Julio Simón, Argentine police officer and convicted criminal., dies at age 84

Julio Simón (84)

Argentine police officer and convicted criminal.

Gerald Ridsdale, Australian Roman Catholic priest and convicted sex offender., dies at age 90

Gerald Ridsdale (90)

Australian Roman Catholic priest and convicted sex offender.

Iskandar Rahmat, Singaporean convicted killer and former police officer convicted of the Kovan double murders, dies at age 46

Iskandar Rahmat (46)

Singaporean convicted killer and former police officer convicted of the Kovan double murders

Michael Guider, Australian convicted paedophile and serial child molester., dies at age 73

Michael Guider (73)

Australian convicted paedophile and serial child molester.

Ernesto Frimón Weber, Argentine police commissioner and convicted criminal (clandestine detention centers), dies at age 92

Ernesto Frimón Weber (92)

Argentine police commissioner and convicted criminal (clandestine detention centers)

Dudu Myeni, South African airline executive and convicted embezzler, dies at age 60

Dudu Myeni (60)

South African airline executive and convicted embezzler

Kalev Kallo, Estonian politician and convicted criminal., dies at age 75

Kalev Kallo (75)

Estonian politician and convicted criminal.

Michael Donovan, English convicted kidnapper (Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews), dies at age 54

Michael Donovan (54)

English convicted kidnapper (Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews)

Pearse McAuley, Northern Irish paramilitary (Provisional IRA) and convicted criminal., dies at age 59

Pearse McAuley (59)

Northern Irish paramilitary (Provisional IRA) and convicted criminal.

Ahmed Salim, Bangladeshi painter and convicted murderer hanged in Singapore, dies at age 35

Ahmed Salim (35)

Bangladeshi painter and convicted murderer hanged in Singapore

Erwin James, English murderer and columnist (The Guardian)., dies at age 66

Erwin James (66)

English murderer and columnist (The Guardian).

Jaerock Lee, South Korean Christian pastor and convicted sex offender, dies at age 80

Jaerock Lee (80)

South Korean Christian pastor and convicted sex offender

Ken Kelsch, American cinematographer (The Driller Killer, dies at age 76

Ken Kelsch (76)

American cinematographer (The Driller Killer

Robert Card, American murderer (2023 Lewiston shootings), dies at age 40

Robert Card (40)

American murderer (2023 Lewiston shootings)

Billy Chemirmir, Kenyan-American convicted murderer and suspected serial killer., dies at age 50

Billy Chemirmir (50)

Kenyan-American convicted murderer and suspected serial killer.

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