Francis Small

New Zealand civil engineer and scouting leader
Died on Tuesday March 9th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Francis Small:

@KPhrezhwayne: RT @pastormarct: Week after week, the same faces show up with little to no change... & we just keep doing the same thing hoping it will yie… - 4 years ago

@Francis_Effanga: @ennkhaey Small time we go begin see pictures for gym - 4 years ago

@AdeleyeOmeiza: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@safe_hrm: @MrRoy_Francis @happystash @girrl_friday Roy you will be aware that it is not possible to make eye contact with dri… - 4 years ago


@AGBimbo: RT @bluenostrils: @MarkWatson1875 @_DHOTYA Just been shopping at Small Heath Morrisons in my full 70-71 Blues kit. I re-enacted Trevor Fran… - 4 years ago

@kaira_francis: RT @ItsTeamJasmin: Trend ke sath stream bhi kar rahi hu mai so plz it's Just small Activity, do not judge anyone, I'm focusing equally on b… - 4 years ago

@LindsayMcLaugh1: @merry24 @Pontifex He isn’t excluding them. Pope Francis wants same sex marriage and he’s pushing for more acceptan… - 4 years ago

@francis_nwamba: RT @TradingComposur: It's always better to get into a trade with a position size that's too small, rather than one that's too big. If it's… - 4 years ago

@lilley_francis: RT @AJamesMcCarthy: By keeping a telescope pointed on the leftmost star of Orion's belt for 2 hours, I captured this incredible display of… - 4 years ago

@Peciboi7: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@garyallenesq: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@BeddoeRoger: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@Bevbb9: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@Kaue_things: RT @pastormarct: Week after week, the same faces show up with little to no change... & we just keep doing the same thing hoping it will yie… - 4 years ago

@TrdisOprtr: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@KarenScooterb: @Pat_Francis @podcraig1 @MichaelBagford @RockSolidShow Bahahaha. Good thing my collection is small. 😆 - 4 years ago

@SheelaghG: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@dl_pannell: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@cybersnurgle: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@Francis_ento: RT @luckytran: I'm so tired of people saying only island countries with small populations handled COVID well. Vietnam was successful with… - 4 years ago

@MKingscott: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@francis_KOCR: RT @aevanko: GIVEAWAY! @HobbyGenki sells limited Japan goods and ship overseas. They're giving away 3 prizes (NINTENDO SWITCH MH RISE SPECI… - 4 years ago

@doss20134671: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@BareReality: RT @LucyGoBag: @lewis_goodall @deb_cohen @Francis_Hoar @BareReality Am I correct in reading that flu is ONS code 10 and this chart is a rep… - 4 years ago

@MarkWatson1875: RT @bluenostrils: @MarkWatson1875 @_DHOTYA Just been shopping at Small Heath Morrisons in my full 70-71 Blues kit. I re-enacted Trevor Fran… - 4 years ago

@celiaparker65: Crucifixion with SS Francis and Ignatius of Antioch. Giovanni di Milano, Florence. A small panel for private devoti… - 4 years ago

@RichardZaldivar: The Vatican got it wrong today for our LGBTQ Catholics but Pope Francis is steering forward with small change at a time. - 4 years ago

@BrookeFrohlich: @Peyton_Forrer Basically this decree is extending Catholicism’s disapproval from “we won’t perform gay marriage cer… - 4 years ago

@Augustinjnr: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@JonathanBSmall: @CrystalFinds I can trace my paternal ancestry back to Francis Small (1625-ca. 1714). He made the first recorded la… - 4 years ago

@ademillo: With nearly 30 million U.S. cases of COVID-19 and 119 million worldwide, the impact could be staggering, even if on… - 4 years ago

@pastormarct: Week after week, the same faces show up with little to no change... & we just keep doing the same thing hoping it w… - 4 years ago

@terron_francis: RT @BulletsForever: Going small has been a great idea. - 4 years ago

@Haxby_Abbott: “Taylor & Francis Group, a small selection of journals focused on pharmaceutical development pay peer reviewers for… - 4 years ago

@terron_francis: Washington should just run small ball man, let russ guard bigs and just give up 130 and try to score 140. Alex len… - 4 years ago

@KeldenFormosa: @CDamianWrites I guess I wonder if this is the inverse of what many conservative Catholics do when faced with Franc… - 4 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Watch “Captains regent of San Marino invite Pope Francis to their small republic” on YouTube Watch “Captains regent… - 4 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Watch “Captains regent of San Marino invite Pope Francis to their small republic” on YouTube - 4 years ago

@sillyzangy: @boyo_francis Here's your small people juice - 4 years ago

@chi_francis: I honestly do not take support for granted, with the taste some of them have, they can obviously afford the biggest… - 4 years ago

@BruceLaBruce: Quebecois director Francis Mankiewicz, whose father was 2nd cousin to the famous Hollywood brothers Joseph L. & Her… - 4 years ago

@RC49293926: @francis_robin @premierleague Small club? Really? With 6 champions league, more than any other clubs in England. - 4 years ago

@francis_robin: @premierleague Still pool will not win. LiVarpool small club. - 4 years ago

@Hikkicornmori: @boyo_francis As a small man, there are some perks to being small, just not many, but some. - 4 years ago

@cr15b: I know a lot of people are mocking this, or taking this glibly or like "no duh", but there's a lot of gay Catholics… - 4 years ago

@OldCarLongRoad: @48ONIRAM @erinprovolone @willow_catelyn That's Francis Ford, director John Ford's older brother, who was himself a… - 4 years ago

@Kemolisticrushy: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@seitoshitoryu: @CNN @MSNBC He’s not the man we thought he was. Given what so many priests have done to small children he should be… - 4 years ago

@paulxl: @KenHicken @giaparmer @AMOtero @NPR Those small steps in the right direction still keep the church incredibly far f… - 4 years ago

@malmphegor: @francis_haddock @dgurdasani1 @trishgreenhalgh Thanks, it's rare to see any admission of even small errors. Greenh… - 4 years ago

@SimbarasheMaer1: Moms after seeing 2 water glasses with small drops of juice at the bottom of the cup after she left me alone at ho… - 4 years ago

@francis_twt: Military junta group continuously shoot and set things on fire in North Okkalapa, Yangon. They also raided small 24… - 4 years ago

@AlanDHoch: @Jewels_ATX A little research discloses that flap dragon appears in a dictionary called The Dictionary of the Vulga… - 4 years ago

@lemonpantss: @boyo_francis you're not small everything around you is just big - 4 years ago

@au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes a little overwhelming. It’s a mantra, a small saying that… - 4 years ago

@vmramos: With nearly 30 million U.S. cases of #COVID-19 and 119 million worldwide, the impact could be staggering, even if o… - 4 years ago

@Franklynihugba: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@rengowo: @boyo_francis small = cute - 4 years ago

@DevanDoberman: @boyo_francis Can understand this. I’m only 2 inches taller then you but I’m of course still small. My older brothe… - 4 years ago

@gaokogeki: @boyo_francis it's not small, it's fun sized 😌 - 4 years ago

@NightsLunar: @boyo_francis Being small enough lets you be carried around easier. Who wouldn't want to be? - 4 years ago

@boyo_francis: Why am i so small - 4 years ago

@EnangUty: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Klichi_wears: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@karlheinzbergem: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@FifeAmbassador: RT @bigairch: Big(ish) - Bruichladdich Small(ish) - Springbank New(ish) - Daftmill Springbank & Laddie give me huge range of styles & I’m… - 4 years ago

@bigairch: Big(ish) - Bruichladdich Small(ish) - Springbank New(ish) - Daftmill Springbank & Laddie give me huge range of st… - 4 years ago

@OkoroOkoroafor: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@AreEnoch: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@FatundeOlugbade: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Paullfrey: RT @dboutcert: 20/36 250k is small to him and requested I should hear him out and hear his re-payment plan. Well, his advice but was still… - 4 years ago

@GID51858481: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Nova89863640: @terron_francis @alexology101 @DadeTeflonDon @TheHoopCentral Bro if you take gobert off the jazz and replace him wi… - 4 years ago

@SeanOSu84605450: @pbmosligo @RadioBrendanRTE @LeoVaradkar @RBoydBarrett @NTBreakfast @cooper_m @rteliveline @PatKennyNT 4/Re ur snid… - 4 years ago

@GarySmithRSA: @jadenozzz @Francis_Hoar Nope, only a small handful of them. The rest are still snuggled up in their cocoons of fear. - 4 years ago

@revmezie: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@MyHonorable: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@jorshwer: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@PrinceRoyson: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Tinugold10: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@amicablecfr: @Francis_Effanga Just wait small - 4 years ago

@OkekeGod5964000: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@JaySuccess3: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@yqbrymo: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@atueyi_mathew: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@saibiton: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@OghaleJohn: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@iremyke: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@neyosmushi: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Wizzmani1: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@iDrewUltron: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Tundex911: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@KSandabi: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Horlahorla111: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@KolandFx: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Hushez1: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Chukzddon1: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@judeigwe10: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@FLaecon: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@EmmyOO7: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@Victor21403371: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@ukpaka_chimezie: RT @renoomokri: Dear Francis, The small wisdom I have is derived from Scripture. You too can be just as wise as you say I am. I began rea… - 4 years ago

@cx3djc13: RT @arcade_1up: "Having my small arcade at home makes a childhood dream come true, thank you Arcade1Up" - Francis Submit your cabinet for… - 4 years ago

@MuhammadAlii23: RT @francescarinii: Small business alert 🚨 I’m selling designer inspired fragrances at a cheaper price, from Creed to Maison Francis, Dior… - 4 years ago

@terron_francis: @HoodieKD7 Small sample sizs - 4 years ago

@elisavvatoci: RT @francescarinii: Small business alert 🚨 I’m selling designer inspired fragrances at a cheaper price, from Creed to Maison Francis, Dior… - 4 years ago

@terron_francis: @rwk_02 Boston needs someone like Fournier or Thad young (small ball 5 in some matchups and a good playnaker) imo,… - 4 years ago

@eliisanaa: RT @francescarinii: Small business alert 🚨 I’m selling designer inspired fragrances at a cheaper price, from Creed to Maison Francis, Dior… - 4 years ago

@d_reamz: RT @dboutcert: 20/36 250k is small to him and requested I should hear him out and hear his re-payment plan. Well, his advice but was still… - 4 years ago

@mochiville: RT @usccbp: Eight years ago today the Holy Spirit sent us @Pontifex! What’s one thing - big or small - Pope Francis has inspired you to cha… - 4 years ago

@dboutcert: 20/36 250k is small to him and requested I should hear him out and hear his re-payment plan. Well, his advice but w… - 4 years ago

@JamesBu9: @terron_francis I voted Melo but I’m not sure you could trade Melo for Mobley now. It’s not all about winning in th… - 4 years ago

@moonlitangels21: @Pontifex Dearest Pope Francis, during Lent it’s a good time to see where your direction in life is taking a person… - 4 years ago

@TumbukaKing: Small gestures of love, of tenderness, of care, make people feel that the Lord is with us. This is how the door of… - 4 years ago

@ry_francis: RT @NiallOfficial: Couldn’t celebrate the album anniversary without a little Small Talk now could we ? Watch the performance from the Royal… - 4 years ago

@Air_Force_Juan: RT @usccbp: Eight years ago today the Holy Spirit sent us @Pontifex! What’s one thing - big or small - Pope Francis has inspired you to cha… - 4 years ago

@RosePillay1: RT @usccbp: Eight years ago today the Holy Spirit sent us @Pontifex! What’s one thing - big or small - Pope Francis has inspired you to cha… - 4 years ago

@francescarinii: Small business alert 🚨 I’m selling designer inspired fragrances at a cheaper price, from Creed to Maison Francis, D… - 4 years ago

@Br_FrancisAngel: @Faust_The_Demon Score! Francis wiggles in pre-excitement and delight. "I'd love to do that for us, my love." Fr… - 4 years ago

@lastresobejas: RT @usccbp: Eight years ago today the Holy Spirit sent us @Pontifex! What’s one thing - big or small - Pope Francis has inspired you to cha… - 4 years ago

@DaleRees8: RT @FreedomFinder8: @Francis_Hoar ALWAYS remember “evil will never succeed” because there are too many of us which live life with the belie… - 4 years ago

@HeeyChampagne: @crimsonempyrea Damn! Idk why but It quickly reminded me of Francis Tumblety, the guy who allegedly was Jack the Ri… - 4 years ago

@filmsonwax: @greyauk @tea_francis The delena huntsman, the exact species they used for the small offspring spiders in the movie. - 4 years ago

@usccbp: Eight years ago today the Holy Spirit sent us @Pontifex! What’s one thing - big or small - Pope Francis has inspire… - 4 years ago

@Francis_Kay1: RT @gyaegyimiino: I don’t have much to say but all I can say is that I have taken your pic to antoa dem say make I wait small. I know for s… - 4 years ago

@anyaku_francis: @racksterli Thank you Fear don catch me small😂 - 4 years ago

@francis_mnglg: RT @kennethaustriaa: small accounts happiness - 4 years ago

@OscarEn19122838: RT @bobvanoni1: @BVMConsolatrix I think you are gonna get your request the church will become small and poor in my opinion after Francis le… - 4 years ago

@kaira_francis: RT @jaslyxfan: JasLy will complete 500K posts by tonight , let's celebrate the same Tomorrow with a small activity !!!!!!! IT'S HUGE JUST L… - 4 years ago

@bobvanoni1: @BVMConsolatrix I think you are gonna get your request the church will become small and poor in my opinion after Fr… - 4 years ago

@Suebush55165412: RT @FreedomFinder8: @Francis_Hoar ALWAYS remember “evil will never succeed” because there are too many of us which live life with the belie… - 4 years ago

@WarbersB: RT @FreedomFinder8: @Francis_Hoar ALWAYS remember “evil will never succeed” because there are too many of us which live life with the belie… - 4 years ago

@Christi46847375: RT @FreedomFinder8: @Francis_Hoar ALWAYS remember “evil will never succeed” because there are too many of us which live life with the belie… - 4 years ago

@kevinedavis: 8/ Yankee Doodle went riding into town on this (small horse) Swimming venue (pic) Tire out (I’m …-ed); or defecate,… - 4 years ago

@MaximusBasileus: RT @FreedomFinder8: @Francis_Hoar ALWAYS remember “evil will never succeed” because there are too many of us which live life with the belie… - 4 years ago

@PeakePolly: @Francis_Hoar @RobsBottin80 Are you working on the mask case that was crowzd funded this week Francis? I donated a… - 4 years ago

@Notsojingo: @benigma2017 @TonesOfMusic I got to party with Black Francis. Called him Charley at a small club gig he played. He… - 4 years ago

@starscream8x: @Itdontmatter231 @jay_francis_wta @fymroo What are you talking about bro? Klay injured his ACL before the NBA draf… - 4 years ago

@For_Vusi: RT @moonlitangels21: @Pontifex Dearest Pope Francis,Jesus fasted 40 days, 40 night in the desert, let us all try to fast during Lent or any… - 4 years ago

@moonlitangels21: @Pontifex Dearest Pope Francis,Jesus fasted 40 days, 40 night in the desert, let us all try to fast during Lent or… - 4 years ago

@ChaelNeedle: RT @au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes—through matters large and small—a little overwhelming. It’s a ma… - 4 years ago

@khalidalkhoori: RT @ForeignPolicy: No one should expect the pope to solve the problems of the Middle East, @stevenacook writes. But if he spoke out forcefu… - 4 years ago

@LindaDLester: Check out this acrylic print on - 4 years ago

@FerdousAbadi: RT @ForeignPolicy: No one should expect the pope to solve the problems of the Middle East, @stevenacook writes. But if he spoke out forcefu… - 4 years ago

@Key2MiddleEast: RT @ForeignPolicy: No one should expect the pope to solve the problems of the Middle East, @stevenacook writes. But if he spoke out forcefu… - 4 years ago

@ForeignPolicy: No one should expect the pope to solve the problems of the Middle East, @stevenacook writes. But if he spoke out fo… - 4 years ago

@Tables96: Might be the small minority but I can’t see Stipe lasting another 5 rounds with Francis. Francis under 2.5 #Glasserspicks #beattheline - 4 years ago

@DerrekSpace: RT @Reuters: Pope Francis, beginning the first trip by a pontiff to Iraq, landed in Baghdad under tight security. Hundreds of people gather… - 4 years ago

@francis_twt: Military Terrorists Set fire in city ,Mogok ,Mandalay region. They break into houses ,violence and arresting the me… - 4 years ago

@JohnFrancisleo2: RT @au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes—through matters large and small—a little overwhelming. It’s a ma… - 4 years ago

@maxgunhouse: @triggerpod what's on the show tonight bigots? Do we get another live stream with Francis in his slightly too small… - 4 years ago

@Giving_It_Raw: RT @au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes—through matters large and small—a little overwhelming. It’s a ma… - 4 years ago

@romy_francis: - 4 years ago

@ANO07: RT @au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes—through matters large and small—a little overwhelming. It’s a ma… - 4 years ago

@au_magazine: "I found a life lesson that I can apply when life becomes—through matters large and small—a little overwhelming. It… - 4 years ago

@francis_gitz_ke: RT @davvydmoore: Small accounts matter!! 🤗 - 4 years ago

@francis_az1: @Johykabuk Size. Big or small - 4 years ago

@johnnybezgood: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@GarveyBlizz: @black_yeshua @Chris78_4 @mrMwarari @AfricaStoryLive @Veli_Francis You know next to nothing. That Africa fell to Co… - 4 years ago

@TurfCastPodcast: @officialjules Who, Francis? Was only small. 5’8 according to wiki - 4 years ago

@Write_Academia: @_francis_rivera Hit me up, I'll write your paper for a small fee - 4 years ago

@Alfredlogan11: @MzVee_francis 😂 nor be small bubu the tyrant - 4 years ago

@segun__francis: RT @vhic_tore: Pepsi is now #120. One cup of garri is now #50. One small egg is #50. Buhari just increased petrol price to 212 naira.… - 4 years ago

@Francis_G17: @EPlCMAP @idiotsincamera Who thought it was small.? 🤔 - 4 years ago

@7heav3nz: I won the ‘most likely to be a starving artist’ superlative of my small ass highschool😭 i wonder if my hs art teach… - 4 years ago

@RhodeIslandRT: RT @Devra9823: “Michael Thomas Flynn was born and raised in Middletown, Rhode Island, one of nine siblings born to Helen Frances (née Andre… - 4 years ago

@Devra9823: “Michael Thomas Flynn was born and raised in Middletown, Rhode Island, one of nine siblings born to Helen Frances (… - 4 years ago

@KennethLukasie1: RT @KennethLukasie1: What you didn’t know about meeting between the Pope & the Ayatollah. The most stunning global event last week was the… - 4 years ago

@KennethLukasie1: What you didn’t know about meeting between the Pope & the Ayatollah. The most stunning global event last week was t… - 4 years ago

@Patrici04278024: RT @anemary_s: @PeterAskin1 😥😪😣🙏🙏 Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St. Francis of assisi pat… - 4 years ago

@tchoopsczar: Park Center going small here with Jalen Cook guarding Francis Nwaokorie. Nwaokorie takes advantage with 2 FTs. - 4 years ago

@JadeM2816: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@sfaxon1: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@jesseimae: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@SandraQuirnbach: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@myboxerluvmac1: RT @anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St.… - 4 years ago

@anemary_s: @myboxerluvmac1 @SandraQuirnbach 😣😥😪😡🙏🙏🙏Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them per… - 4 years ago

@anemary_s: @PeterAskin1 😥😪😣🙏🙏 Praying for these small poor souls to be saved, do not sin and let them perish! St. Francis of a… - 4 years ago

@Francis_Kay1: @Arsenal Tell partey to show the opponent kankpe small Hes bn too soft sometimes - 4 years ago

@Francis_Kay1: The way the olympiacos boys dey bully partey de3 smh Man for show them kankpe small - 4 years ago

@Caterin09552018: @mbayer1248 @mary_pezzulo At the onset watching Pope Francis celebrating Mass in the small Santa Marta Chapel. We… - 4 years ago

@georg_a_francis: RT @SherazFarooqi_: Bringing Kiersey Clemons back for Iris West is a no-brainer. Took longer than it should have too For fans looking at t… - 4 years ago

@PSAltoona: The Altoona LaunchBox and the Saint Francis University Small Business Development Center will offer the webinar "Pr… - 4 years ago

@Francis_ento: @Simon_Robson69 Thank you. It is only a small jump but it means a lot to be able to grow a new programme. Small ste… - 4 years ago

@ZakayoMmbaga: RT @drmlalukoMD: @ZakayoMmbaga @Chahali @furia_francis @CarlosMziray Naunga mkono hoja. CT au MRI ni best, but kwa kuanzia atahitaji small… - 4 years ago

@sapdcorg: Webinar: Pros and Cons of Hiring Employees and How to Protect Yourself - Join the St Francis Small Business Develop… - 4 years ago

@Chahali: RT @drmlalukoMD: @ZakayoMmbaga @Chahali @furia_francis @CarlosMziray Naunga mkono hoja. CT au MRI ni best, but kwa kuanzia atahitaji small… - 4 years ago

@drmlalukoMD: @ZakayoMmbaga @Chahali @furia_francis @CarlosMziray Naunga mkono hoja. CT au MRI ni best, but kwa kuanzia atahitaji… - 4 years ago

@stil_ho: Francis the small unionised gastroenterologist - 4 years ago

@AsdaServiceTeam: @francis83380248 Hey Francis, Here at Asda, we have introduced a small fee for our Click & Collect slots to enable… - 4 years ago

@francis__dj: RT @laura_tott: It’s important to get the word count on a photo correct because it only shows a small part of the clear this… - 4 years ago

@Matt_Francis: @RobertJanezic A small % of TC attendees are in the "datafam" and they are a small % of the overall userbase. - 4 years ago

@Francis_Marabe8: @EnosoulIn2Deep, Kabza De Small Ft Mhaw Keys - Make You Happy (Main Vocal Mix)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎶🎶🎶 . What a beautiful jam (IntoDeepVol6) - 4 years ago

@francis_abban: What’s your small? - 4 years ago

@AmafBlack: @francis_abban It depends on the amount, small hard vice versa - 4 years ago

@inclusionchick: SHOUT OUT to St. Francis High School in Sacramento, #California. #Inclusion looks like this. It is a million sma… - 4 years ago


@deerlyprongs: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@ana_milan999: @fathereddy @EdwardPentin But Francis & his followers don't want the Mass of Ages & PBXVI didn't mandate it so only… - 4 years ago

@Francis_Kay1: RT @thatEsselguy: Senior prisoner: Kwadwo what brought you here? Small boy Piano: I drop nudes oo for Twitter........nbs beatings he go tak… - 4 years ago

@Francis_Chawaha: RT @kopalaguy: If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. - 4 years ago

@nswrailnews: RTSA acknowledges recent passing of Dr. Francis Small (1946-2021) - 4 years ago

@railpage: RTSA acknowledges recent passing of Dr. Francis Small (1946-2021) - 4 years ago

@QldRailNews: RTSA acknowledges recent passing of Dr. Francis Small (1946-2021) - 4 years ago

@QldRailNews: RTSA acknowledges recent passing of Dr. Francis Small (1946-2021) - 4 years ago

@ZNamusaazi: @nbstv @francis_isano An appointment letter which I don't have he told me still to get it only which I failed until… - 4 years ago

@francis_croes: RT @PurelyFootball: In 2004, José Mourinho declared that Thierry Henry was top scorer in the PL because he only scored against small teams.… - 4 years ago

@massimo1009: @francis_cola Exactly, small minded - 4 years ago

@strawbebeberry: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@jacqueoupei: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@gachael: RT @Classic_Trader: Small Classics - #FIAT500 Francis Lombardi (1971), lovely tiny limousine, restored, 18hp output, 499ccm two-cylinder en… - 4 years ago

@secrethistoryy: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@elysiansunset: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@sophsierra: RT @bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simply overdrank… - 4 years ago

@bot_tsh: 'We tried everything. Drink, drugs, prayer, even small doses of poison. On the night of our first attempt, we simpl… - 4 years ago

@elvia_francis: RT @visualizevalue: "Great acts are made up of small deeds." — Lao Tzu - 4 years ago

@RamHatter: RT @reecereports: Not a ton of explosive news at council today. Some good news: The council voted 7-0 to pave the way for the Sienna Franci… - 4 years ago

@Mr_Kwacky: @tea_francis Having done an excellent job of thinning my collection, selling a load of enclosures and convincing my… - 4 years ago

@reecereports: Not a ton of explosive news at council today. Some good news: The council voted 7-0 to pave the way for the Sienna… - 4 years ago

@terron_francis: Morata disgusts me tbh, small player on a small club - 4 years ago

@georg_a_francis: RT @ray8fisher: To take a lesser-known Black character and evolve them into the most powerful being in the DC Universe (rivaled only by Doc… - 4 years ago

@mpinkfloyd: Oh make the future small Like the painting we saw of St. Francis And there was, far away, a background city We only… - 4 years ago

@SisterQuill: @Sonia_Palermo @emmagraeauthor I've got gob listed in Francis Grose's Vulgar Tongue slang dictionary from the late… - 4 years ago

@owaiz_aslam: RT @Khoei_Institute: A small token of our appreciation to His Holiness Pope Francis during the interfaith prayer in Ur: a necklace bearing… - 4 years ago

@Classic_Trader: Small Classics - #FIAT500 Francis Lombardi (1971), lovely tiny limousine, restored, 18hp output, 499ccm two-cylinde… - 4 years ago

@popesprayerusa: Pope Francis has recently entrusted his 2022 prayer intentions to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. These will… - 4 years ago

@BossXFTW2: Sic Parvis Magna - Greatness from small beginnings ~ Sir Francis Drake. - 4 years ago

@Francis_Kay1: RT @bra_melo_: Some nigga bi come tap my body for trotro inside. Elef small we go reach ein destination wey bossu komot ein wedding ring. C… - 4 years ago

@heartandmind13: RT @leloveluck: Pope Francis will make history when he crosses the threshold of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani’s small, rented home in Iraq… - 4 years ago

@WANDERAAUGUSTI1: RT @DrCareyFrancis1: Vote in Dr Carey Francis for Kmpdu National Treasurer and see persistent small problems get sorted. NCRH where I am in… - 4 years ago

@bosstaylor7: RT @arcade_1up: "Having my small arcade at home makes a childhood dream come true, thank you Arcade1Up" - Francis Submit your cabinet for… - 4 years ago

@coutts_francis: RT @DawieMalan3: All small towns have drain water in the streets, lots of potholes in the main road, litter on the sidewalks. And one hugel… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Francis Small - #FrancisSmall #Francis #Small #rip - 4 years ago

@morgangamel: @francis_abban Justice Abban come to the Snow let me come enjoy the Sun small - 4 years ago

@jay_francis_wta: RT @JalenandJacoby: 🗣 STOP TRYING TO GET PLAYERS TO LEAVE SMALL MARKETS! 🗣 @JalenRose is tired of the disrespect players like Dame Lillard… - 4 years ago

@_Elacutie: Please let's save a life , there are so many out there dying silently. He's a promising y… - 4 years ago

@myJPSonline: Big Up to Business Owner, Tanesha Francis - Check out her business Kajue Fashion House in May Pen, Clarendon IG: @… - 4 years ago

@FullVisibility: In honor of #InternationalWomensDay we interviewed our Director of Operations, Natalie Francis. Get to know Natalie… - 4 years ago

@danielking100: "Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ." -- Francis X… - 4 years ago

@elvia_francis: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Fully vaccinated people can have small gatherings indoors with other vaccinated people but should continue to w… - 4 years ago

@kris_iwasaki: Francis Metcalf’s Canine Circus School by Canine Circus School Call or text: 510 289 7718 - Obedience - Trick Trai… - 4 years ago

@francis_croes: @DJK1982BOXING @Claressashields I do love watching @KatieTaylor but I think she is a little to small for claressa a… - 4 years ago

@stfphoenix: Congrats to our small but mighty DECA team. All members participated in DECA Provincials (February, 2021). Specia… - 4 years ago

@MaresaOnyore: RT @DrCareyFrancis1: Vote in Dr Carey Francis for Kmpdu National Treasurer and see persistent small problems get sorted. NCRH where I am in… - 4 years ago

@BeckyShantell: RT @DrCareyFrancis1: Vote in Dr Carey Francis for Kmpdu National Treasurer and see persistent small problems get sorted. NCRH where I am in… - 4 years ago

@geoffrey_olero: RT @DrCareyFrancis1: Vote in Dr Carey Francis for Kmpdu National Treasurer and see persistent small problems get sorted. NCRH where I am in… - 4 years ago

@isuku_francis: RT @PapaKing73: This is how I’m celebrating my small win today. I got the job. 🥳 - 4 years ago

@stratfordeast: Here's Colleen Francis, Finance Manager. #IWD2021 Play: Andrea Levy's Small Island adapted by Helen Edmundson. I… - 4 years ago

@francis_haddock: @ArisKatzourakis "We have no evidence" (we do, but anyway) that not packing millions of people 30 at a time into sm… - 4 years ago

@CurtisNutbrown: @POTUS Rule Book for life is Holy Bible & related congruent religious documents of many Religions. Jesus is link to… - 4 years ago

@OkeyoWyllice: RT @DrCareyFrancis1: Vote in Dr Carey Francis for Kmpdu National Treasurer and see persistent small problems get sorted. NCRH where I am in… - 4 years ago

@CurtisNutbrown: @Oann Rule Book for life is Holy Bible & related congruent religious documents of many Religions. Jesus is link to… - 4 years ago

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