Frank Peers

Canadian broadcaster and political scientist.
Died on Monday October 17th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Frank Peers:

@frank_perez22: RT @Marlins: As voted on by his peers, José Fernández has been named Sporting News NL Comeback Player of the Year. #JDF16 - 8 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @jamesplake721: No Consequences from Media Peers for Reporters Caught Colluding with Hillary. - 8 years ago

@apriljacqueline: RT @Callum_Li: @EmilyeOberg It's that recognition from his peers and the powers that be, I guess. But Frank can't relate to his peers so...… - 8 years ago

@Callum_Li: @EmilyeOberg It's that recognition from his peers and the powers that be, I guess. But Frank can't relate to his peers so... 👀 - 8 years ago


@NewsNoys: Yes, yes, yes! Frank Oz has been honoured #by his peers, #and presented with a golden statue of a radioactive horse! - 8 years ago

@TilledSoil: .@AndyStanley @Frank_Turek I love how the critics are ‘bloggers’ who need ‘fill material’ rather than peers who interacted point-by-point - 8 years ago

@erwinc35: RT @Calimer0c0mplex: @frankvdlinde @erwinc35 @YMikarov @GoldsteinBrooke @AmsterdamNL Frank knows his history just as well as his peers : h… - 8 years ago

@Calimer0c0mplex: @frankvdlinde @erwinc35 @YMikarov @GoldsteinBrooke @AmsterdamNL Frank knows his history just as well as his peers : - 8 years ago

@steerpeer: STEERS ¢ PEERS CLUB We shall be having our meeting tomorrow Friday at 4pm ab3 003 kindly avail yourself Chairman Frank jnr - 8 years ago

@TheTrashLeage: DankBob peers up at Ann Frank's apartment and alerts a guard, making the fun begin #iFunny - 8 years ago

@sobelco: #Nonprofit CEOs & EDs: join us at 4:00 pm at Sobel & Co for wine, snacks & a discussion led by your peers.Enjoy an open, frank conversation! - 8 years ago

@frank_fisher: @NHSMillion @3fish I'd settle for one that didn't have the worst cancer diagnosis and survival rates among our economic peers. - 8 years ago

@yashagordon: Thomas Frank peers into the liberal elite's deeply anodyne soul, as embodied in The Washington Post. - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Frank Peers, Canadian broadcaster and political scientist, Died at 98 - 8 years ago

@Only_Frank_: no fucking child should be bullied by peers for being perceived as "gay". ELEMENTARY KIDS SHLOUD NOT BE BULLYING OMG WTF. - 8 years ago

@RealMikeT: @Frank_The_K don't call it peer pressure. TRUMP HAS NO PEERS! - 8 years ago

@ShaniDShines: "I can't relate to my peers... I'd rather live outside, then lose my mind out here. Maybe I'm a fool, to settle. I'm not brave." Frank ocean - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Frank Peers dies - #FrankPeers #Frank #Peers #rip - 8 years ago

@TheNRogers: "“Our case has been pretty simple. We believe we are a match for them in terms of academic peers." - Tony Frank.… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Frank Peers is a goner: - 8 years ago

@Frank_McGinnis: RT @rlmcr57: As inequality increases, ALL levels become more competitive. The rich compare their wealth with their peers and strive for mor… - 8 years ago

@TOResident: - 8 years ago

@grantypannies: while on the subject if i'm being v frank i find it hard to be patient when peers say how much they hate their moms for saying mean things - 8 years ago

@UofT_PolSci: Remembering Frank Peers – academic, broadcasting aficionado and Blue Jays fan. - 8 years ago

@qstafford50: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@OEhigie: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@CrabbeAnita: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@Therealbudcook: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@YouGiveMeFever7: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@wbruce44: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@ohiomail: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@LilHughesKnipp: RT @EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@EAGLEjme: Frank Bruni gets it: How to talk about women in 21st century: as peers. Language & attitude correction explained. - 8 years ago

@Hari_Perisic: frank said it best, "I can't relate to my peers. I'd rather live outside" - 8 years ago

@frank_radium: You can't even have an open-minded political discussion with peers and they start thinking you're the latest demon in town. A pity! - 8 years ago

@Mase_Sefularo: "I cdn't gauge ur fears;I cn't relate to my peers.I'd rather live outside;I'd rather chip my mind than lose my pride outchea" -Frank Ocean - 8 years ago

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