Frank Ford

Australian theatre promoter (Adelaide Fringe Festival).
Died on Thursday September 27th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Frank Ford:

@jancalmc8: RT @realDailyWire: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over 'Temperament' Issues Following Blasey Ford… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @brithume: Sen. Collins, in a speech based heavily on her close examination of his record AS A JUDGE, says she’s a yes on Kavanaugh. Den… - 6 years ago

@IndeCardio: RT @realDailyWire: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over 'Temperament' Issues Following Blasey Ford… - 6 years ago

@flightspice: @FrankLuntz Frank! The protestors have no true grievance! Ford never had a case! Women are being heard, so #metoo i… - 6 years ago


@hanksteen: @FrankLuntz Hey, Frank, agree that it's been ugly. But where have you seen ugliness on the Republican side? Sen G… - 6 years ago

@daniellevans: RT @realDailyWire: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over 'Temperament' Issues Following Blasey Ford… - 6 years ago

@pamaustin49: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over ‘Temperament’ Issues Following Blasey… - 6 years ago

@realDailyWire: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over 'Temperament' Issues Following Blasey… - 6 years ago

@statesperson: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over ‘Temperament’ Issues Following Blasey… - 6 years ago

@commonpatriot: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over ‘Temperament’ Issues Following Blasey… - 6 years ago

@ArtyAbsatz: ABA Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary To Re-Evaluate Kavanaugh Over 'Temperament' Issues Following Blasey… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @axios: Collins: Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Brett Kavanaugh "fail to meet the 'more likely than not' standard. Therefo… - 6 years ago

@Frank_60_Lin: RT @EricBoehlert: Collins specifically attacking Ford, belittling her recount of attack this is gross - 6 years ago

@steinauer_frank: RT @brianefallon: Collins is pounding her desk in defense of Dr. Ford, calling her a "survivor." But she just finished saying she doesnt be… - 6 years ago

@Frank_60_Lin: RT @MichaelAvenatti: .@SenatorCollins should be ashamed of herself for attacking my client and Dr. Ford. How did she make a credibility det… - 6 years ago

@frank_ramsay: @MSNBC The democrats used Dr Ford. They should be ashamed. But they have no conscience. It’s win at all cost with t… - 6 years ago

@gena_frank: If you think Grassley and staff treated Ford with respect in that hearing, we've already lost you. - 6 years ago

@Frank_Landerson: RT @johniadarola: Susan Collins doesn't want to admit it, but her defense of Kavanaugh rests on believing Christine Blasey Ford is a liar. - 6 years ago

@frank_ramsay: @KellyO @SenatorCollins Scummy Democrats outed Ford against her wishes. And for what? Nothing! They don’t care. - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @foxandfriends: .@AlanDersh: The argument that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wasn’t interviewed by the FBI is an absurd one. What was she go… - 6 years ago

@Effing_Frank: RT @MattWalshBlog: The FBI should now investigate Christine Ford. Here's why. - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @sxdoc: Grassley Sends Christine Ford's Legal Team SCATHING Letter Demanding Therapy Notes, Polygraph Results; Legal Fight May Require S… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @fit4aqueen3: 🇺🇸🇺🇸Who is surprised at this? 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Let's show our @POTUS we love and support him and Make our country RED! #ConfirmJudgeK… - 6 years ago

@action_american: RT @ProgressiveFor: Gaga's Defense of DrFord Leaves Colbert Speechless- ⁦@ladygaga⁩ absolutely we admire your frank & easy explanation of c… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @sianetta: Didn’t Paul Manafort get his arse thrown in jail and end up in solitary confinement for witness tampering !? WTF???? Frien… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @gatewaypundit: WOW! Christine Ford's Friend and Former FBI Agent Pressured Alleged Witness Leland Keyser to Lie About Kavanaugh -- AND… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @ACTBrigitte: No surprise here... - 6 years ago

@Effing_Frank: RT @EvonS777: Christine Ford’s Motive “Abortion Profiteer” According to SF Chronicle, she worked as “director of biostatistics 4 Corcept T… - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @WajahatAli: Predicting Collins speech: "I was very torn...this has been incredibly difficult...I have heard women across the nation...t… - 6 years ago

@HarryLime3: @michaelmalice That is what happens when the old guard dies out, like John Ford, Frank Capra, and so on. - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @DineshDSouza: The fact that Christine Ford’s buddies tried to pressure Leland Keyser to modify her recollection tells us that these peo… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @RealJack: HOLY HELL: Ford’s “beach friend” Monica McLean worked at FBI Ford’s ex-boyfriend said Ford coached McLean on polygraphs a f… - 6 years ago

@frank_ilsley: RT @mitchellvii: Christine Ford is NOT credible: 1) She surrounded herself with partisan Democrats. 2) She made $1 million in a GoFundMe.… - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @RepSpeier: One year ago today, Weinstein was outed. Today the octogenarians of the Senate have been outed. We do not live in the 1950s… - 6 years ago

@ProgressiveFor: Gaga's Defense of DrFord Leaves Colbert Speechless- ⁦@ladygaga⁩ absolutely we admire your frank & easy explanation… - 6 years ago

@Frank__Davies: RT @SenFeinstein: This investigation does a disservice to Dr. Ford, who gave such powerful and credible testimony, other sexual assault sur… - 6 years ago

@Frank_60_Lin: RT @DesignationSix: Here are some @FoxNews sponsors. They are tagged so they will be notified for every LIKE RETWEET or COMMENT. @BeachesRe… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @USATrump45: BREAKING: The left was trying to get Ford’s witness to lie to the FBI! - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @marthamaccallum: Sen Feinstein says 24 witnesses to claims by Ford and Ramirez were not interviewed by FBI. Says vote no. - 6 years ago

@Write_frank: RT @OnPointRadio: "It doesn't matter if you find details of your life embarrassing," @NathanJRobinson says. "The whole point is that you ha… - 6 years ago

@frank_wrc: RT @planetemarcus: #WRC two years ago today @MSportLtd tested first time new Ford Fiesta generation 📸 @j48soler - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @RealSaavedra: Linda Tripp says that Christine Blasey Ford has set the #MeToo movement back a DECADE - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @AIIAmericanGirI: Witness Told FBI That Ford's 'Allies' Pressured Her To Change Story, Report Says - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @RealKyleMorris: Cory Booker says Kavanaugh is receiving “sympathy” while Ford is being “mocked.” He also discusses how this is impacti… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Mortimer: RT @MotherJones: Senators aren't saying this publicly, but @DavidCornDC says that in private, a theory is emerging about why the White Hous… - 6 years ago

@gelder_frank: @SteveHiltonx 1) Good comments from you on Fox pannel last night re Judge K. I think Dr Ford is totally fake. And… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Furey: @CharlizeTheroff What a💩 Why do the principles you tweet & retweet about e.g. respect for women, go missing when yo… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @donna_jacobsen: You are Dead WRONG in So Many Ways. As a woman who was TRULY assaulted 45+yrs ago & have COMPLETE Clear MEMORIES of DEA… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @marklutchman: The Democrat staffer who doxxed Republican Senators has an interesting background, He works for Sheila Jackson Lee who w… - 6 years ago

@frank_homstad: @FoxNews Has Dr. Ford had a real investigation? Several degrees, numerous papers written and nothing indicative of her personal history? - 6 years ago

@gahan_frank: RT @SocialM85897394: #Poll Kavanaugh vs Ford If Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is proved to have lied under oath should she be prosecuted alon… - 6 years ago

@rnckinley: and maybe thats where theyre going, what with her and frank running parallel political campaigns and ford constantl… - 6 years ago

@frank_torres2: RT @kenolin1: GOP SENATORS, A vote to confirm Kavanaugh means: You don’t care that he told lies during his Senate hearing. It is irrelevant… - 6 years ago

@nccoachie: @Frank_Schaeffer Problem isn't that people dont believe Ford, it's that they dont care - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: RT @seungminkim: Ford’s lawyers tell Grassley that they will provide her therapy notes, polygraph data to the FBI once she is interviewed (… - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: RT @JuddLegum: Grassley confirms that FBI was blocked from interviewing Ford & Kavanaugh. Claims that the hearing, where Kavanaugh spent… - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: RT @Mediaite: Grassley to Christine Ford's Legal Team: Turn Over Communications With Dems, Other Kavanaugh Accusers - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: "...recently uncovered information..."??? #Grassley to Christine #Ford's Legal Team: Turn Over Communications With… - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: RT @ShannonBream: BREAKING: New SenGrassley letter to Ford legal team regarding dispute over turning over evidence. - 6 years ago

@frank_vego: RT @DipasreeSamanta: Ford exposed - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @RealCandaceO: WOW. LIAR Christine Ford’s entire testimony just got blown up by an ex-boyfriend of 6 years. She has HELPED people prep t… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @RealCandaceO: A Christine Ford look-a-like just stopped by my seat on this @AmericanAir flight and said “I want you to know that your h… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @Surabees: Is there any doubt that if Ford's ex boyfriend CORROBORATED her story that every media outlet in the country would be running… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @RealCandaceO: Also- How stunningly convenient that Christine Ford has direct ties to the FBI. The same FBI, which has staged a WITCH HU… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @ACTBrigitte: Dr. Ford claimed she knew nothing about polygraph tests - which is very hard to believe considering she is a professor of… - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @TheLastRefuge2: Well, well, well. Look who attended the hearing with Christine Blasey-Ford. That would be retired FBI agent and life… - 6 years ago

@alviso_frank: @Alyssa_Milano I dont understand why you are so in love with bill Clinton. As you know he was accused of rape a few… - 6 years ago

@ajwrites57: @PeterNoahThomas I'm working my way thru actors and actresses. Paul Newman John Wayne Frank Sinatra lol. I did some… - 6 years ago

@frank_liberal: RT @MSchwartz3: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's counsel has issued the following statement: - 6 years ago

@MarciaArndt2: RT @kristine_kenyon: @artkincell @flightbomb @GriefMaven @jim_hollifield @johnpavlovitz @andylassner @bantyranny As a sexual assault surviv… - 6 years ago

@JDignum: RT @LisaLiebmanNYC: Former FBIer Frank Figliuzzi suggesting on MSNBC that Trump may be getting results of the FBI investigation in real tim… - 6 years ago

@frank_1950: RT @SebGorka: It’s called perjury “Dr.” Ford. - 6 years ago

@JDignum: RT @E_Hard: Frank Figliuzzi, Former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the #FBI: In being restrained from interviewing #Ford an… - 6 years ago

@JDignum: RT @HeiseSusan: @SenatorCollins PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to Frank Figliuzzi re: what the FBI is absolutely NOT allowed to do under McGah… - 6 years ago

@JDignum: RT @ShelSawicki: @maddow On Deadline Whitehouse, Frank Figliuzzi(former FBI) alluded change in demeanor of Trump MAY be due to pride in his… - 6 years ago

@E_Hard: Frank Figliuzzi, Former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the #FBI: In being restrained from interview… - 6 years ago

@Frank_GoBell: RT @RepSpeier: Why is the FBI talking to Dr. Blasey Ford’s ex-boyfriends, not HER? Why are they digging up Ramirez’s exes, but not reaching… - 6 years ago

@Frank_P_Ramsey: RT @BowTiePolitics: Woah. Right now, on the U.S. Senate floor, Sen. @BenSasse going after the President for his mocking of Dr. Ford. - 6 years ago

@Frank_P_Ramsey: RT @aravosis: Watch these 3 men at Trump’s Mississippi campaign rally laugh and laugh as Trump does a mocking impersonation of Dr Blasey Fo… - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @LouDobbs: Could Be A Very Big Development: Ex-Boyfriend Says Dr. Ford Coached Friend for Polygraph, Had No Fear of Flying - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @AriFleischer: “The sworn statement from Ford’s ex-boyfriend directly contradicts what Ford repeatedly told the Senate under oath last w… - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @gatewaypundit: SHE'S A FRAUD: Dr. Ford Lied About Flying, Tight Spaces, Closed Quarters, Polygraph Tests and Never Mentioned Sexual Ass… - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @Cernovich: If Ford indeed coached Monica McLean on how to pass a polygraph, I will be humiliated as I believed Ford was telling the tru… - 6 years ago

@frank_camerino: RT @AriFleischer: “The sworn statement from Ford’s ex-boyfriend directly contradicts what Ford repeatedly told the Senate under oath last w… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @passion_4truth: 💥 Why is #CreepyPornLawyer hanging out with Monica McLean, (Dr. Blasey Ford's best friend) Hmm! @almostjingo @BasedBast… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @BasedBasterd: I told you all 4 days ago...... #RachelMitchell & @ChuckGrassley already knew the answers to the questions that #Christin… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @senorrinhatch: Dr. Ford shared her story with the world in 3 hours of public testimony just last week. Are her lawyers suggesting she… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @TomFitton: Ford's Ex-Boyfriend Told Senate He Saw Her Do Polygraph Coaching, which raises questions about her testimony. - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @Tiff_FitzHenry: I’ve stayed unattached and objective during this whole Kavanaugh circus. But now, I can’t deny, it’s looking more and m… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @LisaSmith4680: BRAVO @realDonaldTrump for calling this sham out!👏 WHAT LIBERALS are doing to Judge Kavanaugh is a DISGRACE! Everyone w… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Schaeffer: Trump had no words of comfort for Dr. Ford. Instead he entertains white fascists with jokes about a brave woman not… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @TheMarkPantano: When do we start seriously talking about prosecuting Christine Blasey Ford for perjury? She is not a "victim." She is… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @RealCandaceO: A Christine Ford look-a-like just stopped by my seat on this @AmericanAir flight and said “I want you to know that your h… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @ProfMJCleveland: My Op-Ed @USATODAY explains why Ford's story is NOT credible: "But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn’t remem… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: @Alyssa_Milano @DonaldJTrumpJr U r deluded. U ignore facts b/c they don’t fit ur agenda. Ur flat refusal to acknowl… - 6 years ago

@applegate_frank: @sasha4th @senorrinhatch Sasha, did u watched any of the senate hearings with Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh? after t… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @marcthiessen: Turns out Ford's second front door wasn't an escape route. "The door was installed years before as part of an addition,… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @ProfMJCleveland: My Op-Ed @USATODAY explains why Ford's story is NOT credible: "But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn’t remem… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Memola: RT @FDRLST: An ex-boyfriend of Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford told Senate investigators he witnessed her coach a friend on h… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @RyanAFournier: When Dr. Ford was asked to testify, she made many excuses and demands to delay it. Kavanaugh said multiple times he wan… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @sxdoc: BOOM! Former Long-Time Boyfriend of Christine Ford DROPS A BOMB! -- Proves FORD LIED UNDER OATH to Senate Committee! Ford said s… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @MZHemingway: Ford's Ex-Boyfriend Told Senate He Saw Her Do Polygraph Coaching - 6 years ago

@boatsgilhooley: "Trump mocks Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford at unhinged rally" by Frank Dale - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @KelemenCari: Letter from Ford's ex-boyfriend of 6 years says: - she never mentioned an assault - never mentioned Kavanaugh - never demo… - 6 years ago

@frank_rb96: 1. This is prob the dumbest and most indecent thing you can do as President at this moment in time. 2. I’m fed up w… - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @KyleKashuv: @Alyssa_Milano @DonaldJTrumpJr Hi Alyssa! This is from Ford’s ex boyfriend. Happy reading! - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: OMG he’s saying this under penalty of perjury. This farce of attack on an innocent man must end: Ford’s Ex-Boyfriend T… - 6 years ago

@neurosidafex: @ShannonBream Dr. Ford’s lack of consistency, obvious contradictions, convenient memory lapses, lack of truthfulnes… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @AriFleischer: “The sworn statement from Ford’s ex-boyfriend directly contradicts what Ford repeatedly told the Senate under oath last w… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @KyleKashuv: @Alyssa_Milano @DonaldJTrumpJr Hi Alyssa! This is from Ford’s ex boyfriend. Happy reading! - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: OMG he’s saying this under penalty of perjury. This farce of attack on an innocent man must end: Ford’s Ex-Boyfriend T… - 6 years ago

@frank_waltman: RT @AriFleischer: He didn’t mock Professor Ford. He pointed out many of the inconsistencies in her account - something the MSM won’t do, be… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @AriFleischer: He didn’t mock Professor Ford. He pointed out many of the inconsistencies in her account - something the MSM won’t do, be… - 6 years ago

@frank_vego: BREAKING: Fox’s @johnrobertsFox obtains letter from Ford ex-boyfriend alleging: dated for 6 yrs, never told of se… - 6 years ago

@Patrickfjohnson: RT @Patrickfjohnson: They were testing dozens of humans, searching for one who showed bravery in the face of certain death. But what they… - 6 years ago

@E_Hard: "[Shackling the #FBI in who it may interview and about what leads] betrays why we do these background investigation… - 6 years ago

@Frank_Fernandez: RT @_SJPeace_: Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford testimony at Mississippi rally! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! WE BELIEVE CHRISTINE FORD… - 6 years ago

@ballpark_frank: RT @mrbromwich: A vicious, vile and soulless attack on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Is it any wonder that she was terrified to come forward,… - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @Lrihendry: I’m calling on Christine Ford to donate 100% of the go fund me profits to groups benefiting real victims of sex crimes. 100% - 6 years ago

@frank_kristi: @iamjohnoliver I keep going back I my mind to last nights episode when you said “She spoke up anyway”... and it mak… - 6 years ago

@applegate_frank: @DailyCaller That quote alone should be enough to say...... “sorry if you don’t know for sure then nothing we can d… - 6 years ago

@spudsmaci: @Frank_Schaeffer They still haven’t proved any charges against him or provided any evidence other than Ford’s testi… - 6 years ago

@fourstatesauto: 2001 Ford Ranger for sale at Frank E. Motors in Joplin, MO - 6 years ago

@RockyMtnWrecker: SOLD!!! Thanks Frank for the biz Enjoy the 2008 Ford F650 with a Jerrdan Bed!! Nice clean paint under that wrap...… - 6 years ago

@hrichsong: @way2frank @anythingIliked @MoiraRogow @amberalgia @elanasweaters @SoCalledB @pd_godfrey @SarahKSilverman Frank, ag… - 6 years ago

@Anthogeekvideo: Indiana Jones 5 : Indy sillonnera à nouveau le monde d'après le producteur historique de la saga, Frank Marshall, q… - 6 years ago

@DavidWitcher14: RT @WillOfThePeopl5: 🚨BREAKING NEWS 🚨 Ford prepares a formal statement. Congress says, WTF??? Who is Frank??? - 6 years ago

@jeff_r_ward: Interesting. None of these entrepreneurs had a college degree. But they had a work ethic! * Richard Branson * Micha… - 6 years ago

@Effing_Frank: RT @TheTrumpLady: BREAKING: Christine Ford Co-Authored Article in 2008 Teaching Hypnosis To Create 'ARTIFICIAL SITUATIONS' - 6 years ago

@frank_n_steen: RT @ChatByCC: I found it STRANGE that both Christine Blasey Ford and Julie Swetnick spoke of *boys* laughing at them. These statements are… - 6 years ago

@alfiesmusic: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@WVLTCasey: RT @GaryTrentham: @WVLTCasey Previous vehicles, Frank Sonata, Liam Nissan, Harrison Ford (escape). Current, Vanna (white Corvette), Reggie… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @PatrioticVa: Whether one word was changed on her records or not the questn is why they were even accessed to be “updated”? Ford conta… - 6 years ago

@GaryTrentham: @WVLTCasey Previous vehicles, Frank Sonata, Liam Nissan, Harrison Ford (escape). Current, Vanna (white Corvette), R… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @CRTV: ==> @MichelleMalkin: "While so many others mindlessly coo and slobber over Dr. Ford’s 'sincerity,' I call sincere bullcrap." Wat… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @KatiePavlich: I’d like to point out that nearly everyone in the media, minus a few (myself included), said Ford was “very credible.” Sh… - 6 years ago

@PPDBrianGeer: @BobKellyFOX29 @FOX29philly I named my Ford Explorer, Dora. My inlaws have a Hyundia Sonata named, Frank. So to r… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @LisaMarieBoothe: Can everyone please stop pretending like Dr. Ford is credible now? She is NOT credible. It’s painfully obvious. I feel… - 6 years ago

@mattes_frank: RT @shbco: @w_terrence Ford was compensated almost $1,000,000 for her lies using the GoFundMe accounts! Money laundering by the democrats!… - 6 years ago

@mattes_frank: RT @w_terrence: Christine Ford has nothing to gain? Well Shelia Jackson Lee what was in that envelope? We still wanna know - 6 years ago

@Frank_Schaeffer: Obama is a black man who is also a class act with grace that Trump lacks. Trump can't stand this any more than Kava… - 6 years ago

@frank_aloia: RT @EWErickson: She lied to the Senate about having to drive cross country. She won’t hand over her therapist records. Christine Blasey For… - 6 years ago

@frgrab_frank: RT @Golfinggary5222: Ford’s story Destroyed! WOW: Prosecutor Who Questioned Christine Ford Tears Apart Her Case With Brutal 5-Page Memo!htt… - 6 years ago

@PeckinsMatt: RT @49ersInsiders: 2019 EDGE FAs the #49ers could target excluding draft. -Demarcus Lawrence -Jadeveon Clowney -Ziggy Ansah -Dante Fowler -… - 6 years ago

@eeseiter: Thanks to Frank Seiter for alerting me to this. Well worth reading all the way through. .... "Let’s begin with Kav… - 6 years ago

@AP49ersInsiders: RT @49ersInsiders: 2019 EDGE FAs the #49ers could target excluding draft. -Demarcus Lawrence -Jadeveon Clowney -Ziggy Ansah -Dante Fowler -… - 6 years ago

@crlbe: RT @HeiseSusan: @SenatorCollins PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to Frank Figliuzzi re: what the FBI is absolutely NOT allowed to do under McGah… - 6 years ago

@anneL5694: RT @HeiseSusan: @SenatorCollins PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to Frank Figliuzzi re: what the FBI is absolutely NOT allowed to do under McGah… - 6 years ago

@hemipanther: RT @HeiseSusan: @SenatorCollins PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to Frank Figliuzzi re: what the FBI is absolutely NOT allowed to do under McGah… - 6 years ago

@frank_svet: RT @AMike4761: Feinstein uttered a nervous denial Monday evening after Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said her office will b… - 6 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @JustUnitedd: “BTW - No indication yet that Dr. Ford herself is even on the interview list. The WH seems to be taking the position that… - 6 years ago

@Garage_Floor: RT @MTNestor08: @JRRRulfo @EricBoehlert According to Frank Figliuzzi former Assist Dir Counterintelligence - FBI. Indicators reflected in a… - 6 years ago

@cubbystrickland: RT @49ersInsiders: 2019 EDGE FAs the #49ers could target excluding draft. -Demarcus Lawrence -Jadeveon Clowney -Ziggy Ansah -Dante Fowler -… - 6 years ago

@frank_oldaker: RT @GayRepublicSwag: Is this true? If so this is a HUGE deal! - 6 years ago

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