Francis Travis

American-born Swiss orchestral conductor
Died on Saturday May 6th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Francis Travis:

@jake_jones937: @DevinCart94 @Bennafishall @francis_ngannou @arielhelwani Former champ on a losing streak. 5-0 in UFC. Who else is… - 8 years ago

@g17_francis: RT @JackBPR: ICE arrests illegals working construction on Travis Air Force Base - 8 years ago

@jordan__francis: RT @WorldStarFunny: Travis Scott's concerts are so hype that he was arrested for 'inciting a riot' last night - 8 years ago

@SeraaMariee: Don't ask me why I thought Travis Scott and Dillon Francis were the same person just know I did - 8 years ago


@Francis_Classic: RT @SoundVerite1: . @zuluzuluumusic at @soundset w @atmosphere @MsLaurynHill @thestand4rd @NazeemMusic & @SJolesMusic @DJKeezy612 + https:/… - 8 years ago

@cowboys852: Thanks Travis Francis for the follow! - 8 years ago

@IronBoade: @PEUFRAZIER @Alistairovereem @francis_ngannou #UFC211 Antonio Silva et Travis Browne, j'ai souvenir ou de tko ou tu… - 8 years ago

@classicallradio: Swiss Italian Orchestra, Francis Travis - Saint-Saëns - Suite algérienne - III. Rêverie du soir - 8 years ago

@Travis_Wisk: RT @DonnieDoesWorld: 9.5 on the productivity scale. 6.5 on the "how much fun is it hanging out with Francis 24/7" scale. - 8 years ago

@Hunt8_francis: RT @NBA: Travis Scott in the building for Game 6 in Houston! #NBAPlayoffs - 8 years ago

@Bellairnet: MUSICIAN milestones: Francis Travis (9 July 1921 – 28 April 2017) was a... - 8 years ago

@francis_wexu: Travis Scott goosebumps ft Kendrick Lamar - 8 years ago

@Kezber: Travis Ali Gilgil et Francis Côté-Tremblay, tous les 2 programmeurs analystes, se joignent à l'équipe ce matin. Bie… - 8 years ago

@lexiimdza: RT @JaySos14: Saw Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner making out during Dillon Francis set 😂 - 8 years ago

@classicallradio: Swiss Italian Orchestra, Francis Travis - Saint-Saëns - Suite algérienne - III. Rêverie du soir - 8 years ago

@kannokanno1: 指揮のフランシス・トラヴィス死去。95歳! - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Francis Travis, American-born Swiss orchestral conductor, Died at 95 - 8 years ago

@Maxine_Travis: RT @colmoore77: My boys @JamieMoore777 @MikeyMoore777 all set & ready to support the fundraiser for Dean Francis x #fightingchanceforfranci… - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Francis Travis, Schweizer Dirigent, am 28.04.2017 im Alter von 95 Jahren - - 8 years ago

@Maxine_Travis: RT @SkyAdamSmith: Please get behind Dean Francis this weekend in Bristol and as he battles cancer. Great fighter, great guy - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Francis Travis dies - #FrancisTravis #Francis #Travis #rip - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Francis Travis has ceased to be: - 8 years ago

@RichieDOfficial: Listen to Travis Scott (feat. Weeknd) (DJ Cameo, Myles & Gavin Francis Remix) - Wonderful here: - 8 years ago

@CowboySciFiBot: RT @RJR_Design: Retweeted Travis Francis (@travissam): The Cascaded Dark - Part 12 - Meet the Shepherd! #scifi #shortstory... - 8 years ago

@RJR_Design: Retweeted Travis Francis (@travissam): The Cascaded Dark - Part 12 - Meet the Shepherd! #scifi #shortstory... - 8 years ago

@Francis_997: RT @6PAPl: asap rocky and travis scott at the kardashian house waiting for kendall and kylie - 8 years ago

@claudiperfumery: RT @thesounddoc: .@Juanita_Francis was amazing at the @TravisGreeneTV show at the weekend. See the full review here - 8 years ago

@jrf1798: Qru show do drizzy, tiller, francis, skrillex, travis scott, kanye... - 8 years ago

@Juanita_Francis: RT @thesounddoc: .@Juanita_Francis was amazing at the @TravisGreeneTV show at the weekend. See the full review here - 8 years ago

@CA_travis: RT @spectatorindex: When he was a student, Pope Francis had worked as a nightclub bouncer at a bar in Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 8 years ago

@thesounddoc: .@Juanita_Francis was amazing at the @TravisGreeneTV show at the weekend. See the full review here… - 8 years ago

@aye_francis: RT @6PAPl: asap rocky and travis scott at the kardashian house waiting for kendall and kylie - 8 years ago

@iHipsterBenji: K-Dot, Chano, Yeezy, Abel Francis, Yoncé, Pusha, Timbo Asap, Travis, Pac & MJ Thanks to y'all I did not jumped off - 8 years ago

@Kevo_AfterDark: The XX, Travis Scott, Dillon Francis, Ice Cube, Marshmello, and Zeds Dead at ACL this year - 8 years ago

@MigueMps: @ufc @francis_ngannou Travis browne - 8 years ago

@classicallradio: Swiss Italian Orchestra, Francis Travis - Saint-Saëns - Suite algérienne - III. Rêverie du soir - 8 years ago

@Dannyy_nguyenn_: Frank, migos, Post Malone, uzi , Travis ,marsh mellows, Martin garrix, Dillon Francis 😳😳... sounds to good to be re… - 8 years ago

@xdxdxdxMusic: [FREE] Travis Scott X Oliver Francis Type Beat "Clouds". Coming to Youtube soon... More details on Instagram. DM fo… - 8 years ago

@travis_gaither: RT @MartinOMalley: Said it in 2015, still for it now: We can and should move to a 100% clean energy future by 2050. #climatemarch - 8 years ago

@RealPrittStift: @Lillebroar xxtentacion, triple one, lil peep, oliver francis, travis scott, 6dogs, rae sremmurd - 8 years ago

@princessxthug: RT @JaySos14: Saw Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner making out during Dillon Francis set 😂 - 8 years ago

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