Frank O'Connor

Australian footballer (Melbourne).
Died on Sunday November 26th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Frank O'Connor:

@blurrysdua: hi i'm so in love with camila cabello, ella o'connor, zayn malik, bertie gilbert, connor franta, dua lipa, tyler jo… - 7 years ago

@anthonyquinata: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@garysletcher: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@BryanTheBear_: Your mcm thinks he's Frank Castle but he's actually O'Connor from The Punisher - 7 years ago


@slfresqngprncss: RT @altDoD_:’s not bitch. It’s woman. Marie Curie Rosa Parks Eleanor Roosevelt Hedy Lamar Sappho Abagail Adams Florence Nighti… - 7 years ago

@altDoD_:’s not bitch. It’s woman. Marie Curie Rosa Parks Eleanor Roosevelt Hedy Lamar Sappho Abagail Adams Flor… - 7 years ago

@PineappleMedLtd: RT @commonmag: Bid for a chance to win a personalized postcard from @mhbertino, most recently the Frank O'Connor International Story Fellow… - 7 years ago

@commonmag: Bid for a chance to win a personalized postcard from @mhbertino, most recently the Frank O'Connor International Sto… - 7 years ago

@altDoD_: @xnulz’s not bitch. It’s woman. Marie Curie Rosa Parks Eleanor Roosevelt Hedy Lamar Sappho Abagail Adam… - 7 years ago

@huffduffer: Alex O'Connor vs Frank Turek | The Moral Argument DEBATE - 7 years ago

@l0la4life: RT @mikeracanelli: Rosa Parks? Harriet Tubman? Louisa May Alcott? Susan B. Anthony? Marie Curie? Amelia Earhart? Cleopatra? Frida Khalo? Mo… - 7 years ago

@mikeracanelli: Rosa Parks? Harriet Tubman? Louisa May Alcott? Susan B. Anthony? Marie Curie? Amelia Earhart? Cleopatra? Frida Khal… - 7 years ago

@DKingstonWrites: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@KevinBurns147: Just listened to Anne Enright read and discuss Frank O'Connor's The Masculine Principle with Deborah Triesman on th… - 7 years ago

@differegenerobo: 80% of what the great frank o'connor said about the marketisation of depression. - 7 years ago

@fantasticjackie: @DecepticonCobra @CraftingGeek Whoa whoa whoa! I'm not speaking on behalf of Frank O'Connor or Brian Reed! I'm also… - 7 years ago

@DecepticonCobra: @fantasticjackie @CraftingGeek 3. As for her not being evil? Well, that’s nonsense. Good people don’t hold onto a f… - 7 years ago

@Grillingseason: @BealnamBlath I actually permanently borrowed TPC’s “Ireland After The Rising” from my High School library in Calif… - 7 years ago

@wordherding: Bon voyage @mhbertino . You have been a fantastic Frank O'Connor Fellow and wonderful mentor, x - 7 years ago

@EnglishUCC: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@JoePranaitis: Halo: Evolutions edited by Frank O'Connor - 7 years ago

@elemcsherry: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@LACELimerick: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@SusanBurkeTrehy: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@IrishWritersCtr: RT @MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. This ye… - 7 years ago

@MunLitCentre: The Frank O'Connor International Fellowship deadline is tonight. Spend three months writing and teaching in Cork. T… - 7 years ago

@differegenerobo: 80% of what the great frank o'connor said about the religious roots of the long gaze back on patriarchal lit. - 7 years ago

@NSWGreatLakes: Happy Birthday 80 Frank Ifield 63 Wayne Bartholomew 57 Michael O'Connor 50 Richard Harry - 7 years ago

@QLDWhitsundays: Happy Birthday 80 Frank Ifield 63 Wayne Bartholomew 57 Michael O'Connor 50 Richard Harry - 7 years ago

@semiotic_pirate: Good article. However, I think the show tried to focus more on Frank’s redemption & his building friendships & comm… - 7 years ago

@eveehunt: Selected Shorts: Family Matters - Shirley Jackson, Frank O'Connor, Toure, Rick Moody, Grace ... #Speakers&Storytell… - 7 years ago

@saxtherapy: Sweet Georgia Brown - Wynton Marsalis Quintet Featuring Mark O'Connor and Frank Vignola - 7 years ago

@virginiakimba: Selected Shorts: Family Matters - Shirley Jackson, Frank O'Connor, Toure, Rick Moody, Grace… - 7 years ago

@JoePranaitis: Halo: Evolutions edited by Frank O'Connor - 7 years ago

@NJrCyclones: We are back from Thanksgiving Break! All teams are on the ice for practice today! Want to be a part of the traditio… - 7 years ago

@PaulCaris3: @tcboyle His friend Frank O'connor didn't like Yeats's epitaph. Said that Yeats was too much of a warm-hearted, exc… - 7 years ago

@HalopediaWiki: @NoahPaul20 @FrostTheFox64 @Thaddeus_Hamlet @TheHALOMemes All the books are canon. We at Halopedia and our friends… - 7 years ago

@HellJumper_YT: @GrimBrotherOne @Greenskull Just because it has Halo in the title, that doesn't make it a Halo game. Frank O'Connor - 7 years ago

@njrcyclonesncdc: RT @NJrCyclones: We are back from Thanksgiving Break! All teams are on the ice for practice today! Want to be a part of the tradition? Emai… - 7 years ago

@frank_mcnulty: RT @RallyPhilly: Phil O'Connor, St. Joseph's Prep clobber Parkland in 6A quarterfinal - 7 years ago

@BernhardSchill: Ich mag das @YouTube-Video: - 7 years ago

@differegenerobo: 80% of what the great frank o'connor said about the history of globalisation and trade. - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Frank O'Connor is no longer with us - #FrankOConnor #Frank #O'Connor #rip - 7 years ago

@frank_vajcner: RT @DarkoStateNews: John O'Korn is worse than Andrew Maxwell and Tyler O'Connor. That's the meanest thing anyone has said about him today. - 7 years ago

@differegenerobo: Great paper from james belich on the great frank o'connor said about the marketisation of depression. - 7 years ago

@AnneWalk: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@wine_dork: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@singingcowboy67: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@Rebolico: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@dukestorylab: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@BlueSpacePub: RT @JoePranaitis: Halo: Evolutions edited by Frank O'Connor - 7 years ago

@JoePranaitis: Halo: Evolutions edited by Frank O'Connor - 7 years ago

@LamazoneBlonde: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@benzbara_: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@ShaulaVega: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@violetaviolento: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@CutterStreeby: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@AS_Studios: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@blueearbooks: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@CrimsonRising: RT @parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@parisreview: “I became a writer because you could become a writer with a pencil and a penny notebook.” —Frank O’Connor - 7 years ago

@KerryLeeCrabbe: RT @wcorklitfest: The Frank O'Connor International Short Story Fellowship and mentorship bursaries - less than a week before they... https:… - 7 years ago

@bawlersbrawlers: RT @wcorklitfest: The Frank O'Connor International Short Story Fellowship and mentorship bursaries - less than a week before they... https:… - 7 years ago

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