Frank Vickery

Died on Tuesday June 19th 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Frank Vickery:

@RCTtheatres: In memory of - 7 years ago

@RCTtheatres: Er cof - 7 years ago

@RTSWales: RT @NTWtweets: We are very sad to hear of the passing of one of Wales’ most talented and funniest playwrights, Frank Vickery. A great loss… - 7 years ago

@LighthouseTheat: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago


@owenplaywright: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@BaleGJ: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@cariadbella: RT @shelleyreesowen: @RCTCouncil Can I also say that I also paid tribute to my friend and colleague Frank Vickery at the meeting. Why did y… - 7 years ago

@RachJPedley: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@lisa_zahra: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@James_Scan1985: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@shelleyreesowen: @RCTCouncil Can I also say that I also paid tribute to my friend and colleague Frank Vickery at the meeting. Why did you not include me? - 7 years ago

@brendanactingup: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@RhysRobertLewis: RT @RCTCouncil: Councillor Rhys Lewis, Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Wellbeing & Cultural Services leads Council tributes to Fra… - 7 years ago

@CyngorRhCT: Teyrnged arall i Frank Vickery gan y Cynghorydd Shelley Rees-Owen - 7 years ago

@CyngorRhCT: Nesaf, eitem 2, sef Cyhoeddiadau. Y Cyng Rhys Lewis, Aelod o'r Cabinet ar faterion Cymunedau Cadarn, Llesiant a Gwa… - 7 years ago

@RCTCouncil: Councillor Rhys Lewis, Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Wellbeing & Cultural Services leads Council tribute… - 7 years ago

@MarkMoraghan: Sad to hear about Frank Vickery. A genuinely nice guy RIP. - 7 years ago

@Emsdoomsday: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@GeoffCripps: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@developM2Ls: RT @TheStage: Obituary: Frank Vickery – ‘the Ayckbourn of the Valleys’ - 7 years ago

@HemaJaradah: RT @henburyhistory: Frank Barnard Bush Vickery, a local man from Westbury on Trym who gave his life in Ypres and where his body remains. Hu… - 7 years ago

@WW1_Education: RT @henburyhistory: Frank Barnard Bush Vickery, a local man from Westbury on Trym who gave his life in Ypres and where his body remains. Hu… - 7 years ago

@UCL_FWWCBTP: RT @henburyhistory: Frank Barnard Bush Vickery, a local man from Westbury on Trym who gave his life in Ypres and where his body remains. Hu… - 7 years ago

@HollyChristie_2: RT @henburyhistory: Frank Barnard Bush Vickery, a local man from Westbury on Trym who gave his life in Ypres and where his body remains. Hu… - 7 years ago

@henburyhistory: Frank Barnard Bush Vickery, a local man from Westbury on Trym who gave his life in Ypres and where his body remains… - 7 years ago

@AssemblyWales: In #90secondstatements this week @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated #Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who pass… - 7 years ago

@CynulliadCymru: Yn ystof #90secondstatements wythnos yma wnaeth @VikkiHowells rhoi teyrnged i Frank Vickery, y dramodydd enwog o… - 7 years ago

@RhonddaBryant: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@RhysRobertLewis: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@dawnchads: RT @TalkValleys: Hoffwn neilltuo'r stori lwyddiannus y Cymoedd wythnos yma er cof Frank Vickery, a fu farw'r wythnos hon. #EinCymoedd We wo… - 7 years ago

@Amanda_Vickery: Frank Weston Benson (American, 1862-1951), Summer. 1890. Smithsonian American Art Museum. - 7 years ago

@Welsgirl7: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@sveck1632: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@sapphofem: RT @TalkValleys: Hoffwn neilltuo'r stori lwyddiannus y Cymoedd wythnos yma er cof Frank Vickery, a fu farw'r wythnos hon. #EinCymoedd We wo… - 7 years ago

@PencoedCompHead: RT @IamBagsy: Very sad to hear of the passing of Frank Vickery, who did a lot for the Arts in the Rhondda and beyond. - 7 years ago

@kazONarts: RT @TalkValleys: Hoffwn neilltuo'r stori lwyddiannus y Cymoedd wythnos yma er cof Frank Vickery, a fu farw'r wythnos hon. #EinCymoedd We wo… - 7 years ago

@malrhondda: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@TalkValleys: Hoffwn neilltuo'r stori lwyddiannus y Cymoedd wythnos yma er cof Frank Vickery, a fu farw'r wythnos hon.… - 7 years ago

@GeoffCripps: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@kazONarts: RT @RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Frank Vicker… - 7 years ago

@CyngorRhCT: Cafodd dwy theatr y Cyngor yn Rhondda Cynon Taf eu goleuo'n binc neithiwr er cof am y dramodydd a'r perfformiwr lle… - 7 years ago

@RCTCouncil: The Council’s two theatres in Rhondda Cynon Taf have been lit pink in memory of local playwright and performer Fran… - 7 years ago

@welshbigguy: Frank Vickery is dead. Sad, sad news. - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 18 443) #BBC @BBC #News - #Welsh #Playwright #Frank #Vickery 67 #dies #June 19, 2018 #after… - 7 years ago

@cjcharlijones1: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@MattRevellGriff: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Vocalist Rebecca Parris; actress Amal Farid; playwright Frank Vickery; impressionist Nerella Ve… - 7 years ago

@kazONarts: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@Andrea_Casting: RT @KaiKaiOwen: I’ll never forget sitting with @Christian2178 in the Porthcawl Pavilion watching ‘Granny Annie’ and laughing until it hurt,… - 7 years ago

@ShowcaseWales: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@MeinirHarris: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

@JohnBal18642023: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@Eric_Heyman: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@corey26evans: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@AlisonBevanRWA: RT @RealBoydClack: Sad to hear of Frank Vickery's death. I didn't know him but his work brought pleasure to so many people. He will be mi… - 7 years ago

@hughesiethinks: RT @VikkiHowells: I tabled a 90 second statement noting the genius, and legacy, of Valleys playwright Frank Vickery. Follow the link to wat… - 7 years ago

@JohnBal18642023: RT @IamBagsy: Very sad to hear of the passing of Frank Vickery, who did a lot for the Arts in the Rhondda and beyond. - 7 years ago

@sapphofem: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

@PetloverHermine: Granny Annie 1 - Frank Vickery - 7 years ago

@MusicNow16: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@seanjcameron: "It's in me so I gorra say it..." - Frank Vickery, 'Trivial Pursuits'. #frankvickery - 7 years ago

@DuncanBiscotto: Welsh theatre stalwart Frank Vickery has died - 7 years ago

@Wteuluevans: RT @IamBagsy: Very sad to hear of the passing of Frank Vickery, who did a lot for the Arts in the Rhondda and beyond. - 7 years ago

@Susan_Kingman: RT @angelagould20: Our theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true Rhondda Legend . Frank Vickery, a writ… - 7 years ago

@Dicws: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@JohnpManders: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@RobertDeanWats1: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

@mm2912: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@CynonLabour: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

@StStmargaretsrc: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@AndrewMorganRCT: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

@Young_Critics: RT @Arts_Wales_: “We were desperately saddened to hear of the death of Welsh playwright Frank Vickery. His mercurial sense of humour and s… - 7 years ago

@CllrJoshuaPlaid: RT @RCTtheatres: Our Theatre lights have lost their shimmer and sparkle with the passing of a true valley legend. Frank Vickery writer, act… - 7 years ago

@ret72: RT @AssemblyWales: . @VikkiHowells pays tribute to celebrated Welsh playwright Frank Vickery, who passed away this week. - 7 years ago

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