Frederic Lindsay

Scottish novelist.
Died on Friday May 31st 2013

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Frederic Lindsay:

@scotsgengenie: RT @ScotlandsPeople: Frederic Lindsay, the #Glasgow-born writer who created the 'Scottish Noir' character of Detective Inspector Jim Meldru…

@ScotlandsPeople: Frederic Lindsay, the #Glasgow-born writer who created the 'Scottish Noir' character of Detective Inspector Jim Meldrum, died on 31 May 2013

@lindsay_lohan__: Photo: Lindsay Lohan photographed by Frédéric Pinet for the October 2009 issue of Grazia Magazine.

@pozosean: My Life as a Man by Frederic Lindsay (2009, Hardcover)


@llrockss: Photo: Lindsay Lohan photographed by Frédéric Pinet for the October 2009 issue of Grazia Magazine.

@PeterNapolijr: Photo: Lindsay Lohan photographed by Frédéric Pinet for the October 2009 issue of Grazia Magazine.

@FletcherBooks: RT @AmyEndeavour: #BookPlugs #99c A Night to Forget by Frederic Lindsay.Scottish Crime. PlsRT #CrimeFic. #CrimeTime #Mystery…

@FletcherBooks: RT @AmyEndeavour: #KindleUnlimited #99c A Night to Forget by Frederic Lindsay.Scottish Crime. PlsRT #CrimeFic #CrimeFic…

@lindsay_kent: RT @Crowlazy_: Pencipta Patung Liberty, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, awalnya ditujukan utk menempatkan patung Liberty di pintu masuk Terusan…

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