Frank Connor

Scottish football player (Celtic
Died on Thursday March 3rd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Frank Connor:

@ATGNSC: @RFCGW @ali_innes @20MinuteTims Celtic badly miss the likes of Bobby Madden, Kevin Clancy and Willie Collum when th… - 3 years ago

@24Jordini: @Jawsh_H @subtoconnorpls bro wtf, if connor is edgy they are not ready to deal with real edgy teenage boy humour. L… - 3 years ago

@TalkingPicsTV: RT @iamnigeu: Starting this morning at 11.45am on @TalkingPicsTV the 60’s series Danny the Dragon Stars @sallythomsett Jack Wild, Peter Bu… - 3 years ago

@iamnigeu: Starting this morning at 11.45am on @TalkingPicsTV the 60’s series Danny the Dragon Stars @sallythomsett Jack Wild… - 3 years ago


@imcrazyboy___: Asher or Wes or Frank or Connor? - 3 years ago

@anysparetkts: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@JockMcstay: Now that’s old school mentality that will never work 🤔.Ange is a young Frank Connor says what he thinks 🍀HH… - 3 years ago

@cougarclawnews: RT @TomballHoops: Congratulations to Senior, Connor Frank for being named to the THSCA Academic All-State 2nd Team! This is a huge honor an… - 3 years ago

@RogasScott: RT @TomballHoops: Congratulations to Senior, Connor Frank for being named to the THSCA Academic All-State 2nd Team! This is a huge honor an… - 3 years ago

@TISDTHS: RT @TomballHoops: Congratulations to Senior, Connor Frank for being named to the THSCA Academic All-State 2nd Team! This is a huge honor an… - 3 years ago

@ZacharyKrzysiak: RT @Sabremetrix: Friday morning mock draft: 1. ARI - Shane Wright 2. MTL - Logan Cooley 3. SEA - Simon Nemec 4. BUF - Juraj Slafkovsky 5. P… - 3 years ago

@CFrank42: RT @TomballHoops: Congratulations to Senior, Connor Frank for being named to the THSCA Academic All-State 2nd Team! This is a huge honor an… - 3 years ago

@TomballHoops: Congratulations to Senior, Connor Frank for being named to the THSCA Academic All-State 2nd Team! This is a huge ho… - 3 years ago

@hisworkwife: boh secondo me non han fatto giustizia a nessun personaggio meno che annalise e forse laurel, ma frank? michaela? connor? asher? BOH - 3 years ago

@NHLSabresNews: RT @Sabremetrix: Friday morning mock draft: 1. ARI - Shane Wright 2. MTL - Logan Cooley 3. SEA - Simon Nemec 4. BUF - Juraj Slafkovsky 5. P… - 3 years ago

@Sabremetrix: Friday morning mock draft: 1. ARI - Shane Wright 2. MTL - Logan Cooley 3. SEA - Simon Nemec 4. BUF - Juraj Slafkovs… - 3 years ago

@TTEBROT1: @NaeBull @Slimshady1961 @CelticFC @RangersFC @spfl That's exactly why they don't want it. Let's all put our trust i… - 3 years ago

@JohnNorth50: RT @jimfitzpatrick: Where is Frank Aiken when we need him, to clear out the @fiannafailparty #NATO warmongers and their media cheerleaders?… - 3 years ago

@jimfitzpatrick: Where is Frank Aiken when we need him, to clear out the @fiannafailparty #NATO warmongers and their media cheerlead… - 3 years ago

@MaryKayKenney: RT @IrishAmericaMus: #OnThisDay in 1966, writer Frank O' Connor died in Dublin. Having written over 150 works, he was best known for his sh… - 3 years ago

@RickCurti: RT @TribuneSouth: - 3 years ago

@kennygrfc: @FollowerCeltic @crvenazvezda_en He’s greeting about VAR when every top league in Europe has it VAR gets the correc… - 3 years ago

@Officer_SFA: @williamwatp @Naefearrfc I doubt Frank Connor would have flagged any of those Red Star goals as offside. This is what we're up against. - 3 years ago

@JJ271099319: @ScottishFA @RangersFC @EuropaLeague Here's a thought, IF Frank Connor was running the line tonight, we would've lost 3-0 - 3 years ago

@Izuudokwu: RT @Izuudokwu: Again, thank you for this series. For six years. For Annalise Keating. For Michaela Pratt. For Oliver and Connor. For Wes a… - 3 years ago

@Frank_GoBell: RT @Super70sSports: Sarah Connor was later located in the cold November rain. - 3 years ago

@tricktaylor1983: @hunterrosen23 @rmc_1492 @DCRjrBuffalo @mordicaioshea @LLysowski @frank_seravalli @RoswellPark We dont all know tha… - 3 years ago

@MasalaDosaGoa: Breaking News - the SFA are demanding that Frank Connor be an assistant referee for next week's away leg in Belgrade #UEL - 3 years ago

@alfgarnett54: @ClydeSSB Sack Frank Connor and bring in VAR. - 3 years ago

@rapwest: @murdoch_charles And what a difference decent officials and var makes to a game Charlie...had that been bobby midde… - 3 years ago

@EricFannyballs: @cjnovo992 It's definitely not Frank Connor... - 3 years ago

@neil_macd_v3: Imagine that. Officials that get offside calls right not like that useless cheating bastard Frank Connor @ScottishFA - 3 years ago

@AceKingofClubs: @Cjgray87 @Follow_Follow_ Would be Frank Connor running the line. Do you really think his flag is going up? Even if… - 3 years ago

@NSUnews: RT @TribuneSouth: - 3 years ago

@NSU_Joe: RT @TribuneSouth: - 3 years ago

@Albertzuk: @walsh2509 @ClydeSSB Amazing what happens when you don’t have Frank Connor running the line 😂 - 3 years ago

@TribuneSouth: - 3 years ago

@CultAvoider: If this is a league game we're down 2-0. Frank Connor with two assists - 3 years ago

@IrishAmericaMus: #OnThisDay in 1966, writer Frank O' Connor died in Dublin. Having written over 150 works, he was best known for his… - 3 years ago

@DrJohnHWatson: happy birthday to frank a. connor, who would be 154 today (or 147 if we listened to him). included are two pics of… - 3 years ago

@DesIsDiscs: Mon 22nd Jun 1964 Kenneth Connor (actor) #DesertIslandDiscs #Spotify #Music #YouTube Frank Sinatra - East Of The S… - 3 years ago

@frank_oconnor: @eosfuturedesign @anoisagency @judesherry This is our @anoisagency Oireachtas submission on #DerelictIreland - 3 years ago

@thomson_connor: RT @ConnorNUFC_: Frank Lampard : "I can't take a team that's won one in fourteen and go on an unbeaten run, it's impossible." Eddie Howe i… - 3 years ago

@BaltimoreParade: 10 Mar 1966, Dublin: Frank O'Connor died. The author was best known for his short stories, many of which appeared… - 3 years ago

@reddevmitchell: @Lalfslande @jacktg01 @AlonzoORP @MichaelBensonn Have you seen Liam Taylor or Oskari Metz? Is that worthy of the EB… - 3 years ago

@fajardo_connor: @NjTank99 Sic em frank - 3 years ago

@Frank_White_11: @Connor_J_Hughes Can we cut Rotten already? - 3 years ago

@frank_pavan: @willie_lutz Aside from chasing the big ticket centres, do you think they’ll try to work deals with mid-tier OL nam… - 3 years ago

@gkbusdriver: @Tuco67 @boxing_rugby @Official_T4O At least I admit that, in my opinion, Beaton has given Rangers the benefit of t… - 3 years ago

@_jerryjenkins: Best I don’t know. Frank O’ Connor’s “Guests of the Nation” has stuck with me since I first read it in the mid-1980… - 3 years ago

@fionaboniwell: @ConnorH2192 Guests of the Nation by Frank O’ Connor - just discovered it. Amazing! Blew me away - 3 years ago

@dcviIsadvocate: mal, kb, christine, ethan x2, bailey, rila, cameron, mars, maeve, blue, dewey, ella, maya, r, ani, joff, finn, jay,… - 3 years ago

@greenestman: @Roto_Frank @CBSScottWhite @ToutWars Also not sure I want to see Connor Joe pitch at Coors - 3 years ago

@YoungPattyKane: @frank_seravalli @DailyFaceoff Connor Brown? - 3 years ago

@connor_dew: Uncle Giacomo is in my top 3 favorite bartenders in the city (Frank at JG Melon and @aabbydowd complete the trio) - 3 years ago

@sporks2022: Connor Frank out by Natalie Cox! - 3 years ago

@ScottD1872: @giovansouness @JohnHartson10 Freemasonry members are all Rangers fans it would seem, from US presidents to the mem… - 3 years ago

@Albertzuk: @ElevenLubos @boxing_rugby @GT_Football_ Errrr. Clancy v Utd. Livvy penalty. You guys have Frank Connor to thank th… - 3 years ago

@TitoRod27371229: RT @MartaNegronRiv1: FRANK CONNOR ASESINADO EN ENERO 24 1975 POR UNA BOMBA DE OSCAR LÓPEZ - 3 years ago

@TechnicalWaqar2: RT @TechnicalWaqar2: R.I.P Untold Story about Frank Connor Death How Did Frank Connor Die #RIP #Deat… - 3 years ago

@goopfactory: Otherwise the most active members of the server are -frank -catbug -rain -santi -connor -zoha -maha -jon -basil (f… - 3 years ago

@Celtic67Fins72: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@joebloggscity: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@DruryToHell: - Bill Masterton: Colton Parayko - Jack Adams: Rod Brind'Amour - Frank J. Selke: Ryan O’Reilly - Ted Lindsay: Co… - 3 years ago


@BGrusmark: RT @NSUSharks: Frank and Connor Earn SSC Honors 📖: #PrepareToDominate - 3 years ago

@Fleetblue: RT @TremendoHendo72: Maybe if they had spent more time discussing Frank Connor flagging Alfie offside against Motherwell… - 3 years ago

@NSUSharks: Frank and Connor Earn SSC Honors 📖: #PrepareToDominate - 3 years ago

@GingerTardy: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@JimMcCartney13: @Connor_1313_ Poor frank 🤣 - 3 years ago

@MrHeyes: Sad to hear about the passing of Frank Connor. Trained me at Ormiston in the early naughties....what a character. "… - 3 years ago

@Roberttrueblue1: @Naefearrfc Frank Connor strikes again. - 3 years ago

@retiringbear55: @Tyndale7 It's not just refs I'm going to come out and say it Frank Connor is a cheat . He couldn't see 3 celik pla… - 3 years ago

@NevilleBartos7: RT @TremendoHendo72: Maybe if they had spent more time discussing Frank Connor flagging Alfie offside against Motherwell… - 3 years ago

@RydoTheBawBag: @BrennanMatin @Official_T4O 2 celtic goals happened after handballs. the celtic players hand hit the ball before it… - 3 years ago

@LoneStarMick: 'Oh, God help us!' she moaned. 'Isn't it a terrible pity you weren't a good boy? Oh, Jackie, my heart bleeds for yo… - 3 years ago

@rapwest: RT @TremendoHendo72: Maybe if they had spent more time discussing Frank Connor flagging Alfie offside against Motherwell… - 3 years ago

@blackmoresbest: RT @TremendoHendo72: Maybe if they had spent more time discussing Frank Connor flagging Alfie offside against Motherwell… - 3 years ago

@AndyFirthRSC: @jamesblack1986 @Follow_Follow_ Same assistant who flagged morelos offside last week when he wasn't. Frank Connor at it again. - 3 years ago

@blackmoresbest: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Edward1872: RT @TremendoHendo72: Maybe if they had spent more time discussing Frank Connor flagging Alfie offside against Motherwell… - 3 years ago

@langerbhoy73: @missteeray Frank Connor won the league 👏 🙌 😎 HH - 3 years ago

@Club12Official: @55Beats10 @BBCSportScot BBC ignoring Nick Walsh and Frank Connor’s performances yesterday while scrutinising perfe… - 3 years ago

@Kelvd1873: @Sergio55Georgio @KerryFail Frank Connor, the linesman who gives offside for rangers goals and gives Celtic goals that were offside? - 3 years ago

@eastencloser107: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@johnrc98: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@MintyRod: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@billyni99933742: RT @BFPO107: @ClydeSSB And @shinjukushug @gordonduncan7 will preach, you just got to get on with it. Linesman Frank Connor has had a major… - 3 years ago

@MOYOURMEADOW: @Roberttrueblue1 @DavidBlueBlood1 @garryhood1872 I would hope so with a name like Frank Connor 🤣 - 3 years ago

@tailsy2: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@KGBFINGAR: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@JimGemmell1: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@charlie_tweeter: @lemons_connor I would have said he looks like Frank Barone had his stomach stapled. - 3 years ago

@william1david2: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@JimmySmitt_RTID: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@LarryWinning: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@rob5551872: @Roberttrueblue1 Frank connor and John beaton told Walsh that it was a free kick or a goal kick, but he overrule th… - 3 years ago

@LuvScotlandtoo: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@DaveBowman4564: @missteeray Frank Connor? Francis Connor? There's something about that name ... but what could it have to do with Celtic? - 3 years ago

@georgetaylor88: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@TenorBigBore: @missteeray Frank Connor. Hugely respected Raith Rovers manager during the 80s that laid the foundation of a great… - 3 years ago

@thayofsaturn: @hastalamary percy, annabeth, grover, luke, nico, bianca, zeus, poseidon, jason, leo, piper, thalia, calipso, leo,… - 3 years ago

@BigBruce1972: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@budgie1234567: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Billyrfc3: Frank Connor Jnr eh… motm fr the bheasts - 3 years ago

@goingforsilver: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@RBMWATP: Frank connor Linesman chalks off our 3rd goal last week no issues.... This week let's away a hand ball and gives a… - 3 years ago

@housty93: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Robbietheranger: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@haydenmcl1: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@rgw888: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@kempomado1: Frank Connor gives offside against Morelos and is questioned on the decision A week later unbelievably given the… - 3 years ago

@Roybear72: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@invinoveritas68: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@YASEMIN6310: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@OliviaSmith62: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@BrianRo08312388: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Jaouija: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@LeighamMacleod: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Tebb1990: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@Taitinho1: @adamski152 Frank Connor on the line then? - 3 years ago

@DJH_EK: @CF3Loyal Apparently Frank Connor running the line on that side? If it is and they win the league he is due a medal - 3 years ago

@1996Doyle: RT @missteeray: Frank Connor. That name's becoming familiar. In the past week he incorrectly flagged Morelos offside and cost Rangers all 3… - 3 years ago

@rw2711: RT @stevenredcircle: It somehow seems fitting that in the week that Frank Connor passed away, Raith Rovers are playing Ayr today. Frank fam… - 3 years ago

@stevenredcircle: RT @stevenredcircle: It somehow seems fitting that in the week that Frank Connor passed away, Raith Rovers are playing Ayr today. Frank fam… - 3 years ago

@Macdaddy35Mac: @auxiliary_v @connor_avila @Boring99183 Frank smith got a promotion. He picked being a offensive coordinator over… - 3 years ago

@BehaltKeeps: RT @RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minute silen… - 3 years ago

@connorfryes: like the fact that she told frank to fuck off and isn't afraid of asking logan to pay attention to connor - 3 years ago

@auxiliary_v: @Macdaddy35Mac @connor_avila @Boring99183 Yeah man I agree with you. That's why Frank Smith picked tua over herbert too. - 3 years ago

@RobertN05: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@gcfcjohn: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@nm_fisher: RT @stevenredcircle: It somehow seems fitting that in the week that Frank Connor passed away, Raith Rovers are playing Ayr today. Frank fam… - 3 years ago

@eyemouthlad: RT @OfficialBRFC: 💛 | The Club is deeply saddened to hear of the death of former Manager Frank Connor, who passed away earlier today (3rd M… - 3 years ago

@AlexDowdalls: RT @albionrovers: A minutes applause in remembrance of former first-team coach Frank Connor #RIPFRANK❤️ - 3 years ago

@CodKazuo: RT @albionrovers: A minutes applause in remembrance of former first-team coach Frank Connor #RIPFRANK❤️ - 3 years ago

@albionrovers: A minutes applause in remembrance of former first-team coach Frank Connor #RIPFRANK❤️ - 3 years ago

@alanftemple: Stark's Park falls silent in honour of the late, great Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@AyrUnitedFC: After a minute's silence to pay tribute to Frank Connor, referee Don Robertson blows his whistle and we are underwa… - 3 years ago

@RRFCUpdates: 0 | There will be one minutes silence for respect of Frank Connor #rrfclive - 3 years ago

@funkspex: @Alan_Burrows I hope there is going to be a tribute of applause before todays game for Mr Frank Connor. Thank you - 3 years ago

@ShaughanM: RT @stevenredcircle: It somehow seems fitting that in the week that Frank Connor passed away, Raith Rovers are playing Ayr today. Frank fam… - 3 years ago

@stevenredcircle: After a month when it’s been difficult for many to be Raith Rovers supporters, it’s important to reflect on what we… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Frank Connor cause of death - 3 years ago

@stevenredcircle: For all your @RaithRovers build up and some fond memories of the legendary Frank Connor. - 3 years ago

@TonyRos28015962: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@lidoAfC: RT @RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minute silen… - 3 years ago

@mfeggansau: RT @AyrUnitedFC: There will be a minute’s silence before kick-off today for Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@AyrUnitedFC: There will be a minute’s silence before kick-off today for Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@FreddyBr_: @dansique Ay si , Connor, Oliver, Michaela 🥺 aun me duele la muerte de Frank y Bonnie😭🤣 - 3 years ago

@k107radio: We hear from @stevenredcircle with his tribute to Frank Connor. Reaction to a huge semi final win for… - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minute silen… - 3 years ago

@Celtic67Fins72: RT @TheCelticWiki: RIP Frank Connor - A fantastic servant to Celtic - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Frank Connor children – Did Frank Connor have kids? - 3 years ago

@liam_barnett: RT @RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minute silen… - 3 years ago

@fife_football: RT @RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minute silen… - 3 years ago

@RaithRovers: GAME DAY! 🆚 @AyrUnitedFC 🏆 @spfl @cinchuk Championship ⌚ 3pm 🏟️ Stark's Park 🎫 🔇 1 minut… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Frank Connor wife – Was Frank Connor married? - 3 years ago

@Tanja1887: RT @Trauer_Fussball: Der ehemalige schottische Fußballer Frank Connor ist im Alter von 86 Jahren gestorben. Er spielte u.a. für @CelticFC.… - 3 years ago

@Trauer_Fussball: Der ehemalige schottische Fußballer Frank Connor ist im Alter von 86 Jahren gestorben. Er spielte u.a. für… - 3 years ago

@connor_elijah21: @renee_bruch @TheSamJS THATS HOW FRANK AND FOGELL WERE OMG - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Frank Connor Funeral, Burial, Memorial Service, Obituary - 3 years ago

@letthepeoplesi4: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@millsy1874: RT @JamTarts: Everyone at Hearts is saddened to learn of the passing of Frank Connor. Assistant to Joe Jordan at the Jambos between 90-93,… - 3 years ago

@nickmod7411: RT @CollowWillie: Frank Connor has passed away at the age of 86 after a short illness. R.I.P. Frank ☘️☘️ - 3 years ago

@mavencheeks: Connor, Frank e Laurel - 3 years ago

@LK67__: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@Bludog34: RT @saintmirrenfc: St Mirren is saddened to hear of the passing of Frank Connor. Frank played six times for Saints during season 1963-64.… - 3 years ago

@bignic16: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@Cowden81: RT @CowdenbeathFC: Cowdenbeath FC have sadly learned of the passing of the club’s former manager Frank Connor today after a short illness.… - 3 years ago

@stevenredcircle: @PaulB3017 Thanks Paul. Was lovely to hear after the sad news about Frank Connor. - 3 years ago

@Cowden81: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@emmac007: RT @PJG_Sport: If you're going to be doing your dream job for four weeks, it might as well include a win over Sporting Lisbon and a win at… - 3 years ago

@wallsy67: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@redted111: RT @Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@Stephen4_2: An appreciation of Frank Connor who sadly passed away this week. Read on... - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @RossCounty: On the passing of Frank Connor, Manager Malky Mackay has shared the following tribute to his former coach at Celtic FC. htt… - 3 years ago

@Wolftone1798: RT @PJG_Sport: If you're going to be doing your dream job for four weeks, it might as well include a win over Sporting Lisbon and a win at… - 3 years ago

@connor_dew: Hey @aabbydowd Frank is looking for you and wants to know why you aren’t at JG with us - 3 years ago

@MtLebanonSports: Congrats to our Boys 400 Free Relay for finishing in 6th place in the WPIAL Championship! Andei Tudorascu, William… - 3 years ago

@oneillhippo: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@Anconitana78: RT @JamTarts: Everyone at Hearts is saddened to learn of the passing of Frank Connor. Assistant to Joe Jordan at the Jambos between 90-93,… - 3 years ago

@Fantasyballer17: @Roto_Frank Just make sure you don’t miss on Connor joe! Squad looks pretty good imo! - 3 years ago

@Kathlee85043758: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@jimsang1888: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@zandiproc87: RT @saintmirrenfc: St Mirren is saddened to hear of the passing of Frank Connor. Frank played six times for Saints during season 1963-64.… - 3 years ago

@FITBAWNEWS11: Tributes paid to former Cowdenbeath manager Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@jamesaa67: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@SLOStMirren: RT @saintmirrenfc: St Mirren is saddened to hear of the passing of Frank Connor. Frank played six times for Saints during season 1963-64.… - 3 years ago

@50minds: Frank Connor Obituary, – Death, Cause Of Death – Deaths Fanatics - 3 years ago

@Jack_Left_Town: Frank Connor is running the line in this game. What’s the odds on Celtic scoring another offside goal? - 3 years ago

@gillyank1972: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@mijas88: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@bhoy_al: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@KEVINMORT: RT @RossCounty: On the passing of Frank Connor, Manager Malky Mackay has shared the following tribute to his former coach at Celtic FC. htt… - 3 years ago

@RossCounty: On the passing of Frank Connor, Manager Malky Mackay has shared the following tribute to his former coach at Celtic… - 3 years ago

@CelticFCFan4: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@saadunited480: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@StreamingVideo_: The TV Series His Dark Materials: Seasons 1-2 went on sale today for 24.99 on Vudu Starring: Dafne Keen, Amir Wils… - 3 years ago

@McMclaughlin16: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@ILOVECELTIC1967: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@NewsAndTrends3: Frank Connor dead and obituary, former Celtic caretaker boss passes away after short illness . Who was Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@wullybh88y: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@News_Alarts10: Who is Frank Connor? Scottish former football manager Passed away, Cause of Death – What We Know! – NewsAlarts - 3 years ago

@bryanwilson57: RT @Stephen4_2: Very sad to hear today of the passing of ex Celt Frank Connor. Here he is managing a Celtic select side against Raith in Ro… - 3 years ago

@oedipuswrecks: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@AlistairAli: RT @STVNews: Former Celtic player, coach and unbeaten caretaker-manager Frank Connor has died at the age of 86. - 3 years ago

@kingkenny1967: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@AndrewTurley10: RT @Stephen4_2: Very sad to hear today of the passing of ex Celt Frank Connor. Here he is managing a Celtic select side against Raith in Ro… - 3 years ago

@JaviPicast: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 26 082) #Scottish #Frank #Connor #dies #March 3, 2022 at 86 as #ex -#Celtic #football #player, #coach… - 3 years ago

@cushybhoy: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@FITBAWNEWS11: Football mourns the loss of talented coach Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@JimJimbosav: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@pedc50: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@Betseyglam: RT @PJG_Sport: If you're going to be doing your dream job for four weeks, it might as well include a win over Sporting Lisbon and a win at… - 3 years ago

@Sme51899360: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@evolvedhalo: Bonnie Ross, Frank O Connor & Kiki Wolfkill The holy trinity that took a dump all over Halo - 3 years ago

@News_Alarts10: Who is Frank Connor? Scottish former football manager Passed away, Cause of Death - 3 years ago

@mattriordan2016: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Football19671: Tweeted RIP to Frank Connor and lost 13 followers. Twitter eh. Bye 👋 you won’t be missed 🖕🏼 - 3 years ago

@MAPhillips2010: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@twads7: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Desiboy20300000: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@Scandle_USA: Who is Frank Connor? Scottish former football manager Passed away, Cause of Death – What We Know! – ScandleUsa - 3 years ago

@DeRebCelts: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@Joeboyj5: RT @Record_Sport: Former Celtic caretaker boss and Raith Rovers manager Frank Connor has died aged 86 RIP Frank. - 3 years ago

@SarahMc27827307: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@frankkellyalba: Great tribute! No other Celtic manager had such a good record – Frank Connor RIP | The Celtic Star - 3 years ago

@bunglesfinger1: @joebloggscity @paulhamill88 RIP Frank Connor #undefeated - 3 years ago

@E19177: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@ringmasterwhip: @cassius_connor Frank sold to 1 ticket agency Ticketmaster, they have the infrastructure to be able to deal with sa… - 3 years ago

@VolkerWeir: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@rw2711: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@CeltiCRab19671: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@smelltheglove7: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@Sevcozombie: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@alwayaboys: RT @celt2306: In one of the hardest days in my life, reliving my papa, Frank Connor, in everyone’s memories has been incredible, thank you… - 3 years ago

@cushybhoy: RT @PJG_Sport: If you're going to be doing your dream job for four weeks, it might as well include a win over Sporting Lisbon and a win at… - 3 years ago

@Housey__: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@AMcLaughlanx: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@johnybhoyspence: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@JackDMagi: RT @Stephen4_2: Very sad to hear today of the passing of ex Celt Frank Connor. Here he is managing a Celtic select side against Raith in Ro… - 3 years ago

@NewsHindian: What Happened To Frank Connor? Ex-Celtic Player & Coach Dies At 86, Know what happened - 3 years ago

@drjye_jye: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@RIPStarNews: RT @RIPStarNews: RIP The Story Of Frank Connor Case Of Death Frank Connor dies aged 86 pa... - 3 years ago

@tamb50: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@JohnLan93654789: RT @TheCelticWiki: RIP Frank Connor - A fantastic servant to Celtic - 3 years ago

@adnanrauf00: RT @RIPStarNews: RIP The Story Of Frank Connor Case Of Death Frank Connor dies aged 86 pa... - 3 years ago

@Tex1888: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@darrenjdouglas: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@stacysm92154858: @Toby_boxing_fan @claytonstu79 @cassius_connor @Umar_iFL yet stubhub had tickets available before they went on gene… - 3 years ago

@KyogoMr: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@LooseCannonBell: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@RIPStarNews: RIP The Story Of Frank Connor Case Of Death Frank Connor dies aged 86 pa... - 3 years ago

@dominick1888: RT @PJG_Sport: Really sad to hear of the death of Frank Connor at 86. I got to know Frank when I worked at the Evening Times in the 1990s,… - 3 years ago

@jenual67: @CelticFC RIP Frank Connor 🖤 - 3 years ago

@FitbaFanatics: RT @scotsunsport: Frank Connor 'wore his Celtic heart on his sleeve' say Parkhead club as they lead tributes to former boss. RIP Frank 🙏… - 3 years ago

@FitbaFanatics: RT @scotsunsport: Ex-Celtic player, coach and caretaker manager Frank Connor dead as tributes pour in - 3 years ago

@Giffendulum: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Henkeschip: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@bounce_73: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@sgb1313: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@PMcG2112: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@mcfadzean_neil: @STVNews Rip frank Connor....😔 - 3 years ago

@Owenisfedup: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@seefinish: RT @Record_Sport: Former Celtic caretaker boss and Raith Rovers manager Frank Connor has died aged 86 RIP Frank. - 3 years ago

@seefinish: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@Kb1888: Frank Connor RIP 🙏💚 - 3 years ago

@InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Frank Connor Death : Raith Rovers Hall of Famer and Former manager Frank Connor has passed away on… - 3 years ago

@edinburghsport: Former Hearts coach Frank Connor passes away - 3 years ago

@thecourieruk: Former Raith Rovers and Cowdenbeath manager Frank Connor has died at the age of 86, the Stark’s Park club have conf… - 3 years ago

@Oharabh7: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@maleymck88: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@calciatore: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@__Ki67: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@TheShamrock1888: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@keithwright47: RIP Frank Connor #roverslegend - 3 years ago

@Hahahasevco1: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Thommohawk67: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@S_P_L19_79: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@steviebhoy33: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@RobinSturges7: RT @Record_Sport: Former Celtic caretaker boss and Raith Rovers manager Frank Connor has died aged 86 RIP Frank. - 3 years ago

@RobinSturges7: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@TheRebelTreble: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@PaulBlair76: RIP Frank Connor, had the pleasure of working under him at Morton. A great coach and man - 3 years ago

@michael33945675: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@MrDJones: 𝗦𝗧𝗩 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀: Celtic announce death of former player, coach and manager Frank Connor - 3 years ago

@petermccue1: RT @STVSport: Former Celtic player, coach and unbeaten caretaker-manager Frank Connor has died at the age of 86. - 3 years ago

@KevHackett83: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@fsvj4mdh6h: @stacysm92154858 @claytonstu79 @cassius_connor @Umar_iFL I was unaware Frank had bought 80.000 tickets and sold the… - 3 years ago

@Robbie12387892: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@toxicorange66: @BleakAven Larry McMurtry, Aaron Gwyn, Robert Olmstead, Donald Ray Pollock, Frank Norris, Flannery O’ Connor. - 3 years ago

@fsvj4mdh6h: @cassius_connor I never knew Frank bought them all and sold them all on… 🤨🙈🤷🏽‍♂️ - 3 years ago

@Reece_Agnew1967: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@craigfox1985: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@sar247365: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@GlenFearce1: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@CarlJungleBhoy: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@eddieohanlon1: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@KBob64: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@STVSport: Former Celtic player, coach and unbeaten caretaker-manager Frank Connor has died at the age of 86. - 3 years ago

@Pauldal47301227: RT @kinghoopy: Frank Connor A good Celtic man God bless ,rest in peace - 3 years ago

@yahmpy: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@STVNews: Former Celtic player, coach and unbeaten caretaker-manager Frank Connor has died at the age of 86. - 3 years ago

@daviebrodie: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@tory_traitors: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@SaltleyGates: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@FITBAWNEWS11: Frank Connor dies at 86: Raith Rovers mourn passing of legendary former boss - 3 years ago

@RobertTBruce8: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@GarryMorrison2: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Wilson0410Chris: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Pauldal47301227: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@judgejules75: RT @ordinarybhoy: RIP Frank Connor. Former player and coach who served the hoops well in different capacities throughout the years. Famousl… - 3 years ago

@judgejules75: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@TheCelticTrust: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@talktomeless121: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@stevenkerr86: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog: - 3 years ago

@The3rdFrame: Sad to hear of Frank Connor's passing. A true Celtic man, a player, coach and assistant manager under David Hay and… - 3 years ago

@joebloggscity: “I was manager of Celtic for just four weeks but it was magnificent.” Frank Connor (2010) RIP Biog:… - 3 years ago

@brendidas: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@celine_mckeown: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@DanielOConnel18: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@cretebhoy: Sad news indeed. Rest in peace Frank Connor 💚🍀🇮🇪🇬🇷 - 3 years ago

@terry_angus: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@barneybh0y76: RT @Record_Sport: Former Celtic caretaker boss and Raith Rovers manager Frank Connor has died aged 86 RIP Frank. - 3 years ago

@garryThomas92: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@C_GHuband: Frank Connor dies aged 86 as Raith Rovers mourn passing of legendary former boss… - 3 years ago

@FITBAWNEWS11: Tributes paid after former Raith Rovers manager Frank Connor dies - 3 years ago

@heraldscotland: RT @Herald_Sport_: Frank Connor passes away aged 86 as Celtic send their condolences - 3 years ago

@Herald_Sport_: Frank Connor passes away aged 86 as Celtic send their condolences - 3 years ago

@jamiecall007: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@MikeDavidJones1: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@KersoKerr: So saddened to hear that Frank Connor has passed away this man taught me so much on and off the pitch a proper foot… - 3 years ago

@LeftyCelt: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Glasgow_Times: RT @GT_Football_: Frank Connor passes away aged 86 as Celtic send their condolences - 3 years ago

@GT_Football_: Frank Connor passes away aged 86 as Celtic send their condolences - 3 years ago

@SunSport: Ex-Celtic player and coach Frank Connor dead as tributes pour in - 3 years ago

@jed_marr: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@JohnFMckeown: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Celticnewsnow: TRENDING: Celtic stalwart Frank Connor passes away @celticfc - 3 years ago

@CamEmery21: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@lukeb5900: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@sammysixtyseven: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@DetroitCSC: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Madbhoy75: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as interim… - 3 years ago

@jillj579: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Teresab1977: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@StephenODauthor: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@joebloggscity: Frank Connor 1936-2022 RIP Celtic Unsung HERO. Player, coach and interim manager Frank Connor took over as int… - 3 years ago

@DeclanRMcC: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Patrick_35_1888: RT @TheShamrock1888: Saddened to hear about the passing of Frank Connor. A true Celt who had a long involvement with the club as a goalie… - 3 years ago

@8b1tg4z: RIP Frank Connor🙏🏽 - 3 years ago

@bonos_da: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@alanftemple: A sad day for all associated with @RaithRovers. Dragged the club back to the second tier by the scruff of its nec… - 3 years ago

@celt2306: RT @TheShamrock1888: Saddened to hear about the passing of Frank Connor. A true Celt who had a long involvement with the club as a goalie… - 3 years ago

@mattybhoyblair: Frank Connor and Lou Macari at Ibrox.🍀💚 - 3 years ago

@TheShamrock1888: Saddened to hear about the passing of Frank Connor. A true Celt who had a long involvement with the club as a goal… - 3 years ago

@OC_LFC: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@markdaly82: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@rebelmacgregor: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Patrick_35_1888: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@allsaintsjames: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Pedroshome67: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@cryptoshi2k21: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@lloydybhoy90: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@thecouriersport: Frank Connor dies aged 86 as Raith Rovers mourn passing of legendary former boss - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Frank Connor has passed away - #FrankConnor #Frank #Connor #rip - 3 years ago

@bubblegumlum: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@BobCrilly2: Sad to hear about Frank Connor dying Knew him well back in the day Hard man but with laughter that brightened up th… - 3 years ago

@GlasgowTweets_: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@PaulCun4: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@ThePopes_11: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@patdon801: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@hochitimh: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Robertsemple13: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@mcgceltic: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@groovysheep67: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@emmac007: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@ScotDuncan1888: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@JimSleith: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@JUANLLOBATO2021: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@LK67__: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@Henriklubo: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@_oldbones: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@phford40: 🙏🍀 - 3 years ago

@bobby__peru: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

@90MinuteCynic: RT @CelticFC: Everyone at Celtic is saddened to hear that former player and backroom Bhoy, Frank Connor has passed away at the age 86. RIP… - 3 years ago

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