Gail Sheehy

American author
Died on Tuesday August 25th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gail Sheehy:

@ChesCoRamblings: Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 4 years ago

@SamanthaDunn: @marksarvas No, but John Lewis is, as is David Bowie, Chadwick Boseman, Gail Sheehy, etc. -- basically a whole bunc… - 4 years ago

@ProtonVamos: Third week of the Week. To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist. -- Gail Sheehy 2020-09-02 walking - 4 years ago

@oliLince: RT @jenkellyjen: "Growth demands a temporary surrender of security" Gail Sheehy #quotes - 4 years ago


@jenkellyjen: "Growth demands a temporary surrender of security" Gail Sheehy #quotes - 4 years ago

@Ronnieb2140: If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender… - 4 years ago

@qwertyuiop51559: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 4 years ago

@leadershiptopix: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 4 years ago

@MMhachey: "Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." Gail Sheehy #opportunity - 4 years ago

@ljrflm_mgstrd19: If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. - Gail Sheehy - 4 years ago

@TiffanyBakker: Journalist Gail Sheehy died last week. Her piece on ‘Little Edie’ Beale remains one of the greatest feature stories… - 4 years ago

@BestSalesTips: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 4 years ago

@gboddicker: RT @HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, both de… - 4 years ago

@DavidPatrickBr2: @prizzotweet No! You could live another 20 or more years to apply what you learn! Gail Sheehy Passages... - 4 years ago

@ESME_SoloMoms: RT @BoldLivingNow: It was a privilege to meet the inimitable Gail Sheehy, a force for bold women everywhere - 4 years ago

@OkroguLes: RT @AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 4 years ago

@MichelleRoseG33: RT @AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 4 years ago

@AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 4 years ago

@BoldLivingNow: It was a privilege to meet the inimitable Gail Sheehy, a force for bold women everywhere - 4 years ago

@ellinst: @HadleyFreeman Gail Sheehy, Pete Hamill -- this year has not been a good one for giants of New Journalism. - 4 years ago

@hughgmeechan: RT @HadleyFreeman: And I love this piece about Sheehy from Christopher Bonanos - 4 years ago

@hughgmeechan: RT @HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, both de… - 4 years ago

@Chickesh: RT @HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, both de… - 4 years ago

@fatblackcatspaw: RT @HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, both de… - 4 years ago

@tezzer57: RT @HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, both de… - 4 years ago

@HadleyFreeman: And I love this piece about Sheehy from Christopher Bonanos - 4 years ago

@HadleyFreeman: Gail Sheehy and Julia Reed, two amazing - and very different - female journalists I read since I was a teenager, bo… - 4 years ago

@MaurrinCarter: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 5 years ago

@MA_Laatikainen: RT @HeikkiOjala: "Jos emme muutu, emme kasva. Jos emme kasva, emme oikeastaan elä ollenkaan". - Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@HeikkiOjala: "Jos emme muutu, emme kasva. Jos emme kasva, emme oikeastaan elä ollenkaan". - Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@crittaluvva: RT @shelby3a: @MarkHertling @POTUS @MilitaryTimes 27 psychology experts wrote a book the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Here are some of t… - 5 years ago

@intet_06: RT @JustMeeOnly: “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy FRANKIANA KUMUrathon - 5 years ago

@AkoFrankiana: RT @JustMeeOnly: “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy FRANKIANA KUMUrathon - 5 years ago

@jhvwxyz: RT @JustMeeOnly: “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy FRANKIANA KUMUrathon - 5 years ago

@JustMeeOnly: “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist.”—Gail Sheehy FRANKIANA KUMUrathon - 5 years ago

@JaiGaLexx: “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail Sheehy @Jaiga_Pampanga #JaiGaDayOut - 5 years ago

@fdshipchictur24: “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail Sheehy FRANKIANA KUMUrathon - 5 years ago

@SpotlightAmin: "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living." Gail Sheehy #NimbleQuotes - 5 years ago

@CoachForlight: "If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living." Gail Sheehy #NimbleQuotes - 5 years ago

@GingerResists: RT @shelby3a: @MarkHertling @POTUS @MilitaryTimes 27 psychology experts wrote a book the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Here are some of t… - 5 years ago

@Amerto2bee: RT @shelby3a: @MarkHertling @POTUS @MilitaryTimes 27 psychology experts wrote a book the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Here are some of t… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: “50, there is a new warmth and mellowing. Friends become more important than ever, but so does privacy. Since it is… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: “Would that there were an award for people who come to understand the concept of enough. Good enough. Successful en… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @StuartEmmrich: Great NYT obit on Gail Sheehy. She was among the most curious people — in the absolute best possible definition of the w… - 5 years ago

@ShivbaliMishra: RT @heeralalias: "If we don´t change, we don´t grow. If we don´t grow, we aren´t really living." ​ Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@eleekg: RT @CELAlibrary: We were saddened to hear of the death of Gail Sheehy last week. The non-fiction author was best known for her writing abou… - 5 years ago

@CELAlibrary: We were saddened to hear of the death of Gail Sheehy last week. The non-fiction author was best known for her writi… - 5 years ago

@shelby3a: @MarkHertling @POTUS @MilitaryTimes 27 psychology experts wrote a book the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Here are… - 5 years ago

@notoriousreads: Writer-Journalist Gail Sheehy Passes Away - 5 years ago

@TomMcGr: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@pixels_prose: "Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." Gail Sheehy #NimbleQuotes - 5 years ago

@czduchin: @Gr3Te4rights @conular @halladayfan32 @strychninelove @anxiboom @pat4az @cbeaux @blueheartedly @crzyfkinworld… - 5 years ago

@CryptoGoldAndy: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@bbbgramps: RT @intelligencer: Remembering Gail Sheehy, the daring reporter who died on Monday at 83 - 5 years ago

@intelligencer: Remembering Gail Sheehy, the daring reporter who died on Monday at 83 - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: “If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.” Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @VanityFair: Gail Sheehy, a longtime contributing editor at Vanity Fair, often offered the final word on a given topic, thanks to her pr… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@czduchin: @LA_Karma1 @2_mke @RhymesRadical @SDDNP @TexasGal_98 @GrandpaSnarky @RexThomresist45 @Texy_Liz @Rosie_wearamask… - 5 years ago

@got_95hart: If we don't change we don't grow. If we don't grow, we are not really living- Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@abogadadelalma: "Si no cambiamos, no crecemos. Si no crecemos, no estamos realmente viviendo." Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@stephan0523: RT @AndyVanDyke: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@LeadershipBEST: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@farfel54: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to mid-… - 5 years ago

@IsaacPerezYunis: "Si no cambiamos, no crecemos. Si no crecemos, no estamos realmente viviendo." Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@relationshipsdw: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@myphillymedia: RT @AndyVanDyke: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@BarleyRobinson: RT @AndyVanDyke: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@AndyVanDyke: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@AndyvDyke: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@cathiew632: “Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon — a revolution, an assassination, a notorious trial, an attack… - 5 years ago

@cathiew632: - 5 years ago

@Jessesgang: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@kathrynolney: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@cfrangou: Gail Sheehy Never Stopped Reporting: A Tribute - 5 years ago

@lekh27: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@valentino_anne: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@jayneyutig: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@HagosRey: RT @LuvsKyjoizzz: If we don’t change,we don’t grow ,if we don’t grow we aren’t really living -Gail sheehy @abdul_raman23 @SavaShayne @Abd… - 5 years ago

@LuvsKyjoizzz: If we don’t change,we don’t grow ,if we don’t grow we aren’t really living -Gail sheehy @abdul_raman23 @SavaShayne… - 5 years ago

@Passeriform: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adultho… - 5 years ago

@8645on11320: “Passages” was required reading for women in the 70s. - 5 years ago

@jenniferkate: @kirkacevedo Add to this: The deaths of writers Jean Little, Betsy Byars, Pete Hamilton,Gail Sheehy,and Julia Reed;… - 5 years ago

@Matteo60392017: "To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist." -Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@JeffcolibMo: Gail Sheehy, "the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose bestselling book Passages helped millions navig… - 5 years ago

@barrymosk: RT @AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@cheryl_brkich: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@pppatticake: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@pppatticake: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@Stan_Stinson: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 5 years ago

@small_steps_mag: RT @AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@LintonMoriah: "If Don't change, Don't grow. If Don't grow, we aren't really living." Gail Sheehy #winning - 5 years ago

@AnneBrookeBooks: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@ifrahmubarak: “ Hadii aanan isbedeln ma aanan korrin Hadii aanna korrina,dhab ahaan maba noolin waayo noloshada waa in aad korta… - 5 years ago

@RavikanthChavan: RT @TheCurrentAffa: 29th August 2020 #currentaffairs Kanyakumari Congress MP #HVasanthkumar, the founder of Vasanth and Co, dies of COVID-… - 5 years ago

@TheCurrentAffa: 29th August 2020 #currentaffairs Kanyakumari Congress MP #HVasanthkumar, the founder of Vasanth and Co, dies of CO… - 5 years ago

@nottalking: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@notoriousreads: Writer-Journalist Gail Sheehy Passes Away - 5 years ago

@realBKilgore: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 5 years ago

@winsjuliet: Gail Sheehy Never Stopped Reporting: A Tribute - 5 years ago

@MichaelHugg2591: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@ernestineg2: RT @imperiojp: RIP Gail Sheehy... The Dangerous Case of @realDonaldTrump - 5 years ago

@blairsinger: “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” – Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@PhilippaBateman: RT @AirMailWeekly: Journalism giant Gail Sheehy died on Monday at 83. We are honored to have published her letter from Cuba in AIR MAIL ear… - 5 years ago

@AirMailWeekly: Journalism giant Gail Sheehy died on Monday at 83. We are honored to have published her letter from Cuba in AIR MAI… - 5 years ago

@ClassicMP: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Tierno158: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@LoriTikiCat: RT @JoshMankiewicz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Peepsqueak: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author, Social Observer, Dies at 83; she looked at what makes public figures tick , & in h… - 5 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@SymmoneCupidore: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to… - 5 years ago

@NOLABOOKFAIR: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to… - 5 years ago

@skadjfd: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to… - 5 years ago

@nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adultho… - 5 years ago

@sjf1: RT @venetianblonde: Seeing reports from those who knew her that Gail Sheehy has died in the city she loved so, New York, of covid-19. Anoth… - 5 years ago

@GoodwinUniv: We are sad to share news of the passing of author Gail Sheehy, Goodwin's 2014 Commencement speaker. She was a delig… - 5 years ago

@venetianblonde: Gail Sheehy did not die of covid, according to her daughter Maura. Her loss remains a cruel one. - 5 years ago

@venetianblonde: @priscillagilman @MoSheehy @Gail_Sheehy I’m so sorry, Maura. Removing my tweet, and sending sincerest sympathy. - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Of her 17 books, the most prominent and influential was “Passages," which examined the predictable crises of adult… - 5 years ago

@KimberlySoenen: “Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon — a revolution, an assassination, a notorious trial, an attack… - 5 years ago

@ALovingUniverse: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - Thank you very much for shar… - 5 years ago

@wmcbridephoto: 📷 Rest in Peace Gail Sheehy Born: November 27, 1936, Mamaroneck, NY Died: August 24, 2020, Southampton, NY Gail She… - 5 years ago

@Politics50266: I just learned that Gail Sheehy died on Monday. This is sad news indeed. I was a fan, read a lot of her work. She w… - 5 years ago

@priscillagilman: @MoSheehy @venetianblonde @Gail_Sheehy Maura!! I’m so sorry about the loss of your amazing mother! ❤️ - 5 years ago

@crow_gore: RT @MikeBarnes4: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@YarmouthLibrary: Gail Sheehy, pop sociologist and author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@EricaKomisarCSW: My great friend, inspiration, and author Gail Sheehy has passed on. My deepest condolences to all who knew and love… - 5 years ago

@MoSheehy: @priscillagilman @venetianblonde @Gail_Sheehy Hi Priscilla, this is Maura Sheehy. It was not Covid, per final test results. Be well. - 5 years ago

@MoSheehy: @venetianblonde @Gail_Sheehy It was not Covid, per final test results. - 5 years ago

@hyperlaine: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@TrotDarrow: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@GenBeatOnline: My latest GBONews: Age Reporting Fellowship Deadline Extended: Sept. 14; Remembering Gail Sheehy; Biden Platform on… - 5 years ago

@BestSalesTips: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@AuroraCityNews: Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties. -Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@CrystalCardona3: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy’s books helped readers define their lives - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@welfordwrites: If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@seastar3549: @RexChapman @jemelehill Pathfinders like Jemele Hill and Colin Kaepernick have a courage most people do not possess… - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Gail Sheehy, pop sociologist and author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - - 5 years ago

@NinianReid: Gail Sheehy, journalist and author with an eye for human behavior, dies at 83 By Harrison Smith - 5 years ago

@abdiaziz_oog: RT @ilhaambuuxo51: "Haddii aynaan is beddelin, ma baan korin. Haddii aynaan korinna, dhab ahaan maba noolin, waayo noloshaada waa in aad ko… - 5 years ago

@tobyharnden: RIP. I remember covering the last days of the doomed Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign with Gail Sheehy (treated icily… - 5 years ago

@ConnorSouthard: I interned for Gail Sheehy during college. I spent most of my time sorting her many books. The one and only time I’… - 5 years ago

@Paulett40578083: RT @jazprose: “If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.” ― Gail Sheehy #quote Best known for her b… - 5 years ago

@matthewkassel: "It was the kind of thing that an on-the-rise cub reporter of 25 would do. Gail, at the time, was 80." - 5 years ago

@JamesGreenBronx: Journalist and Author Gail Sheehy Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@unrealDMGold: When New York magazine was the hottest pub out there, she was a must-read. A great obit that frames her in the cont… - 5 years ago

@WNBASFChapter: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@katherinemiller: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@SteveKettmann: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@downinmonterey: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@anniegowen: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@rubycramer: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@HCleaning360: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 5 years ago

@Ravenking1771: RT @DraperRobert: Gail Sheehy was a towering counterweight to macho me-first gonzo journalists, tilting instead towards psychobiography. Sc… - 5 years ago

@ElofLA: @kitchen5203 Oh my, RIP Gail Sheehy. She helped me make sense of my world, and how to approach it. - 5 years ago

@PEBookstore: Rest in peace author and psychological inspiration and women's health pioneer, Gail Sheehy. #gailsheehy #passages… - 5 years ago

@DianeVillemaire: RT @covid19rip1: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@PatZMiller: Gail Sheehy, Author of Passages, Dies at 83 | Kirkus Reviews - 5 years ago

@RapidCovidLabs: RT @covid19rip1: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@showbiz411: Bestselling "Passages" Writer Gail Sheehy Tragic Irony: She Wrote About Isolating and Beating COVID A Week Before S… - 5 years ago

@EsquireClassic: Incredible profile by Gail Sheehy: - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! Gail helped bring the beauty of quirky to the world, and helped bring attention to 2 of my favorites- The Bea… - 5 years ago

@Miranda_Carney: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@Miranda_Carney: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@Inkwellmgmt: "Gail Sheey's Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives..." - 5 years ago

@CovidLabs: RT @covid19rip1: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@thepressboxpod: Obit for Gail Sheehy, who could write a magazine story under "a clickable headline, before anyone knew about clicks… - 5 years ago

@IPPYmag: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@ACAPinHickory: Gail Sheehy Never Stopped Reporting - 5 years ago

@EsquireClassic: From the late, great Gail Sheehy: - 5 years ago

@saffszyp: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to mid-… - 5 years ago

@annaesilman: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@ec_blueearbooks: RT @covid19rip1: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@covid19rip1: RIP Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@riotta: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adulthood to mid-… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Gail Sheehy's most famous book, “Passages” (1976) was about the stages of a person’s development from early adultho… - 5 years ago

@blogNekoRandom: RT @DowdCarol: "We see it in the body, that if you just give the body enough rest and comfort, it has remarkable self-healing capacities. W… - 5 years ago

@notoriousreads: Writer-Journalist Gail Sheehy Passes Away - 5 years ago

@ktaylorauthor: Hard to believe Gail Sheehey has died. #Passages impacted my generation for sure. - 5 years ago

@pesanharmon: RT @PamelaParesky: “Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon—a revolution, an assassination, a notorious trial, an attack on the… - 5 years ago

@TheSocialNurse: "Growth demands a temporary surrender of security." Gail Sheehy #NimbleQuotes - 5 years ago

@NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@mikerosenwald: RT @sarahw: Read @heybonanos on Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@AyPress_com: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose bestselling "Passages" helped millions navigate… - 5 years ago

@captaincurt81: RT @captaincurt81: Obituary Note: Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@captaincurt81: Obituary Note: Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@Mandelamen: RT @intelligencer: Remembering Gail Sheehy, the daring reporter who died on Monday at 83 - 5 years ago

@vernvaquer: RT @intelligencer: Remembering Gail Sheehy, the daring reporter who died on Monday at 83 - 5 years ago

@intelligencer: Remembering Gail Sheehy, the daring reporter who died on Monday at 83 - 5 years ago

@Hephaestus7: » Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@dean_frey: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@la_natif: @Gail_Sheehy @AOC RIP Ms Sheehy ⭐🙏🏾⭐ AOC...what a memorable flattering final tweet ..... 'fearless' 'new age' #Vote. 😷🗽🇺🇸 - 5 years ago

@jaimelubin: It is a gorgeous celebration of their friendship and what made their generation of writers iconic. Always my #WCW.… - 5 years ago

@jaimelubin: You may be reading many tributes to #GailSheehy now, but few capture her essence better than this piece, written in… - 5 years ago

@Aquaraye14: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@Aquaraye14: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@BookedSolidVAC: RT @BookedSolidVAC: Obituary Note: Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@BookedSolidVAC: Obituary Note: Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@CecileCallis: Gail Sheehy Never Stopped Reporting - 5 years ago

@LHBrok: WaPo: Gail Sheehy, journalist and author with an eye for human behavior, dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Columbia_Newz: Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties. -Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@TheTygris: Gail Sheehy Never Stopped Reporting - 5 years ago

@HadleyTa: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@WRTAThe11thHour: R.I.P. Gail Sheehy. The author of Passages and other works was 83 - 5 years ago

@LisaFalkowitz: Remembering Gail Sheehy – Author & Journalist - 5 years ago

@AlexVadukul: RT @sarahw: Read @heybonanos on Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@pkcromwell: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@Oliver48202: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@elongreen: RT @sarahw: Read @heybonanos on Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@DonQuixote1950: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@LauraTripp57: RT @Olivianuzzi: This remembrance of Gail Sheehy, by one of her @NYMag editors, @heybonanos, is just perfect. - 5 years ago

@AnaMandic13: RT @NYMag: Gail Sheehy was a reporter at her core, and a relentless one. @heybonanos writes - 5 years ago

@BlissKarina: I remember Passages - great book. Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@equi_noctis: RT @kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Gail😪 Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@bobann: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@IAmDonMartin: RT @GordonTredgold: The secret of a leader lies in the tests he has faced over the whole course of his life and the habit of action he deve… - 5 years ago

@SouthShoreElder: RT @ASAging: We were saddened to learn that Gail Sheehy has died. She was a longtime friend of ASA, presenting at multiple conferences and… - 5 years ago

@philanthrowomen: Another big loss. Rest in power, Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@captaincurt81: RT @captaincurt81: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@captaincurt81: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@plake777: RT @GordonTredgold: The secret of a leader lies in the tests he has faced over the whole course of his life and the habit of action he deve… - 5 years ago

@sweetdee_nyc: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@julieburtonwmc: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Gail😪 Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@RealElephantboy: #RIP Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@GordonTredgold: The secret of a leader lies in the tests he has faced over the whole course of his life and the habit of action he… - 5 years ago

@ASAging: We were saddened to learn that Gail Sheehy has died. She was a longtime friend of ASA, presenting at multiple confe… - 5 years ago

@HerringRead: Gail Sheehy was one of @NYMag’s popular contributors and social observers. She passed away on Monday. @nytimes cele… - 5 years ago

@MarcieBianco: RT @nytimesbooks: And read The Times's obituary for Gail Sheehy, who died on Monday - 5 years ago

@votegirlvote: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@schpsych8: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@MichaelPacholek: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@KirkusReviews: Journalist Gail Sheehy, author of the bestselling 1976 book PASSAGES, has died. We called her 2014 memoir, DARING,… - 5 years ago

@MelissaMermaid: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@bgros765: RT @adiestraadra: Fallece la escritora Gail Sheehy a los 83 años - 5 years ago

@shobha_kunwar: RT @NedrickExpress: Journalist Gail Sheehy, author of bestselling book ‘Passages,’ dies at 83. #GailSheehy #RestInPeace #Journalist https:/… - 5 years ago

@proclaimer12: I'm so sad to hear about the passing of Gail Sheehy. She was a pioneer in the field of journalism, one of the first… - 5 years ago

@thuglibrarian: Gail Sheehy opened my eyes and world is so many ways. #rip - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives - 5 years ago

@DeborahLincoln: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - - 5 years ago

@NothingWasThere: #GailSheehy - #journalist and #author with an eye for human behavior, dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@RayNowosielski: Gail Sheehy wrote the @observer articles that popularized “the Jersey Girls,” the 9/11 widows whose stories we told… - 5 years ago

@LibraryJournal: Journalist & author #GailSheehy has died; reviews of Jon Meacham's #JohnLewis bio, #BrianStelter's 'Hoax,'… - 5 years ago

@msargus88: Decades - 5 years ago

@beyondthedash: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83. #GailSheehy #Obituary - 5 years ago

@burguesaboricua: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@ChasesCalendar: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@behindthewoman1: RT @behindthewoman1: Really sad to hear Gail Sheehy has died age 83. Her book 'Passages' helped millions navigate their lives from early ad… - 5 years ago

@arabbitorduck: RT @DwarfToday: Gail Sheehy and I became friends in recent years. She had an amazing range of talents, big Gaelic charm and endless curiosi… - 5 years ago

@lilok30: This made me sad. I met her at the book festival in San Miguel a few years ago. She was so vital, effervescent and… - 5 years ago

@wemeow2: RT @SchlowLibrary: #RIPGailSheehy 😔 #Passages - 5 years ago

@CorinneBlogs: I read 'Passages' at an important time in my life and it made so much sense to me. RIP Gail Sheehy, author of Passa… - 5 years ago

@DwarfToday: Gail Sheehy and I became friends in recent years. She had an amazing range of talents, big Gaelic charm and endless… - 5 years ago

@aiA0oGIFAaP1skA: RT @NedrickExpress: Journalist Gail Sheehy, author of bestselling book ‘Passages,’ dies at 83. #GailSheehy #RestInPeace #Journalist https:/… - 5 years ago

@HadleyTa: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy is perhaps best known for her book "Passages," but all her books offered readers a greater awareness of life… - 5 years ago

@HadleyTa: RT @nytimesbooks: And read The Times's obituary for Gail Sheehy, who died on Monday - 5 years ago

@WilbrahamPubLib: R.I.P. Gail Sheehy, the author of "Passages," a publishing phenomenon back in the mid-1970s. - 5 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@OsteoporosisNOF: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our friend and former NOF Trustee, Gail Sheehy. We send our deepe… - 5 years ago

@lister_lester: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@lister_lester: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@john_slotkin: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@SchlowLibrary: #RIPGailSheehy 😔 #Passages - 5 years ago

@PRNews: RT @PublishersWkly: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author, and Social Observer, Dies at 83 | @nytimes - 5 years ago

@Molly_Hariotte: When I worked in a bookstore, around graduation time every year people would come in asking for books about enterin… - 5 years ago

@mwalkercom: RT @ucbsoj: We were very saddened today to learn of the death of “Passages” author and @VanityFair writer Gail Sheehy, widow of editor Clay… - 5 years ago

@PublishersWkly: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author, and Social Observer, Dies at 83 | @nytimes - 5 years ago

@billritter7: RIP GAIL SHEEHY. what a wonderful person and what a profound journalist and writer. Her biggest work - the book "… - 5 years ago

@msdonovan1: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@MichelleKinney: Gail’s last public event was with @westsidedemsnyc, a virtual event I had the honor of producing with @jasonhaber.… - 5 years ago

@DowdCarol: "We see it in the body, that if you just give the body enough rest and comfort, it has remarkable self-healing capa… - 5 years ago

@bucksctylib: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy is perhaps best known for her book "Passages," but all her books offered readers a greater awareness of life… - 5 years ago

@gracie28: RT @james_aura: Journalist and author Gail Sheehy has died at 83 - 5 years ago

@ShaunMoffat: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@MorristownBooks: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of Gail Sheehy, who passed away on Monday. We were so fortunate to have Gai… - 5 years ago

@DeborahDenno: - 5 years ago

@clairebangasser: Ah, I did read Passages when it came out ❤️ Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@ellenlebowitz: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@atelierARTIFICE: Gail Sheehy, a writer and voice for women and society a powerful part of the last decades of human interactions. Sh… - 5 years ago

@alexrotas: RT @behindthewoman1: Really sad to hear Gail Sheehy has died age 83. Her book 'Passages' helped millions navigate their lives from early ad… - 5 years ago

@WiemersD: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@inkandbookmarks: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@TopReadings: Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives - 5 years ago

@sa_4166: RT @HendTAlsudairy: وفاة جيل شيهي مؤلفة passages الكتاب الذي وصل لاعلى المبيعات في العالم. Gail Sheehy dead: Pop sociologist and author of… - 5 years ago

@YuliyaInopinaPR: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@GordonTredgold: Gail Sheehy.- #quote #image - 5 years ago

@juliet316: RT @Variety: Journalist and author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@HendTAlsudairy: وفاة جيل شيهي مؤلفة passages الكتاب الذي وصل لاعلى المبيعات في العالم. Gail Sheehy dead: Pop sociologist and author… - 5 years ago

@EINBookNews: Gail Sheehy, Author Of Bestselling 70’s Self Help Book ‘Passages’ Dies, At 83 - 5 years ago

@milou1st: RT @florentinobm: "Writer Gail Sheehy, Author of ‘Passages,’ Dies at 83" by The Associated Press via NYT - 5 years ago

@jhin58794874: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@florentinobm: "Writer Gail Sheehy, Author of ‘Passages,’ Dies at 83" by The Associated Press via NYT - 5 years ago

@florentinobm: "Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83" by Katharine Q. Seelye via NYT - 5 years ago

@ChuckWilsonLA: Oh those “Forlorn 40s”. RIP Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@manuelinarescom: #NOW Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - - 5 years ago

@Matteo60392017: "To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist." -Gail Sheehy - 5 years ago

@RichaEnvironmen: Gail Sheehy is trending on Wikipedia with 37 edits from 6 contributors. Read more: - 5 years ago

@petercaranicas: It's hard to overestimate her influence on New York's literary and social scenes in the late 60s and early 70s: Gai… - 5 years ago

@Reveal_House: RT @djemal_ua: "Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives" by BY TINA JORDAN AND AMISHA PADNANI via NYT - 5 years ago

@SergeRicco: Writer Gail Sheehy, Author of ‘Passages,’ Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@djemal_ua: "Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives" by BY TINA JORDAN AND AMISHA PADNANI via NYT… - 5 years ago

@AmyMWilson88: "Writer Gail Sheehy, Author of ‘Passages,’ Dies at 83" by The Associated Press via NYT - 5 years ago

@thinkingenglish: Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives - 5 years ago

@thinkingenglish: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@aguspg365: RT @DLasAmericas: #Cultura | Fallece la escritora Gail Sheehy a los 83 años. - 5 years ago

@marcosarellano: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Gail Sheehy Death – Dead – Obituary : U.S Author and Journalist Dies at 83. - 5 years ago

@AzureGhost: RT @joehagansays: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@CantosPM: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@JRussBriley: Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives - 5 years ago

@FitToPrint: Vale Gail Sheehy; always a must-read! via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@STORM_1934: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@saffship: RT @blogofdeath: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior, examined societal… - 5 years ago

@saffship: RT @obituarywriters: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior, examined socie… - 5 years ago

@TRACIBINGHAM: - 5 years ago

@obituarywriters: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior, examined so… - 5 years ago

@blogofdeath: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior, examined so… - 5 years ago

@nakedlaughing: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@KPIXtv: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate… - 5 years ago

@cclovephd: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@lellingw: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Wikifo: Gail Sheehy is trending on Wikipedia with 26 edits from 6 contributors. Read more: - 5 years ago

@CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@pksjones1: smart saavy stylish, Gail Sheehy off to the celestial - 5 years ago

@ekurtenbach: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@hankstuever: RT @harrisondsmith: “I didn’t have to write about politics like the boys do, focusing on the horse race and daily polls. I could explore th… - 5 years ago

@FYMYGIRLS: RT @gregtutunjian: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@jan_carney: RT @uvmvermont: Today we remember #UVM alumna Gail Sheehy '58, who passed away at age 83. A pioneering journalist and bestselling author,… - 5 years ago

@MarkOliveras313: RT @ABFalecbaldwin: Rest In Peace Gail Sheehy... - 5 years ago

@lwarman59: RT @ABFalecbaldwin: Rest In Peace Gail Sheehy... - 5 years ago

@kjblackhawk: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@ABFalecbaldwin: Rest In Peace Gail Sheehy... - 5 years ago

@TesLex082016: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@PersuasivePR: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@rangermoose1: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@CauriePutnam: Ms. Sheehy lived in Rochester and wrote for the ⁦@DandC⁩ for a time at the beginning of her career. “Gail Sheehy, J… - 5 years ago

@BenVotesBlue: RT @ninatypewriter: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@BdayQueenFeb13: RT @snydenydn: Author Gail Sheehy has died at the age of 83. She was the first to chronicle the lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daugh… - 5 years ago

@yinzerchemist: RT @PittsburghPG: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@lwarman59: RT @snydenydn: Author Gail Sheehy has died at the age of 83. She was the first to chronicle the lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daugh… - 5 years ago

@wellsl8080: @Olivianuzzi So very sad to lose the smart talented woman Gail Sheehy. - 5 years ago

@PaulBacon30: Writer #GailSheehy, author of landmark best-seller #Passages, dies at 83 #RIPGailSheehy #RIPGail - 5 years ago

@shadmik: RT @snydenydn: Author Gail Sheehy has died at the age of 83. She was the first to chronicle the lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daugh… - 5 years ago

@PittsburghPG: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@marissa_hampton: RT @snydenydn: Author Gail Sheehy has died at the age of 83. She was the first to chronicle the lives of Edith Bouvier Beale and her daugh… - 5 years ago

@OMGchronicles: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@DavidRosowsky: RT @UVM_Alumni: Filled with fondness and admiration as we remember alumna Gail Sheehy '58. - 5 years ago

@judymcd88944991: RT @BostonGlobe: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@davidkushner: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@Kevin_Clair_Jax: RT @Amy_Siskind: Heartbroken to learn we have lost Gail Sheehy, a truly lovely person. May her memory be a blessing. 💔 - 5 years ago

@KidLitMotivates: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@jasonhaber: Today we said goodbye to an American icon, Gail Sheehy. Back in May of 1999, Gail hired me to do research work f… - 5 years ago

@UKJAMschool: RT @NYTObits: Of her 17 books, the most prominent and influential was “Passages," which examined the predictable crises of adult life and h… - 5 years ago

@Yarnmeup: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy is perhaps best known for her book "Passages," but all her books offered readers a greater awareness of life… - 5 years ago

@dd9000: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@keneike: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@joy_flavell: RT @BostonGlobe: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@marcosarellano: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@kitson: 2/ Gail Sheehy, Writer and Masterful Observer of Human Behavior, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@DLasAmericas: Gail Sheehy, viuda de Clay Felker, fundador de la revista New York, murió este lunes en Southampton, Nueva York - 5 years ago

@kitson: 1/ Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@skagirl67: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy is perhaps best known for her book "Passages," but all her books offered readers a greater awareness of life… - 5 years ago

@ArleteFigueira: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: RIP Gail Sheehy, whose bestselling PASSAGES books were basically on every woman's nightstand in the Eighties. Here is Mi… - 5 years ago

@annasale: thank you, Gail Sheehy, for your journalism about living in a "spinning and distracted society, trying to make some… - 5 years ago

@BonsuFifi: RT @nytimesbooks: And read The Times's obituary for Gail Sheehy, who died on Monday - 5 years ago

@Shermanscorner: RT @kimodonnel: A dame who paved the way for so many younger women. Rest easy. - 5 years ago

@Ken_Scherer: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@kimodonnel: A dame who paved the way for so many younger women. Rest easy. - 5 years ago

@Lisa_McRee: Gail Sheehy, pop sociologist and author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@chaos_BOOKNEWS: "Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives" by BY TINA JORDAN AND AMISHA PADNANI via NYT… - 5 years ago

@civex: 'Ms. Sheehy caused a sensation with “The Secret of Grey Gardens,” which she revealed to the world the little-… - 5 years ago

@civex: 'Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior and examine… - 5 years ago

@JoelynStier: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@theBuzzWhacker: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@mlipner: Journalist and Author Gail Sheehy Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@WingsofCrystal: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@taxidamien: RT @jimfitzpatrick: RIP #GailSheehy. American journalist who exposed in 'New York' magazine Brit lies about massacre of innocent marchers… - 5 years ago

@campaignforwo: "Gail Sheehy’s Books Helped Readers Define Their Lives" by BY TINA JORDAN AND AMISHA PADNANI via NYT… - 5 years ago

@MrDanZak: Little Edie walked us up to the catalpa trees. Suddenly she gasped, shrank back: “Oh dear, it’s fall.” We followed… - 5 years ago

@etamny: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@jrobertsonNM: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@SuzetteChan: RT @thebradking: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@thebradking: I met Clay Felker at the UC J-school in 1998, + while I wasn't in the magazine program, I used to track him down to… - 5 years ago

@matange2: RT @Amy_Siskind: Heartbroken to learn we have lost Gail Sheehy, a truly lovely person. May her memory be a blessing. 💔 - 5 years ago

@BooksByKDWaring: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Borisk: After so long at @NYMag, did not foresee reading and running obits on so many of its leaders from L.A. RIP Gail She… - 5 years ago

@HotlineJosh: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@Ed_Renehan: RT @joehagansays: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@miladysmama: RT @Susanshapironet: RIP @Gail_Sheehy,83, journalist, bestselling author of 17 books. @Washingtonpost headline writer: it's sexist to under… - 5 years ago

@cathydtravels: RIP GAIL SHEEHY🙏 - 5 years ago

@LilyBelle05: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@jontalton: RT @cspanSusan: Bestselling writer Gail Sheehy, 83, died yesterday in NY. @cspan has programs in our video archives that span much of Shee… - 5 years ago

@CestAlain: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83. #RIP ABC News - 5 years ago

@issamanjo: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@Diane5785: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@dedangelo1: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy, an author, journalist and lively participant in New York’s literary scene, died on Monday. In a raft of book… - 5 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a la sensacional periodista y escritora Gail Sheehy, nombre clave del "Nuevo Periodismo" USA. Habitual de The New… - 5 years ago

@DoodleDoodles1: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@grgjnr: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós a la sensacional periodista y escritora Gail Sheehy, nombre clave del "Nuevo Periodismo" USA. Habitual de The… - 5 years ago

@radiocraigkopp: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@JGPalalay: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@GinaFroese: RT @globeandmail: Passages author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@orartswatch: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@msteketee: Her "Passages" helped the adolescent me see beyond myself and into the lives of women. Thank you. "Gail Sheehy, Jou… - 5 years ago

@Hogan_Writes: RT @WIRoBooks: In memory of Gail Sheehy, who passed away yesterday, a look back at Kate Buford's review of DARING: MY PASSAGES (@WmMorrowBo… - 5 years ago

@QuestionableAl3: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@pddavis13: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@ColleenZenk: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@HSmithWrites: RT @WIRoBooks: In memory of Gail Sheehy, who passed away yesterday, a look back at Kate Buford's review of DARING: MY PASSAGES (@WmMorrowBo… - 5 years ago

@SunshineHappyP1: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@WIRoBooks: In memory of Gail Sheehy, who passed away yesterday, a look back at Kate Buford's review of DARING: MY PASSAGES (… - 5 years ago

@annkillion: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@janeeohara: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@vjlamacki: RT @ChiTribBooks: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@joehagansays: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@martysalo: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@JackMulcahyIII: @maggieNYT Rest In Peace, Gail Sheehy ☘️ We hardly knew ye... - 5 years ago

@shinangovani: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@robertloerzel: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@BenWeiserNYT: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@jeffgoldesq: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@JuteNYPA: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@DaveSpanky112: RT @maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@maggieNYT: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@StephGoggans: RT @rubycramer: “When you hear about a great cultural phenomenon.. drop everything. Get on a bus or train or plane and go there, stand at t… - 5 years ago

@Susanshapironet: RIP @Gail_Sheehy,83, journalist, bestselling author of 17 books. @Washingtonpost headline writer: it's sexist to un… - 5 years ago

@BigTimeFootball: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy, an author, journalist and lively participant in New York’s literary scene, died on Monday. In a raft of book… - 5 years ago

@JosephSapia: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior and examined societal… - 5 years ago

@JoanRan70734265: RT @nytimesbooks: Gail Sheehy, an author, journalist and lively participant in New York’s literary scene, died on Monday. In a raft of book… - 5 years ago

@byChrisEvans: RIP @Gail_Sheehy, a journalism pioneer who loved and supported @VermontCynic and its alumni - 5 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @THR: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@moorehn: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@LoriJulia: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@Mistress_Jan: RT @buffaloon: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@bluepencil2: Gail Sheehy RIP: “A star writer at New York magazine, her most famous book was Passages.” - 5 years ago

@jaysolomon: RT @JamesRosenTV: Gail Sheehy RIP - 5 years ago

@buffaloon: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@PsyMotiv: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@DaleMaharidge: Gail and Clay Felker came to @StanfordJourn in the 90s. As we Xed the Quad, Clay said "show him!" Gail pulled the c… - 5 years ago

@techovation99: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@PsyLiving: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@AgingMindBody: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@thetrut41019890: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@4UWell: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@ViviLittleM: RT @THR: Gail Sheehy, 'Passages' Author, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@WilliamABurnell: Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. - Gail Sheehy #quote #SuperSoulSunday - 5 years ago

@madmandreamer: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@7777MYNAME: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior and examined societal… - 5 years ago

@7777MYNAME: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@SherylNantus: RT @CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@dev_discourse: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@GlennConnection: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@CTVNews: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of 'Passages,' dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Danadug: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@MichaelEmbry: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@TheBitchBot: @StevieVanZandt You see your inspiration Gail Sheehy passed?: - 5 years ago

@heatherhunterdc: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@sandragionas: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 #books #media - 5 years ago

@Feldman5Natalia: RT @globeandmail: Passages author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@8NEWS: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@6467_block: We are saddened to learn of the passing of neighbor Gail Sheehy. In the early days of the pandemic she joined us fo… - 5 years ago

@globebooks: RT @globeandmail: Passages author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@Channel8ABC: Best known for her book “Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life”, Sheehy is remembered as an influential voice… - 5 years ago

@inkscrblr: RT @globeandmail: Passages author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@JamesRosenTV: Gail Sheehy RIP - 5 years ago

@globeandmail: Passages author Gail Sheehy dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@darwinwoodka: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@cathfisch: RIP Gail Sheehy. Journalist and author of books like "Passages". Also wrote first article about the "Grey Gardens"… - 5 years ago

@missb62: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@Margoandhow: “Gail Sheehy Dies. In a raft of books, notably ‘Passages,’ she examined cultural transformations ...” NYT./… - 5 years ago

@gosselinandre13: RT @Olivianuzzi: I will forever be grateful to Gail Sheehy, who paved the way for me and so many others. She helped make New York Magazine… - 5 years ago

@akstanwyck: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@APEntertainment: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@DougDawg13: RIP Gail Sheehy #Passages - 5 years ago

@PDQACCESSORIES: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@ShawnCP92: R.I.P. Gail Sheehy -- I was revisiting Hillary's Choice a few months ago and it holds up as one of the finer pieces… - 5 years ago

@amonck: RT @AdamWiener: Hot summer night '84: College buddies & I party in NYC (Hard Rock, China Club). 1 mom sets up crash pad for us at her frien… - 5 years ago

@cool_v: RT @PaulaChertok: “Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon—a revolution, an assassination…an attack on the country—drop everyth… - 5 years ago

@newspapernovel: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@davidmyaffe: I talked to @Gail_Sheehy about Joni Mitchell. She was brimming with joie de vivre. A legend and someone who reall… - 5 years ago

@shettimaMusta12: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@callinlexie: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@ishgooda_l: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@JasmineStylesTV: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@joeymasonart: RT @PaulaChertok: “Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon—a revolution, an assassination…an attack on the country—drop everyth… - 5 years ago

@aginginplacecom: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@forestecw: "Writer Gail Sheehy, Author of ‘Passages,’ Dies at 83" by The Associated Press via NYT - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Gail Sheehy is no longer with us - #GailSheehy #Gail #Sheehy #rip - 5 years ago

@SophieCoberly: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@the_60s_at_60: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@Loudmouthkid62: RT @NYTObits: Gail Sheehy, a journalist who plumbed the interior lives of public figures for clues to their behavior and examined societal… - 5 years ago

@cherOMG50: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@jasonhaber: The #uws lost a neighbor and the country lost an icon. RIP to a journalist, author, feminist, and advocate with no… - 5 years ago

@mediametas: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@jhaubner2: Lunchtime with from one of the all-time greats. Gail Sheehy was a force, responsible in one way or another for some… - 5 years ago

@PLGSioux: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@william_m_clark: "Whenever you hear about a great cultural phenomenon — a revolution, an assassination, a notorious trial, an attack… - 5 years ago

@minnesotajo: RT @StarTribune: "Passages" author Gail Sheehy has died at 83. - 5 years ago

@DianeTravel2tan: RT @Amy_Siskind: Heartbroken to learn we have lost Gail Sheehy, a truly lovely person. May her memory be a blessing. 💔 - 5 years ago

@ExISGroup: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@ChiTribBooks: Writer Gail Sheehy, author of ‘Passages,’ dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@JRussBriley: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@IowaLady_: RT @AP: Gail Sheehy, the journalist, commentator and pop sociologist whose best-selling “Passages” helped millions navigate their lives fro… - 5 years ago

@sherrisnelling: My heart is sad at Gail Sheehy's passing. She had curiosity, compassion, great listening skills and taught us to un… - 5 years ago

@Tudorscribe: RT @PamelaPaulNYT: The New York Times obituary for Gail Sheehy, bestselling author and journalist - 5 years ago

@Shabbosgoy: Ah, the Final Passage. cc @glennsidda RT @StarTribune: "Passages" author Gail Sheehy has died at 83. - 5 years ago

@MSpicuzzaMJS: Gail Sheehy, Journalist, Author and Social Observer, Dies at 83 - 5 years ago

@MariannaFortune: Requiescat in pace Gail Sheehy. I read all of your books. - 5 years ago

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