Fred Roots

Canadian geologist.
Died on Saturday November 5th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Fred Roots:

@JennyTGT: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@Roots_Engrave: Fred Locks – Evil & Evil – A1 - 8 years ago

@ras_fred: @djblingghetto @ghettoradio895 @labanwake_ann @qevohdevokeh @pitahyuleunruly #ReggeaBling Roots N Culture Bla Kubahatisha - 8 years ago

@DanChapmn: RT @DanChapmn: MISSING: Fred Hicks Last seen: 23rd January 2016 Where?: Roots Hall, Southend Please RT we are really worried about him h… - 8 years ago


@TomPercival2: RT @DanChapmn: MISSING: Fred Hicks Last seen: 23rd January 2016 Where?: Roots Hall, Southend Please RT we are really worried about him h… - 8 years ago

@wiredwoman: Fred Eaglesmith returns to Peterborough and his musical roots - 8 years ago

@ras_fred: @bena_hinga @PitahYuleUnruly @_shideh @Brendabibi9 @CharraDeejay @DorcasKutilo @EMwikali8 @DenohEarnest #JAHMROCKDOBA Roots N Culture - 8 years ago

@kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@Rich2157B: @NancySinatra @Change I firmly believe he will met his Dad Fred in Coney Island a class act The strength of a tree is its roots - 8 years ago

@PtboCanada: RT @kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@ArkHogs1983: RT @StocksMagazine: $RMHB No doubt Fred Dryer will have deep roots in the Los Angeles/Southern California communities. It's all about br ht… - 8 years ago

@StocksMagazine: $RMHB No doubt Fred Dryer will have deep roots in the Los Angeles/Southern California communities. It's all about br - 8 years ago

@TechLPSD: Learn about this incredible Canadian scientist: Polar explorer Fred Roots remembered as 'unsung Canadian hero' - 8 years ago

@Cruellandrea: RT @WhitehorseYTRR: Polar explorer Fred Roots remembered as 'unsung Canadian hero' - 8 years ago

@kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@KevinMutterback: RT @CanJEarthSci: Geologist Fred Roots, @Princeton alumnus, won many awards during his illustrious career: @RCGS_SGRC @ExplorersClub https:… - 8 years ago

@fred_faraj: RT @MatoneEliud: #NowThatTrumpIsPresident 50cent is tracing his Roots back to Kakamega ,his real name is "Finicent". - 8 years ago

@cleric_fred: Trump winning is elite....will deport the lazy and rapping blacks to their roots lol - 8 years ago

@shoefemme: RT @IvanSemeniuk: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@2044_The_Book: Legal plunder has two roots: One of them, as I have said before, is in human greed; the other is in false philanthropy. Fred Bastiat-The Law - 8 years ago

@cafedosreis68: Maceo Parker, Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis - Roots Revisited - Germany 1991 - 8 years ago

@cdnsciencepub: RT @CanJEarthSci: Geologist Fred Roots, @Princeton alumnus, won many awards during his illustrious career: @RCGS_SGRC @ExplorersClub https:… - 8 years ago

@CanJEarthSci: Geologist Fred Roots, @Princeton alumnus, won many awards during his illustrious career: @RCGS_SGRC @ExplorersClub - 8 years ago

@DavidMurrayOtt: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@PTBOShowplace: RT @kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@PtboCanada: RT @kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@kawarthaNOW: .@FredEaglesmith returns to #Ptbo & his musical roots Nov 12 @PtboShowplace @downtownPtbo - - 8 years ago

@travelsinbc: RT @ubcscience: #UBC alumnus Fred Roots, a renowned Canadian geologist, polar explorer and educator, passed away recently. - 8 years ago

@ESSLaureateCPSJ: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@jmenzies01: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@ubcscience: #UBC alumnus Fred Roots, a renowned Canadian geologist, polar explorer and educator, passed away recently.… - 8 years ago

@JcolinEvans: RT @IvanSemeniuk: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@fred_josh: Home sick and decided to watch the mini-series "Roots", because my dad recommended it. Had no idea what I was getting myself into. - 8 years ago

@ras_fred: @GhettoRadio895 @_shideh @charradeejay @Brendabibi9 @ro_maggy @ericshamata @romeojuliet90 @Tbiggoh @sarahsomba #JamrockDoba Np Misty n Roots - 8 years ago

@FranklinMystery: RT @SJFranklin_1845: In 1966 the late Dr. Fred Roots showed that a magnetic anomaly was not one of the #FranklinExpedition's ships: https:/… - 8 years ago

@muellermartin_: RT @IvanSemeniuk: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@IvanSemeniuk: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@Justmemarie2: RT @RCGS_SGRC: A beautiful tribute to the late Fred Roots in the @globeandmail: - 8 years ago

@adetoni29: RT @RCGS_SGRC: A beautiful tribute to the late Fred Roots in the @globeandmail: - 8 years ago

@issaluk: RT @RCGS_SGRC: A beautiful tribute to the late Fred Roots in the @globeandmail: - 8 years ago

@RCGS_SGRC: A beautiful tribute to the late Fred Roots in the @globeandmail: - 8 years ago

@SteveRickettsSP: great article on Fred Roots in @globeandmail... an explorer, a scientist, an impassioned mentor - 8 years ago

@2016OPOP: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@lux_chiara: RT @CBCNews: Polar explorer Fred Roots remembered as 'unsung Canadian hero' - 8 years ago

@CathrynPearce: RT @scottpolar: Obituary: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@HigherRegions: JAH BLESSINGS Fred Locks NEW RELEASE Jah Shaka Style DUBPLATE listen #roots #reggae #dub #vinyl #soundsystem #music - 8 years ago

@michele_paule: RT @scottpolar: Obituary: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@scottpolar: Obituary: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@joebarak: A life well lived! "Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration" ~ @lisafitt @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@jodiebarrett_: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@JasveenBrar5: RT @raffjam: Ahh Fred. Known him for years but didn't know the eyeball-removed-with-a-bully-beef-lid scalpel story. Geesh!!!... - 8 years ago

@kamerakata: Der F.R.E.D. für Beste Ausstattung geht an 'Roots' #LARP #Award #FRED #MP2016 - 8 years ago

@raffjam: Ahh Fred. Known him for years but didn't know the eyeball-removed-with-a-bully-beef-lid scalpel story. Geesh!!!... - 8 years ago

@PhilJci: RT @cindiforeman: "Much of his work in building Canada's reputation was gritty and thankless," Thank you Fred Roots #RIP - 8 years ago

@agraham701: CPNews: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration; heard him talk re IGY. - 8 years ago

@CyrJeff: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@EC_Kosters: @CEamer yr link doesn't load. Here is @globeandmail obit - 8 years ago

@CEamer: Lovely tribute to a lovely man: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@RKarstad: Warm heart. So grateful to have met Fred Roots, brilliant and graceful. Thoughts go out to Geoff and the soi-family… - 8 years ago

@JasveenBrar5: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@arcticfrontiers: Fred Roots, a great man, a true legend - 8 years ago

@RKarstad: RT @BobPaquin1: Great story on the sad passing of Canadian polar legend Fred Roots - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Fred Roots, Canadian geologist, Died at 93 - 8 years ago

@004nino: MORT CANADA 594) #Fred #Roots 93 #geologist #dies Oct 18,16 was #modest , #brilliant #legend of #polar #exploration - 8 years ago

@Antarpply: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - 8 years ago

@paige_olmsted: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@RKArctic: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@meganiyoung: The passing of Fred Roots is a loss for SOI & polar exploration, but I know his spirit will live on in everyone he… - 8 years ago

@StudentsOnIce: RT @geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice ht… - 8 years ago

@geoffgreen_soi: Fred Roots was modest, brilliant and a legend of polar exploration - Tribute to Fred in today's Globe @studentsonice - 8 years ago

@m_cahill: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@michelwi2011: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Fred Roots, you will be missed - #FredRoots #Fred #Roots #rip - 8 years ago

@BernardMade: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@LophiusPat: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@Pdiddly53: The epitome of the unsung hero...thank you Fred Roots. - 8 years ago

@Pdiddly53: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@DavidMurrayOtt: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@VincentKlassen: Fred Roots: a great life in service of science and country @globeandmail - 8 years ago

@BeforeTheFIood: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@JamesGIS: RT @cindiforeman: "Much of his work in building Canada's reputation was gritty and thankless," Thank you Fred Roots #RIP - 8 years ago

@SuzanneLukowski: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@alexisfordelli4: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@MayoMoran: RT @cindiforeman: "Much of his work in building Canada's reputation was gritty and thankless," Thank you Fred Roots #RIP - 8 years ago

@FarmingBe: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@Geddes28: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@cathmckenna: RT @cindiforeman: "Much of his work in building Canada's reputation was gritty and thankless," Thank you Fred Roots #RIP - 8 years ago

@cindiforeman: "Much of his work in building Canada's reputation was gritty and thankless," Thank you Fred Roots #RIP - 8 years ago

@outofmyplanet: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@Politicscanadia: cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform… - 8 years ago

@MargaretYo_: RT @cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform @environmentca https… - 8 years ago

@cathmckenna: Wonderful obituary for legendary Arctic explorer & scientist, Fred Roots. His vision helped transform… - 8 years ago

@fareastrec_jp: 【 NEW ITEM 】 Black Star Liners / Fred Locks: Side A Black Star Liners / Fred Locks Roots Foundation. Side B Version… - 8 years ago

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