Fred Cole

American singer and musician (The Lollipop Shoppe
Died on Friday November 10th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Fred Cole:

@Pendlewitch1: Maximum RockNRoll radio show have posted two hour long tributes to the late, great, Fred Cole. - 7 years ago

@portlandmercury: Celebrate the life of Fred Cole this weekend. - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: In a scratchy wail, Mr. Cole led Dead Moon in ragged, macabre-obsessed songs, like “Graveyard” and “Dead Moon Night” - 7 years ago

@bayoubabylon: #RIPFredCole I guess the main thing that bums me out about Fred Cole's death is that I can't help but wonder who w… - 7 years ago


@bayoubabylon: Ya know what, I'm just gonna thread these. If you don't like it, mute me, sucka. More of my tribute to Fred Cole be… - 7 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: Fred Cole, a cult hero of the Pacific Northwest music scene, set a standard for do-it-yourself perseverance - 7 years ago

@bayoubabylon: Fred Cole passed away 8 days ago, and I changed my profile pic to honor him. Before I go back to my usual profile… - 7 years ago

@LinksePers: RT @michaelazerrad: RIP Fred Cole of the band Dead Moon. He, along with his wife Toody, was about as #DIY as it gets, an icon of Northwest… - 7 years ago

@nytimesmusic: Fred Cole, a cult hero of the Pacific Northwest music scene, set a standard for do-it-yourself perseverance - 7 years ago

@taterpie: RT @AaronCampeau: we cannot lose Fred Cole and Scott McCaughey in the space of a week, absolutely not - 7 years ago

@AaronCampeau: we cannot lose Fred Cole and Scott McCaughey in the space of a week, absolutely not - 7 years ago

@SlctrDubNarcot: RT @K_recs: K News - Mirah holiday spirit; big-hearted Fred Cole; K LP Grab Bag; Briana Marela Europe tour; Escape-ism, Intro! - 7 years ago

@PaulasPicks: RT @xrayfm: Remembering and paying homage to Fred Cole of Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows. - 7 years ago

@sherocksound: I loved mixing this band and hanging out with Fred Toody and Andrew even outside the gig. I often saw Andrew on... - 7 years ago

@orartswatch: RT @xrayfm: Remembering and paying homage to Fred Cole of Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows. - 7 years ago

@xrayfm: Remembering and paying homage to Fred Cole of Dead Moon and Pierced Arrows. - 7 years ago

@brattymobile: why the fuck did I JUST find out Fred Cole died - 7 years ago

@Fred_The_Faded: 💽🖊 J Cole // The Autograph 👟🖊 - 7 years ago

@HuffmanRoy: - 7 years ago

@Fred_CQN: @rafinhabastos Colé @rafinhabastos ... ta tirando? - 7 years ago

@DreamDave3000: - 7 years ago

@TheTrashplug: The Trashplug - Primitive & Pure Garage Rock'n'Roll (in memory of Fred Cole & Adrew Loomis) - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: As Mr. Cole recounted in the Dead Moon song “Kicked Out — Kicked In,” he was dismissed from school at age 16 for h… - 7 years ago

@piercedarrows: RT @PRvanderHeide: Ik denk aan Fred Cole. In 1992 had ik het genoegen hem, Toody en Andrew in Groningen te spreken. De foto is gemaakt door… - 7 years ago

@JudeDizzy: RT @mudhoney: RIP Fred Cole - 7 years ago

@vahlc: RT @Primoz_Kovacic: In memoriam: Fred Cole (28. 8. 1948 – 9. 11. 2017) - 7 years ago

@Sora_rubyred: MRR RADIOが15日に公開した新しいプレイリストがFred Cole追悼で涙。二部編成。  - 7 years ago

@SlctrDubNarcot: RT @K_recs: K News - Mirah holiday spirit; big-hearted Fred Cole; K LP Grab Bag; Briana Marela Europe tour; Escape-ism, Intro! - 7 years ago

@endlessrevolt: RT @endlessrevolt: hi friends im still emotional about fred cole. here's a cover of demona i commissioned earlier this year from Brian Pret… - 7 years ago

@jyanosik: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@WVKRFM: Just played: johnny's got a gun - Dead Moon - FRED COLE RIP - 7 years ago

@james4texas: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Cole was a regular of the garage-rock circuit — playing a rough, raw sound that long predated grunge’s noisy take on punk… - 7 years ago

@night_NYC: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@andyjamesdalton: RT @NYTObits: Mr. Cole was a regular of the garage-rock circuit — playing a rough, raw sound that long predated grunge’s noisy take on punk… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Cole was a regular of the garage-rock circuit — playing a rough, raw sound that long predated grunge’s noisy ta… - 7 years ago

@IamJamesGill: RT @JimKCooper: - 7 years ago

@JimKCooper: - 7 years ago

@04_Yvan: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@SuperNoBueno: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@elsas82: @fred_SSC @PaniniComicsEsp Ayer rstaban en la puerta del cole de mi hijo con frozen y se lo daban a quien se acerca… - 7 years ago

@xrayfm: RT @lowbrowkate: Heading to the @xrayfm studios later today to record the script for a radio version of this story about #DeadMoon and its… - 7 years ago

@KenBlac80899148: - 7 years ago

@danbrennan73: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@potterybyosa: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@shotgunsmstrss: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@lowbrowkate: Heading to the @xrayfm studios later today to record the script for a radio version of this story about #DeadMoon a… - 7 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: As the grunge gold rush made stars of young bands in and around Seattle like Nirvana and Soundgarden, Dead Moon remained… - 7 years ago

@udr81: Fred Cole/Dead Moon 1948-2017 (listen/"It's OK") - 7 years ago

@KenBlac80899148: Dead Moon Singer/Guitarist Fred Cole Dies at 69 - 7 years ago

@MFP4073T: RB! @Besos: "R.I.P. Fred Cole" ♫ - 7 years ago

@AniOFdez: Dead Moon Singer/Guitarist Fred Cole Dies at 69 - 7 years ago

@Musicsocietyweb: Music Society WebradiON! uploaded "Precious Cargo #2 - Season 4 - Fred Cole special" - 7 years ago

@Musicsocietyweb: Just uploaded "Precious Cargo #2 - Season 4 - Fred Cole special" to @mixcloud - 7 years ago

@KennethTay88: Pacific Northwest garage-rock legend Fred Cole dies at 69 - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Fred Cole (69) American musician - 7 years ago

@CynthiaNestor25: Pacific Northwest garage-rock legend Fred Cole dies at 69 - 7 years ago

@JoseJohnson88: Pacific Northwest garage-rock legend Fred Cole dies at 69 - 7 years ago

@fred_SSC: @RocioMDP @madresfera @bebeamordor bueno, es que se ponen fuera del cole, claro. Y a menos que los del cole tengan… - 7 years ago

@RocioMDP: @madresfera @bebeamordor @fred_SSC siempre he pensado que eso debería estar prohibido...en mi cole no lo hacen. - 7 years ago

@ragedroidnet: RT @dacilmp: @bebeamordor @fred_SSC @madresfera En el cole de mis hijos dan varios y se lo dan al niño que extienden la mano independientem… - 7 years ago

@dacilmp: @bebeamordor @fred_SSC @madresfera En el cole de mis hijos dan varios y se lo dan al niño que extienden la mano ind… - 7 years ago

@RaGeSlpev: @fred_SSC @paninicromos Hace poco pasó lo mismo en el cole de mis peques, a mi hijo de fútbol y a mi hija de muñeca… - 7 years ago

@fred_SSC: No sé si será iniciativa de @paninicromos o de un intermediario, y tampoco si las restricciones son idea suya, pero… - 7 years ago

@fred_SSC: No sé si será iniciativa de @PaniniComicsEsp o de un intermediario, y tampoco si las restricciones son idea suya, p… - 7 years ago

@AlanMaddenRose1: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead –… - 7 years ago

@BobbysGirl4evr: ♡ Cole Porter´s Day and Night by Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers - 7 years ago

@pawkhrua: RT @piercedarrows: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@EvaColeBooks: RT @EvaColeBooks: Get ready and strap in for a magical ride with Little Ted and Hot Rod Fred. Candice Cole, Anchor & Reporter, ABC News ht… - 7 years ago

@DDownMusic: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@dpg5000: RT @maxrnr: On this bonus episode of MRR Radio, we pay tribute to the late, great Fred Cole, who has been screaming at the... - 7 years ago

@SonnyMountain: Such great advice from an unjaundiced rock 'n' roll lifer. Trying my best to live by these words of wisdom, particu… - 7 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @nytimesmusic: Fred Cole was a cult hero of the Pacific Northwest music scene - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Cole and his wife and bandmate Toody set a standard for do-it-yourself perseverance. They released records on t… - 7 years ago

@Pendlewitch1: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@DiamondDaibhidJ: #RIP to Fred Cole, singer for Dead Moon & Lollipop Shoppe; #DeadMoon - 7 years ago

@DickAltavista: The “Official” link - 7 years ago

@shakedowntown: RT @piercedarrows: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@contra_flow: RT @PRvanderHeide: Ontroerend. Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@lilmikesf: Maximum Rock & Roll Radio Fred Cole / #DeadMoon Tribute parts 1 & 2 11/15/17 - 7 years ago

@DRKITTENDORF: RT @nytimesmusic: Fred Cole was a cult hero of the Pacific Northwest music scene - 7 years ago

@Selene: 📷 freddie-my-love: Fred Astaire, Cole Porter and Eleanor Powell on the set of Broadway Melody of 1940,... - 7 years ago

@ionzubizarreta: RT @maxrnr: On this bonus episode of MRR Radio, we pay tribute to the late, great Fred Cole, who has been screaming at the... - 7 years ago

@kingkongrecords: RT @PRvanderHeide: Ontroerend. Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@snoepkever: RT @PRvanderHeide: Ik denk aan Fred Cole. In 1992 had ik het genoegen hem, Toody en Andrew in Groningen te spreken. De foto is gemaakt door… - 7 years ago

@graceambrose: RT @maxrnr: On this bonus episode of MRR Radio, we pay tribute to the late, great Fred Cole, who has been screaming at the... - 7 years ago

@snoepkever: RT @piercedarrows: Fred Cole Lived and Created Entirely on His Own Terms, and Portland Followed His Lead - 7 years ago

@AlpianCrust: RT @maxrnr: On this bonus episode of MRR Radio, we pay tribute to the late, great Fred Cole, who has been screaming at the... - 7 years ago

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