Gailanne Cariddi

American politician
Died on Saturday June 17th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Gailanne Cariddi:

@havennet: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@wmasspi: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@MSzafranski413: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@MAWomensCaucus: 'Quiet dignity': Friends, colleagues mourn the death of state Rep. Gailanne Cariddi - 8 years ago


@BerkshireEagle: 'Quiet dignity': Friends, colleagues mourn the death of state Rep. Gailanne Cariddi - 8 years ago

@MAWomensCaucus: RT @WAMCNews: Dignitaries Attend Gailanne Cariddi's Funeral In North Adams - 8 years ago

@WAMCNews: Dignitaries Attend Gailanne Cariddi's Funeral In North Adams - 8 years ago

@BobDunn413: RT @EagleAdamShanks: “She had a quiet dignity that is hard to put into words." -- Speaker Robert DeLeo on Rep. Gailanne Cariddi at her fune… - 8 years ago

@EagleAdamShanks: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@EricLesser: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@MA_Senate: RT @adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@adamghinds: Tonight the Massachusetts Senate adjourned in memory of Representative Gailanne Cariddi. @CariddiGailanne - 8 years ago

@Muradian4Rep: RT @KarynPolito: Rep. Gailanne Cariddi's life of service is celebrated today. She leaves a mark of accomplishment in First Berkshire https:… - 8 years ago

@iberkshires: The community bid farewell to state Rep. Gailanne Cariddi on Thursday - 8 years ago

@BenSosne: RT @KarynPolito: Rep. Gailanne Cariddi's life of service is celebrated today. She leaves a mark of accomplishment in First Berkshire https:… - 8 years ago

@WAMCNews: On #NERLE: Funeral for Rep. Gailanne Cariddi held in North Adams. @JDReports was there. - 8 years ago

@paulpoc: RT @KarynPolito: Rep. Gailanne Cariddi's life of service is celebrated today. She leaves a mark of accomplishment in First Berkshire https:… - 8 years ago

@MASSCreative: Our condolences to family & friends of Rep Gailanne Cariddi Thank you for all your contributions to the Commonwealt… - 8 years ago

@WAMCNews: RT @JDReports: Dignitaries Attend Gailanne Cariddi's Funeral In North Adams - 8 years ago

@WAMCNews: RT @JDReports: ICYMI: Gailanne Cariddi's funeral was today in #NorthAdams. Over 100 dignitaries like @KarynPolito and @SpeakerDeLeo paid re… - 8 years ago

@JDReports: ICYMI: Gailanne Cariddi's funeral was today in #NorthAdams. Over 100 dignitaries like @KarynPolito and… - 8 years ago

@JDReports: Dignitaries Attend Gailanne Cariddi's Funeral In North Adams - 8 years ago

@erinmmilne: RT @_EmilyNorton: When a petroleum lobbyist yelled at me 2 wks ago, Rep. Cariddi gaveled him down. Deeply saddened at this news. - 8 years ago

@MatMuratore: RT @KarynPolito: Rep. Gailanne Cariddi's life of service is celebrated today. She leaves a mark of accomplishment in First Berkshire https:… - 8 years ago

@EagleAdamShanks: “She had a quiet dignity that is hard to put into words." -- Speaker Robert DeLeo on Rep. Gailanne Cariddi at her funeral Thursday. #mapoli - 8 years ago

@BentleyFalcons: Sorry to learn of the passing of State Rep. Gail Cariddi, a member of Bentley's first varsity teams in WBB, FH & SB - 8 years ago

@KarynPolito: Rep. Gailanne Cariddi's life of service is celebrated today. She leaves a mark of accomplishment in First Berkshire - 8 years ago

@readwriteblue: RT @JDReports: Members of #MA House, @KarynPolito, and #Pittsfield, #NorthAdams and #Berkshire leaders gather for Gailanne Cariddi's funera… - 8 years ago

@WAMCNews: RT @JDReports: Members of #MA House, @KarynPolito, and #Pittsfield, #NorthAdams and #Berkshire leaders gather for Gailanne Cariddi's funera… - 8 years ago

@joshcutler: RT @JDReports: Members of #MA House, @KarynPolito, and #Pittsfield, #NorthAdams and #Berkshire leaders gather for Gailanne Cariddi's funera… - 8 years ago

@katielannan: RT @JDReports: Members of #MA House, @KarynPolito, and #Pittsfield, #NorthAdams and #Berkshire leaders gather for Gailanne Cariddi's funera… - 8 years ago

@JDReports: Members of #MA House, @KarynPolito, and #Pittsfield, #NorthAdams and #Berkshire leaders gather for Gailanne Cariddi - 8 years ago

@katielannan: RT @BerkshireEagle: State Rep. Gailanne Cariddi recalled as hardworking, fun colleague: - 8 years ago

@BerkshireEagle: State Rep. Gailanne Cariddi recalled as hardworking, fun colleague: - 8 years ago

@iberkshires: Constituents, officials pay respects for state Rep. Gailanne Cariddi at St. Elizabeth until 8. Funeral tomorrow at 11 a.m. - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Gailanne Cariddi, American politician, Died at 63 - 8 years ago

@EagleAdamShanks: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@edamon_banner: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@CSG_ERC: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@WUPEFM: Gailanne Cariddi - Saturday, June 17th, 2017 - 8 years ago

@car_donovan: RT @massdems: Our community lost a true champion with the passing of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi. Our thoughts are with her family during this di… - 8 years ago

@jsedwards: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@MastLoret: RT @MassAGO: Our sincere condolences to the family of Rep. Gail Cariddi. A true public servant who will be dearly missed. - 8 years ago

@ManMet80: RT @MassAGO: Our sincere condolences to the family of Rep. Gail Cariddi. A true public servant who will be dearly missed. - 8 years ago

@JDReports: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@MatthewArella14: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@BerkshireGrown: We here at Berkshire Grown will miss Representative Gailanne Cariddi tremendously. She worked tirelessly to... - 8 years ago

@LymeCoalition: RT @SLAMLyme: Our sincere condolences! #mapoli State Rep. Gailanne Cariddi dies at 63. - 8 years ago

@SLAMLyme: Our sincere condolences! #mapoli State Rep. Gailanne Cariddi dies at 63. - 8 years ago

@Mass_Tech: RT @MassBroadband: The MBI sends our thoughts to the family & friends of Rep. @CariddiGailanne, a dedicated and caring public servant: http… - 8 years ago

@MassBroadband: The MBI sends our thoughts to the family & friends of Rep. @CariddiGailanne, a dedicated and caring public servant:… - 8 years ago

@MediaGalChloe: RT @MassAGO: Our sincere condolences to the family of Rep. Gail Cariddi. A true public servant who will be dearly missed. - 8 years ago

@TJusticeFC: RT @RepPaulMark: State and national flags across Massachusetts have been ordered to half-staff in memory of Rep. Gailanne Cariddi until sun… - 8 years ago

@iberkshires: Services for Rep. Gailanne Cariddi are Thursday at 11 a.m. at St. Elizabeth, wake also at the church on Wednesday... - 8 years ago

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