Frank Maine

Canadian politician
Died on Thursday October 4th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Frank Maine:

@MarlinspikeMag: The Sylvina W. Beal is a knockabout schooner built in East Boothbay Harbor, Maine in 1911 at the Frank J. Adams Yar… - 6 years ago

@CAPSportsGroup: Its week four for Inside Military Pigskin Presented by Navy Federal Credit Union. Catch the show on Stadium, AFN an… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Frangie: RT @InsideMilitaryP: Just finished our latest episode, presented by @NavyFederal! We preview @armywp vs San Jose State, @AF_Football vs Sa… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @SenatorCollins: The forest products industry helps drive our local economies and sustain rural communities. I greatly enjoyed meeting w… - 6 years ago


@malerincd: @s_giannini_art , slivjak and Frank Costantino, suzannesavagebrewerartist ... @ Rockport, Maine - 6 years ago

@NocturneTomDeja: Only four people voted for today's entry in the Halloween's time to go up to Maine for another les… - 6 years ago

@paulym58: @americanpickers Hey Frank. Happy Bday man. A fan from Maine. - 6 years ago

@HgLaiSU66chn7NE: ghting demons maine breweries on ventilator tracking bl maersk g card exam 529 portfolios real life baby dolls i-d… - 6 years ago

@Heatherk0900: @FrankFromMaine @ChelseaSense @KeepCltBoring @DiapersChuck @FanOnara @TheFartSniffer1 You started it! Frank the Fr… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Schaeffer: RT @golden4congress: Did you miss Monday's debate? While @RepPoliquin was touting his economic credentials, he failed to mention he's Maine… - 6 years ago

@minstrelDead: Right after my impromptu performance with Frank Vignola, and a rather flat Django Reinhardt. . #guitarist… - 6 years ago

@waley_maine: RT @RemmieTee: @LiamPaulCanning Frank Lampard Robin van persie Wayne Rooney - 6 years ago

@frank_hodgkins: RT @BDNPolitics: Rats are on the rise around Maine. - 6 years ago

@DickSchellens: You’re in the “major leagues” now, Suzie. Look at that... the little smart girl from Caribou, Maine is playing with… - 6 years ago

@maine_josh1: @Frank_LeanXV Aba people feel as if they're in lagos - 6 years ago

@Frank_P_Ramsey: RT @jaketapper: Sen. Collins' vote on Kavanaugh triggers calls to boycott Maine - Portland Press Herald - 6 years ago

@J__maine: I read something from a guardian article by [@TanyaGold1] about how Anne Frank's diary contained some "dirty" jokes… - 6 years ago

@marcshank: @frankrichny @susancollins I think you'll be waiting a while, Frank. AS far as Collins is concerned, it's like Pier… - 6 years ago

@pherntrich: *UPDATED* Power rankings: Top 5 fictional movie characters are as follows: 1. Kevin McCallister 2. Jackson Maine… - 6 years ago

@applegate_frank: @foxandfriends @LibsRNutz @SenatorCollins Maine** not main. - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @United4TrumpUSA: Susan Rice could be gearing up to challenge Maine Sen. Susan Collins in 2020 You can’t be serious She deserves prison… - 6 years ago

@maine_josh1: @TundeEdnut @_valking @Frank_LeanXV @Thylo_mayo1 Hausa boys work.. 😂😂 - 6 years ago

@Frank_P_Ramsey: RT @SimonClaydon: Did anyone else hear the rumor that Susan Rice, is gonna run against @SenatorCollins Who will the women of Maine suppor… - 6 years ago

@maine_josh1: @Frank_LeanXV Pain - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @AnthemRespect: Susan “the unmasker” Rice says she may try to unseat Susan “the incredible” Collins, for the Maine Senate seat. I think… - 6 years ago

@DailyMed44: ANTIQUE Listed MAINE Artist Frank Louville Bowie (1857-1936) OIL ON BOARD SIGNED - 6 years ago

@lacara_frank: RT @cmclymer: Married couple immigrated to Maine from Jamaica in the 1920s. One was a janitor and the other a maid. They worked hard and se… - 6 years ago

@Effing_Frank: RT @varepall: THE HATEFUL VICIOUS ON THE ATTACK Maine GOP Chairwoman: Susan Collins and Her Staff Bullied by Leftists | Breitbart - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @parscale: So Hamilton & Madison were wrong and small states don’t matter? You want to end the Republic and tell these states they don’t… - 6 years ago

@YoussraElHawary: RT @TheDanceHallME: A night to remember at The Dance Hall, Kittery, Maine! Thank you Youssra El Hawary and Frank Vignola for bringing down… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @parscale: So Hamilton & Madison were wrong and small states don’t matter? You want to end the Republic and tell these states they don’t… - 6 years ago

@TheDanceHallME: A night to remember at The Dance Hall, Kittery, Maine! Thank you Youssra El Hawary and Frank Vignola for bringing d… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @Can2geterdone: Susan Rice of Benghazi Fame Hints She May Run Against Senator Collins in Maine!! I suspect that one of Session's 55K se… - 6 years ago

@frank_vanzin: @RealJamesWoods An Iranian in Maine would be like a snowball in hell. Ain't gonna happen. - 6 years ago

@Frank_Cetera: As the decision loomed, anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators weighed on a Maine senator’s tiny staff - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @Acosta: Maine’s Press Herald: “Susan Collins did more than announce that she would vote to elevate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme… - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @SteveSchmidtSES: Susan Collins, the Maine Moderate is no more. She has yoked herself to Trump and in doing so has embraced his tactics… - 6 years ago

@Danharr73067487: @dbongino No there is not. As an Alaskan who supported her father Frank, I can assure you he's rolling over in his… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @JedediahBila: Hey @AmbassadorRice, are you implying that Maine and America instead deserve someone who would undermine presumption of i… - 6 years ago

@leviathanspells: @thanksiero any frank bands the maine um um um i@forgot the other one ùwú - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: Is Sen. collins done? Who can challenge Collins? 'Me,' Rice tweets - 6 years ago

@frank_1950: RT @LisaSmith4680: With tears of joy,I'd like to thank Senator Collins of Maine & Senator Joe Manchin of WV on their YES votes to confirm J… - 6 years ago

@stillo_frank: RT @CharlesMBlow: Susan Collins doing her damnedest to make folks think of Maine as Mississippi with snow. #KavanaughConfirmation - 6 years ago

@Frank_60_Lin: RT @JohnFugelsang: Dear Susan Collins - I really struggled with this but my tourist $ just voted against ever visiting Maine while you rema… - 6 years ago

@adamkurtz: you’re a traitor and you will got down in history as an unamerican villain, @SenatorCollins. i’m embarrassed for my… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @ChuckGrassley: I never knew Sen Margaret Chase Smith of Maine but I know her reputation for her trailblazing spirit & taking leadership… - 6 years ago

@adamkurtz: @SenatorCollins you’re a traitor and you will got down in history as an unamerican villain. i’m embarrassed for my… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Custer: RT @BGrueskin: Now I know how a Maine lobster feels as it's being boiled slowly to its inevitable death - 6 years ago

@ceaderls2: RT @QU_WIH: IT’S GAMEDAY! 📍Frank Perrotti, Jr. Arena 🆚 @BlackBearsWIH ⏰ 6 pm 🖥 > 💻🌍 > 📊… - 6 years ago

@AKilponen: RT @QU_WIH: IT’S GAMEDAY! 📍Frank Perrotti, Jr. Arena 🆚 @BlackBearsWIH ⏰ 6 pm 🖥 > 💻🌍 > 📊… - 6 years ago

@kahuntington: RT @QU_WIH: IT’S GAMEDAY! 📍Frank Perrotti, Jr. Arena 🆚 @BlackBearsWIH ⏰ 6 pm 🖥 > 💻🌍 > 📊… - 6 years ago

@danbahl: RT @philgpbp: It's #gameday as @QU_WIH hosts @BlackBearsWIH tonight at 6 from Frank Perrotti Jr. Arena in Hamden! If you can't make it out,… - 6 years ago

@philgpbp: It's #gameday as @QU_WIH hosts @BlackBearsWIH tonight at 6 from Frank Perrotti Jr. Arena in Hamden! If you can't ma… - 6 years ago

@CatrionaMDW: @Effing_Frank @daveJay @derektmuller She’s got the mob invading her offices in Maine and bombarding her office with calls. - 6 years ago

@QU_WIH: IT’S GAMEDAY! 📍Frank Perrotti, Jr. Arena 🆚 @BlackBearsWIH ⏰ 6 pm 🖥 > 💻🌍 >… - 6 years ago

@gena_frank: RT @Rob_Coh: Also - If you don't live in Maine or West Virginia, DO NOT CALL MANCHIN OR COLLINS. I know it may feel cathartic, but it jams… - 6 years ago

@gena_frank: RT @Rob_Coh: If you live in Maine or West Virginia, CALL YOUR SENATORS If Manchin and Collins are both NO's, and Murkowski remains a NO, t… - 6 years ago

@_frank_murphy_: RT @pbump: I Am An Independent, Impartial Judge Who Can't Say Enough Good Things About Maine - 6 years ago

@wlenssen: Frank Maine honored his country, community, and family with unselfish and humble service. He, in turn, was honoured… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Frank Maine - #FrankMaine #Frank #Maine #rip - 6 years ago

@Cdnrumpole: @frank_bucholtz @BillTieleman Except that 48 of the states use FPTP to determine who get the electoral votes in tho… - 6 years ago

@newsgirl70: Frank Rich on Maine's Senators. - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @RealSaavedra: The University of Maine offered course credit to students who traveled to Washington, D.C. to harass Republican Senator S… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @AnnCoulter: If you’re from Maine, Alaska, West VA or N Dakota, get on the phone. Be polite, but tell these senators that they’re dead t… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @AnnCoulter: If you’re from Maine, Alaska, West VA or N Dakota, get on the phone. Be polite, but tell these senators that they’re dead t… - 6 years ago

@frank_cavaliere: RT @AnnCoulter: If you’re from Maine, Alaska, West VA or N Dakota, get on the phone. Be polite, but tell these senators that they’re dead t… - 6 years ago

@brinoprestes: @k4r0u Sua compatibilidade com trainwrecck é Média. Vocês dois ouvem Post Malone, The Maine e Frank Ocean. - 6 years ago

@FrankydsplaceD: Sure, if i would of joied this and (IT'S) (ZZZZITSTER) alyssa milano back in 2010 portland maine.. hey,, lets blame… - 6 years ago

@TerryDaynard: Sad to learn of the death of Dr. Frank Maine of Guelph - one of the few bona fide scientists to have served as an M… - 6 years ago

@royal_frank: RT @AnnCoulter: A MODEST PROPOSAL: Maybe Republicans in Maine & Alaska might wish to replace "Republicans" Collins & Murkowski with, you… - 6 years ago

@MaineMillennial: RT @JSpencerFleming: Last walk this morning with Frank the Foster dog. I'm taking him to his forever home up in Maine MidCoast today! #Adop… - 6 years ago

@missythefae: RT @JSpencerFleming: Last walk this morning with Frank the Foster dog. I'm taking him to his forever home up in Maine MidCoast today! #Adop… - 6 years ago

@JSpencerFleming: Last walk this morning with Frank the Foster dog. I'm taking him to his forever home up in Maine MidCoast today!… - 6 years ago

@sapata_frank: RT @AnnCoulter: A MODEST PROPOSAL: Maybe Republicans in Maine & Alaska might wish to replace "Republicans" Collins & Murkowski with, you… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Frank Maine (81) Canadian politician - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump Jr. to rally for Maine Republicans - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @AnnCoulter: A MODEST PROPOSAL: Maybe Republicans in Maine & Alaska might wish to replace "Republicans" Collins & Murkowski with, you… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Frank Maine - 6 years ago

@GarethMarlow: I CARE ❤️ / YOU ARE LOVED - painted on the rocks in the river beneath the Frank J Wood bridge in Brunswick, Maine.… - 6 years ago

@AlinkaDaulbaeva: Frank Lloyd Wright-Inspired Style and Camping Collide in Maine @dwell - 6 years ago

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