Frie Leysen

Belgian festival director.
Died on Tuesday September 22nd 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Frie Leysen:

@Finestrinoaereo: Ritornare tutti nel mare. Un ricordo di Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@Erasmusprijs: RT @ShantivanDam: In Memoriam #Erasmusprijs winnaar 2014 Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@Erasmusprijs: RT @ShantivanDam: In Memoriam #ErasmusPrize winner 2014 Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@ShantivanDam: In Memoriam #ErasmusPrize winner 2014 Frie Leysen - 4 years ago


@ShantivanDam: In Memoriam #Erasmusprijs winnaar 2014 Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@elenadigioia: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@00doppiozero: RT @minimoterrestre: Per chi lo avesse perso ieri: su @00doppiozero ricordo #FrieLeysen: fondò il Kunstenfestivaldesarts a Bruxelles, fu un… - 4 years ago

@NicoNoteProject: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@TeatroComandini: RT @antinomie_it: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen | ROMEO CASTELLUCCI #antinomie #teatro @00doppiozero @Leparoleelecose @Radio3tweet @La_Balena… - 4 years ago

@Metafortman: « Les cultures solides sont celles qui s’ouvrent aux influences extérieures et, ainsi, s’enrichissent. » Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@Leparoleelecose: RT @antinomie_it: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen | ROMEO CASTELLUCCI #antinomie #teatro @00doppiozero @Leparoleelecose @Radio3tweet @La_Balena… - 4 years ago

@Mounredeme62: La créatrice belge Frie Leysen est morte - 4 years ago

@Tamburo_Kattrin: RT @antinomie_it: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen | ROMEO CASTELLUCCI #antinomie #teatro @00doppiozero @Leparoleelecose @Radio3tweet @La_Balena… - 4 years ago

@CronopioE: RT @antinomie_it: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen | ROMEO CASTELLUCCI #antinomie #teatro @00doppiozero @Leparoleelecose @Radio3tweet @La_Balena… - 4 years ago

@antinomie_it: ‘Laudatio’ per Frie Leysen | ROMEO CASTELLUCCI #antinomie #teatro @00doppiozero @Leparoleelecose @Radio3tweet… - 4 years ago

@auroreaubouin: La créatrice belge Frie Leysen est morte — via @lemondefr - 4 years ago

@nerdymak: RT @Tim_Etchells: "Not easy questions, but Frie knew the answers I think". A short text from me marking the passing, and mourning the loss… - 4 years ago

@minimoterrestre: Per chi lo avesse perso ieri: su @00doppiozero ricordo #FrieLeysen: fondò il Kunstenfestivaldesarts a Bruxelles, fu… - 4 years ago

@BlackHoleAus: RT @hyperjetlag: Frie Leysen 1950 - 2020 | Forced Entertainment ⁦@ForcedEnts⁩ ⁦@timetch⁩. Thank you. - 4 years ago

@kakonoki: RT @Tim_Etchells: "Not easy questions, but Frie knew the answers I think". A short text from me marking the passing, and mourning the loss… - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Frie Leysen (1950 - 2020), died at age 70 years - 4 years ago

@hyperjetlag: Frie Leysen 1950 - 2020 | Forced Entertainment ⁦@ForcedEnts⁩ ⁦@timetch⁩. Thank you. - 4 years ago

@arbaletedanza: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@Tamburo_Kattrin: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali @olivieropdp @andreaporcheddu @altrevelocita @Strat… - 4 years ago

@lessanspagEs: » Article amélioré : Frie Leysen, (1950-2020), organisatrice de festivals belge → - 4 years ago

@minimoterrestre: RT @00doppiozero: "Oggi #FrieLeysen non c’è più. Non corre più per il mondo in cerca di visioni, processi, spettacoli [...] La si incontrav… - 4 years ago

@00doppiozero: "Oggi #FrieLeysen non c’è più. Non corre più per il mondo in cerca di visioni, processi, spettacoli [...] La si inc… - 4 years ago

@larapawson: I didn't know Frie Leysen. But reading this by @Tim_Etchells @ForcedEnts I wish I had. - 4 years ago

@aminuscolo: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@briguzia: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali @olivieropdp @andreaporcheddu @altrevelocita @Strat… - 4 years ago

@Onda_Diff_Art: L’Onda, son Conseil d’administration et sa directrice Pascale Henrot expriment ici leur grande tristesse à l’annonc… - 4 years ago

@pietrobianchi_: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@ERT_Teatro: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@AmyLetman: RT @Tim_Etchells: "Not easy questions, but Frie knew the answers I think". A short text from me marking the passing, and mourning the loss… - 4 years ago

@1984PM_actors: RT @Tim_Etchells: "Not easy questions, but Frie knew the answers I think". A short text from me marking the passing, and mourning the loss… - 4 years ago

@Csvich: Beautiful words on the passing of Frie Leysen from @Tim_Etchells . Love. Strength. Politics. Art. - 4 years ago

@marcocavalcoli: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@keizomaeda: Sad news. Have heard Ms. Frie Leysen passed away on 22 sep. I met her mid 90's many times in Brussels when she was… - 4 years ago

@vlatkahorvat: RT @Tim_Etchells: "Not easy questions, but Frie knew the answers I think". A short text from me marking the passing, and mourning the loss… - 4 years ago

@FrancoDIppolito: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@00doppiozero: RT @minimoterrestre: Su @00doppiozero ricordo una grande esploratrice di mondi teatrali - 4 years ago

@Giuseppe_Buemi: RT @salvatore_sofia: Contro il consumo del #teatro ⁦@minimoterrestre⁩ ⁦@00doppiozero⁩ in memoria di #FrieLeysen - 4 years ago

@tomkestens: Boeiend fragment - itv Frie Leysen. Over gamechanging 80’s in de theaterwereld. Opnieuw komen artistieke, maatschap… - 4 years ago

@chelfitsch: Dear Frie Leysen, I will never forget your smile that had great power to encourage young artists like what I used t… - 4 years ago

@TsunekoTaniuchi: Embracing the elusive - ArtsHub Australia - 4 years ago

@JetdeRanitz: RT @hedwigverhoeven: Inderdaad, ‘een bevlogen en onverzettelijke durfal, rebel en pionier’ is overleden. Rust zacht. - 4 years ago

@hedwigverhoeven: Inderdaad, ‘een bevlogen en onverzettelijke durfal, rebel en pionier’ is overleden. Rust zacht. - 4 years ago

@geurtje1914: In 2014 zei de Vlaamse Frie Leysen al tegen Willem-Alexander: "Majesteit, uw land is een plek geworden waar de… - 4 years ago

@Mottinger2208: Wir trauern um Frie Leysen. Die ehemalige Schauspieldirektorin der Wiener Festwochen ist im Alter von 70 Jahren ver… - 4 years ago

@auroreaubouin: RT @clongchamp1: Frie Leysen. For ever unique. For ever free. For ever à l’avant-garde - 4 years ago

@KURIER_KULTUR: Ehemalige Festwochen-Schauspielchefin Frie Leysen gestorben - 4 years ago

@MosesHawk: ‘Art should not please. On the contrary. Art has to show where it hurts in our societies, in our world.’ Belgian fe… - 4 years ago

@1novr: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@vonlaerche: ⁦@SZ⁩ da ist aber der traurige teaser mit einem Artikel über die MET verrutscht... - 4 years ago

@Dora_Garcia_: "Audiences come out of shows and say they don't ‘understand’. How did we come that far?" - 4 years ago

@SihameHaddioui: RT @BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne le K… - 4 years ago

@AnnemiekeCacao: Ach wat verdrietig. Mocht in 1994 bij haar stage lopen tijdens de oprichting van het KunstenFESTIVALdesArts. Mooi e… - 4 years ago

@masterprogram1: RT @BRUZZbe: [VIDEO] Oprichtster Kunstenfestival Frie Leysen overleden: 'Ze opende de wereld voor artiesten' - 4 years ago

@BRUZZbe: [VIDEO] Oprichtster Kunstenfestival Frie Leysen overleden: 'Ze opende de wereld voor artiesten' - 4 years ago

@Mpassy_JR: RT @BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne le K… - 4 years ago

@IrishTheatreIns: RT @williewhite: RIP Frie Leysen 1950-2020, legendary co-founder of @kfdaBrussels and an iconic figure in contemporary performing arts. I n… - 4 years ago

@FineArtsBelgium: We are saddened by the loss of the incredibly passionate and inspiring Frie Leysen. We had the honour of welcoming… - 4 years ago

@MissEdelweiZ: RT @mary_donkey: Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect. — Frie Leysen (1950-2020) - 4 years ago

@hullfair: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@Transform_Leeds: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@larapawson: RT @krisanthenum: A champion and friend to artists the world over. A festival-making pioneer, founder of @kfdaBrussels, hero to so many. He… - 4 years ago

@ParentNicolas: RT @BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne le K… - 4 years ago

@Foyervzw: RT @BX1_Actu: Frie Leysen, la cofondatrice du Kunstenfestivaldesarts, est décédée - 4 years ago

@SpicyYoussouf: RT @NoisettePhilip1: Frie Leysen (creatrice du Kunsten et âme du De Singel) mort d’une très grande dame - La - 4 years ago

@csermet2: RT @NoisettePhilip1: Frie Leysen (creatrice du Kunsten et âme du De Singel) mort d’une très grande dame - La - 4 years ago

@vlatkahorvat: RT @krisanthenum: A champion and friend to artists the world over. A festival-making pioneer, founder of @kfdaBrussels, hero to so many. He… - 4 years ago

@BX1_Actu: Frie Leysen, la cofondatrice du Kunstenfestivaldesarts, est décédée - 4 years ago

@AmyLetman: RT @LiveCollision: Love to all @kfdaBrussels. Our festival community mourns the loss and celebrates the infinite influence of Frie Leysen w… - 4 years ago

@LiveCollision: Love to all @kfdaBrussels. Our festival community mourns the loss and celebrates the infinite influence of Frie Ley… - 4 years ago

@qelisabethcomp: RT @Klararadio: Gisteren namen we afscheid van Frie Leysen. Iets wat ook Chantal Pattyn hard geraakt heeft. "Laten we haar kracht, wil, d… - 4 years ago

@qelisabethcomp: RT @guy_duplat: On vient d’apprendre la très très triste nouvelle de la mort de Frie Leysen, immense figure de la culture qui fut directric… - 4 years ago

@qelisabethcomp: Festivaldirecteur en curator #FrieLeysen (70) overleden - 4 years ago

@Klararadio: Gisteren namen we afscheid van Frie Leysen. Iets wat ook Chantal Pattyn hard geraakt heeft. "Laten we haar kracht… - 4 years ago

@KatieWattz: RT @richardthewatts: Vale Frie Leysen (19 February 1950 - 22 September 2020) the Belgian festival director and curator, whose closing keyno… - 4 years ago

@GoodDayAtOffice: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@mary_donkey: Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect. — Frie Leysen (1950-2020) - 4 years ago

@quaichurchill: RT @BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne le K… - 4 years ago

@Patrice4020: RT @BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne le K… - 4 years ago

@Bootworks: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@nat_muller: Curator en festivaldirecteur Frie Leysen overleden – Theaterkrant - 4 years ago

@BenedicteLinard: J'ai appris le décès de Frie Leysen. Figure marquante de la culture 🇧🇪, elle a entre autres créé avec Guido Minne l… - 4 years ago

@derStandardde: Ehemalige Festwochen-Schauspielchefin Frie Leysen gestorben: - 4 years ago

@fkomland1: RT @svengatz: Dank, Mevrouw Leysen. Dank, Frie, voor al wat je voor Brussel, de kunsten en cultuur gedaan hebt! ⁦@kfdaBrussels⁩ - 4 years ago

@AmyLetman: Letter from the current directors of @kfdaBrussels on the loss of Frie Leysen. - 4 years ago

@katherinecaes: RT @Beadelvaux: Frie Leysen: «  l autre ouvre très horizons, déchire tes clichés en lambeaux, offre des façons de penser alternatives. C es… - 4 years ago

@EricCorijn: RT @Beadelvaux: Frie Leysen: «  l autre ouvre très horizons, déchire tes clichés en lambeaux, offre des façons de penser alternatives. C es… - 4 years ago

@SaLowland: RT @FilipTielens: Mooi postuum van Geert Sels over grande dame Frie Leysen, ik hielp wat mee reacties sprokkelen. - 4 years ago

@def_izit: RT @WienerZeitung: Die belgische Festivalgründerin und ehemalige Schauspielchefin der Wiener Festwochen, Frie Leysen, ist gestorben. https:… - 4 years ago

@WienerZeitung: Die belgische Festivalgründerin und ehemalige Schauspielchefin der Wiener Festwochen, Frie Leysen, ist gestorben. - 4 years ago

@luttisluttis: La cofondatrice du Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Frie Leysen, est décédée - 4 years ago

@Anna_Bandettini: Addio Frie Leysen, l'inventrice del Kunsten di Bruxelles - 4 years ago

@derstandard_at: Ehemalige Festwochen-Schauspielchefin Frie Leysen gestorben - 4 years ago

@JANEEMAAR: Oprichtster Kunstenfestival Frie Leysen overleden: 'Ze opende de wereld voor artiesten' - 4 years ago

@richardthewatts: Vale Frie Leysen (19 February 1950 - 22 September 2020) the Belgian festival director and curator, whose closing ke… - 4 years ago

@IFlck: RT @DelphineHouba: Avec elle c’est un peu de l’âme du @kfdaBrussels qui s’en va. C’était une grande dame des arts de la scène, une authenti… - 4 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Frie Leysen, mort d’une très grande dame - 4 years ago

@FilipTielens: Mooi postuum van Geert Sels over grande dame Frie Leysen, ik hielp wat mee reacties sprokkelen. - 4 years ago

@86b210: Frie Leysen | Kunstenfestivaldesarts Facebook Twitter Instagram So sad.She was sooo powerful women. - 4 years ago

@squirrellthing: RT @krisanthenum: A champion and friend to artists the world over. A festival-making pioneer, founder of @kfdaBrussels, hero to so many. He… - 4 years ago

@roepoeronnepon: Culture booster Frie Leysen passed away – De Standaard - 4 years ago

@a_jury_of_KPA: Dear Frie Leysen, Your smile had great power to encourage young artists like what I used to be. Your smile always t… - 4 years ago

@muffin_tmk: RT @demorgen: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@ShaulaEvans: RT @EverySongIveEve: "I want to see the world through the eyes of a hundred other people, and maybe I will understand something about it".… - 4 years ago

@arbaletedanza: RT @stefaniadonini: Listened to Frie Leysen speaking at @LaPaoloGrassi and then @SANTARCANGELO_F a few years ago. I still remember her incr… - 4 years ago

@PascaleLovenier: Frie Leysen overleden: afscheid van een bevlogen koppeltekentje - 4 years ago

@hyperjetlag: RT @krisanthenum: A champion and friend to artists the world over. A festival-making pioneer, founder of @kfdaBrussels, hero to so many. He… - 4 years ago

@michimoto_satoh: I met Frie Leysen in TPAM in Yokohama 2011. I might meet different occasions, but It was my exact memory and a firs… - 4 years ago

@paolakeshi: *Fríe Leysen* creías en nuestro trabajo, levantaste nuestro arte, por siempre voy a atesorar en mis recuerdos ese m… - 4 years ago

@michimoto_satoh: RT @hyperjetlag: Thank you, Frie Leysen. You were an inspiration from the day I met you in 2002, and you will remain so forever. A speec… - 4 years ago

@michimoto_satoh: RT @Tim_Etchells: Just heard that Frie Leysen died. I was only thinking of her yesterday. She was and will remain a huge source of strength… - 4 years ago

@michimoto_satoh: RT @williewhite: RIP Frie Leysen 1950-2020, legendary co-founder of @kfdaBrussels and an iconic figure in contemporary performing arts. I n… - 4 years ago

@michimoto_satoh: RIP to Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@PerformanceMST: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@KateCraddock: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@EverySongIveEve: "I want to see the world through the eyes of a hundred other people, and maybe I will understand something about it". - Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@tomDecorte1: RT @Michaeldcock: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@DieFabrikanten: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@jsigard: Respect et inspiration... Nous n'oublierons pas Frie Leysen. - 4 years ago

@SANTARCANGELO_F: RT @stefaniadonini: Listened to Frie Leysen speaking at @LaPaoloGrassi and then @SANTARCANGELO_F a few years ago. I still remember her incr… - 4 years ago

@verojamoulle: RT @guy_duplat: Frie Leysen, mort d’une très grande dame, créatrice du Kunsten, découvreuse de tant de talents. "La culture européenne peut… - 4 years ago

@JanRiezenkamp: RT @theaterkrant: Theaternieuws: Curator en festivaldirecteur Frie Leysen overleden - 4 years ago

@ConservatoriumB: RT @JanJambon: Afscheid van een grote dame. RIP Frie Leysen - 4 years ago

@AgnesFabich: Missverständnisse und Übersetzungsfehler häufen sich, je mehr verschiedene Sichtweisen und Kulturen aufeinander tre… - 4 years ago

@AgnesFabich: Frie Leysen: "Die Großstadt ist ein Schock: Sie ist permanente Krise & absolute Überforderung, Chance & Risiko zugl… - 4 years ago

@Geenhoorn: RT @Michaeldcock: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@Kunsten92: RT @theaterkrant: Theaternieuws: Curator en festivaldirecteur Frie Leysen overleden - 4 years ago

@KazukiSUGIURA: RT @KHorikiri: (パリ句日記)9月22日。少しもやもやすることがあつたので、30分ほどセーヌ川沿ひをジョギング。夕方、フリー・レイセン(Frie Leysen)の訃報が入る。ベルギーの舞台芸術祭の創設者。コロナで通常開催ができなかつた年の訃報とは...ご冥福をお祈… - 4 years ago

@KHorikiri: (パリ句日記)9月22日。少しもやもやすることがあつたので、30分ほどセーヌ川沿ひをジョギング。夕方、フリー・レイセン(Frie Leysen)の訃報が入る。ベルギーの舞台芸術祭の創設者。コロナで通常開催ができなかつた年の訃報とは… - 4 years ago

@NAPKvereniging: RT @theaterkrant: Theaternieuws: Curator en festivaldirecteur Frie Leysen overleden - 4 years ago

@JenMalarkey: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@williewhite: RIP Frie Leysen 1950-2020, legendary co-founder of @kfdaBrussels and an iconic figure in contemporary performing ar… - 4 years ago

@timyvesmieke: RT @silverligning: A gentle giant is no more. Dank voor alles, Frie Leysen. - 4 years ago

@vonlaerche: RT @Tim_Etchells: Just heard that Frie Leysen died. I was only thinking of her yesterday. She was and will remain a huge source of strength… - 4 years ago

@guy_duplat: Frie Leysen, mort d’une très grande dame, créatrice du Kunsten, découvreuse de tant de talents. "La culture europée… - 4 years ago

@stefaniadonini: Listened to Frie Leysen speaking at @LaPaoloGrassi and then @SANTARCANGELO_F a few years ago. I still remember her… - 4 years ago

@IFlck: RT @demorgen: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@MaartenRabaey: RT @demorgen: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@krisanthenum: A speech she gave in Sydney to Australian theatre makers (via @hyperjetlag) - 4 years ago

@krisanthenum: A champion and friend to artists the world over. A festival-making pioneer, founder of @kfdaBrussels, hero to so ma… - 4 years ago

@demorgen: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@rozinbxl: "I want to see the world through the eyes of a hundred other people, and maybe I will understand something about it… - 4 years ago

@Jurgen202: Décès de Frie Leysen, l’inlassable découvreuse - 4 years ago

@imogenkitashby: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Frie Leysen, you will be missed - #FrieLeysen #Frie #Leysen #rip - 4 years ago

@silverligning: A gentle giant is no more. Dank voor alles, Frie Leysen. - 4 years ago

@KnackFocus: Frie Leysen was de eerste directeur van deSingel en richtte het Brusselse Kunstenfestivaldesarts mee op. - 4 years ago

@andyingamells: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@krisanthenum: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@EricCorijn: RT @Michaeldcock: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@Tim_Etchells: RT @AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of respect.’ -… - 4 years ago

@Biden_Harris_: Frie Leysen is dead! #FrieLeysen #TrumpLied200KAmericansdied - Add some flowers to their digital memorial! Suicide,… - 4 years ago

@AmyLetman: 'Who are we to say what they (audiences) want to see? Underestimating is an insult. Being demanding is a sign of re… - 4 years ago

@Michaeldcock: Frie Leysen (1950-2020) laat een kunstenlandschap achter waar ze meer dan een steen verlegde - 4 years ago

@romyroelofsen: RT @Tim_Etchells: Just heard that Frie Leysen died. I was only thinking of her yesterday. She was and will remain a huge source of strength… - 4 years ago

@lecho: "Frie Leysen (1950-2020) incarnait une vision qui est toujours présente aujourd’hui" - 4 years ago

@AmyLetman: I am sad to hear that Frie Leysen has died. I always dreamed of meeting her. What a loss but her impact lives on ar… - 4 years ago

@IFlck: RT @Knack: Frie Leysen was de eerste directeur van deSingel en richtte het Brusselse Kunstenfestivaldesarts mee op. - 4 years ago

@Tim_Etchells: Just heard that Frie Leysen died. I was only thinking of her yesterday. She was and will remain a huge source of st… - 4 years ago

@hyperjetlag: Thank you, Frie Leysen. You were an inspiration from the day I met you in 2002, and you will remain so forever.… - 4 years ago

@ruettet: Op de treurige sterfdag van Frie Leysen is het gepast haar inzichten over de podiumkunsten uit de jaren 80 nog eens… - 4 years ago

@DielsDirk: RT @PresseTheatre: Un hommage à Frie Leysen, à qui les arts vivants en Europe doivent tant. On a appris sa disparition aujourd'hui. Hommag… - 4 years ago

@Knack: Frie Leysen was de eerste directeur van deSingel en richtte het Brusselse Kunstenfestivaldesarts mee op. - 4 years ago

@sakuraikeisuke: - 4 years ago

@kosihidama: RT @vismet: Festivaldirecteur en curator Frie Leysen (70) overleden - 4 years ago

@kosihidama: RT @vismet: ものすごく残念です。早すぎます。。。今の時期だからこそ、もう少し支えて欲しかった。今思うとFrie LeysenがdeSingel, KunstenFestivalDesArtsのディレクターだった時代がフランダースの文化芸術の黄金期だったのではと思いま… - 4 years ago

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