Gaspar Saladino

88 or 90
Died on Wednesday August 3rd 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Gaspar Saladino:

@EMT4333: RT @PlainviewFD950: Arch for our fallen brother, Honorary Chief and 53 year member Gaspar Saladino. RIP Chief - we got it from here. https:… - 9 years ago

@notalwaysin1: RT @PlainviewFD950: Arch for our fallen brother, Honorary Chief and 53 year member Gaspar Saladino. RIP Chief - we got it from here. https:… - 9 years ago

@birdlikebats: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@JeanLeblo: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - - 9 years ago


@N_Eska: RT @ActuaLitte: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@BartheCloclo: RT @ActuaLitte: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@titrespresse: (Actualitté):#Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la #BD :.. - 9 years ago

@antoineoury: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@PJet: RT @DerfBackderf: Awesome roundup of the recently deceased Gaspar Saladino's DC logos. Holy crap! - 9 years ago

@blackstudioFR: RT @ActuaLitte: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@CollibrisLdL: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la #BD via @ActuaLitte… - 9 years ago

@EmilieTWD: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@ActuaLitte: Disparition de Gaspar Saladino, un des plus grand lettreur de la BD - 9 years ago

@brokenquiver: RT @sinKEVitch: Todd Klein's lovely tribute to the legendary Gaspar Saladino (1927-2016). Saladino's logos and lettering on... - 9 years ago

@jacquenodell: Todd Klein's very nice remembrance of letterer extraordinaire, Gaspar Saladino. - 9 years ago

@detectiveA: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@luther4ever: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@Necron1967: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@OneWordLong: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@lee4hmz: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@LiberryTom: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@knuckztve: RT @MichelFiffe: Klein's massive Gaspar retrospective - 9 years ago

@knuckztve: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@stevemardoart: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@barbercomedy: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@negibozu: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@chirpstory: 725 views Gaspar Saladino, Seniman Dibalik Letter Art Komik Marvel dan DC from @tumbenlucu - 9 years ago

@kamandi68: RT @comicsbeat: Historian letterer Todd Klein has the essential obit for Gaspar Saladino, pointing out how influential he was in... https:/… - 9 years ago

@jeffzwarren: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@JuanBacaro: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@el_bon: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@ScrollBoss: I RT posts about Gaspar Saladino partly because I've been a sucker for cool comic logos since I was a kid, and he made many of the best. - 9 years ago

@next_imaginaut: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@xjackhill: RT @MichelFiffe: Klein's massive Gaspar retrospective - 9 years ago

@xjackhill: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@m_lapinski: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@ReisengRath: RT @MichelFiffe: Klein's massive Gaspar retrospective - 9 years ago

@ReisengRath: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@sl2c: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@eshonborn: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@marsepan: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@toolittlecakes: RT @MichelFiffe: Klein's massive Gaspar retrospective - 9 years ago

@ScrollBoss: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@gorey_haim: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@Sdoots: RT @MichelFiffe: RIP Gaspar Saladino, legendary comics letterer. Obituary by Todd Klein: - 9 years ago

@jferrangonzalez: RT @bustox: DEP Gaspar Saladino. Uno de los más grandes rotulistas que ha dado el medio. - 9 years ago

@cocoy: GASPAR SALADINO Passes Away At 89 | - 9 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 LOGOS: A GASPAR SALADINO Salute! With picks by @craigyoe @arlenschumer - 9 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 LOGOS: A GASPAR SALADINO Salute! With picks by @MarkWaid @paul_levitz - 9 years ago

@mimidukuya: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@heimaoareaxj18: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@maekou1126: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@samurai_kung_fu: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@nobnobnobbonbon: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@goreneuro: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@barkindog2099: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@mitsumitz: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@RedSoulBeat: RT @comicsalliance: Weekender: Gaspar Saladino, 'One of My Kind', And This Is Not Fine - 9 years ago

@EscapePodComics: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@bbnetman: GASPAR SALADINO Passes Away At 89 - 9 years ago

@DanG_Comics: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 LOGOS: A GASPAR SALADINO Salute! With picks by @craigyoe @arlenschumer - 9 years ago

@cyxodus: RT @13th_Dimension: 13 LOGOS: A GASPAR SALADINO Salute! With picks by @craigyoe @arlenschumer - 9 years ago

@13th_Dimension: 13 LOGOS: A GASPAR SALADINO Salute! With picks by @craigyoe @arlenschumer - 9 years ago

@wilandike: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@WordsandPicture: RT @DerfBackderf: The great Gaspar Saladino, creator of many iconic comic book logos & cover & splash page lettering, has died at 88. https… - 9 years ago

@ScottLudwig: Gaspar Saladino, R.I.P. - News From ME - 9 years ago

@CeliaTrulla: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@thechrishaley: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@nuts4r2: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@AndrewIhla: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@Yukett: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@fanatixteam: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@psy_blade: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@NachoNova: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@tjxboxlive17: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@lukeslens: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@thechrishaley: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@teamsmithy: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@arch_carrier: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@teamsmithy: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@Alexdelaneyart: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@xtopgunx: Damn, I had no idea Gaspar Saladino died. RIP Gaspar - 9 years ago

@jm3: RT @sonia__harris: RIP Gaspar Saladino - 9 years ago

@essl: RT @sonia__harris: RIP Gaspar Saladino - 9 years ago

@ramondeveyra: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@Rippersspot: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@KurtFleischer: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@sonia__harris: RIP Gaspar Saladino - 9 years ago

@Charlie_Athanas: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@rgb_alpha: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@JbarOded: RT @Michael_Cho: Gaspar Saladino was one of the best letters ever. - 9 years ago

@Schwab_ebooks: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@bhar_venkat: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@LVCIFERX: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@JbarOded: RT @Comixace: RIP Gaspar Saladino, lettering legend - 9 years ago

@etanastea: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@SoyJulioCR: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@DCWorldSwampy: RT @evolnauj_: R.I.P. Gaspar Saladino - 9 years ago

@SmokeyRayburn: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@karobit: Peep the lettering on this page and tell me that doesn't just scream "DC Comics" to you - 9 years ago

@karobit: It's a revelation to me that this man was as much responsible for what I consider "DC House Style" as any artist - 9 years ago

@EthanPersoff: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@thecurtain: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@kwissoker: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@ValVictory: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@ScottKolins: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@sateayam: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@V1nduska: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@StephenMuses: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@greatsocietyca: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@BrettTheBrooks: Actually, read this. #GasparSaladino - 9 years ago

@BigBinkles: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@TheRoar_24: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@bpolitte: Sad that I’d never heard of Gaspar Saladino until he passed. He designed some of my favorite comic logos. - 9 years ago

@Radlein: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@AH_AdamHughes: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@DanGearino: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@bpolitte: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@BuildYourBrandA: RIP one of the great comic book letterers - responsible for some of most famous comic book logos of all time - 9 years ago

@N3M3S1O: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@JustinFrydel: RT @PatrickZircher: Letterer Gaspar Saladino was a major figure in an art that doesn't get much due. His contributions are extraordinary ht… - 9 years ago

@freakhour: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@ScrollBoss: also: The "Dial B for Blog" posts about Gaspar Saladino start right here: - 9 years ago

@peridotmatrix: RT @comicsreporter: i hope that gaspar saladino's passing might lead us to consideration of letterers and designers in our halls of fame ht… - 9 years ago

@JadineRhine: RT @Newsarama: GASPAR SALADINO Passes Away At 89 - 9 years ago

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