Frederic Pryor

American economist.
Died on Wednesday September 11th 2019

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Tweets related to Frederic Pryor:

@Fanniefantail: @realDonaldTrump Oh please!The educated know #JamesBrittDonovan was the GREATEST #InternationalDiplomaticNegotiator… - 5 years ago

@News_1jl4: Frederic Pryor, Player in ‘Bridge of Spies’ Case, Dies a.. @News_1jl4 - nytimes - Twitter - News - Noticias - Bitc… - 5 years ago

@USCX1954: Frederic Pryor, Player in ‘Bridge of Spies’ Case, Dies at 86 via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@AmyXiaoshiD: RT @MattSchudel: “I expected five or 10 years in prison": Frederic Pryor, student held in East Berlin and released in 1962 ‘Bridge of Spies… - 5 years ago


@RasheedsWorld: In Honor of Professor Emeritus of Economics Frederic L. Pryor - 5 years ago

@ks7000: RT @cementerio: Frederic Pryor, economista estadounidense, el verdadero protagonista de la historia de "Puente de espías" (1933 - 2019) htt… - 5 years ago

@greenbushboy: This story was straight John le Carré. - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “I resent the fact that Steven Spielberg never contacted me to find out what really happened.” Frederic Pryor, whos… - 5 years ago

@daicing: RT @Dali_Yang: Frederic Pryor, student released in 1962 ‘Bridge of Spies’ prisoner exchange, dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@Dali_Yang: Frederic Pryor, student released in 1962 ‘Bridge of Spies’ prisoner exchange, dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@TinoMendoza17: RT @nytimesworld: He found no complete answers for his arrest in the Stasi’s 5,000-page file on him when he returned to a reunified Germany… - 5 years ago

@WITGT21: RT @TimothyTTaylor: Swarthmore economist Frederic Pryor has died. He was part of the 1962 US-Soviet prisoner exchange, involving Francis Ga… - 5 years ago

@cookb: Frederic L. Pryor, 86, Swarthmore College professor snared in the 'Bridge of Spies’ case in 1962 - 5 years ago

@ColdWarPod: "Bridge of Spies" student dies. Frederic Pryor was a figure in the Powers/Abel #ColdWar spy swap - - 5 years ago

@SPSalisbury: Swathmore's Frederic L. Pryor, grad student caught up in Bridge of Spies, has died - 5 years ago

@PViardot: Frederic Pryor, student released in 1962 ‘Bridge of Spies’ prisoner exchange, dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@mischling2nd: Frederic Pryor, Player in ‘Bridge of Spies’ Case, Dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@BCISLEMAN: Frederic Pryor, from ‘Bridge of Spies’ Case, 86 If you\ve seen "Bridge of Spies", this is… - 5 years ago

@schoolmoneyorg: Frederic L. Pryor, 86, Swarthmore College professor snared in the 'Bridge of Spies’ case in 1962 - The Philadelphia… - 5 years ago

@danabatnag: RT @ohlistic: “I resent the fact that Steven Spielberg never contacted me to find out what really happened.” - 5 years ago

@buffaloon: Frederic Pryor, student released in 1962 ‘Bridge of Spies’ prisoner exchange, dies at 86 - 5 years ago

@neuropsychblog: Frederic L. Pryor, 86, Swarthmore College professor snared in the 'Bridge of Spies’ case in 1962 - 5 years ago

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