Fred Bass

American bookseller (Strand Bookstore)
Died on Wednesday January 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Fred Bass:

@Brownsugar2142: RT @colbymakesbeats: Freaky Fred Prod.Bass Santana by SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD - 7 years ago

@householdwords: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@MissBookerly: RT @MaryleeMacD: I Did the Strand - 7 years ago

@MaryleeMacD: I Did the Strand - 7 years ago


@DeathbyMoshh: RT @colbymakesbeats: Freaky Fred Prod.Bass Santana by SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD - 7 years ago

@pjmaciak: Visiting the Strand for the first time as a teenager was as important a development in my intellectual life as any… - 7 years ago

@Vechov: Grafix, Fred V > Games People Play [ UKF ] Join Us Now !! - 7 years ago

@w_zevon: RT @AHMcKay: Tom Verlaine of Television on working at the Strand bookstore in New York - 7 years ago

@CityJournal: R.I.P., Fred Bass of the Strand Bookstore - 7 years ago

@cataret: RT @davibbs: RIP. This is one of my favorite places. A perfect day for a teenager from Queens was spent half at The Strand and half at Forb… - 7 years ago

@DEANHDAVID: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@joehullait: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@DgoodMiami21: Don’t know how I missed this. Sad to see. What an amazing store. I stop by every time I’m there. - 7 years ago

@mlmtlms: An old friend of ours here at TLMS, Fred Marvel aka: fred plays bass has a show on 01/12/2018 at 08:00 PM @... - 7 years ago

@ItsAndyRyan: @christreilly Thanks Christian. I'm currently disappearing into a wormhole of Richard and Fred Fairbrass's pre-RSF… - 7 years ago

@DelectusBooks: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@hwclarence: "You can't sell a book you don't have" - Fred Bass. - 7 years ago

@CariadDraig: RT @thestoryofbooks: Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@downing3691: Fred Bass, who made the Strand Bookstore a mecca, dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@thebookinhouse: È morto Fred Bass, l'uomo che rese famosa la libreria Strand di New York - Il Post - 7 years ago

@dobleMdesign: RT @thestoryofbooks: Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@thestoryofbooks: Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@eplawiuk: Fred Bass, Maestro of the Strand - 7 years ago

@StottWriter: RT @wmferrall: Fred Bass, 89-yr-old owner of NYC Strand Bookstore died this week. Having spent many hours there over the last... - 7 years ago

@CowboysLifeCC: MC Nas-D DJ Freaky Fred Its My Cadillac (Got That Bass) -- - Bohemia After Dark - 7 years ago

@MYMIMISTHEBEST: RT @wmferrall: Fred Bass, 89-yr-old owner of NYC Strand Bookstore died this week. Having spent many hours there over the last... - 7 years ago

@CityJournal: R.I.P., Fred Bass—but not his dream. - 7 years ago

@mirhalberstam: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@MYDekel469: Fred Bass, Maestro of the Strand - 7 years ago

@BlackCoffeePoet: RT @PublishersWkly: I Did the Strand: On Working with Fred Bass | @nytimes - 7 years ago

@Copaxah: RT @kazoobooks: RIP, Fred Bass. The Strand is one of the greatest bookstores in the world. - 7 years ago

@kazoobooks: RIP, Fred Bass. The Strand is one of the greatest bookstores in the world. - 7 years ago

@KeposCanuda: RT @marcelalbet: Fred Bass, el propietari de la llibreria Strand de Nova York ha mort - 7 years ago

@TommyW: I missed this last week but sad to hear that Fred Bass, owner of @strandbookstore one of the joys of New York City,… - 7 years ago

@StoddardScowl: RT @StrandMag: Sad to see the passing of a legend - 7 years ago

@StrandMag: Sad to see the passing of a legend - 7 years ago

@LT38: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@amadeupons: RT @marcelalbet: Fred Bass, el propietari de la llibreria Strand de Nova York ha mort - 7 years ago

@FullSailPublish: Readers and booksellers remember the late Strand owner Frank Bass. We lost a legacy last week, and the world rememb… - 7 years ago

@TrashFilmGuru: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@The_Rumpus: Fred Bass, the owner of legendary New York City bookstore The Strand, passed away at eighty-nine. - 7 years ago

@marcelalbet: RT @marcelalbet: Fred Bass, el propietari de la llibreria Strand de Nova York ha mort - 7 years ago

@marcelalbet: Fred Bass, el propietari de la llibreria Strand de Nova York ha mort - 7 years ago

@bwilcoxwrites: RT @Infin8Gestation: #FredBass, Who Made the #StrandBookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@CheyneyK: RT @strandbookstore: "I grew up at the Strand, first sharpening pencils, shelving books & answering phones. For over 30 years, I've had the… - 7 years ago

@CheyneyK: RT @nytimes: Fred Bass, who turned the Strand into a Manhattan mecca that boasts of "18 miles of books," has died at 89 - 7 years ago

@Novinojuan: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@silverwind69: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@WrightDeDeej: RT @strandbookstore: "I grew up at the Strand, first sharpening pencils, shelving books & answering phones. For over 30 years, I've had the… - 7 years ago

@WrightDeDeej: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@mcnaughtongunn: Readers and Booksellers Remember Strand Owner Fred Bass - 7 years ago

@WrightDeDeej: RT @The_Millions: Fred Bass, the owner of @strandbookstore, has died. Bass helped make the bookstore the literary icon it is today. https:… - 7 years ago

@Infin8Gestation: #FredBass, Who Made the #StrandBookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@Judith_Gurewich: RT @ScribnerBooks: Readers and Booksellers Remember Strand Owner Fred Bass via @electriclit - 7 years ago

@mosspianoman: Tonight The Moss Stanley Duo (Fred Derf Tobey on Upright Bass) at Don's Pomeroy House Strongsville Ohio 6-15/9-30,… - 7 years ago

@niimikazunirom1: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@CowboysLifeCC: MC Nas-D DJ Freaky Fred Its My Cadillac (Got That Bass) -- - Bohemia After Dark - 7 years ago

@foxjust: Looks like I wasn’t the only one who read @tomvanderbilt’s piece about people shamelessly selling their review copi… - 7 years ago

@bjolofs: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@MatsOlssonNY: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@JenBettypd: Op-Ed Contributor: I Did the Strand Tom Verlaine remembers working for the late Fred Bass at the Strand bookstore —… - 7 years ago

@sebezero: How sad! Fred Bass from Strand Books is dead... - 7 years ago

@DavidBernardpg: Op-Ed Contributor: I Did the Strand Tom Verlaine remembers working for the late Fred Bass at the Strand bookstore —… - 7 years ago

@cantaraworld: Fred Bass, owner of the Strand, has passed away at eighty-nine » MobyLives - 7 years ago

@CharlesCorapd: Op-Ed Contributor: I Did the Strand Tom Verlaine remembers working for the late Fred Bass at the Strand bookstore —… - 7 years ago


@iwai_beam: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@iwai_beam: ああ、我が思い出のストランド。 RIP Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@JohnLinstrom: RT @hippocampusmag: .@strandbookstore's Fred Bass passed away recently after a successful career expanding his father's bookstore into the… - 7 years ago

@LaResnick: Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@endlessizanami: I’ve literally done nothing today except eat, play bass, and play Horizon: Zero Dawn. I have a feeling I will not b… - 7 years ago

@vivigc2: RT @ScribnerBooks: Readers and Booksellers Remember Strand Owner Fred Bass via @electriclit - 7 years ago

@tanyaweiman: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@MYDekel469: Fred Bass, Owner Of Landmark NYC Bookstore, Dies At 89 - 7 years ago

@lisabsingerpoet: RT @justin_chadwick: R.I.P. Fred Bass and thank you for 18 Miles of Books - 7 years ago

@ReubenGregg: Fred Bass, who made the Strand Bookstore a mecca, dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@warbondgirl: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@saletteg: RIP Fred Bass, owner of NYC bookstore treasure The Strand - 7 years ago

@socialintoledo: Fred Bass, co-owner of beloved Strand bookstore, dead at 89 - 7 years ago

@melaniekeithve1: Op-Ed Contributor: I Did the Strand Tom Verlaine remembers working for the late Fred Bass at the Strand bookstore —… - 7 years ago

@BrooksRebeccama: Op-Ed Contributor: I Did the Strand Tom Verlaine remembers working for the late Fred Bass at the Strand bookstore —… - 7 years ago

@WritersandBooks: “Readers and Booksellers Remember Strand Owner Fred Bass” by Natalee Cruz - 7 years ago

@crescentiL: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@NEOMD71: RT @NYTObits: Fred Bass, who transformed his father’s small used-book store, the Strand, into a mammoth Manhattan emporium, died at 89 http… - 7 years ago

@regphunt: RT @strandbookstore: It is with a heavy heart we share that Strand’s owner, Fred Bass, passed away early this morning at home surrounded by… - 7 years ago

@JS555001: RT @ScribnerBooks: Readers and Booksellers Remember Strand Owner Fred Bass via @electriclit - 7 years ago

@stillost: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@spbeiting: - 7 years ago

@newspaperpostt: Owner оf citу’s famed Strand Bооk Stоre, Fred Bass, dead at 89  - 7 years ago

@allenmendenhall: I Did the Strand - 7 years ago

@Joey_Bingo: Fred Bass, Who Made the Strand Bookstore a Mecca, Dies at 89 via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@Joey_Bingo: I Did the Strand via @NYTimes - 7 years ago

@doubledaybooks: Readers and Booksellers Remember @strandbookstore Owner Fred Bass (via @ElectricLit) - 7 years ago

@RichardPrince4: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@PublishersWkly: I Did the Strand: On Working with Fred Bass | @nytimes - 7 years ago

@watchbonzodog: トム・ヴァーレインは18歳でニューヨークに出て来たとき、ストランド・ブック・ストアという大きな書店で働いていたようですね。I Did the Strand - 7 years ago

@CowboysLifeCC: MC Nas-D DJ Freaky Fred Its My Cadillac (Got That Bass) -- - Bohemia After Dark - 7 years ago

@Jeff_Tompkins: The Strand was my first NYC job, too. I lasted exactly one day. - 7 years ago

@ParkaboyDesign: I Did the Strand by Tom Verlaine - 7 years ago

@larryagross: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@Akshayamukul: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@liz_vezina: RT @littlebrown: “It’s a disease,” Bass told New York magazine in 1977. “I get an attack, something like a panic, of book-buying. I simply… - 7 years ago

@kathleenkent214: RT @littlebrown: “It’s a disease,” Bass told New York magazine in 1977. “I get an attack, something like a panic, of book-buying. I simply… - 7 years ago

@BooksnSht1: RT @littlebrown: “It’s a disease,” Bass told New York magazine in 1977. “I get an attack, something like a panic, of book-buying. I simply… - 7 years ago

@BigSkyGuy57: - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Mr. Bass oversaw "18 miles of books" in a Manhattan emporium that became a mecca for bibliophiles - 7 years ago

@jgloverster: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@rocket88books: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@CareBear_Kara: RT @nytimes: Fred Bass, who turned the Strand into a Manhattan mecca that boasts of "18 miles of books," has died at 89 - 7 years ago

@JonJCrowley: RT @WFMU: Tom Verlaine on working at the Strand bookshop: - 7 years ago

@lastbohemians: RT @melvillehouse: Fred Bass, owner of @strandbookstore, has passed away at eighty-nine - 7 years ago

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