Frank D. Robinson

American aeronautical engineer (Robinson R22
Died on Monday November 14th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Frank D. Robinson:

@HeloHysterie: #Pioniere (49) – Frank D. #Robinson († 12. November 2022) - 2 years ago

@Jaelin_Taylor: @PastorCoach917 @travbryanmusic We refused to give up Mitchell Robinson, Kevin Knox and Frank Ntilikina for AD. How… - 2 years ago

@_WhoDeyRay: @HenryWilliam72 Lots of great Reds over the years. I’d even add Frank Robinson to that debate. - 2 years ago

@letsryan: @nut_history Reggie can count, either Robinson was better. Frank the O's GOAT. I'd take Cal and Palmer over Reggie too. - 2 years ago


@hoosierdjb: @nut_history As much as I’d love to say Brooks or Frank Robinson, have to go with Cal Ripken Jr - 2 years ago

@AnwarMo11863972: RT @avionslegendair: Disparition à 92 ans de l’hélicoptériste américain Frank D. Robinson. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Frank D. Robinson - #FrankDRobinson #Frank #D.Robinson #rip - 2 years ago

@TaylorEstes247: Dad told me a reporter asked him about “being wrong” after the World Series since Frank Robinson apparently misquot… - 2 years ago

@avionslegendair: Disparition à 92 ans de l’hélicoptériste américain Frank D. Robinson. - 2 years ago

@ScribSports: @breakoutcards_ @farmboyjustin I’d be thrilled to get any of the cards I need to complete my set (Koufax, Aaron, Ma… - 2 years ago

@d_oversole: RT @GordonGChang: Will be talking with Emerald Robinson on The Absolute Truth. The conversation will be on Frank Speech at 11:30 AM CT. We’… - 2 years ago

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