Fred Quayle

American politician
Died on Tuesday November 27th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Fred Quayle:

@Fred_S_Hayes: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Dan Quayle misspelled potato one time and he was labeled an idiot for the remainder of his political career. Alexandr… - 6 years ago

@swamp_fred: RT @billyeichner: A generation of LGBT Americans, many in their 20s and 30s, was wiped out by an AIDS epidemic ignored by Reagan/Bush and B… - 6 years ago

@HCWFandP: Many sympathys to former Sen. Fred Quayle's family and friends, he was a charter board member for H.C and will be greatly missed. - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Fred Quayle (82) American politician - 6 years ago


@dead_wikipedia: Fred Quayle - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Fred Quayle dies - #FredQuayle #Fred #Quayle #rip - 6 years ago

@WAVY_News: Fred Quayle, a former Virginia senator from Suffolk, passed away over the weekend at age 82 - 6 years ago

@ChaunceyBob: RT @virginianpilot: “He was a real Renaissance man.” A look at the life of former state Sen. Fred Quayle of Suffolk, who died Saturday at… - 6 years ago

@MasonAtoms: Fred Quayle rep'd western Tidewater in the Virginia Senate for 20 years. He was one of the moderate Republicans who… - 6 years ago

@endmoronism: RT @virginianpilot: “He was a real Renaissance man.” A look at the life of former state Sen. Fred Quayle of Suffolk, who died Saturday at… - 6 years ago

@jones_mattryan: RT @virginianpilot: “He was a real Renaissance man.” A look at the life of former state Sen. Fred Quayle of Suffolk, who died Saturday at… - 6 years ago

@virginianpilot: “He was a real Renaissance man.” A look at the life of former state Sen. Fred Quayle of Suffolk, who died Saturday… - 6 years ago

@SPRobertsJr: RT @DaveRess1: Fomer #va state Sen. Fred Quayle dies - 6 years ago

@DaveRess1: Fomer #va state Sen. Fred Quayle dies - 6 years ago

@lrmartinjr: Gordon C. Morse: Fred Quayle's quiet bipartisanship #VaPolitics … » - 6 years ago

@lrmartinjr: Gordon C. Morse: Fred Quayle's quiet bipartisanship #VaPolitics - Former State Sen. Fred Quayle, very... - 6 years ago

@lrmartinjr: Fomer state Sen. Fred Quayle dies #VaPolitics … » - 6 years ago

@lrmartinjr: Fomer state Sen. Fred Quayle dies #VaPolitics - His just-finished last project — for former state Sen.... - 6 years ago

@fred_musicfan: @mdbattista11 @CharlieVcmc2 @RealSaavedra ironic that you can't spell quayle properly. - 6 years ago

@LKSchm: RT @NAMIKeystonePA: Thank you Tova Feinman, Cheryl Lynn, Susan Novak, Fred Terling, and K. Rose Quayle for making last night's "Stories Tha… - 6 years ago

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