Farouk Shousha

Egyptian poet.
Died on Friday October 14th 2016

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Farouk Shousha:

@drsmrgafur: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ad_salama: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@waed_athamneh: RT @ahramonline: Farouk Shousha – an unending echo of words - 8 years ago

@m_altwaijri1: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago


@SagdievaNionila: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@IsmailYSyed: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@A7MADIINHO_: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@shakilrkhan: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@alowaiscf: Mohammed bin Rashid mourns death of poet Farouk Shousha - - 8 years ago

@SaafAhmed08: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@MisterAedan: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ameraloyoun: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@HenryNoboaA: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@Sandipjha8: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@binkamil2012: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AbdullaAlNazari: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ismailvohra4041: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@mustafasohail13: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@omarsheikh5151: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AliAliahmedf504: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@Samirinad: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@abdullahhakeem7: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@usman_arhum: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@mohsinm55177182: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ahmedmusa2676: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@abdulaziz252991: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@husainiabid374: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@nashar_elaf: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AbiadZ: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@honestman77077: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@dax121: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Farouk Shousha is sleeping with the fishes: - 8 years ago

@AmalChammaFaza3: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@mavalvenk: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@GlaucimaryG: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@7fm1: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@magnetikun: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@aueae: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@TheMNCMedia: Sheikh Mohammed:TheArabic language has lost one of her great lovers&poets God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha.M… - 8 years ago

@gsmith193: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@smccudubai: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@mohamedelqasabi: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@Humaid4040: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@aljabri_j: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@perfpoets: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ab4w: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ahmabrook: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@shaancheema: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@HAlSemaihi: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@mouza09: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Farouk Shousha, Egyptian poet, Died at 80 - 8 years ago

@sumosushigirl: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@ShaneelaRAQ: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@shazly4: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@osamaaaaa3: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@yosefahmed11: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@GULFINTL_A: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@NezarMansour: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@roissypole: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@HalKenoz: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AlShamsi3300: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@rizwankhan1831: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@MirnaDorgham: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@SayedMiya: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AlkamaliDubai: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@EmiratesLoans: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Farouk Shousha dies - #FaroukShousha #Farouk #Shousha #rip - 8 years ago

@rahzapost: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@NYPDTyping: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@Justbesabre1: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@cc_coven: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@S_6iii: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@adelahafez: The poet Farouk Shousha was a lover of the Arabic language, his declamation makes you proud, He was a great lover t… - 8 years ago

@Alaa_Darwish: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@UAEMISSIONGENF: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@BAlMetaiwei: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@psarmmiey: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@3_i_n: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@H7UAE: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@balouchshayan: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@omosama30: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@arabytvfans: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@AhramOnlineArts: Farouk Shousha – an unending echo of words - 8 years ago

@Basma_Ismael: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@nshaheen96: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

@adelahafez: I extend my condolences to the #Egyptian people & the world in the death of Egyptian poet Farouk Shousha . Great l… - 8 years ago

@wasansmartbiz: RT @HHShkMohd: The Arabic language has lost one of her great lovers and poets. God bless the memory of Farouk Shousha. May his soul rest in… - 8 years ago

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