Frank Carlucci

American politician
Died on Monday June 4th 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Frank Carlucci:

@PedroRodriguezW: RT @PedroRodriguezW: TROUBLESHOOTER. Mi #obituario de Frank Carlucci, un “solucionador de problemas” desde el Departamento de Estado pasand… - 7 years ago

@opinadouro: Recordando Frank Carlucci - João Carlos Espada - Observador - Opinião - 7 years ago

@jekavanagh: RT @USIP: Secretary Carlucci devoted himself to doing what was right for America, says our Chairman Stephen Hadley. "He represented the bes… - 7 years ago

@michaeldrich: RT @USIP: Secretary Carlucci devoted himself to doing what was right for America, says our Chairman Stephen Hadley. "He represented the bes… - 7 years ago


@cmcarrolljr: So, it was an even worse week. - 7 years ago

@AssassinsPod: Obit of CIA operative & former Sec of Defense, instrumental to US efforts in the Congo Crisis. Our next podcast loo… - 7 years ago

@iangola_app: Frank Carlucci. O agente americano - 7 years ago

@mundaneanalysis: RT @USIP: Secretary Carlucci devoted himself to doing what was right for America, says our Chairman Stephen Hadley. "He represented the bes… - 7 years ago

@USIP: Secretary Carlucci devoted himself to doing what was right for America, says our Chairman Stephen Hadley. "He repre… - 7 years ago

@SolOnline: Frank Carlucci. O agente americano - 7 years ago

@itwitting: Frank Carlucci. O agente americano - 7 years ago

@WhistleP2P: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@CesarBaquerizo: Frank C. Carlucci, Diplomat and Defense Secretary to Reagan, Dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@Sophie755339261: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: TROUBLESHOOTER. Mi #obituario de Frank Carlucci, un “solucionador de problemas” desde el Departamento de Estado pas… - 7 years ago

@IsabelVentura5: RT @joanalopes: Entre as brumas da memória: Votos de pesar por Frank Carlucci - 7 years ago

@stschrader1: RT @TejNagaraja: Trump has made us re-evaluate, if post-1940 US power was driven by any continuity of 'liberalism' --- for a counterpoint '… - 7 years ago

@OAKVetCenter: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@Scallabis: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@Mye_Pixie: RT @montenegro_emil: #ALDUBMusicOfOurHearts 😘 @lynieg88 @wengcookie @pinkyfaye @salvadortrish21 @iam_ginghs @Darwaine88 @irmaroxas3 Intell… - 7 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: RT @PedroRodriguezW: TROUBLESHOOTER. Mi #obituario de Frank Carlucci, un “solucionador de problemas” desde el Departamento de Estado pasand… - 7 years ago

@june_fours: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@arrin101: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@BillWeathers1: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@EFrazier512: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@PedroRodriguezW: RT @PedroRodriguezW: TROUBLESHOOTER. Mi #obituario de Frank Carlucci, un “solucionador de problemas” desde el Departamento de Estado pasand… - 7 years ago

@ThePriceSicard: RT @VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: https:/… - 7 years ago

@VAVetBenefits: Frank Carlucci, U.S. Navy Veteran, Diplomat, and SECDEF, has died. He was 87. Thank you for your service, Frank: - 7 years ago

@appiahbreezy: RT @appiahbreezy: Intelligence is not a science. Frank Carlucci - 7 years ago

@neri74625053: RT @montenegro_emil: #ALDUBMusicOfOurHearts 😘 @lynieg88 @wengcookie @pinkyfaye @salvadortrish21 @iam_ginghs @Darwaine88 @irmaroxas3 Intell… - 7 years ago

@salvadortrish21: RT @montenegro_emil: #ALDUBMusicOfOurHearts 😘 @lynieg88 @wengcookie @pinkyfaye @salvadortrish21 @iam_ginghs @Darwaine88 @irmaroxas3 Intell… - 7 years ago

@erbantar1: QUINTA-FEIRA, 7 DE JUNHO DE 2018 UM ESCARRO SANGRENTO O tão chorado Frank Carlucci chegou ao ainda Congo Belga, a… - 7 years ago

@lynieg88: RT @montenegro_emil: #ALDUBMusicOfOurHearts 😘 @lynieg88 @wengcookie @pinkyfaye @salvadortrish21 @iam_ginghs @Darwaine88 @irmaroxas3 Intell… - 7 years ago

@TejNagaraja: Trump has made us re-evaluate, if post-1940 US power was driven by any continuity of 'liberalism' --- for a counter… - 7 years ago

@appiahbreezy: Intelligence is not a science. Frank Carlucci - 7 years ago

@davidleyendeck4: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@CraigInATX: @Boringstein Frank Carlucci died earlier this week - 7 years ago

@NM_RFeventually: RT @montenegro_emil: #ALDUBMusicOfOurHearts 😘 @lynieg88 @wengcookie @pinkyfaye @salvadortrish21 @iam_ginghs @Darwaine88 @irmaroxas3 Intell… - 7 years ago

@ADSTnews: Frank Carlucci was an accomplished diplomat before he was National Security Adviser and #SecDef. In his ADST… - 7 years ago

@J0HNST0N: RT @HowardJShatz: "Who's Carlucci?" Obituary of former @RANDCorporation trustee Frank Carlucci (oh yeah, and former Secretary of Defense an… - 7 years ago

@viscondebucelas: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@johnmally49: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@HoffmannCastela: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@courtneywmh: RT @HowardJShatz: "Who's Carlucci?" Obituary of former @RANDCorporation trustee Frank Carlucci (oh yeah, and former Secretary of Defense an… - 7 years ago

@CraigAWhiteside: RT @HowardJShatz: "Who's Carlucci?" Obituary of former @RANDCorporation trustee Frank Carlucci (oh yeah, and former Secretary of Defense an… - 7 years ago

@HowardJShatz: "Who's Carlucci?" Obituary of former @RANDCorporation trustee Frank Carlucci (oh yeah, and former Secretary of Defe… - 7 years ago

@Luisfpee: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@AzanianSea: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@ROI992: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@outlaw_mann: RT @ronaldreagan40: The Reagan Fdn is saddened to hear of Frank Carlucci’s passing. He served Pres Reagan as his Nat’l Sec Advisor & his #S… - 7 years ago

@jamesrbrennantz: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@seanjgleeson: In other obituary news I missed the guy who maybe probably greenlit the Patrice Lumumba assassination dying the oth… - 7 years ago

@EBauz: RT @DeathByWiki: Frank Carlucci, American politician, died 3rd Jun aged 87. - 7 years ago

@TheOneNuno: Aposto que o @tbribeiro, que tem o busto do Soares em cima da secretária do seu gabinete na Assembleia, foi um dos… - 7 years ago

@FredCarreiro99: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@mawson_dave: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@JosephBurite: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@MariaSTsehai: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@fmensurado: Inês Domingos: Afinal a história não acabou Morreu esta semana Frank Carlucci, o diplomata americano que escolheu,… - 7 years ago

@KennedyMmari: RT @IsmailJussa: Frank Carlucci, US Consul in #Zanzibar in 1964 believed to have played a key role in pushing for Zanzibar - Tanganyika uni… - 7 years ago

@veteranxz: RT @MilitaryTimes: Former Pentagon chief Frank Carlucci dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@sofiapatricio06: RT @brunoramosdias: A AR hoje aprovou três-votos-de-pesar-três sobre Frank Carlucci. Se o homem morrer mais duas vezes, já está despachado.… - 7 years ago

@ChasonDailey: RT @ustaiwan: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003, during whi… - 7 years ago

@moneyurl: Statement by Fred Ryan, Chairman of the Board of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute on the Dea… - 7 years ago

@emartmax: Statement by Fred Ryan, Chairman of the Board of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute on the Dea… - 7 years ago

@pressurl: Statement by Fred Ryan, Chairman of the Board of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute on the Dea… - 7 years ago

@liedshow31: O Frank Carlucci morreu. Ainda vamos a tempo de implantar o socialismo? - 7 years ago

@michgirlindc: RT @USIP: We're deeply saddened by the loss of Frank C. Carlucci III, a former secretary of defense and a steadfast supporter of our work.… - 7 years ago

@InAbsentia9: RT @BoSnerdley: Ex-Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@CarlPrinetweets: RT @USIP: We're deeply saddened by the loss of Frank C. Carlucci III, a former secretary of defense and a steadfast supporter of our work.… - 7 years ago

@USIP: We're deeply saddened by the loss of Frank C. Carlucci III, a former secretary of defense and a steadfast supporter… - 7 years ago

@ForzaCorrado: RT @starsandstripes: Frank Carlucci, who advocated an arms buildup in the 1980s before becoming defense secretary under President Ronald Re… - 7 years ago

@ForzaCorrado: RT @WashTimes: Frank Carlucci, diplomat and Pentagon chief under Reagan, dies. Trump's Defense Secretary Jim Mattis called Carlucci “a tr… - 7 years ago

@BoSnerdley: Ex-Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@PeterBauerSM: A little modern US History: I'm sharing the news of the recent passing of Frank Carlucci, former head of the U.S.… - 7 years ago

@WinBoerckel: RT @michaeldrich: RIP Frank Carlucci. Distinguished public servant & committed supporter of rigorous & objective analysis. He was a long-ti… - 7 years ago

@paulo_hoffman: Quando um dos partidos da direita pretende "louvar" um personagem que durante os tempos da revolução Portuguesa tud… - 7 years ago

@BwanaSakkarani: This article rather quickly breezes past his time in Africa, which is frustrating as his legacy included being heav… - 7 years ago

@megibenia: Frank C. Carlucci, Diplomat and Defense Secretary to Reagan, Dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@NofNewsFilipino: Frank Carlucci, aide to four US presidents, dead at 87 By Agence France-Presse Frank Carlucci, who held senior po… - 7 years ago

@MAGAnNoHate: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@Bigdaddy1974k: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@frank11285: RT @clary_co: Any person that fired Frank Gaffney, as Carlucci did upon become SecDef, deserves our thanks. - 7 years ago

@FOREX132: RT @taiwandefense: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003, and h… - 7 years ago

@IsabelVentura5: RT @joanalopes: Entre as brumas da memória: Frank Carlucci - 7 years ago

@catdeeann: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@jameslu920: RT @ustaiwan: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003, during whi… - 7 years ago

@rencontrespt: Frank Carlucci (1930-2018): “Se os comunistas têm sido mais inteligentes, teriam conquistado o poder”… - 7 years ago

@taiwandefense: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003,… - 7 years ago

@lcrhsiao: RT @ustaiwan: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003, during whi… - 7 years ago

@BillWhiteNY: We have lost a Great American Patriot - 7 years ago

@Rosemar87097604: Frank Carlucci, defense secretary and tamer of federal bureaucracies, dies at 87 Shared from my Google feed - 7 years ago

@ustaiwan: In Memoriam: Frank Carlucci, 1930-2018. Frank served as Chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council from 1999-2003,… - 7 years ago

@MichaelMcAfee8: - 7 years ago

@ThomasEGarrett: RT @LizSchrayer: Sad to hear of the passing of Frank Carlucci - talented public servant, champion of America’s global leadership, great fri… - 7 years ago

@WadeScroggi: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@timestribune: RT @jon_oc: Frank C. Carlucci, #Scranton native, former No. 2 at the @CIA and former defense secretary, died Sunday at his Virginia home. C… - 7 years ago

@SStanganelli: Frank Carlucci dies at 87; was diplomat and Pentagon chief - 7 years ago

@ashish_dagwar: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@USGLC: “Our entire coalition is grateful for his life of service and his commitment to American global leadership.” — USGL… - 7 years ago

@MikoGrey247: RT @AmerMilNews: Former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci has died at 87 - 7 years ago

@DrMargenaXan: RT @WSJ: Frank Carlucci, former defense secretary with lengthy public service career, dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@derek_gentry: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@fillonafrique: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@AsliPerincek: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

@AmerMilNews: Former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci has died at 87 - 7 years ago

@jon_oc: Frank C. Carlucci, #Scranton native, former No. 2 at the @CIA and former defense secretary, died Sunday at his Virg… - 7 years ago

@ClaimsMate: Frank Carlucci, a key figure in Agnes <b>flood</b> recovery, dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@connorobrienNH: RT @MarkThompson_DC: Frank Carlucci served as Reagan’s post-Weinberger defense secretary for only 14 months. But he cut military spending b… - 7 years ago


@rlocker12: Frank C. Carlucci, Diplomat and Defense Secretary to Reagan, Dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@RogerZakheim: RT @ronaldreagan40: The Reagan Fdn is saddened to hear of Frank Carlucci’s passing. He served Pres Reagan as his Nat’l Sec Advisor & his #S… - 7 years ago

@ClaimsMate: Frank Carlucci III, key figure in Agnes <b>flood</b> recovery, dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@Alisher1206: RT @ChiefPentSpox: Statement by #SecDef James N. Mattis on Passing of Former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. "It is with profound sad… - 7 years ago

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