Freddie Oversteegen

Dutch resistance member.
Died on Monday September 17th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Freddie Oversteegen:

@av_amade: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@Anesgt87: RT @reghud: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@tocopuff: RT @jakewyattriot: Sometimes I do enjoy reading the news. - 6 years ago

@crazywater103: RT @RPBradley1: What an absolutely amazing story—I had no idea. - 6 years ago


@coldbrewslut: RT @jakewyattriot: Sometimes I do enjoy reading the news. - 6 years ago

@reghud: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@AntonioKatxopo: RT @blackletter98: Freddie Oversteegen la niña de 14 años que seducía nazis para ejecutarlos iba en bicicleta por las calles de Haarlem, co… - 6 years ago

@javierfagreda: RT @blackletter98: #RepúblicaSinMordazas - 6 years ago

@milktealove___: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@MCPickChick: RT @jakewyattriot: Sometimes I do enjoy reading the news. - 6 years ago

@Xiakenn: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@Birdiiielle: RT @jakewyattriot: Sometimes I do enjoy reading the news. - 6 years ago

@iluntze17: RT @blackletter98: Freddie Oversteegen la niña de 14 años que seducía nazis para ejecutarlos iba en bicicleta por las calles de Haarlem, co… - 6 years ago

@leucipofran: RT @blackletter98: Freddie Oversteegen la niña de 14 años que seducía nazis para ejecutarlos iba en bicicleta por las calles de Haarlem, co… - 6 years ago

@Ismube1313: RT @blackletter98: #RepúblicaSinMordazas - 6 years ago

@SSAC137: RT @RedTRaccoon: Freddie Oversteegen: Dutch resistance fighter who lured Nazi soldiers into deadly ambushes. She and her comrades coaxed m… - 6 years ago

@sthrngal1953: RT @RedTRaccoon: Freddie Oversteegen: Dutch resistance fighter who lured Nazi soldiers into deadly ambushes. She and her comrades coaxed m… - 6 years ago

@xiumoon_2002: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@ppoaro99: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@hujyosii: RT @dangerousshop: 숲속 후미진 곳까지 이끈 다음 총살했다고.... 이들 중 마지막 멤버가 최근에 숨을 거두었고 역사의 한 장이 그렇게 닫혔다. - 6 years ago

@CityEconomist: Important to keep remembering the bravery of the Dutch Resistance to the Nazi Occupation. "Freddie Oversteegen, Gri… - 6 years ago

@GeenSlaap: @OafaEzzahraoui @Martijn5155 Wel triest! >>> "Freddie Oversteegen said she had felt sidelined after the war, in pa… - 6 years ago

@ReneSteinke1: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@TomSquitieri: Some breakfast food for thought, courtesy of the NY Times: Freddie Dekker-Oversteegen was 14 when she, her sister a… - 6 years ago

@mumwhit: RT @RPBradley1: What an absolutely amazing story—I had no idea. - 6 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @NYTObits: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur - 6 years ago

@TSPilgrim: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@agehrett: Seriously, why aren’t there more Hollywood war films featuring the amazing women who fought in whatever way was ava… - 6 years ago

@ankelue: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@hanskundnani: RT @BWazir1: News intro of the week: "Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur."… - 6 years ago

@pdl2203: RT @NYTObits: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur - 6 years ago

@jochemverheul: RT @NYTObits: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur - 6 years ago

@NiVea19685594: RT @NYTObits: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur - 6 years ago

@pfeuilly: RT @EZuroff: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 Rest in peace Dutch resistance heroin… - 6 years ago

@boblakeman: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 --She fought Nazi's in the Resistance starting at… - 6 years ago

@lewisshepherd: RT @RPBradley1: What an absolutely amazing story—I had no idea. - 6 years ago

@andymc_uk: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@Sambamagico: RT @Martijn5155: Opvallend dat New York Times, Washington Post en The Guardian uitgebreid aandacht besteden aan leven en overlijden van Fre… - 6 years ago

@gecko39: Fighting Fascists Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@buvu1951: RT @EZuroff: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 Rest in peace Dutch resistance heroin… - 6 years ago

@Sanvers_TV: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@Aquaboros: RT @newscomauHQ: 14-year-old Freddie Oversteegen seduced Nazis and killed them in WWII. - 6 years ago

@thingswithwings: RT @newscomauHQ: 14-year-old Freddie Oversteegen seduced Nazis and killed them in WWII. - 6 years ago

@SharonIsbin: Amazing story! - 6 years ago

@atomicdog4: Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@JessicaHOverto1: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@vida031: RT @newscomauHQ: 14-year-old Freddie Oversteegen seduced Nazis and killed them in WWII. - 6 years ago

@vida031: RT @KyleWOrton: Freddie Oversteegen joined the Dutch resistance at age-14, killing Nazis, blowing up infrastructure, and rescuing Jews. She… - 6 years ago

@Kind_Geek: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@VictorSuth: An obit worth reading. Freddie Oversteegen, Gritty Dutch Resistance Fighter, Dies at 92 - 6 years ago

@wirebiter38: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@ashester131: Badass. RIP. - 6 years ago

@KatharineVogel: We should all be so brave when the chips are down. Her memory should be for a blessing. - 6 years ago

@JJaazzee1: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@TeeTweetsHere: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@haikujeannie: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@AMluvinit2: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@aprilbaxter: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@VoiceofMe2: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

@spock4444: RT @joefaz: Freddie Oversteegen was only 14, petite with long braids, when she became an assassin and saboteur. She was part of the resista… - 6 years ago

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