Frederick Brownell

South African vexillologist
Died on Monday May 13th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Frederick Brownell:

@cityflagdesign: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@ElunyBoshoff: “My mind started wandering. And then it struck me – aren’t we looking for convergence and unification? I was struck… - 6 years ago

@BatsheleExpert: South African flag designer: Frederick Brownell. Rip what a legacy he left for all South Africans. - 6 years ago

@KammieKamedien: National Heritage Council -9 hrs · Frederick Brownell, the designer of the democratic South African flag died on 1… - 6 years ago


@The_Usual: RT @MassivMetro: #326MassivDrive with @positivegp, @Djmgedeza and @djsbu On the line we're on the line with Minister @NathiMthethwaSA on… - 6 years ago

@NathiMthethwaSA: RT @MassivMetro: #326MassivDrive with @positivegp, @Djmgedeza and @djsbu On the line we're on the line with Minister @NathiMthethwaSA on… - 6 years ago

@positivegp: RT @MassivMetro: #326MassivDrive with @positivegp, @Djmgedeza and @djsbu On the line we're on the line with Minister @NathiMthethwaSA on… - 6 years ago

@MassivMetro: #326MassivDrive with @positivegp, @Djmgedeza and @djsbu On the line we're on the line with Minister… - 6 years ago

@SAHRAonline: RIP Frederick Brownell. Thank you for your contribution to our democracy. - 6 years ago

@gilbert_fila: @RFI En Afrique du Sud, le créateur du drapeau post-apartheid en 1994 , FRÉDÉRICK BROWNELL est décédé à l’âge de 7… - 6 years ago

@NHCSouthAfrica: Frederick Brownell, designer of the democratic South African flag died on 10 May – also the day on which Nelson Man… - 6 years ago

@Koaci: Afrique du Sud : Mort à 79 ans de Frederick Brownell, concepteur du drapeau national - 6 years ago

@Obiba_: Frederick Brownell, the man who designed the South African flag has died at the age of 79. Arts and Culture Ministe… - 6 years ago

@thenufiala: Le créateur du drapeau sud-africain s’est éteint vendredi. Frederick Brownell est décédé à l’âge de 79 ans à Preto… - 6 years ago

@saletlux: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@ValentinSouth: RT @pierrebga: Frederick Brownell, le créateur du premier drapeau de l'Afrique du Sud démocratique et post apartheid vient de s'éteindre à… - 6 years ago

@pierrebga: Frederick Brownell, le créateur du premier drapeau de l'Afrique du Sud démocratique et post apartheid vient de s'ét… - 6 years ago

@ValentinSouth: RT @Veli34130438: I'm so sad to here that hero who design our first democratic flag🇿🇦 Frederick Brownell has passed on I send my condelense… - 6 years ago

@flashguinee: Le créateur du drapeau sud-africain s’est éteint vendredi. Frederick Brownell est décédé à l’âge de 79 ans à Pretor… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Frederick Brownell (79) South African herlad - 6 years ago

@vlaggenkunde: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@nthibariba: RT @MassivMetro: #326MassivDrive with @positivegp, @Djmgedeza and @djsbu On the line we're on the line with Minister @NathiMthethwaSA on… - 6 years ago

@heraldique_fr: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@FiiNix: RT @southafricanmag: A true national hero. May his soul rest in eternal peace. - 6 years ago

@jaybeebrtweets: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@ForlerVf: RT @vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa, designe… - 6 years ago

@SpringsNews: Local: Frederick Brownell, the man who designed the South African flag used since our transition to democracy in 19… - 6 years ago

@setumothebe: RT @SACulturalObs: SA Cultural Observatory sends condolences to the family of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the man behind the design and prod… - 6 years ago

@Nazarloonat: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@De__Observer: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@vexiupdate: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the State Herald of South Africa,… - 6 years ago

@omtimka: RT @SACulturalObs: SA Cultural Observatory sends condolences to the family of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the man behind the design and prod… - 6 years ago

@wmakkink: RT @southafricanmag: A true national hero. May his soul rest in eternal peace. - 6 years ago

@looklocalsa: Frederick Brownell (79) died in Pretoria on Friday night. He was the designer of the democratic South African flag… - 6 years ago

@vojafakude: @sammyndayi @eNCA Kanti isn't it Frederick Brownell? - 6 years ago

@SACulturalObs: SA Cultural Observatory sends condolences to the family of Frederick Gordon Brownell, the man behind the design and… - 6 years ago

@AmericanWhiteHM: Frederick Brownell was the man behind the flag synonymous with the ‘new’ South Africa. Frederick Brownell, the man… - 6 years ago

@citrusramaphosa: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@Veli34130438: I'm so sad to here that hero who design our first democratic flag🇿🇦 Frederick Brownell has passed on I send my cond… - 6 years ago

@astrolab0123: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@CapeTalk: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used sin… - 6 years ago

@Krusta: RT @Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used since 1928. h… - 6 years ago

@Radio702: Frederick Brownell's flag design was adopted in April 1994, replacing the old apartheid flag that had been used sin… - 6 years ago

@PolokwaneReview: Designer of the SA flag passes away Frederick Brownell was the man behind the flag synonymous with the ‘new’ South… - 6 years ago

@Mbawula_Kasgo: Frederick Brownell, the man who designed the South African flag used since our transition to democracy in 1994, has… - 6 years ago

@southcoastsun: Frederick Brownell, the man who designed the South African flag used since our transition to democracy in 1994, has… - 6 years ago

@flywombat: RT @RekordNewspaper: SA national flag designer dies in #Pretoria 79-year-old Frederick Brownell designed the flag of South Africa in 1994.… - 6 years ago

@Sizwe85277050: RT @southafricanmag: A true national hero. May his soul rest in eternal peace. - 6 years ago

@TheSAnews: Remembering Frederick Brownell: The story of the South African flag - 6 years ago

@ricoschacherl: RT @southafricanmag: A true national hero. May his soul rest in eternal peace. - 6 years ago

@southafricanmag: A true national hero. May his soul rest in eternal peace. - 6 years ago

@RekordNewspaper: SA national flag designer dies in #Pretoria 79-year-old Frederick Brownell designed the flag of South Africa in 19… - 6 years ago

@NNCourier: Frederick Brownell , the designer of the SA flag passes away. #Dundee #SAFlag #NorthernNatalCourier - 6 years ago

@ferreiroconsult: RT @Macfarlane123: @bhatsoking @eNCA Frederick Brownell. - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Frederick Brownell - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Frederick Brownell dies - #FrederickBrownell #Frederick #Brownell #rip - 6 years ago

@Macfarlane123: @bhatsoking @eNCA Frederick Brownell. - 6 years ago

@GPursals: RT @cusackandrew: Please pray for the repose of the eternal soul of Frederick Gordon Brownell OMSS SM (& Bar) MMM JCD KStJ (1940-2019). Fr… - 6 years ago

@robin_buning: RT @cusackandrew: Please pray for the repose of the eternal soul of Frederick Gordon Brownell OMSS SM (& Bar) MMM JCD KStJ (1940-2019). Fr… - 6 years ago

@cusackandrew: Please pray for the repose of the eternal soul of Frederick Gordon Brownell OMSS SM (& Bar) MMM JCD KStJ (1940-2019… - 6 years ago

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