Fakhrul Islam

Pakistani politician
Died on Thursday April 11th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, James Coffey

Tweets related to Fakhrul Islam:

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/fW93quKUYH

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/EQzqa80A1g

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/BzlUxxYS7p

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/EjCNRmFLoU


@fakhrul_ojie: RT @afifnazhan99: Sedih bila orang bukan islam berpakaian lebih baik daripada orang islam 😕

@haroonpk: Media's been hunting 4 isolated cases of violence/mismgmt, ignoring altogether success stories #KPLocalGovt 2/2 https://t.co/efWx2HQWve

@fakhrul_rhman: Kadang2 aku pernah terpikir macam mana kalau aku jadi remaja biasa yg hidup tanpa islam di sisi. Apa aku jadi skrg

@eyo_fakhrul: RT @LongFaiz: Sekali lagi Gaza dibedil. Ya Allah, Kau selamatkanlah saudara Islam kami di sana. Kau hancurkanlah kafir laknatullah. http://…

@eyo_fakhrul: Islam itu indah

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/ne7sxUDgif

@optimist_743535: http://t.co/eg2VfdmLZN

@fakhrul_zaman: RT @OmerRehman: True #islam http://t.co/NaqGWqRAPN

@fakhrul_zaman: RT @Aaafiiqqq: "Does Islam promote violence?" http://t.co/3e2dQVeSxg

@optimist_743535: A pride not only for pak-nation but for all Muslim-e-Ummah.... 28 May.. #yaumeTakbeer... Those who's efforts... http://t.co/HLIad5b0oO

@fakhrul_zaman: RT @twt_kucingmanja: Tengah asyik bercinta tetiba ahli jawatankuasa agama islam lalu.. http://t.co/6MdPe20xGI

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