Francine Hughes

American film subject (The Burning Bed) and domestic abuse symbol.
Died on Thursday March 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Francine Hughes:

@stephjimenez522: RT @YWCAUnionCounty: An interesting piece of news from the early years of the domestic violence movement. - 8 years ago

@annq: RIP, Francine Hughes Wilson... you helped transform the way people understand #domesticviolence The Burning Bed - 8 years ago

@summedupusa: Notable Deaths 2017: Francine Hughes Wilson - 8 years ago

@JeseniaLBrown: RT @YWCAUnionCounty: An interesting piece of news from the early years of the domestic violence movement. - 8 years ago


@YWCAUnionCounty: An interesting piece of news from the early years of the domestic violence movement. - 8 years ago

@apfcnj: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@Unwritten75: RT @BethesdaHouseON: Francine Huges Wilson passed away March 22 at the age of 69. Her life inspired the book The Burning Bed. Read more: h… - 8 years ago

@BethesdaHouseON: Francine Huges Wilson passed away March 22 at the age of 69. Her life inspired the book The Burning Bed. Read more: - 8 years ago

@missionbasedma: RT @EStoneHouse: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@EStoneHouse: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@kelmoe71: RIP Feminist Icon Francine Hughes Wilson. - 8 years ago

@jonsmorrison: RT @USATODAY: Francine Hughes Wilson, abused Michigan wife who inspired "The Burning Bed," has died. She was 69. - 8 years ago

@deborahmantella: She took a 💔, made it into art. RIP Francine Hughes Wilson. #theburningbed @nytimesbooks @washingtonpost @people - 8 years ago

@mscfv: Francine Hughes Wilson, whose ‘burning bed’ became a TV film, dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@pdcarne: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@jshdoff: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@OhNoNotRIP: Ep. 13: enough is enough, health economist, rainbow flag guy, and *THRIFT TOWN*!!! - 8 years ago

@dashdc: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@gracecurls: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@peaceSATX: #theburningbed it got us all involved - 8 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - The New York - - 8 years ago

@hammer_handle: @fdell3 Francine Hughes died 2 wks ago>though she didn't want to be the rosa parks for abused women her rife create… - 8 years ago

@BeachProfessor: She changed the conversation on DV. "Burning bed" wife Francine Hughes Wilson dies. #sw278beach - 8 years ago

@classyhacker: RT @CherylStrayed: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@XanderTaylor3: RT @globeandmail: Feminist heroine Francine Hughes Wilson inspired The Burning Bed - 8 years ago

@PamelaLeavey: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@JudithMaryGee: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@LiburdDash: #RestInPeace🌹 #FrancineHughes Wilson: Victim of #DomesticViolence or #sHero? #BurningBed🔥🛏 - 8 years ago

@wamylove: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, "Burning Bed" Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@odtlara: RT @globeandmail: Feminist heroine Francine Hughes Wilson inspired The Burning Bed - 8 years ago

@globeandmail: Feminist heroine Francine Hughes Wilson inspired The Burning Bed - 8 years ago

@jodies101: RT @SafeHorizon: Her case changed public perception of #DV. "Francine Hughes Wilson, #DomesticViolence Victim Who Took Action, Dies" https… - 8 years ago

@SafeHorizon: Her case changed public perception of #DV. "Francine Hughes Wilson, #DomesticViolence Victim Who Took Action, Dies" - 8 years ago

@ReclaimingMe1: Francine Hughes Wilson, 69, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies - 8 years ago

@LizRobertsSH: Remember the 1984 film, The Burning Bed? It changed the conversation about #DV--an impt part of history. Read this: - 8 years ago

@sffny: Remembering Francine Hughes Wilson whose case helped launch a national movement to #enddomesticviolence back in 1977 - 8 years ago

@thegalonthego: We were encouraged to 👀 the TV movie 🔥🛌#FrancineHughesWilson, #domesticviolence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@Boomer35674: News stories that have been in or in the paper on T.V. and Radio over t... - 8 years ago

@RebelliousVal: RT @CSNMDVSA: Francine Hughes Wilson, #DomesticViolence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@SassChit: RT @CitizenTalin: In 1977, she changed public understanding of domestic violence. Acquitted of 1st degree murder. RIP Francine Hughes http… - 8 years ago

@blogofdeath: Francine Hughes, the abused woman who killed her husband and inspired the book & film "The Burning Bed," died - 8 years ago

@obituarywriters: Francine Hughes, the abused woman who killed her husband and inspired the book & film "The Burning Bed," died - 8 years ago

@WriterWong: RT @CitizenTalin: In 1977, she changed public understanding of domestic violence. Acquitted of 1st degree murder. RIP Francine Hughes http… - 8 years ago

@991WFMK: As 'The Burning Bed' Marks it's 40th Anniversary, Francine Hughes Passes Away - 8 years ago

@JormaTevajrvi: RT @JulieMann01: Francine Hughes, subject of groundbreaking #dv #story The Burning Bed, has died. May she #rip. - 8 years ago

@CSNMDVSA: Francine Hughes Wilson, #DomesticViolence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@eyrea: RT @CherylStrayed: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@poala777: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@lhrbsis: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@CitizenTalin: In 1977, she changed public understanding of domestic violence. Acquitted of 1st degree murder. RIP Francine Hughes - 8 years ago

@DelibrtlyObtuse: RT @lauren_kelley: Huh. I just realized I did not know the origin of the term "burning-bed syndrome." Fascinating Francine Hughes obit http… - 8 years ago

@annejumps: RT @lauren_kelley: Huh. I just realized I did not know the origin of the term "burning-bed syndrome." Fascinating Francine Hughes obit http… - 8 years ago

@WentRogue: RT @lauren_kelley: Huh. I just realized I did not know the origin of the term "burning-bed syndrome." Fascinating Francine Hughes obit http… - 8 years ago

@lauren_kelley: Huh. I just realized I did not know the origin of the term "burning-bed syndrome." Fascinating Francine Hughes obit - 8 years ago

@CherylStrayed: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@HarborHouseDV: The legacy of Francine Hughes, whose inspired book/film, is tragic. DV is a crime. - 8 years ago

@nanhowze: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@DayOneNY: @nytimes Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69. #SAAM - 8 years ago

@NYTNational: Francine Hughes Wilson, who set fire to her abuser's bed, dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@MelbLiveNews: Francine Hughes Wilson, domestic violence victim who took action - 8 years ago

@AussieToday: Francine Hughes Wilson, #DomesticViolence #Victim took: - 8 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Francine Hughes Wilson, domestic violence victim who took action - 8 years ago

@worldnews_net: Francine Hughes Wilson, domestic violence victim who took action - 8 years ago

@BrissieLiveNews: Francine Hughes Wilson, domestic violence victim who took action - 8 years ago

@UsmanAnwar78: Francine Hughes Wilson, domestic violence victim who took action - 8 years ago

@newsgirl123456: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@donnakaz: Francine Hughes Wilson, Domestic Violence Victim Who Took Action, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@US2UKRadio: Her story of domestic abuse inspired the bestselling book 'The Burning Bed,' the TV movie of the same name... - 8 years ago

@LadyDayMaison: Rest In Peace #FrancineHughesWilson, The Victim Who Stood Up. #domesticabuse Heroine Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@BangorInsider: In the news: Francine Hughes Wilson, whose ‘burning bed’ became a TV film, dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@Biizki_Gaonna: Francine Hughes Wilson, Home Violence Sufferer Who Took Motion, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@laepre: Francine Hughes Wilson, Home Violence Sufferer Who Took Motion, Dies at 69 - 8 years ago

@ClassicMP: RT @ClassicMP: Francine Hughes Wilson, whose ‘burning bed’ became a TV film, dies at 69 - The Washington Post - 8 years ago

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