Gemze de Lappe

American dancer
Died on Friday November 17th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gemze de Lappe:

@PatriciaLWilso6: RT @NYTObits: Gemze de Lappe, a dancer who performed on Broadway, was one of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Gemze de Lappe, a dancer who performed on Broadway, was one of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille… - 7 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: One of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: One of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille - 7 years ago


@BloggingAI: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@MrsSwederWHS: RT @ReagleMusicThtr: Reagle mourns the loss of our dear friend, frequent collaborator, Honorary Board Member, and theatrical legend,... htt… - 7 years ago

@MrsSwederWHS: Thanks to @ReagleMusicThtr , I had the honor of learning original choreography from Gemze de Lappe as a freshman in… - 7 years ago

@rstockda: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@MissKarenWins: “She was physically strong and could throw herself into a lift or a hinge in her 80s,” said Liza Gennaro, a choreog… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: The Miracles' Pete Moore; music's Bonnie Flower, Ronnie Butler; dancer and choreographer Gemze… - 7 years ago

@Julian_Woolford: Very sad to hear of the passing of Gemze de Lappe who worked with Agnes de Mille and Jerome Robbins in Oklahoma, Ca… - 7 years ago

@lonbouldin: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: One of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille - 7 years ago

@nephties1: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@KingMeMovie: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@gooshi2000: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: One of the foremost interpreters of Agnes de Mille - 7 years ago

@ReagleMusicThtr: Reagle mourns the loss of our dear friend, frequent collaborator, Honorary Board Member, and theatrical legend,... - 7 years ago

@flawsaphor: In Memory of Gemze de Lappe, Pas de deux from Gold Rush - 7 years ago

@Xperienced_: RT @GuerrillaGsOT: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@GuerrillaGsOT: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@FoodtheMusical: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@SciSeekFeed: gemze de lappe (1922 - 2017) - 7 years ago

@MKantorfilm: RT @HESherman: If you care about musical theatre and don't know who this is, you should. And those who know of her should mark her passing.… - 7 years ago

@GrooveScene: #InMemoriam - 7 years ago

@CocoaVisionary: #InMemoriam - 7 years ago

@tiffanyrothman: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@mrstandler: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@oooooo02: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@CharlotteCanni1: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@TheaterHistory: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@MSmithWriter: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@john_slotkin: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@donnakaz: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@queerScribe: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@dhlnedeerkqlub: RT @Liisabelle: I loved taking her classes. She was always so beautiful and full of sparkle. She shone with an inner light of art and dance… - 7 years ago

@eatmoreart: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@kaylaboye: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@Liisabelle: I loved taking her classes. She was always so beautiful and full of sparkle. She shone with an inner light of art a… - 7 years ago

@lizziegolinski: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@anythinggoes434: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@AureonD: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@ryanghinds: RT @TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences across… - 7 years ago

@TheTonyAwards: The legendary Gemze de Lappe was a repetiteur who re-staged the dances of Agnes de Mille and others for audiences a… - 7 years ago

@geminicollision: RT @HESherman: If you care about musical theatre and don't know who this is, you should. And those who know of her should mark her passing.… - 7 years ago

@bhaskardancer: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@starchydish: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@noneorstarlet: RT @HESherman: If you care about musical theatre and don't know who this is, you should. And those who know of her should mark her passing.… - 7 years ago

@tim_everitt: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@briskwalk: Gemze de Lappe, 95, dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame. - 7 years ago

@TheShinyLion: RT @BCDreyer: A theater heroine. Goodbye to her. - 7 years ago

@briskwalk: Rest in Peace, dear friend. 💃🏻 Gemze de Lappe kept Agnes de Mille's mastery and Broadway's original choreography al… - 7 years ago

@briskwalk: A beautiful tribute to my dear friend, the legendary Gemze de Lappe. - 7 years ago

@DCA_Conductor: Remembering fondly the afternoon Seann and I spent with Gemze at @RnH_Org. I was about to record the #Oklahoma Drea… - 7 years ago

@rja_tkydky: A TRUE #LEGEND - 7 years ago

@AdrianRennie: RT @FredBarton1899: I met her while I was on the Goulet "Camelot" tour, when I was in Cincinnati w/ "Plaid Tidings" & she was staging an "O… - 7 years ago

@ArtsMusicMovies: #NYTimes Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Gemze de Lappe (95) American ballet dancer, Broadway theatre choreographer, and 're-creator' - 7 years ago

@Timesolizer: #GemzedeLappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@movimike: RT @FredBarton1899: I met her while I was on the Goulet "Camelot" tour, when I was in Cincinnati w/ "Plaid Tidings" & she was staging an "O… - 7 years ago

@FredBarton1899: I met her while I was on the Goulet "Camelot" tour, when I was in Cincinnati w/ "Plaid Tidings" & she was staging a… - 7 years ago

@kevinddaly: A dance legend: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@beecourts: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@beatlesjad: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@JudithMaryGee: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@raytopian: Top story: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@MyAlliesNews: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@JGreenImages: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@newsrust: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@CclearWorld: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@twitbituaries: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - - 7 years ago

@ArtsAlertz: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@TripScart: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Gemze de Lappe - #GemzedeLappe #Gemze #deLappe #rip - 7 years ago

@tonywendice1954: RT @NYTObits: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@NYCDanceNews: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame #nycdance - 7 years ago

@AndreaJimenezBu: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@NYT: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame. - 7 years ago

@AgathaDejaeger: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@TheBellTolling: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@AhmadHordyk: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@DashGoPro: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@NTKRNow: Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame - 7 years ago

@UltraWaveTV: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR - 7 years ago

@margaretytjdaz1: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR #IFTTT - 7 years ago

@FeliciaCMcLin88: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@hershelsiv: "Gemze de Lappe, 95, Dies; Keeper of the Agnes de Mille Flame" by RICHARD SANDOMIR via NYT - 7 years ago

@RichSandomir: @ADM21C Trying to reach Nikki to talk about Gemze de Lappe for an obit in NY Times...please call Rich Sandomir at 212 556-1635. Many thanks! - 7 years ago

@nephties1: In Memory of Gemze de Lappe, Pas de deux from Gold Rush - 7 years ago

@Tbaldwin510B: RT @Rbrutti: Paint Your Wagon opened on Broadway 66 years ago today with James Barton, Olga San Juan, Tony Bavaar, Gemze de Lappe, James Mi… - 7 years ago

@Rbrutti: Paint Your Wagon opened on Broadway 66 years ago today with James Barton, Olga San Juan, Tony Bavaar, Gemze de Lapp… - 7 years ago

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