Galal Amin

Egyptian economist.
Died on Tuesday September 25th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Galal Amin:

@Racha_Ramadan: RT @ERFlatest: Galal Amin and the #Egyptian middle class - 6 years ago

@kelkashoury1: Maged ElSayed Kareem Amin Kamal Hamoud وحشني ي ولاد ♥ - 6 years ago

@AhmedShamseldin: RT @ERFlatest: Galal Amin and the #Egyptian middle class - 6 years ago

@HussamElArabi: RT @AUC: It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing away of Distinguished AUC Professor and well-known Economist Galal Amin https:… - 6 years ago


@uguraytun: RT @ERFlatest: Galal Amin and the #Egyptian middle class - 6 years ago

@econromesh: RT @ERFlatest: Galal Amin and the #Egyptian middle class - 6 years ago

@catherinecornet: Galal Amin: A master of the declining art of teaching - 6 years ago

@ERFlatest: Galal Amin and the #Egyptian middle class - 6 years ago

@econromesh: A sense of ‘defeat’ among the Egyptian middle class was the main motivation for the 2011 uprising; in a tribute to… - 6 years ago

@_amroali: A book display at @AUC_Library in honor of Egyptian intellectual, Galal Amin, who passed away last week. RIP. - 6 years ago

@drmmh2: AUC bids Godfather Galal Amin farewell: “Each of us has only so much to teach” - 6 years ago

@dad_anm: @alaraby_ar @waiel65 Galal Amin is secularist!!! This creates conflict between what he is advocating and what he be… - 6 years ago

@CaireneGirl: RT @DiabolicalIdea: In the stifling atmosphere in which he operated, Galal Amin was a rare voice of clarity, courage and conscience. https:… - 6 years ago

@emb_egypt_ie: RT @Cairo360: Galal Amin: The Tragic Loss of a Brilliant Educator, an Eloquent #Writer, and an Outspoken Intellectual. - 6 years ago

@snessim: RT @Cairo360: Galal Amin: The Tragic Loss of a Brilliant Educator, an Eloquent #Writer, and an Outspoken Intellectual. - 6 years ago

@Cairo360: Galal Amin: The Tragic Loss of a Brilliant Educator, an Eloquent #Writer, and an Outspoken Intellectual.… - 6 years ago

@MNHeggi: @Hazem_Elokda @The_Avatorian RIP Galal Amin 🙈 - 6 years ago

@Abdsad15: RT @AUC_Library: Check out our book display in honor of the Egyptian intellectual, Galal Amin, who passed away last Tuesday. Dr. Galal Ami… - 6 years ago

@kaled201097: ارتبطت ظاهرة الجماهير الغفيرة بتزايد الكثافة السكانية في العالم أجمع، وزيادة عدد السكان من 2.5 مليار نسمة خلال القر… - 6 years ago

@monagabra: RT @AUC_Library: Check out our book display in honor of the Egyptian intellectual, Galal Amin, who passed away last Tuesday. Dr. Galal Ami… - 6 years ago

@DiabolicalIdea: And in his final years, Galal Amin became a major conspiracy theorist and apologist for Arab tyranny.… - 6 years ago

@sam_wesaam: RT @_amroali: Egyptian intellectual, economist and distinguished professor Galal Amin has passed away at the age of 83. It’s a sad loss for… - 6 years ago

@VassilisKFouska: RT @AlexanKazamias: Professor Galal Amin (1935-2018). A well-known political economist, who stood out for his finely popularized writings… - 6 years ago

@Moushira_Saleh: A beautiful piece about Galal Amin, the one who made socio-economics readable for non-specialized persons like me.… - 6 years ago

@MsTahaH: RT @_amroali: Egyptian intellectual, economist and distinguished professor Galal Amin has passed away at the age of 83. It’s a sad loss for… - 6 years ago

@yousrsharawy: RT @MadaMasr: Writer, intellectual and economist Galal Amin, who died on Tuesday 25 September, is remembered by his former student Dina Hus… - 6 years ago

@Hebasaleh1: “If you understand , you forgive.” Dr. Galal Amin from his lectures 20 years ago.#جلال_امين - 6 years ago

@shaymaa19971: RT @_amroali: Egyptian intellectual, economist and distinguished professor Galal Amin has passed away at the age of 83. It’s a sad loss for… - 6 years ago

@abdelmawgoudma2: RT @MadaMasr: Writer, intellectual and economist Galal Amin, who died on Tuesday 25 September, is remembered by his former student Dina Hus… - 6 years ago

@MuhuMava: RT @kaled201097: ارتبطت ظاهرة الجماهير الغفيرة بتزايد الكثافة السكانية في العالم أجمع، وزيادة عدد السكان من 2.5 مليار نسمة خلال القرن الـ20… - 6 years ago

@ramyshahin: RT @MadaMasr: Writer, intellectual and economist Galal Amin, who died on Tuesday 25 September, is remembered by his former student Dina Hus… - 6 years ago

@_amroali: RT @MadaMasr: Writer, intellectual and economist Galal Amin, who died on Tuesday 25 September, is remembered by his former student Dina Hus… - 6 years ago

@agkamaly: RT @AUCalumni: It is with deep sorrow and a great sense of loss that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Galal Amin, Professor of E… - 6 years ago

@sabahshebl: RT @BusinessFwd: This tribute is not about his academic achievements or leftist views, but rather his impact and his “humanity” - a trait t… - 6 years ago

@AlexanKazamias: Professor Galal Amin (1935-2018). A well-known political economist, who stood out for his finely popularized writi… - 6 years ago

@rakhawy: RT @AUCalumni: It is with deep sorrow and a great sense of loss that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Galal Amin, Professor of E… - 6 years ago

@omegaX50: From around 2 years Prof. Galal Amin came to our faculty to discuss certain paper. And I knew but it was too late.… - 6 years ago

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