Franco Columbu

Italian bodybuilder and actor (Conan the Barbarian
Died on Friday August 30th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Franco Columbu:

@EMGraphicsEbay: RT @EMGraphicsEbay: Check out Muscle & Fitness March April 1981 Franco Columbu Fitness Summer Shaping Up Arms - 6 years ago

@primisalep: RT @GianManaid: Rip Franco Columbu you absolute legend - 6 years ago

@ICEKINGK9WULF: Ölümünden yeni haberdar olabildim cennetmekan franco columbu lise yıllarında örnek aldığım imrendiğim bir isimdi 7… - 6 years ago

@JimJupiter10: Rest in peace Franco Columbu 😥🙏 - 6 years ago


@SsebuumaJoseph4: RT @TheSlyStallone: FRANCO COLUMBU , The greatest and strongest bodybuilder I have ever met has passed... He taught me many things that I h… - 6 years ago

@lonman7: RT @jmike125: RIP FRANCO COLUMBU. He will be missed! Anybody who ever lifted a weight was influenced by this legend! #legend #bodybuilding… - 6 years ago

@isma_trx: RT @CmdsportFitness: Fallece el Míster Olympia y leyenda del fitness, Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@Marellagiov: Ieri notte al "Ceroli" ha commosso tutti il ricordo di Franco Columbu, premiato a Porto Rotondo con la Navicella d'… - 6 years ago

@MonstroTreino: Franco Columbu😠👊✌ #marombas #barbiemaromba #maromba_13 #marombar #marombapobre #marombaacademia #marombabrasil… - 6 years ago

@CmdsportFitness: Fallece el Míster Olympia y leyenda del fitness, Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@douglaslefin: No supe que el 30 de agosto murió Franco Columbu, la leyenda del culturismo!!! Arnold está pedido... - 6 years ago

@Lordofsocks: Get after it! Franco Columbu R.I.P 🙏 - 6 years ago

@PAESEXFESSI: Grande Franco Columbu,RIP,un grande italiano un italiano vero - 6 years ago

@halvarezd: @chabeloviviomas Te faltó que vivió más que Franco Columbu, de los mejores amigos de @Schwarzenegger - 6 years ago

@KryptoFuturism: RT @lthomasnews: The legendary Franco Columbu has died, reportedly via drowning. The Italian was a strength sports legend, competing in bot… - 6 years ago

@Mil1Eric: RT @TheSlyStallone: FRANCO COLUMBU , The greatest and strongest bodybuilder I have ever met has passed... He taught me many things that I h… - 6 years ago

@Natural_O: The Franco Columbu Tribute with Jerry Brainum is now on YouTube - - 6 years ago

@fatlossmusclex: Franco Columbu, Bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger Friend, Dies at 78 - The New York Times #bodybuilding #workout - 6 years ago

@Pateliii: RT @MrOlympiaLLC: Deeply saddened by the passing of one of our greatest champions. Franco Columbu won the Mr. Olympia in 1976 and 1981 insp… - 6 years ago

@PeaceDennison: RT @BogieF: Schwarzenegger leads tributes to his ‘partner in crime’ Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@EchauriG: RT @rodrigussauro: Descanse em paz, Franco Columbu! :'( - 6 years ago

@Fox_player_: Franco Columbu R.I.P - MESSAGE FROM ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER 😢 - 6 years ago

@Hueycobra56: Schwarzenegger leads tributes to his ‘partner in crime’ Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@FXPIPTITAN: Franco Columbu R.I.P 🙏 - Tribute Video - 6 years ago

@GaeteRafael22: RT @Bosslogic: Heard the news about Franco Columbu last night. growing up watching @Schwarzenegger and the doc pumping iron where I became… - 6 years ago

@BogieF: Schwarzenegger leads tributes to his ‘partner in crime’ Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@markbliss14: RT @TheSlyStallone: FRANCO COLUMBU , The greatest and strongest bodybuilder I have ever met has passed... He taught me many things that I h… - 6 years ago

@JosieGraceV: @PSchwarzenegger @Schwarzenegger @KSchwarzenegger @CSchwarzenegger @CShriver573 I read The Bodybuilder's Nutrition… - 6 years ago

@ChampionLifters: Franco Columbu, bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger friend, dies at 78 Italian bodybuilder, boxer and actor Franco Colum… - 6 years ago

@_luispavan: Powerlifting eh uma pra insanaa.. um dia quem sabeeee.. tenho mta vontade de participar de uns champ e oia q força… - 6 years ago

@JNM1989: RT @Bosslogic: Heard the news about Franco Columbu last night. growing up watching @Schwarzenegger and the doc pumping iron where I became… - 6 years ago

@sturmbohnen: RT @TheSlyStallone: FRANCO COLUMBU , The greatest and strongest bodybuilder I have ever met has passed... He taught me many things that I h… - 6 years ago

@JosieGraceV: @PSchwarzenegger @Schwarzenegger @KSchwarzenegger @CSchwarzenegger I read Coming On Strong by Franco Columbu. It was very good. :) - 6 years ago

@fieryperegrine: A Video Tribute to Bodybuilder Franco Columbu (1941-2019) Francesco "Franco" Maria Columbu is an Italian bodybuild… - 6 years ago

@Atheism_is_Dead: Franco Columbu car towing truck required - 6 years ago

@GrattoDanny: RT @FLPrimoMagazine: Franco Columbu, bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger friend, dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@ririsia2580: Franco Columbu R.I.P - MESSAGE FROM ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER - 6 years ago

@TheRadMall: The Rad Mall remembers Franco Columbu #80sForever #MrOlympia #80s #80sMovies - 6 years ago

@Patrici27083069: Todavia no puedo creer que fallecio Franco Columbu una leyenda del Culturismo :c - 6 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: RT @punknoirmag: Arnold Schwarzenegger pays emotional tribute as 'best friend' Franco Columbu dies - 6 years ago

@beppepieretti: Onore al Grande Franco Columbu. Italiano vero e grande Campione! - 6 years ago

@adrygs11: RT @La_SER: Arnold Schwarzenegger "devastado" por la muerte de su mejor amigo, Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@adrygs11: RT @TheRealIkerman: Franco Columbu campeón del Mr Olimpia dos veces, actor, y uno de los mejores amigos (sí no el mejor) de Arnold Schwarze… - 6 years ago

@FinoFilipino: Arnold llora a su mejor amigo Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@ready_get: FRANCO COLUMBU THE GREATEST TRIBUTE! (RIP 1941-2019) - 6 years ago

@fatlossmusclex: Franco Columbu, Bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger Friend, Dies at 78 - The New York Times #bodybuilding #workout - 6 years ago

@fearwriter: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Tribute to his Best Friend Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@fearwriter: Franco Columbu's Last Celebration of Life - 9/3/19 - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @menshealthESP: Arnold Schwarzenegger se despide de su amigo Franco Columbu tras su muerte a los 78 años. ttps://… - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @nytimes: Franco Columbu, an Italian bodybuilder whose herculean physique won him major titles in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s, has died. He… - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @MagazineSEMX: El actor italiano Franco Columbu fallece a los 78 años; su amigo Schwarzenegger lamenta su muerte - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @SkyNews: Arnold Schwarzenegger has paid tribute to his best friend Franco Columbu, who has died aged 78. The bodybuilding pair compete… - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @guardian: Arnold Schwarzenegger pays tribute to 'best friend' Franco Columbu, who dies aged 78 - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @FLEX_Magazine: RIP Franco Columbu, 1941-2019. The bodybuilding icon and two-time Mr. Olympia passed away on Friday, but his impact on t… - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @TheSlyStallone: FRANCO COLUMBU , The greatest and strongest bodybuilder I have ever met has passed... He taught me many things that I h… - 6 years ago

@pcortezgaona: RT @muscle_fitness: RIP Franco Columbu, 1941-2019. The bodybuilding icon and two-time Mr. Olympia passed away on Friday, but his impact on… - 6 years ago

@jef20071: @TheSlyStallone @RamboMovie I just ask of you Mr Stallone. Since losing bodybuilder Franco Columbu a great soul of… - 6 years ago

@michaelkearney: In pre-Internet days, @Schwarzenegger’s ‘Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding’ was Bible & 2x Mr. Olympia Franco Co… - 6 years ago

@bendog64: Arnold Classic Lifetime Achievement Award - Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@metam0n_PfT: Franco Columbuが亡くなったって言うことに対してよくこういうことがかけるよね。 同じ人として恥ずかしい。 - 6 years ago

@healthguru4us: RT @wolfiesfighters: - 6 years ago

@CalandraItal: Franco Columbu, Bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger Friend, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@DonnaCastel: RT @Marianobigdawg: Arnold Schwarzenegger mourns death of longtime pal Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@Michael04459187: RT @PEPLUM: Behind-the-Scenes - R.I.P. Behind the scenes photo from CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982) with William Smith, Franco Columbu and Arno… - 6 years ago

@PEPLUM: Behind-the-Scenes - R.I.P. Behind the scenes photo from CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982) with William Smith, Franco Colu… - 6 years ago

@Mike_Acost: @DiegoMedinaLS @rpuig205 I’m “Pumping Gridiron” in one of my leagues. Shout out Arnie and RIP Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@DSlotnik: RT @NYTObits: "When I asked Joe Weider to bring you to train with me, it was because I knew I wasn’t the same without my best friend. I cou… - 6 years ago

@fm_aktuell: "I'm the strongest bodybuilder who ever lived, I think." – #FrancoColumbu (1941-2019). Vor einer Woche ist die ital… - 6 years ago

@furea2_death: Franco Columbu R.I.P - MESSAGE FROM ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER - 6 years ago

@ranaprieta: RT @LouFerrigno: Rest In Peace Franco Columbu! - 6 years ago

@LLORENTEpoeta: Lo que no sabías de Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@VictorAyuAlva: Arnold LLORA a su Mejor AMIGO Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

@ttnnn8: RT @unycom: シュワルツェネッガーの50年以上にわたる親友だったフランコ・コロンボさんが亡くなったとのこと。 悲しい。 'I Am Devastated Today:' Arnold Schwarzenegger Writes A Heartfelt Tribute… - 6 years ago

@decebalulus: @_TamaraWinter tom jobim & vinicius de moraes tolkien & lewis franco columbu & arnold - 6 years ago

@thought4daily: Franco Columbu, Bodybuilder and Schwarzenegger Friend, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@Pig_man666: R.I.P. Franco Columbu - 6 years ago

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