Franciszek Kornicki

Polish fighter pilot during World War II.
Died on Friday November 17th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Franciszek Kornicki:

@GreatdaysBailey: Franciszek Kornicki, Second World War Polish fighter pilot – obituary' | via @telegraph - 7 years ago

@GreatdaysBailey: RT @pettore: Franciszek Kornicki, Second World War Polish fighter pilot – obituary - 7 years ago

@JanBroersma: RT @pettore: Franciszek Kornicki, Second World War Polish fighter pilot – obituary - 7 years ago

@pettore: Franciszek Kornicki, Second World War Polish fighter pilot – obituary - 7 years ago


@GeniaZiniak: Odszedł legendarny polski pilot. Nie żyje Franciszek Kornicki. Został wybrany symbolem Royal Air Force |... - 7 years ago

@policies4poland: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@judy_mg: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@GosiaProchal: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@ProudGranny24: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@JakubKrupa: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@propen_pan: RT @ukinpoland: We received the news on the death of Franciszek Kornicki, the last wartime Polish Squadron Commander, with great sadness. C… - 7 years ago

@mattleslie74: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@BalPolskiUK: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@WWIIPolesNI: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@psancintel: RT @TonysAngle: Next time a #Brexiteer whines about Poles in Britain. Remind them of this chap: Franciszek Kornicki, died aged 100. Last su… - 7 years ago

@REdwards1957: - 7 years ago

@GorkaJolanta: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@KR_1970: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@atena0203: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: "In his final years Franciszek Kornicki, a humble, modest man, became a national celebrity when he was voted “the Peop… - 7 years ago

@ptuzBuba1972: RT @ukinpoland: We received the news on the death of Franciszek Kornicki, the last wartime Polish Squadron Commander, with great sadness. C… - 7 years ago

@JanHarkon: RT @ukinpoland: We received the news on the death of Franciszek Kornicki, the last wartime Polish Squadron Commander, with great sadness. C… - 7 years ago

@Zygmund_August: RT @ukinpoland: We received the news on the death of Franciszek Kornicki, the last wartime Polish Squadron Commander, with great sadness. C… - 7 years ago

@RyszartKaczmare: RT @MocSwidnika: Zameldował się na wiecznym dyżurze bojowym w niebiosach legendarny-pilot-polskiego-dywizjonu/kxx90… - 7 years ago

@MocSwidnika: Zameldował się na wiecznym dyżurze bojowym w niebiosach legendarny-pilot-polskiego-dywizjon… - 7 years ago

@Zygmund_August: RT @Pan_Avanti: 16 listopada, w wieku 101 lat zmarł ppłk Franciszek Kornicki. Był ostatnim polskim dowódcą biorącym udział w bitwie o Angli… - 7 years ago

@TheManMurdoch: RT @marcin_par: Sqn Ldr Franciszek Kornicki (18.12.1916 - 17.11.2017) R.I.P. Blue Skies @ghqhomeforces @hewasahero @BBMF_Spitflyer @classi… - 7 years ago

@PlaneThought41: RT @marcin_par: Sqn Ldr Franciszek Kornicki (18.12.1916 - 17.11.2017) R.I.P. Blue Skies @ghqhomeforces @hewasahero @BBMF_Spitflyer @classi… - 7 years ago

@InsdataInter: RT @Poland_MOD: On 16 November 2017 Colonel Franciszek Kornicki, the commander of the Polish 308th and 317th Squadrons of World War II, die… - 7 years ago

@PLinToronto: RT @Poland: Franciszek Kornicki passed away on November 16th at the age of 101. He was last surviving 🇵🇱 #WW2 squadron commander. May his… - 7 years ago

@LukasProudPole: RT @PolskieRadio24: Dowódca brytyjskich Królewskich Sił Powietrznych (#RAF) Sir Stephen #Hillier powiedział, że zmarły 101-letni pułkownik… - 7 years ago

@pkuchta: RT @PolishEmbassyUK: „Yesterday, a month before his 101 birthday, died Franciszek Kornicki, the last war-time PL Squadron Commander & winn… - 7 years ago

@kwickstrom10: RT @Poland: Franciszek Kornicki passed away on November 16th at the age of 101. He was last surviving 🇵🇱 #WW2 squadron commander. May his… - 7 years ago

@PolishTories: RT @ArkadyRzegocki: I'm deeply saddened to hear about the loss of Franciszek Kornicki, who was not only a spectacular pilot, war hero but a… - 7 years ago

@bozenakorespon1: RT @ukinpoland: We received the news on the death of Franciszek Kornicki, the last wartime Polish Squadron Commander, with great sadness. C… - 7 years ago

@jegomoscPL: RT @St_Janecki: Płk Franciszek Kornicki stoczył niedawno ostatnią bitwę w RAF jako ich symbol, a teraz przeszedł w stan wiecznego spoczynku… - 7 years ago

@PLinChicago: RT @Poland_MOD: On 16 November 2017 Colonel Franciszek Kornicki, the commander of the Polish 308th and 317th Squadrons of World War II, die… - 7 years ago

@pioterandre: - 7 years ago

@andyclaret1: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@DrDomCooper: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@waite_aero: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@mulreynolds: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@ChrisJHudson: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@lesbailey2: RT @RAFIngham: It is with great sadness that I have report the passing of 100 year old Franciszek Kornicki, a Spitfire Pilot with 303 Polis… - 7 years ago

@hakan_carlberg: RT @Poland_MOD: On 16 November 2017 Colonel Franciszek Kornicki, the commander of the Polish 308th and 317th Squadrons of World War II, die… - 7 years ago

@Ziper0807: Nie żyje Franciszek Kornicki. Niedawno wygrał plebiscyt na stulecie RAF! - 7 years ago

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