Frank Sander

American professor of law.
Died on Thursday March 1st 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Frank Sander:

@Marc_Frank_BfT: Ich durfte Jil Sander eine Frage stellen: "Wenn Hefe das teuerste Produkt der Welt ist, womit könnte ich ein Baguet… - 7 years ago

@LagendijkMark: Lang hield scheidsrechter Oosterveer de kaarten op zak maar nu zijn er binnen 5 minuten 3 gele gevallen. 2 voor Fla… - 7 years ago

@HAVoetbal: RT @fcsgravenzande: 39. GOOAALLL!!! Eindelijk wat echte druk op het doel van AFC! De corner van Sander Koeleman die hieruit voortkomt wordt… - 7 years ago

@_ronaldbrouwer: RT @fcsgravenzande: 39. GOOAALLL!!! Eindelijk wat echte druk op het doel van AFC! De corner van Sander Koeleman die hieruit voortkomt wordt… - 7 years ago


@Haagsamvoetbal: RT @fcsgravenzande: 39. GOOAALLL!!! Eindelijk wat echte druk op het doel van AFC! De corner van Sander Koeleman die hieruit voortkomt wordt… - 7 years ago

@fcsgravenzande: 39. GOOAALLL!!! Eindelijk wat echte druk op het doel van AFC! De corner van Sander Koeleman die hieruit voortkomt w… - 7 years ago

@DorcasQAnderson: Interview with Frank Sander - 7 years ago

@uk_aji: RT @cahirstworks: A real 'multi-door courthouse'! Frank Sander would have been pleased. @disputeresearch @uk_aji - 7 years ago

@ScrivenerSmith: RT @viroviacum: Best quote from today’s #OA2020 workshop comes from Frank Sander: “Currently, we are paying publishers to sue us.” - 7 years ago

@cahirstworks: A real 'multi-door courthouse'! Frank Sander would have been pleased. @disputeresearch @uk_aji - 7 years ago

@julianinoz: RT @BeckyBatagol: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@SloperCathy: RT @CTLawTribune: Frank E.A. Sander, a longtime Harvard Law School professor known as a mentor to many and a pioneer in the field of altern… - 7 years ago

@StateCourts: In Memoriam: Frank E.A. Sander ’52, a pioneer in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (1927-2018) - 7 years ago

@northcentralpa: Eugene 'Frank' Sander - 7 years ago

@hanna_jaireth: RT @ADRResearch: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@BeckyBatagol: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@jvintimillas: RT @John_woodward1: Farewell Frank. The world will be poorer without you. Frank E.A. Sander ’52 » - 7 years ago

@John_woodward1: Farewell Frank. The world will be poorer without you. Frank E.A. Sander ’52 » - 7 years ago

@ahmedCivJustice: RT @ADRResearch: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@HarvardNegoti8: A Discussion with Frank Sander about the Multi-Door Courthouse Concept - 7 years ago

@mileskimball: Frank Sander’s career illustrates how math skill can predict success as a law professor—even in nonquantitative are… - 7 years ago

@viroviacum: Best quote from today’s #OA2020 workshop comes from Frank Sander: “Currently, we are paying publishers to sue us.” - 7 years ago

@Frank_Woodwork: RT @HomeAdore: Desert Canopy House by Sander Architects | Please RT #architecture #interiordesign - 7 years ago

@acjimonash: RT @OCRundle: @BeckyBatagol on the influence of Frank Sander's contributions to DR and ways that the field has evolved in Australia. Cracke… - 7 years ago

@KSands_UWWM: RT @UWWMmediation: ADR Pioneer, Harvard Professor Frank Sander Dies at 90 - 7 years ago

@jane7974: RT @ADRResearch: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@NICDInstitute: RT @HNMCP: Another wonderful ode from @thecrimson to an inspirational figure to use in the conflict resolution field, Frank Sander. https:/… - 7 years ago

@HNMCP: Another wonderful ode from @thecrimson to an inspirational figure to use in the conflict resolution field, Frank Sa… - 7 years ago

@thecrimson: Sander, the Bussey Professor Emeritus at the Law School, died on Feb. 25. He was 90. - 7 years ago

@CTLawTribune: Frank E.A. Sander, a longtime Harvard Law School professor known as a mentor to many and a pioneer in the field of… - 7 years ago

@rmkirkham1: RT @ADRResearch: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@cahirstworks: RT @ADRResearch: On the passing of Frank Sander: A critical, grateful view from the Antipodes - 7 years ago

@MannLawTexas: Frank Sander boosted mediation and other ways to solve disputes out of court - 7 years ago

@UWWMmediation: ADR Pioneer, Harvard Professor Frank Sander Dies at 90 - 7 years ago

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