachhyc: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@hunlusteph: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@peachplusme: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@iBhEbJnqtL0tWPm: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@The2805_: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@newjinjuta: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@I_G7Ps9: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@bobcut_KI: RT @eigahiho: アカデミー短編アニメ賞を獲得、『トムとジェリー』『ポパイ』等の監督も務めたジーン・ダイッチが95歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@nxniimp: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@mjanjanxx: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@BaiTT9396: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@_thongnoiiz: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@myluvuniel: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@Hunniemint12: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@Fangg87701420: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@YjujusKY: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@mxn_____: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@maylingnoi: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@shakazamba: Addio al disegnatore e regista di Tom & Jerry e Braccio di Ferro, Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@imacuttieperson: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@GG_943: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@urminelovly: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@179dot9: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@missyu26: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@MheeLoyLom: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@urmababe23: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@porrrr0_0: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@lnluvchristmas: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@Nanclassical: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@ilyJyj_: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@newthaisgent: RT @ThaiPBS: อาลัย Gene Deitch นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน ผู้ร่วมสร้างแอนิเมชันที่เป็นที่รู้จัก อย่าง ทอมกับเจอร์รี่ และ ป็อปอาย เสียชีวิตแล้… - 5 years ago

@narikasaiy: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@timestoknow: RT @ThaiPBS: อาลัย Gene Deitch นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน ผู้ร่วมสร้างแอนิเมชันที่เป็นที่รู้จัก อย่าง ทอมกับเจอร์รี่ และ ป็อปอาย เสียชีวิตแล้… - 5 years ago

@HyukkyTofu: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@ooooohseeeeeh: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@pyexs: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@chomporoseapple: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@khwanissocoolx: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@LinderYali: RT @elcomercio_peru: Gene Deitch, dibujante de “Tom y Jerry” y “Popeye”, falleció a los 95 años - 5 years ago

@Maruko49009628: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@awLdoTronIX: We are so sorry for the loss of one of the most respected illustrators, animator, producer and director in the anim… - 5 years ago

@honqtey: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@mmmmonssssi: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@MiangPiamrak: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@KaideePaiEek: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@lskscmp: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@sinceplace: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@Kimyxu1aaa: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@kuri_no_sato: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@samtsirhc25: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@minniieminnie: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@PXXYJAE: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@kuri_no_sato: RT @eigahiho: アカデミー短編アニメ賞を獲得、『トムとジェリー』『ポパイ』等の監督も務めたジーン・ダイッチが95歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@_Meedee38: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@dalphinusyou: RT @MajorGroup: วงการแอนนิเมชั่นได้สูญเสียบุคลากรที่สำคัญไปอีกหนึ่งท่าน “Gene Deitch” นักวาดการ์ตูนชาวอเมริกัน และผู้สร้างแอนิเมชั่น ผลงานข… - 5 years ago

@asleepyfire: RT @onanimate: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@dammitfranky: RT @onanimate: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@vileop: RT @ComicBook: Gene Deitch, the legendary animator known in part for his work on Popeye and Tom & Jerry cartoons, has died at 95. - 5 years ago

@Mr_Kwei: RT @ComicBookNOW: Legendary POPEYE and TOM & JERRY Animator GENE DEITCH Dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@SamNCollinsJr1: RT @ABCWorldNews: REST IN PEACE: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died at age 9… - 5 years ago

@IAmJustFarhan: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Atomic_Rez: RT @onanimate: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@onanimate: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Geekgem1: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@WILEE921: RT @cartuneaddict: Gene Deitch + Jim Tyer = matchmade in heaven. - 5 years ago

@uno_mondo: ♬ キャビネ・ファンタスティク@CabinetFanta のイベントではお馴染みだったGene Deitchさんが亡くなられたのか… - 5 years ago

@grimm_j1mm: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@CelStacker: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@onanimate: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@elnorte_gente: Que en paz descanse el cineasta Gene Deitch, fallecido en su casa de Praga a sus 95 años. - 5 years ago

@gentemural: Que en paz descanse el cineasta Gene Deitch, fallecido en su casa de Praga a sus 95 años. - 5 years ago

@pier__pizza: RT @cartoonbrew: A nice tribute to Gene Deitch from Cartoon Brew co-founder @jerrybeck. Read it here: - 5 years ago

@Cadi_79_: Muere a los 95 años el legendario animador de Popeye y Tom & Jerry Gene Deitch. Mi infancia está de luto 💔 - 5 years ago

@reformagente: Que en paz descanse el cineasta Gene Deitch, fallecido en su casa de Praga a sus 95 años. - 5 years ago

@d_egginger: RT @C_A_P_: R.I.P Gene Deitch. You lived the artist life and impacted countless generations. It’ll never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@JJARUBIO: RT @ElPitazoTV: #Cultura | Animador de Popeye, Gene Deitch muere a sus 95 años - 5 years ago

@celebritykimdot: 🔥 #Celebs #Animator Animator and filmmaker Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@MaryStegmaier: RT @USEmbassyPrague: V 95 letech zemřel americký animátor Gene Deitch. Víc než 50 let žil v Praze, kde natočil i 12 dílů Toma a Jerryho htt… - 5 years ago

@QuickCarLoanz: Gene Deitch, 'Tom & Jerry' director, dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@ramonesbellies: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@ElPitazoTV: #Cultura | Animador de Popeye, Gene Deitch muere a sus 95 años - 5 years ago

@timmy60528685: RT @NYDailyNews: Gene Deitch, an award-winning animator, director and producer, has died at age 95. - 5 years ago

@JoeyMajoey: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@MemedTweeter: Decided to make this. Thanks for the nightmares, Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@WJACTV: Working from behind the Iron Curtain, he directed 13 episodes of “Tom and Jerry” and also some of the “Popeye the S… - 5 years ago

@aglb66: RT @NYDailyNews: Gene Deitch, an award-winning animator, director and producer, has died at age 95. - 5 years ago

@ursonate: RT @bobjinx: A tribute to Gene Deitch @jerrybeck - 5 years ago

@NYDailyNews: Gene Deitch, an award-winning animator, director and producer, has died at age 95. - 5 years ago

@AllenCalzada: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@otakubicek: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@DerrickMcCorm14: R.I.P. Gene Deitch New video just dropped on my 2nd channel, check it. - 5 years ago

@celebritykimdot: 🔥 #Go #Animator Animator and filmmaker Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@apelad: Gene Deitch on his unfairly maligned Tom and Jerry shorts: - 5 years ago

@AJ831958: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@dxlfxna: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@iwannadieh: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@ethanizaak: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@MidcoastNews: U.S. animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@AmerTaima: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@pansagge: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@fauxappathy: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@MattWolfstein94: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@JoeliBabs: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@BobbyRiversTV: RT @latimesent: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@armour_tracy: RT @toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Gnesis: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@latimesent: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@lulu82824: RT @Suntimes: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@QueenMSheba: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@MrFutbol: RT @dannowicki: Also created "Tom Terrific" for Terrytoons: "Gene Deitch, 'Tom & Jerry,' 'Popeye the Sailor' director, dies at 95." (via @A… - 5 years ago

@MRichWJLA: RT @FOXBaltimore: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@KABBFOX29: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@Suntimes: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@MoggieMatt: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@XRT4U: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@KathleenFOX5: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@BNN_Breaking: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - ABC News via @ABC - - 5 years ago

@abdulla20597327: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@VirtuaDefender: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@mirabel88593387: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@Fumettologic: RT @fumettologica: È morto Gene Deitch, leggenda dell’animazione - 5 years ago

@FOXBaltimore: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@real411Now: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@LNordest: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@Babslikesfilm: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@MisterEagleman: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@AbenaMovez: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@Babslikesfilm: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@multiversitycom: Prague-based American director and cartoonist Gene Deitch has died at the age of 95. - 5 years ago

@Otherginger: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@n3ro_182: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@Jack34250374: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@lynchcartoons: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@Ken_Simmons_NL: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@andrewfarago: RT @DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@TRGG0101: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@manofmediaone: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@DerfBackderf: RIP Gene Deitch, 95, creator of the craziest Bop era animated cartoons. This obit has great links to his work. - 5 years ago

@filhoIB_: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@Shizzy_Roc: RT @USATODAY: Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer Gene Deitch has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@TAKEKURABABELS: lrt cartoon kit is one of my fav tom and jerry episodes... rip gene deitch :'( - 5 years ago

@jimbresnahan: @ABC Gene, you had an incredible life story and career that all animators should study. Your studio in Prague prod… - 5 years ago

@praguett: Top story: Zemřel animátor Gene Deitch. Byl jsem zvyklý na moderní život a tady byl středověk, vzpomínal na stěhová… - 5 years ago

@ebravomex: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@MattPansDumpAcc: RT @toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@tinybirbsakuga: RT @animegolem: "A Picture for Harold's Room" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Crockett Johnson) - 5 years ago

@hemartinez7896: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@GeorgiaBoy4Real: RT @CBCAlerts: Gene Deitch, an Oscar-winning illustrator, animator and filmmaker, has died in Prague at 95: (File photo- CTK via AP) https:… - 5 years ago

@KeiNishikawa3: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@SoniadorHB: RT @weserkurier: Der US-amerikanische #Zeichentrick-Regisseur Gene Deitch ist tot. Er starb in der Nacht zu Freitag in #Prag im Alter von 9… - 5 years ago

@shyredmd: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@69KoolAlienz69: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Famulator64: RT @toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@rogomesmartins: RT @revistamonet: Morre ao 95 anos Gene Deitch, animador e diretor vencedor do #Oscar > - 5 years ago

@wens___: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@monoplasticos: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@procartoonists: RT @cartoonart: Our condolences to the family and friends of animator Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@ESVICTOR: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@revistamonet: Morre ao 95 anos Gene Deitch, animador e diretor vencedor do #Oscar > - 5 years ago

@someshots1: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@Melted2: RT @THR: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95 - 5 years ago

@CarolWh39009963: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@ReidMitenbuler: “Working from behind the Iron Curtain, he directed 13 episodes of ‘Tom and Jerry’ and also some of the ‘Popeye the… - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@ColeEldridge: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@ShortHair65: Gene Deitch, 'Tom & Jerry,' 'Popeye the Sailor' director, dies at 95 The gre… - 5 years ago

@chrisilver1: RT @LilEdit: Rest in piece, Gene Deitch. Yes, an Oscar-winning animator & filmmaker. But he also helped “discover” the amazing Connie Conve… - 5 years ago

@BreatheLove75: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@MisterVonCain: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@Pen1957A: RT @ABC: Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer has died. He was 95. - 5 years ago

@IACPrague: RT @RadioPrague: RIP Gene Deitch, who has sadly passed away. Last year, just before he turned 95, the great animator, who had been living i… - 5 years ago

@codebreaker125: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@minimumaureole: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@LicorneArt: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@MexicanBertAW: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@LHOOQ_: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@LilEdit: Rest in piece, Gene Deitch. Yes, an Oscar-winning animator & filmmaker. But he also helped “discover” the amazing C… - 5 years ago

@iwiley_93: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@ImVictorSenna: Gene Deitch foi o diretor de uma sequência de 13 episódios de Tom and Jerry feita na antiga Tchecoslováquia. Os mai… - 5 years ago

@uhleashuh7: RT @RestInPeaceBot: RIP Gene Deitch #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@RestInPeaceBot: RIP Gene Deitch #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@CBCAlerts: Gene Deitch, an Oscar-winning illustrator, animator and filmmaker, has died in Prague at 95: (File photo- CTK via A… - 5 years ago

@EthanPartingto2: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@clickondetroit: US animator, filmmaker Gene Deitch dies in Prague at 95 - 5 years ago

@EthanPartingto2: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@hhseagull: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@paulhanna: RT @GaryGroth: A farewell to my good pal and esteemed author, Gene Deitch. Although a smart and adventurous animator, it was his pen and in… - 5 years ago

@vex_itme: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Gene Deitch, US-amerikanischer Illustrator, Animator und Filmregisseur, am 16.04.2020 im Alter von 95 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@succubabe: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@o_Azul35: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@6t76t: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@ChrisLInoa: "Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95" - 5 years ago

@pumpkin_link: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Mary_E_A_Sumner: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Floattiius: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@ImStillDissin: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@jazzrahimova: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@FcoJavierVK: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@memi7457: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Tuguicomiquer: RT @georgepereznet: Gene Deitch died on April 16, 2020. He was an American-born Czech illustrator, animator, comics artist, and film direct… - 5 years ago

@MaddPanda13: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@MaddPanda13: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@heighway_kelly: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@Pokeboy47: A little tribute piece for Gene Deitch, who I felt was a "hidden influence" on my works. - 5 years ago

@PabloAdanMas: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@o_Azul35: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@nickscreencaps: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gothpride: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@dejv_optimystic: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@o_Azul35: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@o_Azul35: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@pawouczech: - 5 years ago

@hbvl: “Tom en Jerry”-regisseur Gene Deitch overleden - 5 years ago

@davidkempdotnet: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@animegolem: RT @bobjinx: A tribute to Gene Deitch @jerrybeck - 5 years ago

@mylbachr: RT @USEmbassyPrague: V 95 letech zemřel americký animátor Gene Deitch. Víc než 50 let žil v Praze, kde natočil i 12 dílů Toma a Jerryho htt… - 5 years ago

@coffee_sauce: RT @animegolem: "The Three Robbers" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Tomi Ungerer) - 5 years ago

@vinegar_coffee: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@wontonchild: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@AmandaRayLaw: RT @AndyMcCanse: RIP to a distant cousin Gene Deitch, ‘Tom & Jerry’ and ‘Popeye’ Animator, Dies Age 95 - 5 years ago

@fredseibert: Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@SveaW8: "Tom und Jerry"-Regisseur Gene Deitch gestorben - 5 years ago

@inmenso_pirluit: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@geboers_greta: “Tom en Jerry”-regisseur Gene Deitch overleden - 5 years ago

@caramelpopcomS2: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@afnewsinfo: RT @GaryGroth: A farewell to my good pal and esteemed author, Gene Deitch. Although a smart and adventurous animator, it was his pen and in… - 5 years ago

@littletopo1: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@petrskala90: RT @Martin_Svarc: "Za komunistů tady byl středověk" říká Američan, který žil od 60 let do dnes v Čechách. - 5 years ago

@AllenCalzada: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@BellverBorja: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Slysterk: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@DaGlitchWizard: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@decibeljunkie: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@LackaThe: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@elkioskodejuve: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@KINGOFDABRONIES: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@AyceSaturn: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@MohitSo02307264: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@AyceSaturn: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@MisaelSanroque: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@passerovaj: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@marie_mikesova: RT @BathoryBetka: Zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. Bylo mu 95 let - 5 years ago

@_Eternal_Soul: "Tom und Jerry"-Regisseur Gene Deitch gestorben - 5 years ago

@mlaksman: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Milanilar1: RT @USEmbassyPrague: V 95 letech zemřel americký animátor Gene Deitch. Víc než 50 let žil v Praze, kde natočil i 12 dílů Toma a Jerryho htt… - 5 years ago

@IsaiahPlummer3: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@GhostlyMainfra1: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@UDE_AutumnLeaf: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@MonoWasteland: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@CelStacker: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@ATAgoval: KINEMA – Vdes Gene Deitch, regjisori i filmave të animuar - - 5 years ago

@KINGOFDABRONIES: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@Dinastweet: "Tom und Jerry"-Regisseur Gene Deitch gestorben - 5 years ago

@ShaggyR89232653: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@elevenslay: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@ShaggyR89232653: RT @tinybirbsakuga: it makes me so happy that Gene Deitch is finally getting the attention he deserved. he was so much more than the "Tom &… - 5 years ago

@AndyMcCanse: RIP to a distant cousin Gene Deitch, ‘Tom & Jerry’ and ‘Popeye’ Animator, Dies Age 95 - 5 years ago

@iblamethe80s: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@themoosemingles: A Gene Deitch expression is always identifiable. Rest In Peace. - 5 years ago

@Amaiha_: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@santa_west: RT @fantagraphics: The passing of the legendary Gene Deitch is a huge loss to the animation and cartooning worlds. He'll be missed. https:/… - 5 years ago

@dukeofdorky: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@DoubleZCreative: RT @boltcity: RIP cartoonist Gene Deitch. I’ve had his book on my reference shelf for years, featuring cartoons he drew in the 40s and 50s!… - 5 years ago

@Rchavakiah8: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@starflash24: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@m_zustinova: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@PetterMalmberg: Gene Deitch 1924 – 2020 - 5 years ago

@NekoAnimeAgora: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@PetterMalmberg: RT @snubpollard: Gene Deitch R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@javialfonsomos: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@BrnoExpats: Animator Gene Deitch, resident in Prague since early 1960s, dies at 95 - 5 years ago

@OMGzine: RT @CRozhlas: #RIP Gene Deitch. Oskarový animátor žil 60 let v Praze. V 60. letech to pro něho nebylo jednoduché rozhodnutí. „Byl jsem zvyk… - 5 years ago

@NakieSnake1: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@PopelarPrazsky: RT @USEmbassyPrague: V 95 letech zemřel americký animátor Gene Deitch. Víc než 50 let žil v Praze, kde natočil i 12 dílů Toma a Jerryho htt… - 5 years ago

@o_Azul35: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@PreciousOtaku1: RT @GaryGroth: A farewell to my good pal and esteemed author, Gene Deitch. Although a smart and adventurous animator, it was his pen and in… - 5 years ago

@mlcakp: RT @USEmbassyPrague: V 95 letech zemřel americký animátor Gene Deitch. Víc než 50 let žil v Praze, kde natočil i 12 dílů Toma a Jerryho htt… - 5 years ago

@MikesVerca: RT @CRozhlas: #RIP Gene Deitch. Oskarový animátor žil 60 let v Praze. V 60. letech to pro něho nebylo jednoduché rozhodnutí. „Byl jsem zvyk… - 5 years ago

@TxDancingAnimal: RT @botonazul: Gene Deitch murió hoy a los 95 años :( Muchos lo conocimos gracias al infame trabajo que hizo animando 13 cortometrajes de T… - 5 years ago

@ejunkie2014: RT @toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@EricKigada: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Aetos_Achlys: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@gabmadrid: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@CaffeinatedOli: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@soft_ramiel: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@masinko: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@J_Ristola: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@aramronaldok: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@LegoKirby12: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@night_rough: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@toon_research: A little tribute to my friend Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@marie_mikesova: RT @BathoryBetka: Zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. Bylo mu 95 let - 5 years ago

@gyarakuma: RT @animegolem: "A Picture for Harold's Room" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Crockett Johnson) - 5 years ago

@najemnikt: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@ATrovianNinja: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@ChercheurdA: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@FTFTheToonist: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@CaelanCavanagh: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@radialasymmetry: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@Lance_Charleson: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Cescoindie: RT @deitchstudio: RIP Gene Deitch! We just learned that he died in his sleep at home in Prague at age 95. (I believe Kim Deitch was his bes… - 5 years ago

@pintachan: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@PinkToonyGem: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@11derekk: Gene Deitch, creator of the cartoon style used in Fallout, has died at the age of 95 - 5 years ago

@makowitzcz: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@Tamat2009: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@RealAWstudios: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@S_NOBUZANE: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Milanilar1: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@selfpropaganda: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@pandit_jr: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@NaronMel: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@vjsub: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@donut_no_ana: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@seitenteruzo: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@TheDiorHomie: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@GhostFox12: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@cartoonbrew: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@tyler_freshcorn: I’m just now hearing about Gene Deitch has passed 😞 Best known for Tom Terrific and Tom & Jerry, he also did a sho… - 5 years ago

@ellingson: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@carlosbela: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@ROBLOXO2017: RT @mdbl: @cartoonbrew In 1967, the @cinemathequeqc (formerly the Cinémathèque Canadienne) edited a series of flipbooks at the occasion of… - 5 years ago

@rhino_ryanotto: RT @SamShawDraws: RIP Gene Deitch. One of the my favourites ♥️ - 5 years ago

@PaulCabins: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year… - 5 years ago

@cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch died. Comic-Con was canceled. Anime Expo was canceled. Just another typical Friday in 2020, the suckiest year ever. - 5 years ago

@conie121721: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@KajarraVelis: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@FKrawler: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@josueorrico: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@acwilder26: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@pixelcake5: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@dusankoci1: RT @SeznamZpravy: ⚫️ Ve věku 95 let v noci v Praze zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@Shadowblazer510: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@sugimarco: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@changomarine: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@TumeBi: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@LeoMooose: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@nakannie: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@MarioFlip: RT @GaryGroth: A farewell to my good pal and esteemed author, Gene Deitch. Although a smart and adventurous animator, it was his pen and in… - 5 years ago

@dee_bax: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@mutajoker: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@JackMuino: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@MiguelAngelArte: RT @GaryGroth: A farewell to my good pal and esteemed author, Gene Deitch. Although a smart and adventurous animator, it was his pen and in… - 5 years ago

@MCGarfield2: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@TheTFDuck: On another note, Rest In Peace, Gene Deitch, one of the last surviving animators from the Golden Era of animation. - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@milktcouch: RT @rwmead: Hearing word from folks in the animation community that Gene Deitch has passed at age 95. Deitch got his start as the supervisi… - 5 years ago

@WaifuSlayer_: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@Treny_Dogg3: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Blatherpuss: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Juuchan17: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@chekogura: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@naturdesu: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@teethshank: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@perezito: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @animag: Gene Deitch, 'Tom & Jerry' and 'Popeye' Animator, Dies Age 95 | Animation Magazine - 5 years ago

@mace_long: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@laustinrivar: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@seanboymickey: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@morgoth127: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@BsdHacker: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@NReblue: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@SuperAshie: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@masa7819: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Conejo_Mitu: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@ToonSkribblez: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@raymanmago_200: I'm gonna admit, this is my favorite episode from Tom & Jerry made by Gene Deitch, and i enjoy to this day, the onl… - 5 years ago

@faustianovich: Una joya de ese gigante del dibujo, la ilustración y la animación que fuera/es Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@gadget9007: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@Hshaw050890: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@faustianovich: Gene Deitch in memoriam. - 5 years ago

@joelper20131274: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@zxt00b10001: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@petitmorimi: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@Nexus1O1: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Gene Deitch, parte imprescindible de la historia de la animación. Dibujante y director (oscar cortometraje), se… - 5 years ago

@fororfors: RT @_animatedwolf_: Rest in Peace, Mr.Deitch. We’ll greatly miss you. - 5 years ago

@TatsuokaMiyoshi: RT @seijikanoh: カートゥーン黄金期の巨匠 ジーン・ダイッチ Gene Deitch 氏訃報。UPA、テリートゥーンズ、MGMなどで活躍。代表作『ポパイ』(60〜62)『トムとジェリー』(61〜62)等。4月16日プラハにて死去。享年95歳。 死因はコロナウイルス… - 5 years ago

@AHwatHAPPENING: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@KataGotClawz: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@karenyoojin: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@lamisscherrie: RT @tomjerrycontext: RIP Gene Deitch (1924 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@RobbieTehRotten: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@the_Richie: RT @drhq: i missed this but one of my favorite animators passed away yesterday. OG Tom and Jerry was/is one of my favorite cartoons. Gene D… - 5 years ago

@looney1940: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@mothmanfrog: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@DaDearga: RT @Drawmark: Legend / Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@PaulCabins: Gene Deitch, in memóriam - 5 years ago

@jjasperfielding: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Anbroid42: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@draqqons: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@amasokufreeze: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@LupinArseneThe3: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@amasokufreeze: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Mostro_Wishes: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Son_of_a_Thomp: RT @Drawmark: Legend / Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Drawmark: Legend / Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@sweetseaslug: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Ceatras: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@drhq: i missed this but one of my favorite animators passed away yesterday. OG Tom and Jerry was/is one of my favorite ca… - 5 years ago

@gummy7brains: RT @PCaldora: Saddened to hear about Gene Deitch’s passing. I, regretfully, never interacted with him but I appreciate his aspiring contrib… - 5 years ago

@enlightendmoron: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@tokujira97: RIP Gene Deitch😢 - 5 years ago

@IkaikaBoricua: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@IkaikaBoricua: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@Bienytu2: Murió Gene Deitch a los 95 años, dirigió el peor Tom y Jerry, a mi gusto, entre 1961-1962 - 5 years ago

@PackardTeague: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@N0tsofriendly: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@hatchcomic: RT @boltcity: RIP cartoonist Gene Deitch. I’ve had his book on my reference shelf for years, featuring cartoons he drew in the 40s and 50s!… - 5 years ago

@MARIOKARTGAMER2: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@jaelliworm: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@neilbreenwiki: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@asstirajp: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Sachiko_Fox497: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@kemo5791: RT @curtislelash: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@menachemachem: RIP Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@Azelf89: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@RATSTABBED: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@avillanappears: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@MeowtainDeww_: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@awardtour: RT @natepatrin: RIP Gene Deitch, who visualized record collector culture before anyone and got it right the first time - 5 years ago

@trachomandis: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@PPDPPL_art: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@_SlothNNaps_: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@poyntermarcsman: RT @Animated_Antic: I just found out that Gene Deitch died yesterday at the age of 95. He had a long successful career in animation directi… - 5 years ago

@keyblade987: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@spooky1958: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@510home: We’ve lost an animation icon of the 20th century. If you don’t know Gene Deitch’s work, please take a look. You may… - 5 years ago

@Cartoonico: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@jetsetspy: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@jordangaming101: @cartuneaddict @suddysoapbar R.I.P. Gene Deitch. Your version of Tom and Jerry was the worst of the theatrical cart… - 5 years ago

@the_hoyk: RT @m_tisserand: RIP Gene Deitch, cartoonist, illustrator and Oscar-winning director of Munro. - 5 years ago

@micdrawnup: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@spinnles: RT @bakertoons: Very sad to hear that Gene Deitch has passed away. I've been a longtime fan of his, from his Terrytoons work, Nudnik, Munro… - 5 years ago

@sammathaeus: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@the_hoyk: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@puppynuckles: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@dlove4u2: RT @Famulator64: - 5 years ago

@dapper_spiders: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@bo_bo_bo23: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@Catkid_neo: RT @animegolem: "The Hat" Directed by Gene Deitch (Adapted from a book by Tomi Ungerer) - 5 years ago

@the_hoyk: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@DoodlesHeidi: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@SvenHolgersson: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Minccino40681: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@icyfireball100: RT @KienanJ98: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Art1na: RT @animegolem: "A Picture for Harold's Room" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Crockett Johnson) - 5 years ago

@Mewnna_Caythin: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@beedeebia: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@CadeUtterback: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@SuperLollards: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @DerfBackderf: Sample by Gene Deitch! Father of underground great Kim Deitch. Best known as an animator (Krazy Kat, Tom & Jerry). Very c… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @FierceTheBandit: Gene Deitch's Krazy Kat Intro - 5 years ago

@Vannuysca1: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Henchwench1: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @allnewzbadnewz: From Gene Deitch: Popeye battles a mailbox from outer space. Yeah, what? - 5 years ago

@Cartoonpsysho: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @nemalki: Gene Deitch will always be the guy who did those weird-looking Tom and Jerry and Popeye shorts. He was an Oscar-winning master… - 5 years ago

@DelRet3: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Dr_Ubertrout: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@larabiapictures: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@lildoorbighouse: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@KINGOFDABRONIES: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gothpride: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@00sMidLate: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@OutlawJohnny94: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@jobutpersonal: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Sam_Makako: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@MasterDonut_: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@nothingsmonstrd: RT @deitchstudio: RIP Gene Deitch! We just learned that he died in his sleep at home in Prague at age 95. (I believe Kim Deitch was his bes… - 5 years ago

@Marc_Portell_: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@CherriBuni: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@fantagraphics: RT @deitchstudio: RIP Gene Deitch! We just learned that he died in his sleep at home in Prague at age 95. (I believe Kim Deitch was his bes… - 5 years ago

@The_tECHIDNA: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@RefrainbowNO1: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@AxeToday: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@curemachwindy: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@BoiiGorl: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@SkywardDong: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@DanGuy96: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@freakfox5: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@ericnewsom: RT @evandorkin: Gene Deitch, R.I.P. A powerhouse. And best to the Deitch family. - 5 years ago

@Nawer_Rapter: RT @natepatrin: RIP Gene Deitch, who visualized record collector culture before anyone and got it right the first time - 5 years ago

@Robertdeniroily: RT @wardomatic: More by Gene Deitch - who, by the way is still alive & active at the bright young age of 94! - 5 years ago

@electrotriple: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@daffyduckaroo: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@animatorbeaver: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@weiblingg: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@The_hollow_Ace: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@thompowers: RIP Gene Deitch. I had the privilege to work with his son Kim Deitch at ⁦@fantagraphics⁩ - 5 years ago

@CrazyAntLady: RT @animegolem: "Patrick" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Quentin Blake) - 5 years ago

@goeppels: RT @nikocharamotoon: Gene Deitch, アニメーター・監督のジーン・ダイッチさんが亡くなられたとのこと。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 5 years ago

@nibbles816: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@Palfkcaj: RT @animegolem: "Patrick" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Quentin Blake) - 5 years ago

@TheTwitofRunako: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@symptm: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@IkeNwosu1113: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@sharkthey: RT @animegolem: "Changes, Changes" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Pat Hutchins) - 5 years ago

@DownInkwell: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@lamisscherrie: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@pizz4_steve: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@DownInkwell: RT @wardomatic: More by Gene Deitch - who, by the way is still alive & active at the bright young age of 94! - 5 years ago

@BowerJrOlivas: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@chaoticcosmos32: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@bangtiology: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@andythestreet: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@ShugaziRaccoon: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@C_A_P_: Too sad about Gene Deitch to celebrate Daffy Duck's birthday. - 5 years ago

@uch_grb: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@HunterCoates5: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@organpick: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@boingoism: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@night_rough: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@BowerJrOlivas: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@ROBLOXO2017: RT @BertramFiddle: Just seen that Gene Deitch has died - his animated Hobbit is just the sort of ani-no-mation that I aspire too! - 5 years ago

@batosaur: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@TheElusiveRD: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Pjuniverse2: RT @KienanJ98: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@momooosapien: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Famulator64: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@Pjuniverse2: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@MiloMiles777: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Javi_panda: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@tatianepriori: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@MichaelAnotny: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@televideofm: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@T3_zine: RT @animegolem: "Changes, Changes" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Pat Hutchins) - 5 years ago

@T3_zine: RT @animegolem: "The Happy Owls" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Celestino Piatti) - 5 years ago

@mosketches: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@Pjuniverse2: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Atomlion360: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@joannathebug: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@princesDameron: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@alephomen1: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@mexopolis: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@T3_zine: RT @animegolem: "The Foolish Frog" Directed and Adapted by Gene Deitch Played and sung by Pete Seeger - 5 years ago

@spongespoons: Gene Deitch was inspiration for me at my art as his work on Tom and Jerry, UPA and TerryToons, RIP hope you're on a better and safe place - 5 years ago

@iblamethe80s: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@karouiikaro: RT @animegolem: "A Picture for Harold's Room" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Crockett Johnson) - 5 years ago

@T3_zine: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@Imcalled_Leo: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@chimyen: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@RachelF5: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@vintdoo: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@osterjoy: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@StefanEJones: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@mrmrsdoccook3: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@ThompsonMaggie: RT @NoelMu: RIP Gene Deitch, a pioneering animator and cartoonist and (in a very specific way) a father of underground comix. His Jules Fei… - 5 years ago

@8uster_8unny: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@evilsherbear: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gabe495: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@alouderplace: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@loveplagued: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@Pjuniverse2: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Catkid_neo: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Pjuniverse2: Legendary director Gene Deitch just passed away today I am so shocked and upset 😪🙏 RIP.... - 5 years ago

@coleman_engle: RT @Izaart: RIP Gene Deitch. You were such an inspiration & created a lot of joy. Thank you - 5 years ago

@Alvi113: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@dtoons_news: RT @ToonHallofFame: Seeing early reports that Gene Deitch has passed away. Will confirm as soon as possible. - 5 years ago

@scott_squires: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@cartoonart: Our condolences to the family and friends of animator Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @natepatrin: RIP Gene Deitch, who visualized record collector culture before anyone and got it right the first time - 5 years ago

@zaynah237: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@PhonkArt: Gene Deitch (1924-2020) artist, animator obit at - 5 years ago

@ieva_sau: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@F0XBYTE: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gennyc1der: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@wiley207: R.I.P. animator Gene Deitch. I guess we can say his life has now come to an ENDUT! HOCH HECH! #GeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@nathaniel_foga: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@casterdawg: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@SpecSpideyVerse: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Jedidude1: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Atomlion360: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@animegolem: RT @animegolem: "Patrick" Adapted and Directed by Gene Deitch (Original Story by Quentin Blake) - 5 years ago

@shinytoken: RT @animegolem: "How to Avoid Friendship" Directed by Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@LordWilt: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@BigStan35: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@tomlord46: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Bertxio: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Crabcakes0455: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@ChriSobieniak: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@Speedy05001: The ending to Tom And Jerry's Switchin' Kitten used to scare the fuck out of me when I was little. I don't know why… - 5 years ago

@mosttiptopcat: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@C_A_P_: Gene Deitch might be gone. But Dicky Moe is forever. - 5 years ago

@mosttiptopcat: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. 😔 - 5 years ago

@FierceTheBandit: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@herbanope: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@disco1627: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@PuddingDeluxe: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Varkentine: In which a four - year - old boy is drafted into the army. It can be read as illustrative of the dangers of blind… - 5 years ago

@CarmoStamos: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@GhostlyMainfra1: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@PuddingDeluxe: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@PuddingDeluxe: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@PuddingDeluxe: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@DespradoProfnd: RT @KyleOVox: If anything, Gene Deitch's Tom & Jerry cartoons were my introduction to midcentury Eastern-European animation, and a small ta… - 5 years ago

@PuddingDeluxe: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@00sMidLate: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@phantompera: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@niwaka25: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@deppey: RT @ElijahBrubaker: Aw son of a bitch. Gene Deitch. RIP. An amazing artist and an internet friend. What a cool guy. - 5 years ago

@zxlsoul777: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@NerdyLumberJack: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@ElijahBrubaker: Aw son of a bitch. Gene Deitch. RIP. An amazing artist and an internet friend. What a cool guy. - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@poke107: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@EleniKapetanak1: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@Nocturne_dragon: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@odouglasj: RT @brucemccorkinda: R.I.P. Gene Deitch. His TOM TERRIFIC cartoons on Captain Kangaroo were a fun part of my childhood. Gene's son is under… - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: RT @KienanJ98: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@ExpertScribe: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: @suddysoapbar Gene Deitch, the director of the cartoon, sadly passed away today. He was 95, and I was just going th… - 5 years ago

@deIIumbra: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@GDAutoArt: RT @deitchstudio: RIP Gene Deitch! We just learned that he died in his sleep at home in Prague at age 95. (I believe Kim Deitch was his bes… - 5 years ago

@deitchstudio: RIP Gene Deitch! We just learned that he died in his sleep at home in Prague at age 95. (I believe Kim Deitch was h… - 5 years ago

@smolleni: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@cobiray: RT @brucemccorkinda: R.I.P. Gene Deitch. His TOM TERRIFIC cartoons on Captain Kangaroo were a fun part of my childhood. Gene's son is under… - 5 years ago

@noveltymotel: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@DRFRASlERCRANE: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@acemabel: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Nocturne_dragon: RT @weiryraf: thinking the Gene Deitch's (RIP) Hobbit again and its technicolour Smaug (...Slag) and honestly every take on Smaug before th… - 5 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @KyleOVox: If anything, Gene Deitch's Tom & Jerry cartoons were my introduction to midcentury Eastern-European animation, and a small ta… - 5 years ago

@SpongeGasm: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @nemalki: Gene Deitch will always be the guy who did those weird-looking Tom and Jerry and Popeye shorts. He was an Oscar-winning master… - 5 years ago

@animations_2: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@vaporeon_0: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@MichaelSedivy: RT @SeznamZpravy: ⚫️ Ve věku 95 let v noci v Praze zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@ChrisColumbus18: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@GhostSneakers: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Nocturne_dragon: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@brucemccorkinda: R.I.P. Gene Deitch. His TOM TERRIFIC cartoons on Captain Kangaroo were a fun part of my childhood. Gene's son is un… - 5 years ago

@not_peng: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@cubisdubis: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@roquereptil: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@trachomandis: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@trachomandis: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@FierceTheBandit: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@RomanPalacka: Vo veku 95 rokov zomrel Gene Deitch. Americký výtvarník, komiksový kresliar a režisér prišiel v roku 1958 do Českos… - 5 years ago

@DunkMouth: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@quarkimo: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@susciPepe: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@namidacchi25: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@FierceTheBandit: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Xartin1: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@DrillSergeCrazy: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@tripparella: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@diegocumplido: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@daffyduckaroo: RT @evandorkin: Gene Deitch, R.I.P. A powerhouse. And best to the Deitch family. - 5 years ago

@symptm: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@nemalki: RT @karlrolson: @nemalki Yeah, pretty much all of the first run of Cartoon Network originals (& consequentially their many imitators) owe a… - 5 years ago

@arrebolynubes: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@MrKaiM81: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@karlrolson: @nemalki Yeah, pretty much all of the first run of Cartoon Network originals (& consequentially their many imitator… - 5 years ago

@TheStrangeMan14: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@BFSAndrew: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@aradia1952: RT @tomyamaguchi: American director and animated film producer Gene Deitch, who has lived in Prague since 1959, dies at age 95. Animation w… - 5 years ago

@MelonRedux: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@KienanJ98: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Elfiem: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@GKJill: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@rolyjulioli: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@billyarnie: RT @nemalki: Gene Deitch will always be the guy who did those weird-looking Tom and Jerry and Popeye shorts. He was an Oscar-winning master… - 5 years ago

@OrigamiYoda: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@Katanarama13: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@DrillSergeCrazy: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@BubKebab: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@DrillSergeCrazy: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@nemalki: Gene Deitch will always be the guy who did those weird-looking Tom and Jerry and Popeye shorts. He was an Oscar-win… - 5 years ago

@BurningExeter: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@CRAB_ROBOT: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@miserybrick: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@YourBoi_CamHead: RT @DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@CactusNiki: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@WavebirdOS: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@evandorkin: Gene Deitch, R.I.P. A powerhouse. And best to the Deitch family. - 5 years ago

@moonstoneappul: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@DownInkwell: R.I.P Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@sievert_ks: RT @m_tisserand: Ads drawn by Jules Feiffer for animator Gene Deitch. #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@Toobasedx: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@cindyalissayu: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@WavebirdOS: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@ERGiancetti: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@FunnyJoke1231: RT @ragtagstuff: incredibly disheartened to hear about the passing of Gene Deitch i'm not too familiar with the bulk of his work unfortuna… - 5 years ago

@Jandy_Dandy: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@MustardEels: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@BooRat: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@jairramirez52: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@TecTico: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@reb_verb: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@alwarohernandez: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@SAHart30589397: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@willtij01: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@SunFlowerKid420: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@thefartparty: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Eudwards: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@KateFerrandino: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@EmLaIiJeArH: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch (r.) at Terrytoons, 1957. #RIP - 5 years ago

@FKrawler: RT @bakertoons: Very sad to hear that Gene Deitch has passed away. I've been a longtime fan of his, from his Terrytoons work, Nudnik, Munro… - 5 years ago

@beros_okko: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@XenoVegito01: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@picpak: I'm watching a Gene Deitch Tom & Jerry short right now as I learn of his passing. RIP. 😢 - 5 years ago

@vicious_bunni: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@DeDeDeadero: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@AndreTelevise: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@GuedesTHG: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@EthanPartingto2: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch (r.) at Terrytoons, 1957. #RIP - 5 years ago

@DMXI: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@strangesuspense: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@ericjlawrence: #NerdistBookClub Here is a remarkable 1966 animated, 12-minute, very, VERY loose adaptation of The Hobbit, directed… - 5 years ago

@TheWM4tt: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Velma___Dinkley: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@night_rough: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@LombardLoyLand: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch (r.) at Terrytoons, 1957. #RIP - 5 years ago

@OceanicArtGal: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@realmarkrez: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@Someguy65265796: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@MonsieurMarlowe: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@quietnene: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@nutellamolotov: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@LombardLoyLand: RT @wardomatic: Earlier thread on Gene Deitch's illustration & comic work: - 5 years ago

@ARobotJoe: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@negibozu: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@RMaster007: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Fortnermations: RT @deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Gene Deitch - #GeneDeitch #Gene #Deitch #rip - 5 years ago

@nininganinnin: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@themoosemingles: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@themoosemingles: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@MESIAS_ROCKET: RT @andrevalente: Putz, morreu o Gene Deitch, animador responsável pela fase mais bizarra do Tom & Jerry. (Pai do quadrinista Kim Deitch, t… - 5 years ago

@AdventuresofJe1: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@snortyolk: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@W_O_R_M_S: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@MESIAS_ROCKET: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@Dungusbeetle: RT @cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch (r.) at Terrytoons, 1957. #RIP - 5 years ago

@Peakaiooo: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@cartoonbrew: Gene Deitch (r.) at Terrytoons, 1957. #RIP - 5 years ago

@tartweeter94: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@Sleestak: RT @tinybirbsakuga: did you know Gene Deitch did covers for jazz magazines? - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@postmakerkiwi: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@Dammne: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @GIRthenerd: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Bickpixx: RT @HectortheFox95: R.I.P. Gene Deitch (1924-2020) - 5 years ago

@matyojedita95: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@DerrickMcCorm14: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@karlrolson: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@RaRaRazberri: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@CringeyMcWeeb: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@KiwiArborano: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@TruthfulTreason: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@spinetti_marcos: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@azookara: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@Powflip: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@chanchancancan8: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@AlexIresq: @ianjq That was my first exposure to Gene Deitch’s Tom and Jerry, a decade ago at 630 in the morning. It was a surreal experience - 5 years ago

@yhennessy: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@acemabel: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@supergalaxysam: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@Mr_DarkRage: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@MattWilsonCSS: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@lisa77494: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Darkxaur: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@indigo_k: RT @SeanSzeles: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@DMXI: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@Rosen_thorns: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@jupl_pen: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@rwmead: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@DMXI: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@FelixColonThree: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@leopcortes: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@CarlsAmateurHr: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@Hot_Rat69: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@NoxVoyager: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@bumblypee: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Nerdyboy6201: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@pinkmegadrill: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@jojo93894522: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@DMXI: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Pengogod: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@backup_cn2: RT @ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@jsanford: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@ianjq: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@Rosen_thorns: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@drewweing: RT @SeanSzeles: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@h__k__l: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@bobjinx: RT @SeanSzeles: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@arrebolynubes: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@Zarstein: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@Kajel96536401: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@opeyemi041: Gene Deitch Death – Gene Deitch Obituary: Cause of Death - 5 years ago

@FelisCouchus: the Gene Deitch Tom & Jerry shorts were amazing and delightfully weird - 5 years ago

@PrimalScreen: Four year old Munro is drafted into the army in this 1960, Oscar-winning short. RIP Director Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@RoboticScarlet: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@mepresta: RT @m_tisserand: Ads drawn by Jules Feiffer for animator Gene Deitch. #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@Miss_Pyewacket: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@EseTweeter57: RT @yugsly: RIP Gene of my favorite artists Ever... a true pioneer of animation & design...we'll miss ya bud! Flowers n' fish… - 5 years ago

@NickKnackP: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@foxdraft: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@EeyorbStudios: For the longest time now I've felt like a fool for only knowing Gene Deitch for his Tom & Jerry shorts (which he ne… - 5 years ago

@GG_Artist: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@TheZBurg: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Pisuke85: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Lindsey4869: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: Don't like the animation in the Gene Deitch Tom and Jerry shorts? Watch these Nudnik cartoons instead. Shout out to… - 5 years ago

@PCaldora: Saddened to hear about Gene Deitch’s passing. I, regretfully, never interacted with him but I appreciate his aspiri… - 5 years ago

@MHardingEsq: We lose Gene Deitch. I thought his quirky Tom and Jerries were great fun. Lots more to him than those of course... - 5 years ago

@TheLandThirsts: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@HarriganWorks: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@SuperVHS14: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@Pejelo2K: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Gene Deitch, ilustrador, animador y director estadounidense, recordado por su cortometraje Munro… - 5 years ago

@DannyDingo88: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@marmagenta: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@jaroslavrudis: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@Scribblegs: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gabomon01: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@RegularTweetsUK: RT @gameswithoutend: RIP to Gene Deitch: unambiguous heir to the UPA sensibility (he apprenticed there), thwarted savior of Terrytoons, dir… - 5 years ago

@GuillotineND: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@cinematografo: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@gameswithoutend: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@TFurstman: RT @_rachetcartoons: Rest in peace Gene Deitch. the man's work from his illustrative and comic stuff to his animations like Tom Terrific an… - 5 years ago

@gameswithoutend: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@myuacc2: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@Dugongue: RT @NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@jeffdrose: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@chickaroo1: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@popkornkat: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@Section42L: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@NonsenseIsland: Relevant to life in quarantine. (From 1958's SICK SICK SIDNEY by Gene Deitch, who passed away today.) - 5 years ago

@zootsuitnoot: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@peroyomas: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Erasmonoficial: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@larabiapictures: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@BanannaSlamma64: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@homemrobo: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@beescreee: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Stefnuggs: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@charliehillart6: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@RedSkyKidCL: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@SCMacPeter: RT @C_A_P_: R.I.P Gene Deitch. You lived the artist life and impacted countless generations. It’ll never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@zoe_zoestar: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@LeoMooose: RIP Gene Deitch - 5 years ago

@bigwestern: RT @EnrichFlavor: Gene Deitch just died :( many didn't know who he was, but I bet that folks my age and older have seen many of his cheap,… - 5 years ago

@flaminghohners: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@zacksoto: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@robullman: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Dungusbeetle: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@pazesez: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@MexicanBertAW: RT @cartuneaddict: Gene Deitch loved his funny drawings. Check these out. These are gold. - 5 years ago

@Section42L: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@E__d__d: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@rogeriotoons: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@EnrichFlavor: Gene Deitch just died :( many didn't know who he was, but I bet that folks my age and older have seen many of his c… - 5 years ago

@MexicanBertAW: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@MexicanBertAW: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@rraazzggaarr: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@MexicanBertAW: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@MannuMellow: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@jteethy: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@thisdayanim: Terribly sad news: legendary animation director Gene Deitch has passed away. May his distinctive voice continue to… - 5 years ago

@GarouGothic: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@Vasconium: RT @C_A_P_: R.I.P Gene Deitch. You lived the artist life and impacted countless generations. It’ll never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@night_rough: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@HalcyonFoundtn: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @cartuneaddict: @Bickpixx This whole week has been like a giant fuck you and this tears it for me. RIP Gene Deitch. Munro is amazing. Ch… - 5 years ago

@Gamemaster13000: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@TheSassyMan1: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@Sunstriker01: @Jonezee99 @mexopolis @YouTube Oh man, that’s sad. He also worked on Tom and Jerry......RIP Gene Deitch..... :( - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @SCMacPeter: Goodbye Gene Deitch, you will always be one of the greatest. May you rest in peace - 5 years ago

@KingMcdaniel20: RT @cartuneaddict: Gene Deitch loved his funny drawings. Check these out. These are gold. - 5 years ago

@andra_zou: RT @cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@KingMcdaniel20: RT @cartuneaddict: Whoa Toonheads even did a bit on Gene Deitch, and there's some good info here. - 5 years ago

@KingMcdaniel20: RT @C_A_P_: R.I.P Gene Deitch. You lived the artist life and impacted countless generations. It’ll never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@tintackcobbler: RT @m_tisserand: Ads drawn by Jules Feiffer for animator Gene Deitch. #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@cartoonbrew: RIP: Gene Deitch, Cartoon Modernist Who Headed UPA New York And Terrytoons, Dies At 95 - 5 years ago

@tintackcobbler: RT @C_A_P_: R.I.P Gene Deitch. You lived the artist life and impacted countless generations. It’ll never be forgotten. - 5 years ago

@soltreev: RT @Jonezee99: Gene Deitch has died. He made wonderful animated shorts including a gorgeous version of The Hobbit.1966 - 5 years ago

@MattPansDumpAcc: RT @tinybirbsakuga: Gene Deitch's forgotten theatrical series "Nudnik" showcases his skills in character acting and distinctive styles. Her… - 5 years ago

@BertramFiddle: Just seen that Gene Deitch has died - his animated Hobbit is just the sort of ani-no-mation that I aspire too! - 5 years ago

@netscapenow: RT @m_tisserand: Ads drawn by Jules Feiffer for animator Gene Deitch. #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@tintackcobbler: RT @NoConViolence: the Gene Deitch era of Tom & Jerry were like fever dreams #TomAndJerry #GeneDeitch #60s #Cartoon - 5 years ago

@ArtistBlocky: RT @Bickpixx: Upon using a poor quality film scan, I managed to create a frame-by-frame recreation of the Gene Deitch Terrytoons opening ti… - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: @Bickpixx This whole week has been like a giant fuck you and this tears it for me. RIP Gene Deitch. Munro is amazin… - 5 years ago

@ALIPhoto92: It's come to my attention that Gene Deitch is dead. I'll be honest, I thought he had already passed but he lived to… - 5 years ago

@omomani: RT @IACPrague: RIP Gene Deitch 1924-2020 - 5 years ago

@MattPansDumpAcc: Any recommendations of Gene Deitch's works for me to watch today in his memory? - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: RT @Bickpixx: Ooooh damn... Now I just saw news about Gene Deitch's passing. - 5 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @m_tisserand: RIP Gene Deitch, cartoonist, illustrator and Oscar-winning director of Munro. - 5 years ago

@rwmead: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@Cowsdraw: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@m_tisserand: RIP Gene Deitch, cartoonist, illustrator and Oscar-winning director of Munro. - 5 years ago

@MattPansDumpAcc: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@hyperwrld: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@Bickpixx: RT @Bickpixx: Upon using a poor quality film scan, I managed to create a frame-by-frame recreation of the Gene Deitch Terrytoons opening ti… - 5 years ago

@Troper315: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@Malicelast: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@BBCRobC: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@agni_scarletta: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@cubisdubis: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@daffyduckaroo: at the very least, we can all say we got to live alongside gene, even if we didn't know him personally. it's a pret… - 5 years ago

@kakapotrainer: RT @lreynajr: The best Tom & Jerry cartoon from the Gene Deitch era was the surprisingly meta and sharply sarcastic cartoon, "The Tom and J… - 5 years ago

@dynasoar5: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@Geeky_Jay9: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@N0baddy: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@dynasoar5: The Gene Deitch Tom and Jerry cartoons were good, haven't seen them in years but they always stood out to me as a k… - 5 years ago

@SCMacPeter: Goodbye Gene Deitch, you will always be one of the greatest. May you rest in peace - 5 years ago

@markbakerprague: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@aMainCharacter: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@TotallyNotChriz: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@KeepItWeirdYo: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@chilltowntv: RIP the great animator Gene Deitch. If you've never seen this, it's a must-watch and was done in 1960. He directe… - 5 years ago

@Manchapaginas: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@neckspike: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@KazuoIchigama: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@AllenCalzada: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@GKJill: RIP Gene Deitch - Munro - 5 years ago

@daffyduckaroo: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@ZadrazilPavel: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@CanalParcSat: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@Yog_shi: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@battydog_art: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@Shushuttoo: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@chicobo329: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@rwmead: On his official Tumblr, Gene Deitch shared in 2014 a 1965 letter from Chuck Jones (who coincidentally also did a se… - 5 years ago

@ari_dynamic: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@needsmorealeph: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@kakapotrainer: RT @jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch was the dir… - 5 years ago

@jongraywb: You know those those weird looking Tom and Jerry cartoons with all the oddball sound effects? Well, Gene Deitch wa… - 5 years ago

@martalysonek: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @IACPrague: RIP Gene Deitch 1924-2020 - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @C_A_P_: We lost Gene Deitch. I’m heartbroken. - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @tinybirbsakuga: I’m gonna talk about Gene Deitch for a while and you will not stop me #RIPGeneDeitch - 5 years ago

@michaeltaube: Here's the @WashTimes/@WashTimesOpEd book review about Gene Deitch's Nudnik, published in 2013: - 5 years ago

@michaeltaube: Gene Deitch, RIP. A talented cartoonist, animator and Oscar winner. Was fortunate to get to know him a little bit a… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @rwmead: Hearing word from folks in the animation community that Gene Deitch has passed at age 95. Deitch got his start as the supervisi… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @BabyLamb5: I remember Gene Deitch for the "Tom & Jerry" and "Popeye the Sailor" shorts he produced back in the 60s. I enjoyed them a lo… - 5 years ago

@jakubhamleti: RT @DVTVcz: Byl jsem rozhodnutý zůstat maximálně 10 dní, ale zůstal jsem přes 50 let. Říkali mi, že jsem buď blázen, nebo komunista, vypráv… - 5 years ago

@BanannaSlamma64: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@KnoxRobbins: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@NReblue: RT @NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the short M… - 5 years ago

@Kf2AT: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@watercloverzzz: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@13mdn: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@clock1258: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@BugTheBeagle: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@NonsenseIsland: So sad to hear of the passing of animation legend Gene Deitch, a big inspiration to me. He won an Oscar for the sho… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @bakertoons: Very sad to hear that Gene Deitch has passed away. I've been a longtime fan of his, from his Terrytoons work, Nudnik, Munro… - 5 years ago

@l_buriank: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@mgross9: RT @DVTVcz: Byl jsem rozhodnutý zůstat maximálně 10 dní, ale zůstal jsem přes 50 let. Říkali mi, že jsem buď blázen, nebo komunista, vypráv… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@buildknuckle: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@DVTVcz: Byl jsem rozhodnutý zůstat maximálně 10 dní, ale zůstal jsem přes 50 let. Říkali mi, že jsem buď blázen, nebo komun… - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@ArmannJa: Í dag andaðist Gene Deitch höfundur bókarinnar Selur kemur í heimsókn en enginn hefur skýrt athuganir Saussure um h… - 5 years ago

@kellymcnutt: Sad to hear that the wonderful animator Gene Deitch has died. - 5 years ago

@bobjinx: Gene Deitch's passing is hitting hard. We just lost one of the best. - 5 years ago

@krahiner: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@KILROYW4SHERE: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@RothmanHarv: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@RothmanHarv: RT @Famulator64: - 5 years ago

@dmanthecaptain: RT @CoppermanEli: I just found out today that legendary animator and cartoonist Gene Deitch passed away at the age of 95 (remarkable man!).… - 5 years ago

@anoalene: Gene Deitch, animador, ilustrador e diretor de cinema, ganhador do Oscar de Curta de Animação (1961), morreu na noi… - 5 years ago

@KootieBirdo: RT @bakertoons: Very sad to hear that Gene Deitch has passed away. I've been a longtime fan of his, from his Terrytoons work, Nudnik, Munro… - 5 years ago

@VladimirVoros: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@noquierouser: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@darkexecutor: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@TheTwitofRunako: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@asiadraws: RT @wardomatic: *heavy, deep sigh* RIP Gene Deitch, you wonderfully talented animator, you. "The Cat" lives on. Here's Gene's first short f… - 5 years ago

@fieldmanneasi: Dnes to v úctyhodném 95. kole zabalil Gene Deitch. Člověk, který měl co vyprávět a uměl to i namalovat. Dík - 5 years ago

@mimmithwimmith: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@NoahPasternak: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: Gene Deitch will be remembered for his limited run on Tom & Jerry. And while their mixed reception is something tha… - 5 years ago

@FutabuDes: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@KristianSather: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: RT @CoppermanEli: I just found out today that legendary animator and cartoonist Gene Deitch passed away at the age of 95 (remarkable man!).… - 5 years ago

@saraslavic1: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@cartuneaddict: @CoppermanEli Munro is one of the best cartoons of all time IMO. I'm grateful that Gene Deitch was able to experiment the way he did. - 5 years ago

@IACPrague: RIP Gene Deitch 1924-2020 - 5 years ago

@zeitzug: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@CRozhlas: RT @Ian_Willoughby: Oh no. The great Gene Deitch, by some distance the westerner longest resident in Prague, has died at 95. He was an Osca… - 5 years ago

@JamesMason108: RT @bakertoons: Very sad to hear that Gene Deitch has passed away. I've been a longtime fan of his, from his Terrytoons work, Nudnik, Munro… - 5 years ago

@rwmead: The quality of both writing & animation of the TV Popeyes was all over the place, but Gene Deitch's were some of th… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Gene Deitch @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #GeneDeitch add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@CoppermanEli: I just found out today that legendary animator and cartoonist Gene Deitch passed away at the age of 95 (remarkable… - 5 years ago

@DoubleD17999325: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @wardomatic: Gene Deitch is probably best known as an animation director during the midcentury (UPA as well as Tom & Jerry). But he is a… - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@boogiebutters: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@SynthTee: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@_animatedwolf_: Rest in Peace, Mr.Deitch. We’ll greatly miss you. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Gene Deitch - #GeneDeitch #Gene #Deitch #rip - 5 years ago

@netscapenow: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@DylanStufz: RT @JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to his cr… - 5 years ago

@HulkieD: Gene Deitch died? Aw, man. He’ll always be remembered for those weird, weird, WEIRD Tom and Jerry cartoons he did… - 5 years ago

@JacobLenstar: Rest in piece to one of my favorite animators, Gene Deitch. I’ve always loved the looseness but hard dedication to… - 5 years ago

@cihaj3ax: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@FotoLibor: RT @JanHrebejk: Zemřel Gene Deitch. Oskarový režisér animovaných filmů, který žil od 50.let v Praze. Jeho kniha Z lásky k Praze je jedním s… - 5 years ago

@Galileo908: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@NotMrNostalgia: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@crimsonfetti: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@BedrichCerny: RT @FilmovyPrehled: Ve věku 95 let zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. Od roku 1958 žil v Praze, kde spolupr… - 5 years ago

@CINEMAJunior: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@kakapotrainer: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@Galileo908: RIP Animation legend Gene Deitch. He mostly worked for UPA and Terrytoons, but he’s best known for creating those r… - 5 years ago

@lreynajr: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@Dougs1stMovie: my favorite gene deitch work is most of his weston woods stuff, some of tom terrific, a lot of his terrytoons work… - 5 years ago

@Spongey445: RT @rwmead: Hearing word from folks in the animation community that Gene Deitch has passed at age 95. Deitch got his start as the supervisi… - 5 years ago

@Glasolia2000: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@nota_bee: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@kristirohacek: RT @FilmovyPrehled: Ve věku 95 let zemřel americký režisér a producent animovaných filmů Gene Deitch. Od roku 1958 žil v Praze, kde spolupr… - 5 years ago

@rwmead: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@rhino_ryanotto: RT @wardomatic: Earlier thread on Gene Deitch's illustration & comic work: - 5 years ago

@DanGuy96: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@CaseKillaCam: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@BabyLamb5: RT @liamogfitz1: Whilst I wasn't a huge fan of his Tom and Jerry shorts, I think he did an amazing job continuing the legacy of these two l… - 5 years ago

@C_A_P_: RT @davidamackey: Animator Gene Deitch has died in Prague of natural causes at the age of 95. Prague was the city he made his home in 1960,… - 5 years ago

@BatManuel93: Ha muerto el gran Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@liamogfitz1: Whilst I wasn't a huge fan of his Tom and Jerry shorts, I think he did an amazing job continuing the legacy of thes… - 5 years ago

@SquidyUK: RIP Gene Deitch. - 5 years ago

@Deer__Teeth: RT @dee_bax: Just received word that animator/illustrator/director Gene Deitch passed away. Here's a picture he posted on FB almost a week… - 5 years ago

@ArtistBlocky: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@WatcherBlog: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@rwmead: Hearing word from folks in the animation community that Gene Deitch has passed at age 95. Deitch got his start as t… - 5 years ago

@Kirilovich240: RT @JoaqGuirao: RIP, Gene Deitch, uno de mis dibujantes favoritos, y uno de los animadores más infravalorados, y únicos, de la historia. ht… - 5 years ago

@HyruleShield: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

@MAlammeri: RT @daffyduckaroo: i’m so disheartened to hear about gene deitch. may he rest in peace, and may his legacy continue to be honored for decad… - 5 years ago

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