Gamal Al Ghitani

Egyptian author.
Died on Sunday October 18th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Gamal Al Ghitani:

@TaobukFestival: GAMAL AL GHITANI⁰L'EGITTO TRA POLITICA, MISTICISMO E FARAONI⁰@minimaetmoralia #Egitto #politica #letteratura - 9 years ago

@lance89629: RT @ranae392: Acclaimed Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 in Cairo having been in a coma for two months. - 9 years ago

@TrippDane: Acclaimed Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 in Cairo having been in a coma for two months. - 9 years ago

@SharifKhanBooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago


@JimBessman: When a top Islamic jurist said exhibiting statues at home was forbidden, Gamal al-Ghitani said, “It’s time for.. - 9 years ago

@JimBessman: Late Egyptian novelist Gamal al-Ghitani defended mediocre novel found blasphemous to Islam by court: “We cannot.. - 9 years ago

@AUCPress: RT NYT tribute to Gamal al-Ghitani, the "#Egyptian #Novelist With a Political Bent" - 9 years ago

@HeyAidenK: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@Hypathialex: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 Gamal #AlGhitany #Ghitany #Ghitani #AlGhitani - 9 years ago

@IlianaLelia: Acclaimed Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 in Cairo having been in a coma for two months. - 9 years ago

@bruculino: RT @arablit: Towering Egyptian Novelist and Cultural Critic, Gamal al-Ghitani Dies at Age 70 - 9 years ago

@VeilleCottin: RT @norkydee: Mort du grand écrivain égyptien Gamal Al Ghitani | L'Humanité - 9 years ago

@4sanswebzine: RT @norkydee: Mort du grand écrivain égyptien Gamal Al Ghitani | L'Humanité - 9 years ago

@_Perseides_: RT @norkydee: Mort du grand écrivain égyptien Gamal Al Ghitani | L'Humanité - 9 years ago

@norkydee: Mort du grand écrivain égyptien Gamal Al Ghitani | L'Humanité - 9 years ago

@abeerallamj: Obituary--Gamal-Al-Ghitani------------- - Al-Ahram Weekly - 9 years ago

@Anthony56354186: ; Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 on - 9 years ago

@cbores: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago

@Wnicholasgomes: RT @andreasharsono: NYT: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago

@andreasharsono: NYT: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago

@stradedellest: Gamal al Ghitani, ruvida voce d’Egitto - 9 years ago

@NahostNews: Ein traditionsbewusster Modernisierer - 9 years ago

@ptpontonoticia: Gamal Al-Ghitani, uma voz árabe contra o extremismo islâmico (1945-2015) - 9 years ago

@QuibellPaul: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@Stephen73103Q: RT @ranae392: Acclaimed Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 in Cairo having been in a coma for two months. - 9 years ago

@Egypte_actus: #Arabpress / #Egypte / #GamalAlGhitany / #Egitto Lecture recommandée: "Zayni Barakat" de Gamal Ghitany... - 9 years ago

@AlAhramWeekly: Obituary--Gamal-Al-Ghitani------------- - Al-Ahram Weekly - 9 years ago

@LPiersantelli: #GamalalGhitani: l'#Egitto tra politica, misticismo e faraoni - 9 years ago

@Judman2able: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@MAOrthofer: Gamal Nkrumah on Gamal Al-Ghitani @AlAhramWeekly - 9 years ago

@ranae392: Acclaimed Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 in Cairo having been in a coma for two months. - 9 years ago

@adgiornalaio: Gamal al Ghitani, ruvida voce d’Egitto - 9 years ago

@aliabdarrahman: #Gamal #al-Ghitani, #EgyptianNovelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - - 9 years ago

@ComUMonline: Cultura - Perfil biográfico de Gamal Al Ghitani, jornalista e escritor incómodo para o fanatismo islâmico - 9 years ago

@nasseratta5: Gamal al-Ghitani, #Egypt-ian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago

@RelatosDeElla: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@my_little_books: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@huguesmoret: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian Novelist With a Political Bent, Dies at 70 - 9 years ago

@ayoquxibe: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@matanaroberts: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@READNIGHTLY: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@dr_ahman: RT @nytimesbooks: Gamal al-Ghitani, Egyptian novelist most famous for “Zayni Barakat,” a critique of totalitarianism, dies at 70. - 9 years ago

@NewsChannelDe: Nachruf: Gamal al-Ghitani gestorben: Der ägyptische Autor Gamal al-Ghitani hatte eine tiefe Abneigung gegen di... - 9 years ago

@news24hger: #kultur Nachruf: Gamal al-Ghitani gestorben: Der ägyptische Autor Gamal al-Ghitani hatte eine tiefe Abneigung ... - 9 years ago

@iamProjectP: Egyptian Writer Gamal al-Ghitani Dies Aged 70 - 9 years ago

@screengist: Egyptian Writer Gamal al-Ghitani Dies Aged 70 - 9 years ago

@fortimar: RT @battiston_g: su @minimaetmoralia ricordiamo lo scrittore egiziano Gamal al-Ghitani - 9 years ago

@nzyucel: BBC News - Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@GreenGlamLady: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@stradedellest: RT @battiston_g: su @minimaetmoralia ricordiamo lo scrittore egiziano Gamal al-Ghitani - 9 years ago

@battiston_g: su @minimaetmoralia ricordiamo lo scrittore egiziano Gamal al-Ghitani - 9 years ago

@thalierato: RT @Telerama: Mort de l'écrivain égyptien Gamal al-Ghitani - 9 years ago

@RAPMAGHollande: Hommage de Fleur Pellerin, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, à Gamal al-Ghita… - 9 years ago

@charles_onu101: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago


@MinistereCC: "L'écrivain Gamal al-Ghitani vient de disparaître. L’Égypte perd une grande voix. La France, un ami" @fleurpellerin - 9 years ago

@yaghiadam75: RT @arabist: Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70: - 9 years ago

@webpointzero: Gamal al-Ghitani: l’Egitto tra politica, misticismo e faraoni - 9 years ago

@Cristoforo_P: Gamal al-Ghitani: l’Egitto tra politica, misticismo e faraoni - 9 years ago

@giovannidalloli: MINIMA ET MORALIA Gamal al-Ghitani: l’Egitto tra politica, misticismo e faraoni - 9 years ago

@EditoriaLibri: Gamal al-Ghitani: l’Egitto tra politica, misticismo e faraoni - 9 years ago

@SionaJ: RIP Gamal al-Ghitani. - 9 years ago

@SaraGomezAranci: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@TVMCCA: Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@SteinbeckAfrica: BBC News - Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@3NovicesEU: #3Novices : Egyptian novelist Gamal Al Ghitani dies - 9 years ago

@canbahadir: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@EgyptBulletinEn: Egyptian novelist Gamal Al Ghitani dies . #Egypt - 9 years ago

@employmentin: New post: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist Gamal al-Ghitani passes away - 9 years ago

@go_EGYPT: - 9 years ago

@NewsOnPlanet: Egyptian novelist Gamal Al Ghitani dies - 9 years ago

@taharhani: RT @QGinfo: Mort du célèbre écrivain égyptien Gamal al-Ghitani à l'âge de 70 ans - 9 years ago

@SherifaZuhur: Novelist and cultural critic, Gamal al-Ghitani has died ... #Egypt #ArabicLiterature - 9 years ago

@supolash1: RT @liamstack: Gamal al-Ghitani, towering Egyptian novelist and cultural critic, has died at age 70 - 9 years ago

@PetrinaRigby: RT @liamstack: Gamal al-Ghitani, towering Egyptian novelist and cultural critic, has died at age 70 - 9 years ago

@sarasuamaria: RT @liamstack: Gamal al-Ghitani, towering Egyptian novelist and cultural critic, has died at age 70 - 9 years ago

@liamstack: Gamal al-Ghitani, towering Egyptian novelist and cultural critic, has died at age 70 - 9 years ago

@alhagar: "Towering Egyptian Novelist and Cultural Critic, Gamal al-Ghitani, Dies at Age 70" - 9 years ago

@gktoday: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist Gamal al-Ghitani passes away: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist and journalist Gamal al-... - 9 years ago

@ABonJoviBabe: RT @RanaAsfour: Towering Egyptian Novelist and Cultural Critic, Gamal al-Ghitani, Dies at Age 70 - 9 years ago

@RanaAsfour: Towering Egyptian Novelist and Cultural Critic, Gamal al-Ghitani, Dies at Age 70 - 9 years ago

@LivreNinja: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@jimitpandit: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@JanvierChando: Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@sohailmalik7: #Egyptian #writer #Gamal al-Ghitani #dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@SoeWs19: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@afrika7online: Egypte: décès du romancier Gamal al-Ghitani #AFRIKA7 #EGYPTE #ALGHITANI - 9 years ago

@bigaku_ferrari: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@AndanteLyu: RT @BBCWorld: Acclaimed Egyptian novelist & journalist Gamal al-Ghitani has died in Cairo, aged 70 - 9 years ago

@Drachen_Himmlis: El escritor egipcio Gamal al Ghitani muere a los 70 años: El Cairo, 17 oct (dpa) - El egipcio Gamal al Ghitani... - 9 years ago

@Memoria_Mx: #Alerta El escritor egipcio Gamal al Ghitani muere a los 70 años - 9 years ago

@IsraelExaminer: Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies #middle east - 9 years ago

@ENTORNOi: Muere a los 70 años el escritor egipcio Gamal al Ghitani - 9 years ago

@SIMundial: Morreu o escritor egípcio Gamal Al Ghitani - 9 years ago

@FALRiwaq: BBC News - Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@urihoresh: BBC News - Egyptian writer Gamal al-Ghitani dies aged 70 - 9 years ago

@arablit: RT @FranceenEgypte: Adieu au grand écrivain Gamal al-Ghitani, que la #France avait promu Officier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres http… - 9 years ago

@fernandohgarcia: Muere a los 70 años el escritor egipcio Gamal al Ghitani - 9 years ago

@1001ptsPT: Morreu o escritor egípcio Gamal Al Ghitani ( - 9 years ago

@AliAlmajnooni: RT @arablit: Two short stories here: Many others in translation scattered in different collections. - 9 years ago

@misanthropester: RT @arablit: Novelist @GhoshAmitav on Gamal al-Ghitani, who died today: - 9 years ago

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